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+% Change url font to textsf (and check what breaks in PDF/HTML/...)
+\newcommand{\quilt}[1]{\textsf{quilt #1}}
+\title{How To Survive With Many Patches\\
+{\Large or}\\
+Introduction to Quilt\footnote{
+ Quilt is a non-GNU project hosted on GNU Savannah. Some ideas
+ for this document were taken from \textit{docco.txt} in
+ Andrew Morton's patch management scripts package~\cite{akpm02}.
+ The text in the examples was taken from \textit{A Midsummer
+ Night's Dream} by William Shakespeare.
+\author{Andreas Grünbacher, SuSE Labs \\
+%\em{SUSE Labs, SUSE LINUX AG} \\
+After looking at different strategies for dealing with software packages
+that consist of a base software package on top of which a number of
+patches are applied, this document introduces the script collection
+\textit{quilt,} which was specifically written to help deal with
+multiple patches and common patch management tasks.
+% Prerequisites: UNIX, patches, using GNU diff and GNU patch.
+% Why patches in the first place?
+In the old days, vendor specific software packages in the open source
+world consisted of a file with the official version of the software,
+plus a patch file with the additional changes needed to adapt the
+package to specific needs. The official software package was usually
+contained in a \textsf{package.tar.gz} file, while the patch was found
+in \textsf{package.diff.} Instead of modifying the official
+package sources, local changes were kept separate. When building the
+software package, the tar archive was extracted, and the patch was
+Over time, the patch file ended up containing several independent
+changes. Of those changes, some were integrated into later versions of
+the software, while otheradd-ons or adaptations remain external. Whenever
+a new official version was integrated, the patch needed to be revised:
+changes that were already integrated in the official version needed to
+be split from changes that were not.
+A big improvement was to allow multiple patches in a vendor package,
+and this is also how patches are handled today: a number of
+patches is applied on top of each other. Each patch usually consists of
+a logically related set of changes. When some patches get integrated
+upstream, those patches can simply be removed from the vendor specific
+package. The remaining patches frequently continue to apply cleanly.
+Some of the remaining patches may have to be maintained across a range
+of upstream versions because they are too specific for the upstream
+software package, etc. These patches often get out of sync, and need to
+be updated.
+For the majority of packages, the number of patches remains relatively
+low, so maintaining those patches without tools is feasible. A number of
+packages have dozens of patches, however. At the extreme end is the
+kernel source package (kernel-source-\textit{2.4.x}) with more than
+1\,000 patches. The difficulty of managing such a vast number of
+patches without tools can easily be imagined.
+This document discusses different strategies of dealing with large sets
+of patches. Patches are usually generated by the \prog{diff} utility,
+and applied with the \prog{patch} utility. Different patch file formats are
+defined as part of the specification of the \prog{diff} utility in
+POSIX.1~\cite{posix-2001-diff}. The most commonly used format today,
+\textit{unified diff,} is not covered by POSIX.1, however. A good
+description of patch file formats is found in the \prog{GNU diff} info
+The question we try to answer in this document is how patches are best kept
+up to date in face of changes both to the upstream software package, and
+to the patches that precede them. After looking at some existing
+approaches, a collection of patch management scripts known as
+\textit{quilt} is described~\cite{quilt}, starting with basic concepts,
+and progressing towards more advanced tasks.
+% - quilt
+% (wet people's mouths about the features)
+% How exactly does this relate to many patches?
+\section{Existing Approaches}
+The minimal solution for updating a patch is to apply all preceding
+%\footnote{ In the kernel CVS, we have a a script called
+%\textit{sequence-patch} that simply applies all patches up to a
+%specified patch. }
+Then, a copy of the resulting source tree is created.\footnote{
+ The two copies can also be hard-linked with each other, which
+ significantly speeds up both the copying and the final
+ ``diffing''. If hard links are used, care must be taken that the
+ tools used to update one copy of the source tree will create new
+ files, and will not overwrite shared files. Editors like
+ \prog{emacs} and \prog{vi}, and utilities like \prog{patch},
+ support this.
