diff options
10 files changed, 2281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plumbing/difftree/change.go b/plumbing/difftree/change.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c636577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plumbing/difftree/change.go
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+package difftree
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing/object"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie"
+// Change values represent a detected change between two git trees. For
+// modifications, From is the original status of the node and To is its
+// final status. For insertions, From is the zero value and for
+// deletions To is the zero value.
+type Change struct {
+ From ChangeEntry
+ To ChangeEntry
+var empty = ChangeEntry{}
+// Action returns the kind of action represented by the change, an
+// insertion, a deletion or a modification.
+func (c *Change) Action() (merkletrie.Action, error) {
+ if c.From == empty && c.To == empty {
+ return merkletrie.Action(0),
+ fmt.Errorf("malformed change: empty from and to")
+ }
+ if c.From == empty {
+ return merkletrie.Insert, nil
+ }
+ if c.To == empty {
+ return merkletrie.Delete, nil
+ }
+ return merkletrie.Modify, nil
+// Files return the files before and after a change.
+// For insertions from will be nil. For deletions to will be nil.
+func (c *Change) Files() (from, to *object.File, err error) {
+ action, err := c.Action()
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if action == merkletrie.Insert || action == merkletrie.Modify {
+ to, err = c.To.Tree.TreeEntryFile(&c.To.TreeEntry)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if action == merkletrie.Delete || action == merkletrie.Modify {
+ from, err = c.From.Tree.TreeEntryFile(&c.From.TreeEntry)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func (c *Change) String() string {
+ action, err := c.Action()
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("malformed change")
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("<Action: %s, Path: %s>", action, c.name())
+func (c *Change) name() string {
+ if c.From != empty {
+ return c.From.Name
+ }
+ return c.To.Name
+// ChangeEntry values represent a node that has suffered a change.
+type ChangeEntry struct {
+ // Full path of the node using "/" as separator.
+ Name string
+ // Parent tree of the node that has changed.
+ Tree *object.Tree
+ // The entry of the node.
+ TreeEntry object.TreeEntry
+// Changes represents a collection of changes between two git trees.
+// Implements sort.Interface lexicographically over the path of the
+// changed files.
+type Changes []*Change
+func (c Changes) Len() int {
+ return len(c)
+func (c Changes) Swap(i, j int) {
+ c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]
+func (c Changes) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return strings.Compare(c[i].name(), c[j].name()) < 0
+func (c Changes) String() string {
+ var buffer bytes.Buffer
+ buffer.WriteString("[")
+ comma := ""
+ for _, v := range c {
+ buffer.WriteString(comma)
+ buffer.WriteString(v.String())
+ comma = ", "
+ }
+ buffer.WriteString("]")
+ return buffer.String()
diff --git a/plumbing/difftree/change_adaptor.go b/plumbing/difftree/change_adaptor.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc20b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plumbing/difftree/change_adaptor.go
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package difftree
+// The folowing functions transform changes types form the merkletrie
+// package to changes types from this package.
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing/object"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/noder"
+func newChange(c merkletrie.Change) (*Change, error) {
+ ret := &Change{}
+ var err error
+ if ret.From, err = newChangeEntry(c.From); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("From field: ", err)
+ }
+ if ret.To, err = newChangeEntry(c.To); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("To field: ", err)
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+func newChangeEntry(p noder.Path) (ChangeEntry, error) {
+ if p == nil {
+ return empty, nil
+ }
+ asTreeNoder, ok := p.Last().(*treeNoder)
+ if !ok {
+ return ChangeEntry{}, fmt.Errorf("cannot transform non-TreeNoders")
+ }
+ return ChangeEntry{
+ Name: p.String(),
+ Tree: asTreeNoder.parent,
+ TreeEntry: object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: asTreeNoder.name,
+ Mode: asTreeNoder.mode,
+ Hash: asTreeNoder.hash,
+ },
+ }, nil
+func newChanges(src merkletrie.Changes) (Changes, error) {
+ ret := make(Changes, len(src))
+ var err error
+ for i, e := range src {
+ ret[i], err = newChange(e)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("change #%d: %s", err)
+ }
+ }
+ return ret, nil
diff --git a/plumbing/difftree/change_adaptor_test.go b/plumbing/difftree/change_adaptor_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ce2c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plumbing/difftree/change_adaptor_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+package difftree
+import (
+ "os"
+ "sort"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing/object"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing/storer"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/storage/filesystem"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/noder"
+ "github.com/src-d/go-git-fixtures"
+ . "gopkg.in/check.v1"
+type ChangeAdaptorSuite struct {
+ fixtures.Suite
+ Storer storer.EncodedObjectStorer
+ Fixture *fixtures.Fixture
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
+ s.Suite.SetUpSuite(c)
+ s.Fixture = fixtures.Basic().One()
+ sto, err := filesystem.NewStorage(s.Fixture.DotGit())
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ s.Storer = sto
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) tree(c *C, h plumbing.Hash) *object.Tree {
+ t, err := object.GetTree(s.Storer, h)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ return t
+var _ = Suite(&ChangeAdaptorSuite{})
+// utility function to build Noders from a tree and an tree entry.
+func newNoder(t *object.Tree, e object.TreeEntry) noder.Noder {
+ return &treeNoder{
+ parent: t,
+ name: e.Name,
+ mode: e.Mode,
+ hash: e.Hash,
+ }
+// utility function to build Paths
+func newPath(nn ...noder.Noder) noder.Path { return noder.Path(nn) }
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestTreeNoderHashHasMode(c *C) {
+ hash := plumbing.NewHash("aaaa")
+ mode := object.FileMode
+ treeNoder := &treeNoder{
+ hash: hash,
+ mode: mode,
+ }
+ expected := []byte{
+ 0xaa, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x00, // original hash is aaaa and 16 zeros
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0xa4, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00, // object.FileMode in little endian
+ }
+ c.Assert(treeNoder.Hash(), DeepEquals, expected)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestNewChangeInsert(c *C) {
+ tree := &object.Tree{}
+ entry := object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: "name",
+ Mode: os.FileMode(42),
+ Hash: plumbing.NewHash("aaaaa"),
+ }
+ path := newPath(newNoder(tree, entry))
+ expectedTo, err := newChangeEntry(path)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ src := merkletrie.Change{
+ From: nil,
+ To: path,
+ }
+ obtained, err := newChange(src)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ action, err := obtained.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Insert)
+ c.Assert(obtained.From, Equals, ChangeEntry{})
+ c.Assert(obtained.To, Equals, expectedTo)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestNewChangeDelete(c *C) {
+ tree := &object.Tree{}
+ entry := object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: "name",
+ Mode: os.FileMode(42),
+ Hash: plumbing.NewHash("aaaaa"),
+ }
+ path := newPath(newNoder(tree, entry))
+ expectedFrom, err := newChangeEntry(path)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ src := merkletrie.Change{
+ From: path,
+ To: nil,
+ }
+ obtained, err := newChange(src)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ action, err := obtained.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Delete)
+ c.Assert(obtained.From, Equals, expectedFrom)
+ c.Assert(obtained.To, Equals, ChangeEntry{})
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestNewChangeModify(c *C) {
+ treeA := &object.Tree{}
+ entryA := object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: "name",
+ Mode: os.FileMode(42),
+ Hash: plumbing.NewHash("aaaaa"),
+ }
+ pathA := newPath(newNoder(treeA, entryA))
+ expectedFrom, err := newChangeEntry(pathA)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ treeB := &object.Tree{}
+ entryB := object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: "name",
