path: root/blame
diff options
authorMáximo Cuadros <mcuadros@gmail.com>2015-12-12 03:22:52 +0100
committerMáximo Cuadros <mcuadros@gmail.com>2015-12-12 03:22:52 +0100
commitb543e4e02793a58db25148214ef149cb571792f5 (patch)
treed68b7e33aba06f67d3c3e301b4a68f09de0ded6a /blame
parentc22c181f70e0afb294513315e9975b9f3f4c1d39 (diff)
blame code reorganization, and mutting the test
Diffstat (limited to 'blame')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 902 deletions
diff --git a/blame/blame.go b/blame/blame.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7256a7b..0000000
--- a/blame/blame.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-// Package blame contains blaming functionality for files in the repo.
-// Blaming a file is finding what commit was the last to modify each of
-// the lines in the file, therefore the output of a blaming operation is
-// usualy a slice of commits, one commit per line in the file.
-// This package also provides a pretty print function to output the
-// results of a blame in a similar format to the git-blame command.
-package blame
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "unicode/utf8"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v2"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v2/core"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v2/diff"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v2/revlist"
-// Blame returns the last commit that modified each line of a file in
-// a repository.
-// The file to blame is identified by the input arguments: repo, commit and path.
-// The output is a slice of commits, one for each line in the file.
-// Blaming a file is a two step process:
-// 1. Create a linear history of the commits affecting a file. We use
-// revlist.New for that.
-// 2. Then build a graph with a node for every line in every file in
-// the history of the file.
-// Each node (line) holds the commit where it was introduced or
-// last modified. To achieve that we use the FORWARD algorithm
-// described in Zimmermann, et al. "Mining Version Archives for
-// Co-changed Lines", in proceedings of the Mining Software
-// Repositories workshop, Shanghai, May 22-23, 2006.
-// Each node is asigned a commit: Start by the nodes in the first
-// commit. Assign that commit as the creator of all its lines.
-// Then jump to the nodes in the next commit, and calculate the diff
-// between the two files. Newly created lines get
-// assigned the new commit as its origin. Modified lines also get
-// this new commit. Untouched lines retain the old commit.
-// All this work is done in the assignOrigin function which holds all
-// the internal relevant data in a "blame" struct, that is not
-// exported.
-// TODO: ways to improve the efficiency of this function:
-// 1. Improve revlist
-// 2. Improve how to traverse the history (example a backward
-// traversal will be much more efficient)
-// TODO: ways to improve the function in general:
-// 1. Add memoization between revlist and assign.
-// 2. It is using much more memory than needed, see the TODOs below.
-type Blame struct {
- Repo string
- Path string
- Rev string
- Lines []*line
-func New(repo *git.Repository, path string, commit *git.Commit) (*Blame, error) {
- // init the internal blame struct
- b := new(blame)
- b.repo = repo
- b.fRev = commit
- b.path = path
- // get all the file revisions
- if err := b.fillRevs(); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // calculate the line tracking graph and fill in
- // file contents in data.
- if err := b.fillGraphAndData(); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- file, err := b.fRev.File(b.path)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- finalLines := file.Lines()
- lines, err := newLines(finalLines, b.sliceGraph(len(b.graph)-1))
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &Blame{
- Repo: repo.URL,
- Path: path,
- Rev: commit.Hash.String(),
- Lines: lines,
- }, nil
-type line struct {
- author string
- text string
-func newLine(author, text string) *line {
- return &line{
- author: author,
- text: text,
- }
-func newLines(contents []string, commits []*git.Commit) ([]*line, error) {
- if len(contents) != len(commits) {
- return nil, errors.New("contents and commits have different length")
- }
- result := make([]*line, 0, len(contents))
- for i := range contents {
- l := newLine(commits[i].Author.Email, contents[i])
- result = append(result, l)
- }
- return result, nil
-// this struct is internally used by the blame function to hold its
-// inputs, outputs and state.
-type blame struct {
- repo *git.Repository // the repo holding the history of the file to blame
- path string // the path of the file to blame
- fRev *git.Commit // the commit of the final revision of the file to blame
- revs revlist.Revs // the chain of revisions affecting the the file to blame
- data []string // the contents of the file across all its revisions
- graph [][]*git.Commit // the graph of the lines in the file across all the revisions TODO: not all commits are needed, only the current rev and the prev
-// calculte the history of a file "path", starting from commit "from", sorted by commit date.