+} The next patch in the sequence of patches (which is the one to be
+updated) is applied to only one of these source trees. This source tree
+is the modified until it reflects the desired result. The new version of
+the patch is distilled by comparing the two source trees with
+\prog{diff}, and writing the result into a file.
+This simple approach is rather error prone, and leaves much to be
+desired. Several people have independently written scripts that
+automate and improve upon this process.
+A version control system like \prog{CVS} or \prog{RCS} may be a
+reasonable alternative in some cases. The version control system is
+brought in the state of the working tree with a number of patches
+applied. Then the next patch is applied. After the working tree is
+updated as required, a diff between the repository copy and the working
+tree is created (with \prog{cvs diff}, etc). In this scenario the
+version control system is used to store and compare against the old
+repository version only. The full version control overhead is paid,
+while only a small fraction of its functionality is needed. Switching
+between different patches is not simplified.
+% TODO: Mention some approaches here; RCS and CVS ...
+One of the most advanced approaches is Andrew Morton's patch management
+scripts~\cite{akpm02}. The author of this document found that none of
+the available solutions would scale up to the specific requirements of
+the SUSE kernel-source package, and started to improve Andrew Morton's
+scripts until they became what they are now~\cite{quilt}.
+% - Re and Rd scripts (Czech scripts using RCS, replaces the
+% now-obsolete rpmpatch that supports one .dif only).
+% - Werner's scripts
+% What couldn't be done:
+% - Patches in sub-directories
+% - Many patches
+% - Retaining documentation (akpm's scripts do part of this)
+% Actually merging rejects is not handled; use tools like:
+% - wiggle
+% - Other merge tools (e.g., graphical ones)
+\section{Quilt: Basic Concepts and Operation}
+The remainder of this document discusses the script collection
+With quilt, all work occurs within a single directory tree. Commands are
+invoked in the root of that tree. Commands are of the form
+``\quilt{cmd},'' similar to CVS commands. They can be abbreviated as
+long as the specified part of the command is unique. All commands print
+some help text with ``\quilt{cmd -h}.''
+Quilt manages a stack of patches. Patches are applied incrementally on
+top of the base tree plus all preceding patches. They can be pushed
+on top of the stack (\quilt{push}), and popped off the stack
+(\quilt{pop}). Commands are available for querying the contents of the
+series file (\quilt{series}, see below), the contents of the stack
+(\quilt{applied}, \quilt{previous}, \quilt{top}), and the patches that
+are not applied at a particular moment (\quilt{next}, \quilt{unapplied}).
+By default, most commands apply to the topmost patch on the stack.
+Patch files are located in the \textsf{patches} sub-directory of the
+source tree (see Figure~\ref{fig:dir-layout}). The \textsf{QUILT\_PATCHES}
+environment variable can be used to override this location. The
+\textsf{patches} directory may contain sub-directories.
+\textsf{patches} may also be a symbolic link instead of a directory.
+A file called \textsf{series} contains a list of patch file names that
+defines the order in which patches are applied. Unless there are means
+by which series files can be generated automatically (see
+Section~\ref{sec:rpm}), they are usually provided along with a set of
+patches. In \textsf{series}, each patch file name is on a separate line.
+Patch files are identified by pathnames that are relative to the
+\textsf{patches} directory; patches may be in sub-directories below the
+\textsf{patches} directory. Lines in the series file that start with a
+hash character (\texttt{\#}) are ignored. When quilt adds, removes, or
+renames patches, it automatically updates the series file. Users of
+quilt can modify series files while some patches are applied, as long as
+the applied patches remain in their original order.
+There is no notion of different development branches, but different
+series files can be used to assemble patches in different ways.
+work/ -+- ...
+ |- patches/ -+- series
+ | |- patch2.diff
+ | |- patch1.diff
+ | +- ...
+ +- .pc/ -+- applied-patches
+ |- patch1/ -+- ...
+ |- patch2/ -+- ...
+ +- ...
+\caption{Quilt files in a source tree.}
+Before a patch is applied (or ``pushed on the stack''), copies of all
+files the patch modifies are saved to the \textsf{.pc/\textit{patch}}
+ The patch name with extensions stripped is used as the name of
+ the sub-directory below the \textsf{.pc} directory. \prog{GNU patch},
+ which quilt uses internally to apply patches, creates backup
+ files and applies the patch in one step.