+ Mode: os.FileMode(42),
+ Hash: plumbing.NewHash("bbbb"),
+ }
+ pathB := newPath(newNoder(treeB, entryB))
+ expectedTo, err := newChangeEntry(pathB)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ src := merkletrie.Change{
+ From: pathA,
+ To: pathB,
+ }
+ obtained, err := newChange(src)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ action, err := obtained.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Modify)
+ c.Assert(obtained.From, Equals, expectedFrom)
+ c.Assert(obtained.To, Equals, expectedTo)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestEmptyChangeFails(c *C) {
+ change := &Change{
+ From: empty,
+ To: empty,
+ }
+ _, err := change.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "malformed change.*")
+ _, _, err = change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "malformed change.*")
+ str := change.String()
+ c.Assert(str, Equals, "malformed change")
+type noderMock struct{ noder.Noder }
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestNewChangeFailsWithChangesFromOtherNoders(c *C) {
+ src := merkletrie.Change{
+ From: newPath(noderMock{}),
+ To: nil,
+ }
+ _, err := newChange(src)
+ c.Assert(err, Not(IsNil))
+ src = merkletrie.Change{
+ From: nil,
+ To: newPath(noderMock{}),
+ }
+ _, err = newChange(src)
+ c.Assert(err, Not(IsNil))
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeStringFrom(c *C) {
+ expected := "<Action: Delete, Path: foo>"
+ change := Change{}
+ change.From.Name = "foo"
+ obtained := change.String()
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeStringTo(c *C) {
+ expected := "<Action: Insert, Path: foo>"
+ change := Change{}
+ change.To.Name = "foo"
+ obtained := change.String()
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeFilesInsert(c *C) {
+ tree := s.tree(c, plumbing.NewHash("a8d315b2b1c615d43042c3a62402b8a54288cf5c"))
+ change := Change{}
+ change.To.Name = "json/long.json"
+ change.To.Tree = tree
+ change.To.TreeEntry.Hash = plumbing.NewHash("49c6bb89b17060d7b4deacb7b338fcc6ea2352a9")
+ from, to, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(from, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(to.ID(), Equals, change.To.TreeEntry.Hash)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeFilesInsertNotFound(c *C) {
+ tree := s.tree(c, plumbing.NewHash("a8d315b2b1c615d43042c3a62402b8a54288cf5c"))
+ change := Change{}
+ change.To.Name = "json/long.json"
+ change.To.Tree = tree
+ // there is no object for this hash
+ change.To.TreeEntry.Hash = plumbing.NewHash("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
+ _, _, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, Not(IsNil))
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeFilesDelete(c *C) {
+ tree := s.tree(c, plumbing.NewHash("a8d315b2b1c615d43042c3a62402b8a54288cf5c"))
+ change := Change{}
+ change.From.Name = "json/long.json"
+ change.From.Tree = tree
+ change.From.TreeEntry.Hash = plumbing.NewHash("49c6bb89b17060d7b4deacb7b338fcc6ea2352a9")
+ from, to, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(to, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(from.ID(), Equals, change.From.TreeEntry.Hash)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeFilesDeleteNotFound(c *C) {
+ tree := s.tree(c, plumbing.NewHash("a8d315b2b1c615d43042c3a62402b8a54288cf5c"))
+ change := Change{}
+ change.From.Name = "json/long.json"
+ change.From.Tree = tree
+ // there is no object for this hash
+ change.From.TreeEntry.Hash = plumbing.NewHash("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
+ _, _, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, Not(IsNil))
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeFilesModify(c *C) {
+ tree := s.tree(c, plumbing.NewHash("a8d315b2b1c615d43042c3a62402b8a54288cf5c"))
+ change := Change{}
+ change.To.Name = "json/long.json"
+ change.To.Tree = tree
+ change.To.TreeEntry.Hash = plumbing.NewHash("49c6bb89b17060d7b4deacb7b338fcc6ea2352a9")
+ change.From.Name = "json/long.json"
+ change.From.Tree = tree
+ change.From.TreeEntry.Hash = plumbing.NewHash("9a48f23120e880dfbe41f7c9b7b708e9ee62a492")
+ from, to, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(to.ID(), Equals, change.To.TreeEntry.Hash)
+ c.Assert(from.ID(), Equals, change.From.TreeEntry.Hash)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeEntryFailsWithOtherNoders(c *C) {
+ path := noder.Path{noderMock{}}
+ _, err := newChangeEntry(path)
+ c.Assert(err, Not(IsNil))
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeEntryFromNilIsZero(c *C) {
+ obtained, err := newChangeEntry(nil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, ChangeEntry{})
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeEntryFromSortPath(c *C) {
+ tree := &object.Tree{}
+ entry := object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: "name",
+ Mode: os.FileMode(42),
+ Hash: plumbing.NewHash("aaaaa"),
+ }
+ path := newPath(newNoder(tree, entry))
+ obtained, err := newChangeEntry(path)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(obtained.Name, Equals, entry.Name)
+ c.Assert(obtained.Tree, Equals, tree)
+ c.Assert(obtained.TreeEntry, DeepEquals, entry)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestChangeEntryFromLongPath(c *C) {
+ treeA := &object.Tree{}
+ entryA := object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: "nameA",
+ Mode: os.FileMode(42),
+ Hash: plumbing.NewHash("aaaa"),
+ }
+ treeB := &object.Tree{}
+ entryB := object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: "nameB",
+ Mode: os.FileMode(24),
+ Hash: plumbing.NewHash("bbbb"),
+ }
+ path := newPath(
+ newNoder(treeA, entryA),
+ newNoder(treeB, entryB),
+ )
+ obtained, err := newChangeEntry(path)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(obtained.Name, Equals, entryA.Name+"/"+entryB.Name)
+ c.Assert(obtained.Tree, Equals, treeB)
+ c.Assert(obtained.TreeEntry, Equals, entryB)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestNewChangesEmpty(c *C) {
+ expected := "[]"
+ changes, err := newChanges(nil)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ obtained := changes.String()
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
+ expected = "[]"
+ changes, err = newChanges(merkletrie.Changes{})
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ obtained = changes.String()
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestNewChanges(c *C) {
+ treeA := &object.Tree{}
+ entryA := object.TreeEntry{Name: "nameA"}
+ pathA := newPath(newNoder(treeA, entryA))
+ changeA := merkletrie.Change{
+ From: nil,
+ To: pathA,
+ }
+ treeB := &object.Tree{}
+ entryB := object.TreeEntry{Name: "nameB"}
+ pathB := newPath(newNoder(treeB, entryB))
+ changeB := merkletrie.Change{
+ From: pathB,
+ To: nil,
+ }
+ src := merkletrie.Changes{changeA, changeB}
+ changes, err := newChanges(src)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(len(changes), Equals, 2)
+ action, err := changes[0].Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Insert)
+ c.Assert(changes[0].To.Name, Equals, "nameA")
+ action, err = changes[1].Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Delete)
+ c.Assert(changes[1].From.Name, Equals, "nameB")
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestNewChangesFailsWithOtherNoders(c *C) {
+ change := merkletrie.Change{
+ From: nil,
+ To: newPath(noderMock{}),
+ }
+ src := merkletrie.Changes{change}
+ _, err := newChanges(src)
+ c.Assert(err, Not(IsNil))
+func (s *ChangeAdaptorSuite) TestSortChanges(c *C) {
+ c1 := &Change{}
+ c1.To.Name = "1"
+ c2 := &Change{}
+ c2.From.Name = "2"
+ c2.To.Name = "2"
+ c3 := &Change{}
+ c3.From.Name = "3"
+ changes := Changes{c3, c1, c2}
+ sort.Sort(changes)
+ c.Assert(changes[0].String(), Equals, "<Action: Insert, Path: 1>")
+ c.Assert(changes[1].String(), Equals, "<Action: Modify, Path: 2>")
+ c.Assert(changes[2].String(), Equals, "<Action: Delete, Path: 3>")
diff --git a/plumbing/difftree/change_test.go b/plumbing/difftree/change_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cda4ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plumbing/difftree/change_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+package difftree
+import (
+ "os"
+ "sort"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing/object"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing/storer"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/storage/filesystem"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie"
+ fixtures "github.com/src-d/go-git-fixtures"
+ . "gopkg.in/check.v1"
+type ChangeSuite struct {
+ fixtures.Suite
+ Storer storer.EncodedObjectStorer
+ Fixture *fixtures.Fixture
+func (s *ChangeSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
+ s.Suite.SetUpSuite(c)
+ s.Fixture = fixtures.ByURL("https://github.com/src-d/go-git.git").