-func (b *blame) fillRevs() error {
- var err error
- b.revs, err = revlist.NewRevs(b.repo, b.fRev, b.path)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-// build graph of a file from its revision history
-func (b *blame) fillGraphAndData() error {
- b.graph = make([][]*git.Commit, len(b.revs))
- b.data = make([]string, len(b.revs)) // file contents in all the revisions
- // for every revision of the file, starting with the first
- // one...
- for i, rev := range b.revs {
- // get the contents of the file
- file, err := rev.File(b.path)
- if err != nil {
- return nil
- }
- b.data[i] = file.Contents()
- nLines := git.CountLines(b.data[i])
- // create a node for each line
- b.graph[i] = make([]*git.Commit, nLines)
- // assign a commit to each node
- // if this is the first revision, then the node is assigned to
- // this first commit.
- if i == 0 {
- for j := 0; j < nLines; j++ {
- b.graph[i][j] = (*git.Commit)(b.revs[i])
- }
- } else {
- // if this is not the first commit, then assign to the old
- // commit or to the new one, depending on what the diff
- // says.
- b.assignOrigin(i, i-1)
- }
- }
- return nil
-// sliceGraph returns a slice of commits (one per line) for a particular
-// revision of a file (0=first revision).
-func (b *blame) sliceGraph(i int) []*git.Commit {
- fVs := b.graph[i]
- result := make([]*git.Commit, 0, len(fVs))
- for _, v := range fVs {
- c := git.Commit(*v)
- result = append(result, &c)
- }
- return result
-// Assigns origin to vertexes in current (c) rev from data in its previous (p)
-// revision
-func (b *blame) assignOrigin(c, p int) {
- // assign origin based on diff info
- hunks := diff.Do(b.data[p], b.data[c])
- sl := -1 // source line
- dl := -1 // destination line
- for h := range hunks {
- hLines := git.CountLines(hunks[h].Text)
- for hl := 0; hl < hLines; hl++ {
- switch {
- case hunks[h].Type == 0:
- sl++
- dl++
- b.graph[c][dl] = b.graph[p][sl]
- case hunks[h].Type == 1:
- dl++
- b.graph[c][dl] = (*git.Commit)(b.revs[c])
- case hunks[h].Type == -1:
- sl++
- default:
- panic("unreachable")
- }
- }
- }
-// GoString prints the results of a Blame using git-blame's style.
-func (b *blame) GoString() string {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- file, err := b.fRev.File(b.path)
- if err != nil {
- panic("PrettyPrint: internal error in repo.Data")
- }
- contents := file.Contents()
- lines := strings.Split(contents, "\n")
- // max line number length
- mlnl := len(fmt.Sprintf("%s", strconv.Itoa(len(lines))))
- // max author length
- mal := b.maxAuthorLength()
- format := fmt.Sprintf("%%s (%%-%ds %%%dd) %%s\n",
- mal, mlnl)
- fVs := b.graph[len(b.graph)-1]
- for ln, v := range fVs {
- fmt.Fprintf(&buf, format, v.Hash.String()[:8],
- prettyPrintAuthor(fVs[ln]), ln+1, lines[ln])
- }
- return buf.String()
-// utility function to pretty print the author.
-func prettyPrintAuthor(c *git.Commit) string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", c.Author.Name, c.Author.When.Format("2006-01-02"))
-// utility function to calculate the number of runes needed
-// to print the longest author name in the blame of a file.