+} The patch is added to \textsf{.pc/applied-patches}, the list of
+currently applied patches. Later when a patch is regenerated
+(\quilt{refresh}), the backup copies in \textsf{.pc/\textit{patch}} are
+compared with the current versions of the files in the source tree
+using \prog{GNU diff}.
+Documentation related to a patch can be put at the beginning of a patch
+file. Quilt is careful to preserve all text that precedes the actual
+patch when doing a refresh. (This is limited to patches in unified
+format; see~\cite{info-diff}).
+The series file is looked up in the root of the source tree, in the
+patches directory, and in the \textsf{.pc} directory. The first series
+file that is found is used. This may also be a symbolic link, or a file
+with multiple hard links. Usually, only one series file is used for a
+set of patches, so the \textsf{patches} sub-directory is a convenient
+The \textsf{.pc} directory and its sub-directories cannot be relocated,
+but \textsf{.pc} may be a symbolic link. While patches are applied to
+the source tree, the \textsf{.pc} directory is essential for many
+operations, including taking patches off the stack (\quilt{pop}), and
+refreshing patches (\quilt{refresh}). Files in the \textsf{.pc}
+directory are automatically removed when they are no longer needed, so
+usually there is no need to clean up manually.
+\section{An Example}
+This section demonstrates how new patches are created and updated, and
+how conflicts are resolved. Let's start with a short text file:
+Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
+It fell upon a little western flower,
+Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
+And girls call it love-in-idleness.
+New patches are created with \quilt{new}. A new patch automatically
+becomes the topmost patch on the stack. Files must be added to a patch
+with \quilt{add} before they are modified. Note that this is slightly
+different from the CVS style of interaction: with CVS, files are in the
+repository, and adding them before committing (but after modifying them)
+is enough. Files are usually added and immediately modified. The
+command \quilt{edit} adds a file and loads it into the default editor.
+(The environment variable \textsf{EDITOR} specifies which is the default
+editor. If \textsf{EDITOR} is not set, \prog{vi} is used.)
+\sh{$ quilt new flower.diff}
+Patch flower is now on top
+\sh{$ quilt edit Oberon.txt}
+File Oberon.txt added to patch flower
+Let's assume that the following lines were added to \textsf{Oberon.txt}
+during editing:
+The juice of it on sleeping eye-lids laid
+Will make a man or woman madly dote
+Upon the next live creature that it sees.
+The actual patch file is created (and later updated) with
+\quilt{refresh}. The result is as follows:\footnote{
+ Timestamps in patches are omitted from the output in the examples.
+\sh{$ quilt refresh}
+\sh{$ cat patches/flower.diff}
+Index: example1/Oberon.txt
+--- example1.orig/Oberon.txt
++++ example1/Oberon.txt
+@@ -2,3 +2,6 @@
+ It fell upon a little western flower,
+ Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
+ And girls call it love-in-idleness.
++The juice of it on sleeping eye-lids laid
++Will make a man or woman madly dote
++Upon the next live creature that it sees.
+Now let's assume that a line in the text has been overlooked, and must
+be inserted. The file \textsf{Oberon.txt} is already part of the patch
+\textsf{flower.diff}, so it can immediately be modified in an editor.
+Alternatively, \quilt{edit} can be used; it simply opens up the default
+editor if the file is already part of the patch.
+After the line is added, we use \quilt{diff -z} to see a diff of the
+changes we made:
+\sh{$ quilt diff -z}
+Index: example1/Oberon.txt
+--- example1.orig/Oberon.txt
++++ example1/Oberon.txt
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ It fell upon a little western flower,
+ Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
+ And girls call it love-in-idleness.
++Fetch me that flower; the herb I shew'd thee once:
+ The juice of it on sleeping eye-lids laid
+ Will make a man or woman madly dote
+ Upon the next live creature that it sees.