+ ByTag(".git").One()
+ sto, err := filesystem.NewStorage(s.Fixture.DotGit())
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ s.Storer = sto
+func (s *ChangeSuite) tree(c *C, h plumbing.Hash) *object.Tree {
+ t, err := object.GetTree(s.Storer, h)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ return t
+var _ = Suite(&ChangeSuite{})
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestInsert(c *C) {
+ // Commit a5078b19f08f63e7948abd0a5e2fb7d319d3a565 of the go-git
+ // fixture inserted "examples/clone/main.go".
+ //
+ // On that commit, the "examples/clone" tree is
+ // 6efca3ff41cab651332f9ebc0c96bb26be809615
+ //
+ // and the "examples/colone/main.go" is
+ // f95dc8f7923add1a8b9f72ecb1e8db1402de601a
+ path := "examples/clone/main.go"
+ name := "main.go"
+ mode := os.FileMode(100644)
+ blob := plumbing.NewHash("f95dc8f7923add1a8b9f72ecb1e8db1402de601a")
+ tree := plumbing.NewHash("6efca3ff41cab651332f9ebc0c96bb26be809615")
+ change := &Change{
+ From: empty,
+ To: ChangeEntry{
+ Name: path,
+ Tree: s.tree(c, tree),
+ TreeEntry: object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: name,
+ Mode: mode,
+ Hash: blob,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ action, err := change.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Insert)
+ from, to, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(from, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(to.Name, Equals, name)
+ c.Assert(to.Blob.Hash, Equals, blob)
+ str := change.String()
+ c.Assert(str, Equals, "<Action: Insert, Path: examples/clone/main.go>")
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestDelete(c *C) {
+ // Commit f6011d65d57c2a866e231fc21a39cb618f86f9ea of the go-git
+ // fixture deleted "utils/difftree/difftree.go".
+ //
+ // The parent of that commit is
+ // 9b4a386db3d98a4362516a00ef3d04d4698c9bcd.
+ //
+ // On that parent commit, the "utils/difftree" tree is
+ // f3d11566401ce4b0808aab9dd6fad3d5abf1481a.
+ //
+ // and the "utils/difftree/difftree.go" is
+ // e2cb9a5719daf634d45a063112b4044ee81da13ea.
+ path := "utils/difftree/difftree.go"
+ name := "difftree.go"
+ mode := os.FileMode(100644)
+ blob := plumbing.NewHash("e2cb9a5719daf634d45a063112b4044ee81da13e")
+ tree := plumbing.NewHash("f3d11566401ce4b0808aab9dd6fad3d5abf1481a")
+ change := &Change{
+ From: ChangeEntry{
+ Name: path,
+ Tree: s.tree(c, tree),
+ TreeEntry: object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: name,
+ Mode: mode,
+ Hash: blob,
+ },
+ },
+ To: empty,
+ }
+ action, err := change.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Delete)
+ from, to, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(to, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(from.Name, Equals, name)
+ c.Assert(from.Blob.Hash, Equals, blob)
+ str := change.String()
+ c.Assert(str, Equals, "<Action: Delete, Path: utils/difftree/difftree.go>")
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestModify(c *C) {
+ // Commit 7beaad711378a4daafccc2c04bc46d36df2a0fd1 of the go-git
+ // fixture modified "examples/latest/latest.go".
+ // the "examples/latest" tree is
+ // b1f01b730b855c82431918cb338ad47ed558999b.
+ // and "examples/latest/latest.go" is blob
+ // 05f583ace3a9a078d8150905a53a4d82567f125f.
+ //
+ // The parent of that commit is
+ // 337148ef6d751477796922ac127b416b8478fcc4.
+ // the "examples/latest" tree is
+ // 8b0af31d2544acb5c4f3816a602f11418cbd126e.
+ // and "examples/latest/latest.go" is blob
+ // de927fad935d172929aacf20e71f3bf0b91dd6f9.
+ path := "utils/difftree/difftree.go"
+ name := "difftree.go"
+ mode := os.FileMode(100644)
+ fromBlob := plumbing.NewHash("05f583ace3a9a078d8150905a53a4d82567f125f")
+ fromTree := plumbing.NewHash("b1f01b730b855c82431918cb338ad47ed558999b")
+ toBlob := plumbing.NewHash("de927fad935d172929aacf20e71f3bf0b91dd6f9")
+ toTree := plumbing.NewHash("8b0af31d2544acb5c4f3816a602f11418cbd126e")
+ change := &Change{
+ From: ChangeEntry{
+ Name: path,
+ Tree: s.tree(c, fromTree),
+ TreeEntry: object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: name,
+ Mode: mode,
+ Hash: fromBlob,
+ },
+ },
+ To: ChangeEntry{
+ Name: path,
+ Tree: s.tree(c, toTree),
+ TreeEntry: object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: name,
+ Mode: mode,
+ Hash: toBlob,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ action, err := change.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(action, Equals, merkletrie.Modify)
+ from, to, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(from.Name, Equals, name)
+ c.Assert(from.Blob.Hash, Equals, fromBlob)
+ c.Assert(to.Name, Equals, name)
+ c.Assert(to.Blob.Hash, Equals, toBlob)
+ str := change.String()
+ c.Assert(str, Equals, "<Action: Modify, Path: utils/difftree/difftree.go>")
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestEmptyChangeFails(c *C) {
+ change := &Change{}
+ _, err := change.Action()
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "malformed.*")
+ _, _, err = change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "malformed.*")
+ str := change.String()
+ c.Assert(str, Equals, "malformed change")
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestErrorsFindingChildsAreDetected(c *C) {
+ // Commit 7beaad711378a4daafccc2c04bc46d36df2a0fd1 of the go-git
+ // fixture modified "examples/latest/latest.go".
+ // the "examples/latest" tree is
+ // b1f01b730b855c82431918cb338ad47ed558999b.
+ // and "examples/latest/latest.go" is blob
+ // 05f583ace3a9a078d8150905a53a4d82567f125f.
+ //
+ // The parent of that commit is
+ // 337148ef6d751477796922ac127b416b8478fcc4.
+ // the "examples/latest" tree is
+ // 8b0af31d2544acb5c4f3816a602f11418cbd126e.
+ // and "examples/latest/latest.go" is blob
+ // de927fad935d172929aacf20e71f3bf0b91dd6f9.
+ path := "utils/difftree/difftree.go"
+ name := "difftree.go"
+ mode := os.FileMode(100644)
+ fromBlob := plumbing.NewHash("aaaa") // does not exists
+ fromTree := plumbing.NewHash("b1f01b730b855c82431918cb338ad47ed558999b")
+ toBlob := plumbing.NewHash("bbbb") // does not exists
+ toTree := plumbing.NewHash("8b0af31d2544acb5c4f3816a602f11418cbd126e")
+ change := &Change{
+ From: ChangeEntry{
+ Name: path,
+ Tree: s.tree(c, fromTree),
+ TreeEntry: object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: name,
+ Mode: mode,
+ Hash: fromBlob,
+ },
+ },
+ To: ChangeEntry{},
+ }
+ _, _, err := change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "object not found")
+ change = &Change{
+ From: empty,
+ To: ChangeEntry{
+ Name: path,
+ Tree: s.tree(c, toTree),
+ TreeEntry: object.TreeEntry{
+ Name: name,
+ Mode: mode,
+ Hash: toBlob,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ _, _, err = change.Files()
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "object not found")
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestChangesString(c *C) {
+ expected := "[]"
+ changes := Changes{}
+ obtained := changes.String()
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
+ expected = "[<Action: Modify, Path: bla>]"
+ changes = make([]*Change, 1)
+ changes[0] = &Change{}
+ changes[0].From.Name = "bla"
+ changes[0].To.Name = "bla"
+ obtained = changes.String()
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
+ expected = "[<Action: Modify, Path: bla>, <Action: Delete, Path: foo/bar>]"
+ changes = make([]*Change, 2)
+ changes[0] = &Change{}
+ changes[0].From.Name = "bla"
+ changes[0].To.Name = "bla"
+ changes[1] = &Change{}
+ changes[1].From.Name = "foo/bar"
+ obtained = changes.String()
+ c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestChangesSort(c *C) {
+ changes := make(Changes, 3)
+ changes[0] = &Change{}
+ changes[0].From.Name = "z"
+ changes[0].To.Name = "z"
+ changes[1] = &Change{}
+ changes[1].From.Name = "b/b"
+ changes[2] = &Change{}
+ changes[2].To.Name = "b/a"
+ expected := "[<Action: Insert, Path: b/a>, " +
+ "<Action: Delete, Path: b/b>, " +
+ "<Action: Modify, Path: z>]"
+ sort.Sort(changes)
+ c.Assert(changes.String(), Equals, expected)
diff --git a/plumbing/difftree/treenoder.go b/plumbing/difftree/treenoder.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ed948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plumbing/difftree/treenoder.go
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+package difftree
+// A treenoder is a helper type that wraps git trees into merkletrie
+// noders.
