# Example /etc/quilt.quiltrc # Options passed to GNU diff when generating patches QUILT_DIFF_OPTS="--show-c-function" # Options passed to GNU patch when applying patches #QUILT_PATCH_OPTS="--ignore-whitespace" # Options to pass to commands (QUILT_${COMMAND}_ARGS) QUILT_PUSH_ARGS="--color=auto" QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--no-timestamps --color=auto" QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="--no-timestamps --backup" # The directory in which patches are found (defaults to "patches"). #QUILT_PATCHES=patches # Prefix all patch names with the relative path to the patch? QUILT_PATCHES_PREFIX=yes # Use a specific editor for quilt (defaults to the value of $EDITOR before # sourcing this configuration file, or vi if $EDITOR wasn't set). #EDITOR=nedit # The following ``mail'' command filter recognizes the format we use for # kernel patches inside SUSE. The format is as follows (slightly # simplified; Signed-off-by and Acked-by lines optional): # # From: author@some.where # Subject: One-line summary # # Patch description # # Signed-off-by: reviewer@some.where # Acked-by: reviewer@some.where # # <> # # To enable, remove or comment out the lines above and below the function. : <<'EOF' quilt_mail_patch_filter() { local x=$(cat) # Replace subject with patch summary, add anybody in To or Cc # headers as recipients, and take all people in Signed-off-by # and Acked-by into the Cc (excluding myself). echo "$x" \ | sed -n -e "/${LOGNAME:-$(whoami)}@$(hostname -d)/d" \ -e 's/^\(To\|Cc\):/Recipient-\1:/ip' \ -e 's/^\(Signed-off-by\|Acked-by\):/Recipient-Cc:/ip' \ -e 's/^Subject:/Replace-Subject:/ip' \ -e '/^\*\*\*\|---/q' echo # Discard the patch header, and pass on the rest echo "$x" | awk ' in_body { print } /^$/ { in_body = 1 } ' } EOF