+A diff of the topmost patch can be generated with \quilt{diff} without
+arguments. This does not modify the actual patch file. The changes are
+only added to the patch file by updating it with \quilt{refresh}. Then
+we remove the patch from the stack with \quilt{pop}:
+\sh{$ quilt refresh}
+Refreshed patch flower
+\sh{$ quilt pop}
+Removing flower
+Restoring Oberon.txt
+No patches applied
+Next, let's assume that \textsf{Oberon.txt} was modified ``upstream'':
+The word \textit{girl} did not fit very well, and so it was replaced
+with \textit{maiden.} \textsf{Oberon.txt} now contains:
+Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
+It fell upon a little western flower,
+Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
+And maidens call it love-in-idleness.
+This causes \textsf{flower.diff} to no longer apply cleanly. When we
+try to push \textsf{flower.diff} on the stack with \quilt{push}, we get
+the following result:
+\sh{$ quilt push}
+Applying flower
+patching file Oberon.txt
+Hunk #1 FAILED at 2.
+1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- rejects in file Oberon.txt
+Patch flower does not apply (enforce with -f)
+Quilt does not automatically apply patches that have rejects. Patches
+that do not apply cleanly can be ``force-applied'' with \quilt{push -f},
+which leaves reject files in the source tree for each file that has
+conflicts. Those conflicts must be resolved manually, after which the
+patch can be updated (\quilt{refresh}). Quilt remembers when a patch has
+been force-applied. It refuses to push further patches on top of such
+patches, and it does not remove them from the stack. A force-applied
+patch may be ``force-removed'' from the stack with \quilt{pop -f},
+however. Here is what happens when force-applying \textsf{flower.diff}:
+\sh{$ quilt push -f}
+Applying flower
+patching file Oberon.txt
+Hunk #1 FAILED at 2.
+1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file Oberon.txt.rej
+Applied flower (forced; needs refresh)
+After re-adding the line of verse from \textsf{flower.diff} to
+\textsf{Oberon.txt}, we update the patch with \quilt{refresh}.
+\sh{$ quilt edit Oberon.txt}
+\sh{$ quilt refresh}
+Refreshed patch flower
+Our final version of \textsf{Oberon.txt} contains:
+Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
+It fell upon a little western flower,
+Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
+And maidens call it love-in-idleness.
+Fetch me that flower; the herb I shew'd thee once:
+The juice of it on sleeping eye-lids laid
+Will make a man or woman madly dote
+Upon the next live creature that it sees.
+\section{Further Commands and Concepts}
+This section introduces a few more basic commands, and then describes
+additional concepts that may not be immediately obvious. We do not
+describe all of the features of quilt here since many quilt commands are
+quite intuitive; furthermore, help text that describes the available
+options for each command is available via \quilt{\textit{cmd} -h}.
+The \quilt{top} command shows the name of the topmost patch. The
+\quilt{files} command shows which files a patch contains. The
+\quilt{patches} command shows which patches modify a specified file.
+With our previous example, we get the following results:
+\sh{$ quilt top}
+\sh{$ quilt files}
+\sh{$ quilt patches Oberon.txt}
+The \quilt{push} and \quilt{pop} commands optionally take a number or
+a patch name as argument. If a number is given, the specified number of
+patches is added (\quilt{push}) or removed (\quilt{pop}). If a patch
+name is given, patches are added (\quilt{push}) or removed (\quilt{pop})
+until the specified patch is on top of the stack. With the \textsf{-a}
+option, all patches in the series file are added (\quilt{push}), or all
+applied patches are removed from the stack (\quilt{pop}).
+\subsection{Patch Strip Levels}
+Quilt assumes that patches are applied with a strip level of one (the
+\textsf{-p1} option of \prog{GNU patch}) by default: the topmost directory
+level of file names in patches is stripped off. Quilt remembers the
+strip level of each patch in the \textsf{series} file. When generating a
+diff (\quilt{diff}) or updating a patch (\quilt{refresh}), a different
+strip level can be specified, and the series file will be updated
+accordingly. Quilt can apply patches with an arbitrary strip level, and
+produces patches with a strip level of zero or one. With a strip level
+of one, the name of the directory that contains the working tree is used
+as the additional path component. (So in our example,
+\textsf{Oberon.txt} is contained in directory \textsf{example1}.)