+// As a merkletrie noder doesn't understand the concept of modes (e.g.
+// file permissions), the treenoder includes the mode of the git tree in
+// the hash, so changes in the modes will be detected as modifications
+// to the file contents by the merkletrie difftree algorithm. This is
+// consistent with how the "git diff-tree" command works.
+import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/plumbing/object"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/noder"
+type treeNoder struct {
+ parent *object.Tree // the root node is its own parent
+ name string // empty string for the root node
+ mode os.FileMode
+ hash plumbing.Hash
+ children []noder.Noder // memoized
+func newTreeNoder(t *object.Tree) *treeNoder {
+ if t == nil {
+ return &treeNoder{}
+ }
+ return &treeNoder{
+ parent: t,
+ name: "",
+ mode: os.ModeDir,
+ hash: t.Hash,
+ }
+func (t *treeNoder) isRoot() bool {
+ return t.name == ""
+func (t *treeNoder) String() string {
+ return "treeNoder <" + t.name + ">"
+func (t *treeNoder) Hash() []byte {
+ return append(t.hash[:], modeToBytes(t.mode)...)
+// mode in little endian (endianess is an arbitrary decission).
+func modeToBytes(m os.FileMode) []byte {
+ ret := make([]byte, 4)
+ binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(ret, uint32(m))
+ return ret
+func (t *treeNoder) Name() string {
+ return t.name
+func (t *treeNoder) IsDir() bool {
+ return t.mode.IsDir()
+// Children will return the children of a treenoder as treenoders,
+// building them from the children of the wrapped git tree.
+func (t *treeNoder) Children() ([]noder.Noder, error) {
+ if !t.mode.IsDir() {
+ return noder.NoChildren, nil
+ }
+ // children are memoized for efficiency
+ if t.children != nil {
+ return t.children, nil
+ }
+ // the parent of the returned children will be ourself as a tree if
+ // we are a not the root treenoder. The root is special as it
+ // is is own parent.
+ parent := t.parent
+ if !t.isRoot() {
+ var err error
+ if parent, err = t.parent.Tree(t.name); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return transformChildren(parent)
+// Returns the children of a tree as treenoders.
+// Efficiency is key here.
+func transformChildren(t *object.Tree) ([]noder.Noder, error) {
+ var err error
+ var e object.TreeEntry
+ // there will be more tree entries than children in the tree,
+ // due to submodules and empty directories, but I think it is still
+ // worth it to pre-allocate the whole array now, even if sometimes
+ // is bigger than needed.
+ ret := make([]noder.Noder, 0, len(t.Entries))
+ walker := object.NewTreeWalker(t, false) // don't recurse
+ // don't defer walker.Close() for efficiency reasons.
+ for {
+ _, e, err = walker.Next()
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ walker.Close()
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ ret = append(ret, &treeNoder{
+ parent: t,
+ name: e.Name,
+ mode: e.Mode,
+ hash: e.Hash,
+ })
+ }
+ walker.Close()
+ return ret, nil
+// len(t.tree.Entries) != the number of elements walked by treewalker
+// for some reason because of empty directories, submodules, etc, so we
+// have to walk here.
+func (t *treeNoder) NumChildren() (int, error) {
+ children, err := t.Children()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ return len(children), nil
diff --git a/utils/merkletrie/change.go b/utils/merkletrie/change.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6c99f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/merkletrie/change.go
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+package merkletrie
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/noder"
+// Action values represent the kind of things a Change can represent:
+// insertion, deletions or modifications of files.
+type Action int
+// The set of possible actions in a change.
+const (
+ _ Action = iota
+ Insert
+ Delete
+ Modify
+// String returns the action as a human readable text.
+func (a Action) String() string {
+ switch a {
+ case Insert:
+ return "Insert"
+ case Delete:
+ return "Delete"
+ case Modify:
+ return "Modify"
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported action: %d", a))
+ }
+// A Change value represent how a noder has change between to merkletries.
+type Change struct {
+ // The noder before the change or nil if it was inserted.
+ From noder.Path
+ // The noder after the change or nil if it was deleted.
+ To noder.Path
+// Action is convenience method that returns what Action c represents.
+func (c *Change) Action() (Action, error) {
+ if c.From == nil && c.To == nil {
+ return Action(0), fmt.Errorf("malformed change: nil from and to")
+ }
+ if c.From == nil {
+ return Insert, nil
+ }
+ if c.To == nil {
+ return Delete, nil
+ }
+ return Modify, nil
+// NewInsert returns a new Change representing the insertion of n.
+func NewInsert(n noder.Path) Change { return Change{To: n} }
+// NewDelete returns a new Change representing the deletion of n.
+func NewDelete(n noder.Path) Change { return Change{From: n} }
+// NewModify returns a new Change representing that a has been modified and
+// it is now b.
+func NewModify(a, b noder.Path) Change {
+ return Change{
+ From: a,
+ To: b,
+ }
+// String returns a single change in human readable form, using the
+// format: '<' + action + space + path + '>'. The contents of the file
+// before or after the change are not included in this format.
+// Example: inserting a file at the path a/b/c.txt will return "<Insert
+// a/b/c.txt>".
+func (c Change) String() string {
+ action, err := c.Action()
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ var path string
+ if action == Delete {
+ path = c.From.String()
+ } else {
+ path = c.To.String()
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("<%s %s>", action, path)
+// Changes is a list of changes between to merkletries.
+type Changes []Change
+// NewChanges returns an empty list of changes.
+func NewChanges() Changes {
+ return Changes{}
+// Add adds the change c to the list of changes.
+func (l *Changes) Add(c Change) {
+ *l = append(*l, c)
+// AddRecursiveInsert adds the required changes to insert all the
+// file-like noders found in root, recursively.
+func (l *Changes) AddRecursiveInsert(root noder.Path) error {
+ return l.addRecursive(root, NewInsert)
+// AddRecursiveDelete adds the required changes to delete all the
+// file-like noders found in root, recursively.