-func (b *blame) maxAuthorLength() int {
- memo := make(map[core.Hash]struct{}, len(b.graph)-1)
- fVs := b.graph[len(b.graph)-1]
- m := 0
- for ln := range fVs {
- if _, ok := memo[fVs[ln].Hash]; ok {
- continue
- }
- memo[fVs[ln].Hash] = struct{}{}
- m = max(m, utf8.RuneCountInString(prettyPrintAuthor(fVs[ln])))
- }
- return m
-func max(a, b int) int {
- if a > b {
- return a
- }
- return b
diff --git a/blame/blame2humantest.bash b/blame/blame2humantest.bash
deleted file mode 100755
index 259988f..0000000
--- a/blame/blame2humantest.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-repo=`git remote show origin | grep Fetch | cut -d' ' -f5`
-if [ "$#" -eq 1 ] ; then
- commit=`git log | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f2`
- path=$1
-elif [ "$#" -eq 2 ] ; then
- commit=$1
- path=$2
- echo "bad number of parameters" > /dev/stderr
- echo > /dev/stderr
- echo " try with: [commit] path" > /dev/stderr
- exit
-blames=`git blame --root $path | cut -d' ' -f1`
-declare -a blame
-for shortBlame in $blames ; do
- blame[$i]=`git show $shortBlame | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f2`
- i=`expr $i + 1`
-# some remotes have the .git, other don't,
-# repoDot makes sure all have
-echo -e "\t{\"${repoDot}\", \"${branch}\", \"${commit}\", \"${path}\", concat(&[]string{},"
-for i in ${blame[@]} ; do
- if [ "${prev}" == "" ] ; then
- prev=$i
- elif [ "$prev" == "$i" ] ; then
- count=`expr $count + 1`
- else
- echo -e "\t\trepeat(\"${prev}\", $count),"
- count=1
- prev=$i
- fi
-echo -e "\t\trepeat(\"${prev}\", $count),"
-echo -e "\t)},"
diff --git a/blame/blame_test.go b/blame/blame_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c24852..0000000
--- a/blame/blame_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
-package blame
-import (
- "bytes"
- "os"
- "testing"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v2"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v2/core"
- "gopkg.in/src-d/go-git.v2/formats/packfile"
- . "gopkg.in/check.v1"
-func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
-type SuiteCommon struct {
- repos map[string]*git.Repository
-var _ = Suite(&SuiteCommon{})
-var fixtureRepos = [...]struct {
- url string
- packfile string
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "../formats/packfile/fixtures/git-fixture.ofs-delta"},
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "../formats/packfile/fixtures/spinnaker-spinnaker.pack"},
-// create the repositories of the fixtures
-func (s *SuiteCommon) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
- s.repos = make(map[string]*git.Repository, 0)
- for _, fixRepo := range fixtureRepos {
- repo := git.NewPlainRepository()
- repo.URL = fixRepo.url
- d, err := os.Open(fixRepo.packfile)
- c.Assert(err, IsNil)
- r := packfile.NewReader(d)
- // TODO: how to know the format of a pack file ahead of time?
- // Some info at:
- // https://codewords.recurse.com/issues/three/unpacking-git-packfiles
- r.Format = packfile.OFSDeltaFormat
- _, err = r.Read(repo.Storage)
- c.Assert(err, IsNil)
- c.Assert(d.Close(), IsNil)
- s.repos[fixRepo.url] = repo
- }
-type blameTest struct {
- repo string
- rev string
- path string
- blames []string // the commits blamed for each line
-func (s *SuiteCommon) mockBlame(t blameTest, c *C) (blame *Blame) {
- repo, ok := s.repos[t.repo]
- c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
- commit, err := repo.Commit(core.NewHash(t.rev))
- c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("%v: repo=%s, rev=%s", err, repo, t.rev))
- file, err := commit.File(t.path)
- c.Assert(err, IsNil)
- lines := file.Lines()
- c.Assert(len(t.blames), Equals, len(lines), Commentf(
- "repo=%s, path=%s, rev=%s: the number of lines in the file and the number of expected blames differ (len(blames)=%d, len(lines)=%d)\nblames=%#q\nlines=%#q", t.repo, t.path, t.rev, len(t.blames), len(lines), t.blames, lines))
- blamedLines := make([]*line, 0, len(t.blames))
- for i := range t.blames {
- commit, err := repo.Commit(core.NewHash(t.blames[i]))
- c.Assert(err, IsNil)
- l := &line{
- author: commit.Author.Email,
- text: lines[i],
- }
- blamedLines = append(blamedLines, l)
- }
- return &Blame{
- Repo: t.repo,
- Path: t.path,
- Rev: t.rev,
- Lines: blamedLines,
- }
-// run a blame on all the suite's tests
-func (s *SuiteCommon) TestBlame(c *C) {
- for i, t := range blameTests {
- expected := s.mockBlame(t, c)
- repo, ok := s.repos[t.repo]
- c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
- commit, err := repo.Commit(core.NewHash(t.rev))
- c.Assert(err, IsNil)
- obtained, err := New(repo, t.path, commit)
- c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("subtest %d", i))
- c.Assert(obtained, DeepEquals, expected, Commentf("subtest %d: %s",
- i, sideBySide(obtained, expected)))
- }
-func sideBySide(output, expected *Blame) string {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- buf.WriteString(output.Repo)
- buf.WriteString(" ")
- buf.WriteString(expected.Repo)
- return buf.String()
-// utility function to avoid writing so many repeated commits
-func repeat(s string, n int) []string {
- if n < 0 {
- panic("repeat: n < 0")
- }
- r := make([]string, 0, n)
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- r = append(r, s)
- }
- return r
-// utility function to concat slices
-func concat(vargs ...[]string) []string {
- var result []string
- for _, ss := range vargs {
- result = append(result, ss...)