+\subsection{Importing Patches}
+The \quilt{import} command automates the importing of patches into the
+quilt system. The command copies a patch into the \textsf{patches}
+directory and adds it to the \textsf{series} file. For patch strip
+levels other than one, the strip level is added after the patch file
+name. (An entry for \textsf{a.diff} with strip level zero might read
+``{\small \verb|a.diff -p0|}''.)
+Another common operation is to incorporate a fix or similar that comes
+as a patch into the topmost patch. While there is no specific command
+for this, the desired result can be achieved by first adding all the
+files that the fix modifies into the patch, and then apply the patch to
+the working tree. The following commands achieve this for a patch with
+a strip level of one:\footnote{
+ \prog{lsdiff} is part of the \textit{patchutils} package, and
+ generates a list of files a patch modifies.
+\sh{$ quilt add `lsdiff --strip 1 patch.diff`}
+\sh{$ patch -p1 < patch.diff}
+There are situations in which updating a patch in-place is not ideal:
+the same patch may be used in more than one series file. It may also
+serve as convenient documentation to retain old versions of patches, and
+create new ones under different names. This can be done by hand by
+creating a copy of a patch (which must not be applied), and updating the
+patch name in the series file.
+The \quilt{fork} command simplifies this: it creates a copy of the
+next patch in the series (the one that \quilt{next} reports), and
+updates the series file. Unless a patch name is explicitly specified,
+\quilt{fork} will generate the following sequence of patch names:
+\textsf{patch.diff}, \textsf{patch-2.diff}, \textsf{patch-3.diff}, \dots
+\subsection{Advanced Diffing}
+Quilt allows us to diff and refresh patches that are applied, but are not
+on top of the stack (\quilt{diff -P \textit{patch}} and \quilt{refresh
+\textit{patch}}). This is useful in several cases, for example, when
+%\item When the topmost patch has been modified but the changes are not
+%yet completed, refreshing the patch would leave a patch file that is in
+%an inconsistent state. Without that, the patch cannot be removed from
+%the stack, or else the changes would be lost.
+%\item Popping patches and then pushing them again results in modified
+%time stamps. This may trigger time consuming recompiles.
+%\item It is simply convenient to be able to fix small bugs in patches
+%further down in the stack without much ado.
+patches applied higher on the stack modify some of the files that this
+patch modifies. We can picture this as a shadow which the patches higher
+on the stack throw on the files they modify. When refreshing a patch,
+changes to files that are not shadowed (and thus were last modified by
+the patch that is being refreshed) are taken into account. The
+modifications that the patch contains for shadowed files will not be
+The \quilt{diff} command allows us to merge multiple patches into one by
+optionally specifying the range of patches to include (see \quilt{diff
+-h}). The combined patch will only modify each file contained in these
+patches once. The result of applying the combined patch is the same as
+applying all the patches in the specified range in sequence.
+Sometimes it is convenient to use a tool other than \prog{GNU diff} for
+comparing files (for example, a graphical diff replacement like
+\prog{tkdiff}). Quilt will not use tools other than \prog{GNU diff} when
+updating patches (\quilt{refresh}), but \quilt{diff} can be passed the
+\textsf{-{}-diff=\textit{utility}} argument. With this argument, the
+specified utility is invoked for each file that is being modified with
+the original file and new file as arguments. For new files, the first
+argument will be \textsf{/dev/null}. For removed files, the second
+argument will be \textsf{/dev/null}.
+When \quilt{diff} is passed a list of file names, the diff will be
+limited to those files. With the \textsf{-R} parameter, the original and
+new files are swapped, which results in a reverse diff.
+Sometimes it is useful to create a diff between an arbitrary state of
+the working tree and the current version. This can be used to create a
+diff between different versions of a patch (see
+Section~\ref{sec:forking}), etc. To this end, quilt allows us to take a
+snapshot of the working directory (\quilt{snapshot}). Later, a diff
+against this state of the working tree can be created with \quilt{diff
+Currently, only a single snapshot is supported. It is stored in the
+\textsf{.pc/.snap} directory. To recover the disk space the snapshot
+occupies, it can be removed with \quilt{snapshot -d}, or by removing the
+\textsf{.pc/.snap} directory manually.