+func (l *Changes) AddRecursiveDelete(root noder.Path) error {
+ return l.addRecursive(root, NewDelete)
+type noderToChangeFn func(noder.Path) Change // NewInsert or NewDelete
+func (l *Changes) addRecursive(root noder.Path, ctor noderToChangeFn) error {
+ if !root.IsDir() {
+ l.Add(ctor(root))
+ return nil
+ }
+ i, err := NewIterFromPath(root)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ var current noder.Path
+ for {
+ if current, err = i.Step(); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ if current.IsDir() {
+ continue
+ }
+ l.Add(ctor(current))
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/utils/merkletrie/change_test.go b/utils/merkletrie/change_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f908ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/merkletrie/change_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package merkletrie_test
+import (
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/internal/fsnoder"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/noder"
+ . "gopkg.in/check.v1"
+type ChangeSuite struct{}
+var _ = Suite(&ChangeSuite{})
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestActionString(c *C) {
+ action := merkletrie.Insert
+ c.Assert(action.String(), Equals, "Insert")
+ action = merkletrie.Delete
+ c.Assert(action.String(), Equals, "Delete")
+ action = merkletrie.Modify
+ c.Assert(action.String(), Equals, "Modify")
+func (s *ChangeSuite) TestUnsupportedAction(c *C) {
+ a := merkletrie.Action(42)
+ c.Assert(a.String, PanicMatches, "unsupported action.*")
+func (s ChangeSuite) TestNewInsert(c *C) {
+ tree, err := fsnoder.New("(a(b(z<>)))")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ path := find(c, tree, "z")
+ change := merkletrie.NewInsert(path)
+ c.Assert(change.String(), Equals, "<Insert a/b/z>")
+ shortPath := noder.Path([]noder.Noder{path.Last()})
+ change = merkletrie.NewInsert(shortPath)
+ c.Assert(change.String(), Equals, "<Insert z>")
+func (s ChangeSuite) TestNewDelete(c *C) {
+ tree, err := fsnoder.New("(a(b(z<>)))")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ path := find(c, tree, "z")
+ change := merkletrie.NewDelete(path)
+ c.Assert(change.String(), Equals, "<Delete a/b/z>")
+ shortPath := noder.Path([]noder.Noder{path.Last()})
+ change = merkletrie.NewDelete(shortPath)
+ c.Assert(change.String(), Equals, "<Delete z>")
+func (s ChangeSuite) TestNewModify(c *C) {
+ tree1, err := fsnoder.New("(a(b(z<>)))")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ path1 := find(c, tree1, "z")
+ tree2, err := fsnoder.New("(a(b(z<1>)))")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ path2 := find(c, tree2, "z")
+ change := merkletrie.NewModify(path1, path2)
+ c.Assert(change.String(), Equals, "<Modify a/b/z>")
+ shortPath1 := noder.Path([]noder.Noder{path1.Last()})
+ shortPath2 := noder.Path([]noder.Noder{path2.Last()})
+ change = merkletrie.NewModify(shortPath1, shortPath2)
+ c.Assert(change.String(), Equals, "<Modify z>")
+func (s ChangeSuite) TestMalformedChange(c *C) {
+ change := merkletrie.Change{}
+ c.Assert(change.String, PanicMatches, "malformed change.*")
diff --git a/utils/merkletrie/difftree.go b/utils/merkletrie/difftree.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a626cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/merkletrie/difftree.go
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+package merkletrie
+// The focus of this difftree implementation is to save time by
+// skipping whole directories if their hash is the same in both
+// trees.
+// The diff algorithm implemented here is based on the doubleiter
+// type defined in this same package; we will iterate over both
+// trees at the same time, while comparing the current noders in
+// each iterator. Depending on how they differ we will output the
+// corresponding chages and move the iterators further over both
+// trees.
+// The table bellow show all the possible comparison results, along
+// with what changes should we produce and how to advance the
+// iterators.
+// The table is implemented by the switches in this function,
+// diffTwoNodes, diffTwoNodesSameName and diffTwoDirs.
+// Many Bothans died to bring us this information, make sure you
+// understand the table before modifying this code.
+// # Cases
+// When comparing noders in both trees you will found yourself in
+// one of 169 possible cases, but if we ignore moves, we can
+// simplify a lot the search space into the following table:
+// - "-": nothing, no file or directory
+// - a<>: an empty file named "a".
+// - a<1>: a file named "a", with "1" as its contents.
+// - a<2>: a file named "a", with "2" as its contents.
+// - a(): an empty dir named "a".
+// - a(...): a dir named "a", with some files and/or dirs inside (possibly
+// empty).
+// - a(;;;): a dir named "a", with some other files and/or dirs inside
+// (possibly empty), which different from the ones in "a(...)".
+// \ to - a<> a<1> a<2> a() a(...) a(;;;)
+// from \
+// - 00 01 02 03 04 05 06
+// a<> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
+// a<1> 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
+// a<2> 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
+// a() 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
+// a(...) 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
+// a(;;;) 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
+// Every (from, to) combination in the table is a special case, but
+// some of them can be merged into some more general cases, for
+// instance 11 and 22 can be merged into the general case: both
+// noders are equal.
+// Here is a full list of all the cases that are similar and how to
+// merge them together into more general cases. Each general case
+// is labeled wiht an uppercase letter for further reference, and it
+// is followed by the pseudocode of the checks you have to perfrom
+// on both noders to see if you are in such a case, the actions to
+// perform (i.e. what changes to output) and how to advance the
+// iterators of each tree to continue the comparison process.
+// ## A. Impossible: 00
+// ## B. Same thing on both sides: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66
+// - check: `SameName() && SameHash()`
+// - action: do nothing.
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### C. To was created: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06
+// - check: `DifferentName() && ToBeforeFrom()`
+// - action: inserRecursively(to)
+// - advance: `ToNext()`
+// ### D. From was deleted: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
+// - check: `DifferentName() && FromBeforeTo()`
+// - action: `DeleteRecursively(from)`
+// - advance: `FromNext()`
+// ### E. Empty file to file with contents: 12, 13
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsFile() &&
+// ToIsFile() && FromIsEmpty()`
+// - action: `modifyFile(from, to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext()` or `FromStep()`
+// ### E'. file with contents to empty file: 21, 31
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsFile() &&
+// ToIsFile() && ToIsEmpty()`
+// - action: `modifyFile(from, to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext()` or `FromStep()`
+// ### F. empty file to empty dir with the same name: 14
+// - check: `SameName() && FromIsFile() && FromIsEmpty() &&
+// ToIsDir() && ToIsEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteFile(from); InsertEmptyDir(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### F'. empty dir to empty file of the same name: 41
+// - check: `SameName() && FromIsDir() && FromIsEmpty &&
+// ToIsFile() && ToIsEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteEmptyDir(from); InsertFile(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()` or step for any of them.
+// ### G. empty file to non-empty dir of the same name: 15, 16
+// - check: `SameName() && FromIsFile() && ToIsDir() &&
+// FromIsEmpty() && ToIsNotEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteFile(from); InsertDirRecursively(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### G'. non-empty dir to empty file of the same name: 51, 61
+// - check: `SameName() && FromIsDir() && FromIsNotEmpty() &&
+// ToIsFile() && FromIsEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteDirRecursively(from); InsertFile(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### H. modify file contents: 23, 32
+// - check: `SameName() && FromIsFile() && ToIsFile() &&
+// FromIsNotEmpty() && ToIsNotEmpty()`
+// - action: `ModifyFile(from, to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### I. file with contents to empty dir: 24, 34
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsFile() &&
+// FromIsNotEmpty() && ToIsDir() && ToIsEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteFile(from); InsertEmptyDir(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### I'. empty dir to file with contents: 42, 43
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsDir() &&
+// FromIsEmpty() && ToIsFile() && ToIsEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteDir(from); InsertFile(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### J. file with contents to dir with contetns: 25, 26, 35, 36
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsFile() &&
+// FromIsNotEmpty() && ToIsDir() && ToIsNotEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteFile(from); InsertDirRecursively(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### J'. dir with contetns to file with contents: 52, 62, 53, 63
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsDir() &&
+// FromIsNotEmpty() && ToIsFile() && ToIsNotEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteDirRecursively(from); InsertFile(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### K. empty dir to dir with contents: 45, 46
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsDir() &&
+// FromIsEmpty() && ToIsDir() && ToIsNotEmpty()`
+// - action: `InsertChildrenRecursively(to)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### K'. dir with contents to empty dir: 54, 64
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsDir() &&
+// FromIsEmpty() && ToIsDir() && ToIsNotEmpty()`
+// - action: `DeleteChildrenRecursively(from)`
+// - advance: `FromNext(); ToNext()`
+// ### L. dir with contents to dir with different contents: 56, 65
+// - check: `SameName() && DifferentHash() && FromIsDir() &&
+// FromIsNotEmpty() && ToIsDir() && ToIsNotEmpty()`
+// - action: nothing
+// - advance: `FromStep(); ToStep()`
+// All these cases can be further simplified by a truth table
+// reduction process, in which we gather similar checks together to
+// make the final code easier to read and understand.