- }
- return result
-var blameTests = [...]blameTest{
- // use the blame2humantest.bash script to easily add more tests.
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "binary.jpg", concat(
- repeat("35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9", 285),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "CHANGELOG", concat(
- repeat("b8e471f58bcbca63b07bda20e428190409c2db47", 1),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "go/example.go", concat(
- repeat("918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294", 142),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "json/long.json", concat(
- repeat("af2d6a6954d532f8ffb47615169c8fdf9d383a1a", 6492),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "json/short.json", concat(
- repeat("af2d6a6954d532f8ffb47615169c8fdf9d383a1a", 22),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "LICENSE", concat(
- repeat("b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d", 22),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "php/crappy.php", concat(
- repeat("918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294", 259),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/tyba/git-fixture.git", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "vendor/foo.go", concat(
- repeat("6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", 7),
- )},
- /*
- // Failed
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "InstallSpinnaker.sh", concat(
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 2),
- repeat("a47d0aaeda421f06df248ad65bd58230766bf118", 1),
- repeat("23673af3ad70b50bba7fdafadc2323302f5ba520", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 29),
- repeat("9a06d3f20eabb254d0a1e2ff7735ef007ccd595e", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 4),
- repeat("a47d0aaeda421f06df248ad65bd58230766bf118", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 5),
- repeat("0c5bb1e4392e751f884f3c57de5d4aee72c40031", 2),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 3),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 7),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 2),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 5),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 7),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 3),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 6),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 10),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 4),
- repeat("0c5bb1e4392e751f884f3c57de5d4aee72c40031", 2),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 2),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 4),
- repeat("23673af3ad70b50bba7fdafadc2323302f5ba520", 4),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 4),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 1),
- repeat("0c5bb1e4392e751f884f3c57de5d4aee72c40031", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 13),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 2),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 6),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 2),
- repeat("0c5bb1e4392e751f884f3c57de5d4aee72c40031", 1),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 4),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 3),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 2),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 4),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 3),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 15),
- repeat("b41d7c0e5b20bbe7c8eb6606731a3ff68f4e3941", 1),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 1),
- repeat("b41d7c0e5b20bbe7c8eb6606731a3ff68f4e3941", 8),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 2),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 12),
- repeat("505577dc87d300cf562dc4702a05a5615d90d855", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 5),
- repeat("370d61cdbc1f3c90db6759f1599ccbabd40ad6c1", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 4),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 1),
- repeat("b41d7c0e5b20bbe7c8eb6606731a3ff68f4e3941", 5),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 3),
- repeat("b41d7c0e5b20bbe7c8eb6606731a3ff68f4e3941", 2),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 2),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 9),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 1),
- repeat("b41d7c0e5b20bbe7c8eb6606731a3ff68f4e3941", 3),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 4),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("8eb116de9128c314ac8a6f5310ca500b8c74f5db", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 6),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 6),
- repeat("d2f6214b625db706384b378a29cc4c22237db97a", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 3),
- repeat("d2f6214b625db706384b378a29cc4c22237db97a", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 4),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 1),
- repeat("c9c2a0ec03968ab17e8b16fdec9661eb1dbea173", 1),
- repeat("d2f6214b625db706384b378a29cc4c22237db97a", 2),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 12),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 5),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 3),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 5),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 3),
- repeat("a47d0aaeda421f06df248ad65bd58230766bf118", 5),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 5),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 2),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 1),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("b2c7142082d52b09ca20228606c31c7479c0833e", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("495c7118e7cf757aa04eab410b64bfb5b5149ad2", 1),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 1),
- repeat("495c7118e7cf757aa04eab410b64bfb5b5149ad2", 3),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 1),
- repeat("495c7118e7cf757aa04eab410b64bfb5b5149ad2", 1),
- repeat("50d0556563599366f29cb286525780004fa5a317", 1),
- repeat("dd2d03c19658ff96d371aef00e75e2e54702da0e", 1),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 1),