+\subsection{Working with RPM Packages}
+Several Linux distributions are based on the RPM Package
+Manager~\cite{max-rpm}. RPM packages consist of a spec that defines how
+packages are built, and a number of additional files like tar archives,
+patches, etc. Most RPM packages contain an official software package
+plus a number of patches. Before these patches can be manipulated with
+quilt, a series file must be created that lists the patches along with
+their strip levels.
+The \quilt{setup} command automates this for most RPM packages. When
+given a spec file as its argument, it performs the \textsf{\%prep}
+section of the spec file, which is supposed to extract the official
+software package, and apply the patches. In this run, quilt remembers
+the tar archives and the patches that are applied, and creates a series
+file. Based on that series file, \quilt{setup} extracts the archives,
+and copies the patches into the \textsf{patches} sub-directory. Some
+meta-information like the archive names are stored as comments in the
+series file. \quilt{setup} also accepts a series file as argument (which
+must contain some meta-information), and sets up the working tree from
+the series file in this case.
+\section{Pitfalls and Known Problems}
+As mentioned earlier, files must be added to patches before they can be
+modified. If this step is overlooked, one of the following problems will
+occur: If the file is included in a patch further below on the stack,
+the changes will appear in that patch when it is refreshed, and for that
+patch the \quilt{pop} command will fail before it is refreshed. If the
+file is not included in any applied patch, the original file in the
+working tree is modified.
+Patch files may modify the same file more than once. \prog{GNU patch}
+has a bug that corrupts backup files in this case. A fix is available,
+and will be integrated in a later version of \textit{GNU patch}. The fix has
+already been integrated into the SUSE version of \textit{GNU patch}.
+There are some packages that assume that it's a good idea to remove all
+empty files throughout a working tree, including the \textsf{.pc}
+directory. The \textit{make clean} target in the linux kernel sources
+is an example. Quilt uses zero-length files in \textsf{.pc} to mark
+files added by patches, so such packages may corrupt the \textsf{.pc}
+directory. A workaround is to create a symbolic link \textsf{.pc} in the
+working tree that points to a directory outside.
+It may happen that the files in the \textsf{patches} directory gets out of
+sync with the working tree (e.g., they may accidentally get updated by
+CVS or similar). Files in the \textsf{.pc} directory may also become
+inconsistent, particularly if files are not added before modifying them
+(\quilt{add} / \quilt{edit}). If this happens, it may be possible to
+repair the source tree, but often the best solution is to start over
+with a scratch working directory and the \textsf{patches} sub-directory.
+There is no need to keep any files from the \textsf{.pc} directory in
+this case.
+% - Patches cannot automatically be reverse applied (?)
+% - Does not auto-detect is a patch has been cleanly integrated
+% - Speed
+% - Push a patch that is not in the series file (after changing
+% applied-patches to include the full patch name)?
+% - Other back-ends (RCS etc.)
+% - Pop and push modify file timestamps, which causes recompiles.
+% Ccache ameliorates this.
+% - patchutils: Very useful: lsdiff, filterdiff, etc.
+We have shown how the script collection \textit{quilt} solves various
+problems that occur when dealing with patches to software packages.
+Quilt is an obvious improvement over directly using the underlying tools
+(\prog{GNU patch}, \prog{GNU diff}, etc.), and offers many features not
+available with competing solutions. Join the club!
+The quilt project homepage is
+\url{}. There is a development
+mailing list at \url{}.
+Additional features that fit into quilt's mode of operation are always
+welcome, of course.
+Andrew Morton: Patch Management Scripts,
+\url{} and
+Andreas Grünbacher et al.: Patchwork Quilt,
+IEEE Std. 1003.1-2001: Standard for Information Technology, Portable
+Operating System Interface (POSIX), Shell and Utilities, diff
+command, pp.~317. Online version available from the The Austin Common
+Standards Revision Group, \url{}.
+\textit{GNU diff} info pages (\textsf{info Diff}), section \textit{Output
+Edward C. Bailey: Maximum RPM: Taking the Red Hat Package Manager to the
+Limit, \url{}.
+% Add a "quick-reference card"?