+// The first 6 columns are the outputs of the checks to perform on
+// both noders. I have labeled them 1 to 6, this is what they mean:
+// 1: SameName()
+// 2: SameHash()
+// 3: FromIsDir()
+// 4: ToIsDir()
+// 5: FromIsEmpty()
+// 6: ToIsEmpty()
+// The from and to columns are a fsnoder example of the elements
+// that you will find on each tree under the specified comparison
+// results (columns 1 to 6).
+// The type column identifies the case we are into, from the list above.
+// The type' column identifies the new set of reduced cases, using
+// lowercase letters, and they are explained after the table.
+// The last column is the set of actions and advances for each case.
+// "---" means impossible except in case of hash collision.
+// advance meaning:
+// - NN: from.Next(); to.Next()
+// - SS: from.Step(); to.Step()
+// 1 2 3 4 5 6 | from | to |type|type'|action ; advance
+// ------------+--------+--------+----+------------------------------------
+// 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | | | | if !SameName() {
+// . | | | | | if FromBeforeTo() {
+// . | | | D | d | delete(from); from.Next()
+// . | | | | | } else {
+// . | | | C | c | insert(to); to.Next()
+// . | | | | | }
+// 0 1 1 1 1 1 | | | | | }
+// 1 0 0 0 0 0 | a<1> | a<2> | H | e | modify(from, to); NN
+// 1 0 0 0 0 1 | a<1> | a<> | E' | e | modify(from, to); NN
+// 1 0 0 0 1 0 | a<> | a<1> | E | e | modify(from, to); NN
+// 1 0 0 0 1 1 | ---- | ---- | | e |
+// 1 0 0 1 0 0 | a<1> | a(...) | J | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 0 1 0 1 | a<1> | a() | I | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 0 1 1 0 | a<> | a(...) | G | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 0 1 1 1 | a<> | a() | F | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 1 0 0 0 | a(...) | a<1> | J' | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 1 0 0 1 | a(...) | a<> | G' | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 1 0 1 0 | a() | a<1> | I' | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 1 0 1 1 | a() | a<> | F' | f | delete(from); insert(to); NN
+// 1 0 1 1 0 0 | a(...) | a(;;;) | L | g | nothing; SS
+// 1 0 1 1 0 1 | a(...) | a() | K' | h | deleteChidren(from); NN
+// 1 0 1 1 1 0 | a() | a(...) | K | i | insertChildren(to); NN
+// 1 0 1 1 1 1 | ---- | ---- | | |
+// 1 1 0 0 0 0 | a<1> | a<1> | B | b | nothing; NN
+// 1 1 0 0 0 1 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 0 0 1 0 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 0 0 1 1 | a<> | a<> | B | b | nothing; NN
+// 1 1 0 1 0 0 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 0 1 0 1 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 0 1 1 0 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 0 1 1 1 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 1 0 0 0 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 1 0 0 1 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 1 0 1 0 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 1 0 1 1 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 1 1 0 0 | a(...) | a(...) | B | b | nothing; NN
+// 1 1 1 1 0 1 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 1 1 1 0 | ---- | ---- | | b |
+// 1 1 1 1 1 1 | a() | a() | B | b | nothing; NN
+// c and d:
+// if !SameName()
+// d if FromBeforeTo()
+// c else
+// b: SameName) && sameHash()
+// e: SameName() && !sameHash() && BothAreFiles()
+// f: SameName() && !sameHash() && FileAndDir()
+// g: SameName() && !sameHash() && BothAreDirs() && NoneIsEmpty
+// i: SameName() && !sameHash() && BothAreDirs() && FromIsEmpty
+// h: else of i
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/noder"
+// DiffTree calculates the list of changes between two merkletries. It
+// uses the provided hashEqual callback to compare noders.
+func DiffTree(fromTree, toTree noder.Noder,
+ hashEqual noder.Equal) (Changes, error) {
+ ret := NewChanges()
+ ii, err := newDoubleIter(fromTree, toTree, hashEqual)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ for {
+ from := ii.from.current
+ to := ii.to.current
+ switch r := ii.remaining(); r {
+ case noMoreNoders:
+ return ret, nil
+ case onlyFromRemains:
+ if err = ret.AddRecursiveDelete(from); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err = ii.nextFrom(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ case onlyToRemains:
+ if err = ret.AddRecursiveInsert(to); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err = ii.nextTo(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ case bothHaveNodes:
+ if err = diffNodes(&ret, ii); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown remaining value: %d", r))
+ }
+ }
+func diffNodes(changes *Changes, ii *doubleIter) error {
+ from := ii.from.current
+ to := ii.to.current
+ var err error
+ // compare their full paths as strings
+ switch strings.Compare(from.String(), to.String()) {
+ case -1:
+ if err = changes.AddRecursiveDelete(from); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = ii.nextFrom(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ case 1:
+ if err = changes.AddRecursiveInsert(to); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = ii.nextTo(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ default:
+ if err := diffNodesSameName(changes, ii); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func diffNodesSameName(changes *Changes, ii *doubleIter) error {
+ from := ii.from.current
+ to := ii.to.current
+ status, err := ii.compare()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ switch {
+ case status.sameHash:
+ // do nothing
+ if err = ii.nextBoth(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ case status.bothAreFiles:
+ changes.Add(NewModify(from, to))
+ if err = ii.nextBoth(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ case status.fileAndDir:
+ if err = changes.AddRecursiveDelete(from); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = changes.AddRecursiveInsert(to); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = ii.nextBoth(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ case status.bothAreDirs:
+ if err = diffDirs(changes, ii); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("bad status from double iterator")
+ }
+ return nil
+func diffDirs(changes *Changes, ii *doubleIter) error {
+ from := ii.from.current
+ to := ii.to.current
+ status, err := ii.compare()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ switch {
+ case status.fromIsEmptyDir:
+ if err = changes.AddRecursiveInsert(to); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = ii.nextBoth(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ case status.toIsEmptyDir:
+ if err = changes.AddRecursiveDelete(from); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = ii.nextBoth(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ case !status.fromIsEmptyDir && !status.toIsEmptyDir:
+ // do nothing
+ if err = ii.stepBoth(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("both dirs are empty but has different hash")
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/utils/merkletrie/difftree_test.go b/utils/merkletrie/difftree_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a193af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/merkletrie/difftree_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+package merkletrie_test
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "unicode"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/internal/fsnoder"
+ . "gopkg.in/check.v1"
+func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
+type DiffTreeSuite struct{}
+var _ = Suite(&DiffTreeSuite{})
+type diffTreeTest struct {
+ from string
+ to string
+ expected string
+func (t diffTreeTest) innerRun(c *C, context string, reverse bool) {
+ comment := Commentf("\n%s", context)
+ if reverse {
+ comment = Commentf("%s [REVERSED]", comment.CheckCommentString())
+ }
+ a, err := fsnoder.New(t.from)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
+ comment = Commentf("%s\n\t from = %s", comment.CheckCommentString(), a)
+ b, err := fsnoder.New(t.to)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
