Hlupak (various git scripts) ============================ git-request-get: ---------------- This should be fulfilment of [my comment on the GitLab bug gl#gitlab-org/gitlab/-#14116](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/14116): > Well, the minimal solution would be a parser for the > git-request-pull(1), which would check every comment and if recognized > the comment as the pull request, it would add button for the owner of > the repo (e.g., [Create Pull Request]). After pressing that (so it is > constantly under the control of the owner repo), gitlab would setup > new remote (if doesn’t exist still), fetch it, and create a merge > request. git-req: -------- Both Github and Gitlab allow command-line-only review of submitted contributions. However, the command for it is really long and complicated. Complicated enough for alias, so this is a small shell script for doing it. add-networked-repos: -------------------- Goes through all networked repos to the current one on GitHub (recursively) and them as additional remotes. git-svn-fix-authors: -------------------- git-svn(1) can work with the author file, but one gets to a bit of chicken-egg problem: for creation of the authors file is best to have output of git-shortlog(1). This script rewrites whole repo based on the authors file defined in `svn-remote.svn.authorsfile`. git-svn-fix-tags: ----------------- git-svn(1) doesn’t really work with tags, it just creates branches called like tags. This script makes tags out of those branches. git2redcrew: ------------ Create copy of the current repo (or named repo) on private server. ---- All issues, questions, complaints, or (even better!) patches should be send via [email](mailto:mcepl@cepl.eu).