- repeat("dd2d03c19658ff96d371aef00e75e2e54702da0e", 2),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 2),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 1),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("b5c6053a46993b20d1b91e7b7206bffa54669ad7", 1),
- repeat("9e74d009894d73dd07773ea6b3bdd8323db980f7", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("d4b48a39aba7d3bd3e8abef2274a95b112d1ae73", 4),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 1),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 1),
- repeat("d2f6214b625db706384b378a29cc4c22237db97a", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 3),
- repeat("b41d7c0e5b20bbe7c8eb6606731a3ff68f4e3941", 2),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 2),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 4),
- repeat("d2f6214b625db706384b378a29cc4c22237db97a", 1),
- repeat("b7015a5d36990d69a054482556127b9c7404a24a", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 5),
- repeat("b41d7c0e5b20bbe7c8eb6606731a3ff68f4e3941", 2),
- repeat("d2f6214b625db706384b378a29cc4c22237db97a", 1),
- repeat("ce9f123d790717599aaeb76bc62510de437761be", 5),
- repeat("ba486de7c025457963701114c683dcd4708e1dee", 4),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 1),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 3),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 1),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 3),
- repeat("6328ee836affafc1b52127147b5ca07300ac78e6", 2),
- repeat("01e65d67eed8afcb67a6bdf1c962541f62b299c9", 3),
- repeat("3de4f77c105f700f50d9549d32b9a05a01b46c4b", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 2),
- repeat("370d61cdbc1f3c90db6759f1599ccbabd40ad6c1", 6),
- repeat("dd7e66c862209e8b912694a582a09c0db3227f0d", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 2),
- repeat("dd7e66c862209e8b912694a582a09c0db3227f0d", 3),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("dd7e66c862209e8b912694a582a09c0db3227f0d", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 3),
- )},
- */
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "pylib/spinnaker/reconfigure_spinnaker.py", concat(
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 22),
- repeat("c89dab0d42f1856d157357e9010f8cc6a12f5b1f", 7),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "pylib/spinnaker/validate_configuration.py", concat(
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 29),
- repeat("1e3d328a2cabda5d0aaddc5dec65271343e0dc37", 19),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 15),
- repeat("b5d999e2986e190d81767cd3cfeda0260f9f6fb8", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 12),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 4),
- repeat("b5d999e2986e190d81767cd3cfeda0260f9f6fb8", 8),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("b5d999e2986e190d81767cd3cfeda0260f9f6fb8", 4),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 46),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 4),
- repeat("1e3d328a2cabda5d0aaddc5dec65271343e0dc37", 42),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("1e3d328a2cabda5d0aaddc5dec65271343e0dc37", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 3),
- repeat("1e3d328a2cabda5d0aaddc5dec65271343e0dc37", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 8),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 2),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 3),
- repeat("1e3d328a2cabda5d0aaddc5dec65271343e0dc37", 3),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 12),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 10),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 69),
- repeat("b5d999e2986e190d81767cd3cfeda0260f9f6fb8", 7),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 4),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "pylib/spinnaker/run.py", concat(
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 185),
- )},
- /*
- // Fail by 3
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "pylib/spinnaker/configurator.py", concat(
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 53),
- repeat("c89dab0d42f1856d157357e9010f8cc6a12f5b1f", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 4),
- repeat("e805183c72f0426fb073728c01901c2fd2db1da6", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 6),
- repeat("023d4fb17b76e0fe0764971df8b8538b735a1d67", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 36),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 3),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 3),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 4),
- repeat("c89dab0d42f1856d157357e9010f8cc6a12f5b1f", 13),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 2),
- repeat("c89dab0d42f1856d157357e9010f8cc6a12f5b1f", 18),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 2),
- repeat("1e14f94bcf82694fdc7e2dcbbfdbbed58db0f4d9", 1),
- repeat("023d4fb17b76e0fe0764971df8b8538b735a1d67", 17),
- repeat("c89dab0d42f1856d157357e9010f8cc6a12f5b1f", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 43),
- )},
- */
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "pylib/spinnaker/__init__.py", []string{}},
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar", concat(
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 1),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 7),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 2),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 2),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 3),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 1),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 10),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 11),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 29),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 7),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 58),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 1),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 1),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 2),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 2),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 13),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 4),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 3),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 13),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 2),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 9),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 3),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 1),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 17),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 3),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 6),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 6),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 3),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 5),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 4),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 3),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 2),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 1),