+ comment = Commentf("%s\n\t to = %s", comment.CheckCommentString(), b)
+ expected, err := newChangesFromString(t.expected)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
+ if reverse {
+ a, b = b, a
+ expected = expected.reverse()
+ }
+ comment = Commentf("%s\n\texpected = %s", comment.CheckCommentString(), expected)
+ results, err := merkletrie.DiffTree(a, b, fsnoder.HashEqual)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
+ obtained, err := newChanges(results)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
+ comment = Commentf("%s\n\tobtained = %s", comment.CheckCommentString(), obtained)
+ c.Assert(obtained, changesEquals, expected, comment)
+func (t diffTreeTest) run(c *C, context string) {
+ t.innerRun(c, context, false)
+ t.innerRun(c, context, true)
+type change struct {
+ merkletrie.Action
+ path string
+func (c change) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("<%s %s>", c.Action, c.path)
+func (c change) reverse() change {
+ ret := change{
+ path: c.path,
+ }
+ switch c.Action {
+ case merkletrie.Insert:
+ ret.Action = merkletrie.Delete
+ case merkletrie.Delete:
+ ret.Action = merkletrie.Insert
+ case merkletrie.Modify:
+ ret.Action = merkletrie.Modify
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown action type: %d", c.Action))
+ }
+ return ret
+type changes []change
+func newChanges(original merkletrie.Changes) (changes, error) {
+ ret := make(changes, len(original))
+ for i, c := range original {
+ action, err := c.Action()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ switch action {
+ case merkletrie.Insert:
+ ret[i] = change{
+ Action: merkletrie.Insert,
+ path: c.To.String(),
+ }
+ case merkletrie.Delete:
+ ret[i] = change{
+ Action: merkletrie.Delete,
+ path: c.From.String(),
+ }
+ case merkletrie.Modify:
+ ret[i] = change{
+ Action: merkletrie.Modify,
+ path: c.From.String(),
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported action %d", c.Action))
+ }
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+func newChangesFromString(s string) (changes, error) {
+ ret := make([]change, 0)
+ s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
+ s = removeDuplicatedSpace(s)
+ s = turnSpaceIntoLiteralSpace(s)
+ if s == "" {
+ return ret, nil
+ }
+ for _, chunk := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
+ change := change{
+ path: string(chunk[1:]),
+ }
+ switch chunk[0] {
+ case '+':
+ change.Action = merkletrie.Insert
+ case '-':
+ change.Action = merkletrie.Delete
+ case '*':
+ change.Action = merkletrie.Modify
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported action descriptor %q", chunk[0]))
+ }
+ ret = append(ret, change)
+ }
+ return ret, nil
+func removeDuplicatedSpace(s string) string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ var lastWasSpace, currentIsSpace bool
+ for _, r := range s {
+ currentIsSpace = unicode.IsSpace(r)
+ if lastWasSpace && currentIsSpace {
+ continue
+ }
+ lastWasSpace = currentIsSpace
+ buf.WriteRune(r)
+ }
+ return buf.String()
+func turnSpaceIntoLiteralSpace(s string) string {
+ return strings.Map(
+ func(r rune) rune {
+ if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
+ return ' '
+ }
+ return r
+ }, s)
+func (cc changes) Len() int { return len(cc) }
+func (cc changes) Swap(i, j int) { cc[i], cc[j] = cc[j], cc[i] }
+func (cc changes) Less(i, j int) bool { return strings.Compare(cc[i].String(), cc[j].String()) < 0 }
+func (cc changes) equals(other changes) bool {
+ sort.Sort(cc)
+ sort.Sort(other)
+ return reflect.DeepEqual(cc, other)
+func (cc changes) String() string {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "len(%d) [", len(cc))
+ sep := ""
+ for _, c := range cc {
+ fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s%s", sep, c)
+ sep = ", "
+ }
+ buf.WriteByte(']')
+ return buf.String()
+func (cc changes) reverse() changes {
+ ret := make(changes, len(cc))
+ for i, c := range cc {
+ ret[i] = c.reverse()
+ }
+ return ret
+type changesEqualsChecker struct {
+ *CheckerInfo
+var changesEquals Checker = &changesEqualsChecker{
+ &CheckerInfo{Name: "changesEquals", Params: []string{"obtained", "expected"}},
+func (checker *changesEqualsChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
+ a, ok := params[0].(changes)
+ if !ok {
+ return false, "first parameter must be a changes"
+ }
+ b, ok := params[1].(changes)
+ if !ok {
+ return false, "second parameter must be a changes"
+ }
+ return a.equals(b), ""
+func do(c *C, list []diffTreeTest) {
+ for i, t := range list {
+ t.run(c, fmt.Sprintf("test #%d:", i))
+ }
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestEmptyVsEmpty(c *C) {
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {"()", "()", ""},
+ {"A()", "A()", ""},
+ {"A()", "()", ""},
+ {"A()", "B()", ""},
+ })
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestBasicCases(c *C) {
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {"()", "()", ""},
+ {"()", "(a<>)", "+a"},
+ {"()", "(a<1>)", "+a"},
+ {"()", "(a())", ""},
+ {"()", "(a(b()))", ""},
+ {"()", "(a(b<>))", "+a/b"},
+ {"()", "(a(b<1>))", "+a/b"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(a<>)", ""},
+ {"(a<>)", "(a<1>)", "*a"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(a())", "-a"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(a(b()))", "-a"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(a(b<>))", "-a +a/b"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(a(b<1>))", "-a +a/b"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(c())", "-a"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(c(b()))", "-a"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(c(b<>))", "-a +c/b"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(c(b<1>))", "-a +c/b"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(c(a()))", "-a"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(c(a<>))", "-a +c/a"},
+ {"(a<>)", "(c(a<1>))", "-a +c/a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(a<1>)", ""},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(a<2>)", "*a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(b<1>)", "-a +b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(b<2>)", "-a +b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(a())", "-a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(a(b()))", "-a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(a(b<>))", "-a +a/b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(a(b<1>))", "-a +a/b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(a(b<2>))", "-a +a/b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c())", "-a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(b()))", "-a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(b<>))", "-a +c/b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(b<1>))", "-a +c/b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(b<2>))", "-a +c/b"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c())", "-a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(a()))", "-a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(a<>))", "-a +c/a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(a<1>))", "-a +c/a"},
+ {"(a<1>)", "(c(a<2>))", "-a +c/a"},
+ {"(a())", "(a())", ""},
+ {"(a())", "(b())", ""},
+ {"(a())", "(a(b()))", ""},
+ {"(a())", "(b(a()))", ""},
+ {"(a())", "(a(b<>))", "+a/b"},
+ {"(a())", "(a(b<1>))", "+a/b"},
+ {"(a())", "(b(a<>))", "+b/a"},
+ {"(a())", "(b(a<1>))", "+b/a"},
+ })
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestHorizontals(c *C) {
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {"()", "(a<> b<>)", "+a +b"},
+ {"()", "(a<> b<1>)", "+a +b"},
+ {"()", "(a<> b())", "+a"},
+ {"()", "(a() b<>)", "+b"},
+ {"()", "(a<1> b<>)", "+a +b"},
+ {"()", "(a<1> b<1>)", "+a +b"},
+ {"()", "(a<1> b<2>)", "+a +b"},
+ {"()", "(a<1> b())", "+a"},
+ {"()", "(a() b<1>)", "+b"},
+ {"()", "(a() b())", ""},
+ {"()", "(a<> b<> c<> d<>)", "+a +b +c +d"},
+ {"()", "(a<> b<1> c() d<> e<2> f())", "+a +b +d +e"},
+ })
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestVerticals(c *C) {
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {"()", "(z<>)", "+z"},
+ {"()", "(a(z<>))", "+a/z"},
+ {"()", "(a(b(z<>)))", "+a/b/z"},
+ {"()", "(a(b(c(z<>))))", "+a/b/c/z"},
+ {"()", "(a(b(c(d(z<>)))))", "+a/b/c/d/z"},
+ {"()", "(a(b(c(d(z<1>)))))", "+a/b/c/d/z"},
+ })
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestSingleInserts(c *C) {
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {"()", "(z<>)", "+z"},
+ {"(a())", "(a(z<>))", "+a/z"},
+ {"(a())", "(a(b(z<>)))", "+a/b/z"},
+ {"(a(b(c())))", "(a(b(c(z<>))))", "+a/b/c/z"},
+ {"(a<> b<> c<>)", "(a<> b<> c<> z<>)", "+z"},
+ {"(a(b<> c<> d<>))", "(a(b<> c<> d<> z<>))", "+a/z"},
+ {"(a(b(c<> d<> e<>)))", "(a(b(c<> d<> e<> z<>)))", "+a/b/z"},
+ {"(a(b<>) f<>)", "(a(b<>) f<> z<>)", "+z"},
+ {"(a(b<>) f<>)", "(a(b<> z<>) f<>)", "+a/z"},
+ })
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestDebug(c *C) {
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {"(a(b<>) f<>)", "(a(b<> z<>) f<>)", "+a/z"},
+ })
+// root
+// / | \
+// / | ----
+// f d h --------
+// /\ / \ |
+// e a j b/ g
+// | / \ |
+// l n k icm
+// |
+// o
+// |
+// p/
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestCrazy(c *C) {
+ crazy := "(f(e(l<1>) a(n(o(p())) k<1>)) d<1> h(j(i<1> c<2> m<>) b() g<>))"
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {
+ crazy,
+ "()",
+ "-d -f/e/l -f/a/k -h/j/i -h/j/c -h/j/m -h/g",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ crazy,
+ "",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ "(d<1>)",
+ "-f/e/l -f/a/k -h/j/i -h/j/c -h/j/m -h/g",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ "(d<1> h(b() g<>))",
+ "-f/e/l -f/a/k -h/j/i -h/j/c -h/j/m",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ "(d<1> f(e(l()) a()) h(b() g<>))",
+ "-f/e/l -f/a/k -h/j/i -h/j/c -h/j/m",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ "(d<1> f(e(l<1>) a()) h(b() g<>))",
+ "-f/a/k -h/j/i -h/j/c -h/j/m",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ "(d<2> f(e(l<2>) a(s(t<1>))) h(b() g<> r<> j(i<> c<3> m<>)))",
+ "+f/a/s/t +h/r -f/a/k *d *f/e/l *h/j/c *h/j/i",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ "(f(e(l<2>) a(n(o(p<1>)) k<>)) h(j(i<1> c<2> m<>) b() g<>))",
+ "*f/e/l +f/a/n/o/p *f/a/k -d",
+ }, {
+ crazy,
+ "(f(e(l<1>) a(n(o(p(r<1>))) k<1>)) d<1> h(j(i<1> c<2> b() m<>) g<1>))",
+ "+f/a/n/o/p/r *h/g",
+ },
+ })
+func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestSameNames(c *C) {
+ do(c, []diffTreeTest{
+ {
+ "(a(a(a<>)))",
+ "(a(a(a<1>)))",
+ "*a/a/a",
+ }, {
+ "(a(b(a<>)))",
+ "(a(b(a<>)) b(a<>))",
+ "+b/a",
+ }, {
+ "(a(b(a<>)))",
+ "(a(b()) b(a<>))",
+ "-a/b/a +b/a",
+ },
+ })
diff --git a/utils/merkletrie/doubleiter.go b/utils/merkletrie/doubleiter.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5e538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/merkletrie/doubleiter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+package merkletrie
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "srcd.works/go-git.v4/utils/merkletrie/noder"
+// A doubleIter is a convenience type to keep track of the current
+// noders in two merkletries that are going to be iterated in parallel.
+// It has methods for:
+// - iterating over the merkletries, both at the same time or
+// individually: nextFrom, nextTo, nextBoth, stepBoth
+// - checking if there are noders left in one or both of them with the
+// remaining method and its associated returned type.
+// - comparing the current noders of both merkletries in several ways,
+// with the compare method and its associated returned type.
+type doubleIter struct {
+ from struct {
+ iter *Iter
+ current noder.Path // nil if no more nodes
+ }
+ to struct {
+ iter *Iter
+ current noder.Path // nil if no more nodes
+ }
+ hashEqual noder.Equal
+// NewdoubleIter returns a new doubleIter for the merkletries "from" and
+// "to". The hashEqual callback function will be used by the doubleIter
+// to compare the hash of the noders in the merkletries. The doubleIter
+// will be initialized to the first elements in each merkletrie if any.
+func newDoubleIter(from, to noder.Noder, hashEqual noder.Equal) (
+ *doubleIter, error) {
+ var ii doubleIter
+ var err error
+ if ii.from.iter, err = NewIter(from); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("from: %s", err)
+ }
+ if ii.from.current, err = ii.from.iter.Next(); turnEOFIntoNil(err) != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("from: %s", err)
+ }
+ if ii.to.iter, err = NewIter(to); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("to: %s", err)
+ }
+ if ii.to.current, err = ii.to.iter.Next(); turnEOFIntoNil(err) != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("to: %s", err)
+ }
+ ii.hashEqual = hashEqual
+ return &ii, nil
+func turnEOFIntoNil(e error) error {
+ if e != nil && e != io.EOF {
+ return e
+ }
+ return nil
+// NextBoth makes d advance to the next noder in both merkletries. If
+// any of them is a directory, it skips its contents.
+func (d *doubleIter) nextBoth() error {
+ if err := d.nextFrom(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := d.nextTo(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// NextFrom makes d advance to the next noder in the "from" merkletrie,
+// skipping its contents if it is a directory.
+func (d *doubleIter) nextFrom() (err error) {
+ d.from.current, err = d.from.iter.Next()
+ return turnEOFIntoNil(err)
+// NextTo makes d advance to the next noder in the "to" merkletrie,
+// skipping its contents if it is a directory.
+func (d *doubleIter) nextTo() (err error) {
+ d.to.current, err = d.to.iter.Next()
+ return turnEOFIntoNil(err)
+// StepBoth makes d advance to the next noder in both merkletries,
+// getting deeper into directories if that is the case.
+func (d *doubleIter) stepBoth() (err error) {
+ if d.from.current, err = d.from.iter.Step(); turnEOFIntoNil(err) != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if d.to.current, err = d.to.iter.Step(); turnEOFIntoNil(err) != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// Remaining returns if there are no more noders in the tree, if both
+// have noders or if one of them doesn't.
+func (d *doubleIter) remaining() remaining {
+ if d.from.current == nil && d.to.current == nil {
+ return noMoreNoders
+ }
+ if d.from.current == nil && d.to.current != nil {
+ return onlyToRemains
+ }
+ if d.from.current != nil && d.to.current == nil {
+ return onlyFromRemains
+ }
+ return bothHaveNodes
+// Remaining values tells you whether both trees still have noders, or
+// only one of them or none of them.
+type remaining int
+const (
+ noMoreNoders remaining = iota
+ onlyToRemains
+ onlyFromRemains
+ bothHaveNodes
+// Compare returns the comparison between the current elements in the
+// merkletries.
+func (d *doubleIter) compare() (s comparison, err error) {
+ s.sameHash = d.hashEqual(d.from.current, d.to.current)
+ fromIsDir := d.from.current.IsDir()
+ toIsDir := d.to.current.IsDir()
+ s.bothAreDirs = fromIsDir && toIsDir
+ s.bothAreFiles = !fromIsDir && !toIsDir
+ s.fileAndDir = !s.bothAreDirs && !s.bothAreFiles
+ fromNumChildren, err := d.from.current.NumChildren()
+ if err != nil {
+ return comparison{}, fmt.Errorf("from: %s", err)
+ }
+ toNumChildren, err := d.to.current.NumChildren()
+ if err != nil {
+ return comparison{}, fmt.Errorf("to: %s", err)
+ }
+ s.fromIsEmptyDir = fromIsDir && fromNumChildren == 0
+ s.toIsEmptyDir = toIsDir && toNumChildren == 0
+ return
+// Answers to a lot of questions you can ask about how to noders are
+// equal or different.
+type comparison struct {
+ // the following are only valid if both nodes have the same name
+ // (i.e. nameComparison == 0)
+ // Do both nodes have the same hash?
+ sameHash bool
+ // Are both nodes files?
+ bothAreFiles bool
+ // the following are only valid if any of the noders are dirs,
+ // this is, if !bothAreFiles
+ // Is one a file and the other a dir?
+ fileAndDir bool
+ // Are both nodes dirs?
+ bothAreDirs bool
+ // Is the from node an empty dir?
+ fromIsEmptyDir bool
+ // Is the to Node an empty dir?
+ toIsEmptyDir bool