- repeat("11d6c1020b1765e236ca65b2709d37b5bfdba0f4", 6),
- repeat("bc02440df2ff95a014a7b3cb11b98c3a2bded777", 55),
- )},
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "config/settings.js", concat(
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 17),
- repeat("99534ecc895fe17a1d562bb3049d4168a04d0865", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 43),
- repeat("d2838db9f6ef9628645e7d04cd9658a83e8708ea", 1),
- repeat("637ba49300f701cfbd859c1ccf13c4f39a9ba1c8", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 13),
- )},
- /*
- // fail a few lines
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "config/default-spinnaker-local.yml", concat(
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 9),
- repeat("5e09821cbd7d710405b61cab0a795c2982a71b9c", 2),
- repeat("99534ecc895fe17a1d562bb3049d4168a04d0865", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 2),
- repeat("a596972a661d9a7deca8abd18b52ce1a39516e89", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 5),
- repeat("5e09821cbd7d710405b61cab0a795c2982a71b9c", 2),
- repeat("a596972a661d9a7deca8abd18b52ce1a39516e89", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 5),
- repeat("5e09821cbd7d710405b61cab0a795c2982a71b9c", 1),
- repeat("8980daf661408a3faa1f22c225702a5c1d11d5c9", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 25),
- repeat("caf6d62e8285d4681514dd8027356fb019bc97ff", 1),
- repeat("eaf7614cad81e8ab5c813dd4821129d0c04ea449", 1),
- repeat("caf6d62e8285d4681514dd8027356fb019bc97ff", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 24),
- repeat("974b775a8978b120ff710cac93a21c7387b914c9", 2),
- repeat("3ce7b902a51bac2f10994f7d1f251b616c975e54", 1),
- repeat("5a2a845bc08974a36d599a4a4b7e25be833823b0", 6),
- repeat("41e96c54a478e5d09dd07ed7feb2d8d08d8c7e3c", 14),
- repeat("7c8d9a6081d9cb7a56c479bfe64d70540ea32795", 5),
- repeat("5a2a845bc08974a36d599a4a4b7e25be833823b0", 2),
- )},
- */
- /*
- // fail one line
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "config/spinnaker.yml", concat(
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 32),
- repeat("41e96c54a478e5d09dd07ed7feb2d8d08d8c7e3c", 2),
- repeat("5a2a845bc08974a36d599a4a4b7e25be833823b0", 1),
- repeat("41e96c54a478e5d09dd07ed7feb2d8d08d8c7e3c", 6),
- repeat("5a2a845bc08974a36d599a4a4b7e25be833823b0", 2),
- repeat("41e96c54a478e5d09dd07ed7feb2d8d08d8c7e3c", 2),
- repeat("5a2a845bc08974a36d599a4a4b7e25be833823b0", 2),
- repeat("41e96c54a478e5d09dd07ed7feb2d8d08d8c7e3c", 3),
- repeat("7c8d9a6081d9cb7a56c479bfe64d70540ea32795", 3),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 50),
- repeat("974b775a8978b120ff710cac93a21c7387b914c9", 2),
- repeat("d4553dac205023fa77652308af1a2d1cf52138fb", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 9),
- repeat("caf6d62e8285d4681514dd8027356fb019bc97ff", 1),
- repeat("eaf7614cad81e8ab5c813dd4821129d0c04ea449", 1),
- repeat("caf6d62e8285d4681514dd8027356fb019bc97ff", 1),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 39),
- repeat("079e42e7c979541b6fab7343838f7b9fd4a360cd", 6),
- repeat("ae904e8d60228c21c47368f6a10f1cc9ca3aeebf", 15),
- )},
- */
- /*
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "dev/install_development.sh", concat(
- repeat("99534ecc895fe17a1d562bb3049d4168a04d0865", 1),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 71),
- )},
- */
- /*
- // FAIL two lines interchanged
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "dev/bootstrap_dev.sh", concat(
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 95),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 10),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 7),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 2),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 3),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 4),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 12),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 2),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 2),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 2),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 3),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 6),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 4),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("376599177551c3f04ccc94d71bbb4d037dec0c3f", 2),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 17),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 2),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 2),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 2),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 3),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 3),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 5),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 5),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 8),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 4),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 1),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 6),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 4),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 10),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 2),
- repeat("fc28a378558cdb5bbc08b6dcb96ee77c5b716760", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 1),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 8),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 1),
- repeat("fc28a378558cdb5bbc08b6dcb96ee77c5b716760", 1),
- repeat("d1ff4e13e9e0b500821aa558373878f93487e34b", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 4),
- repeat("24551a5d486969a2972ee05e87f16444890f9555", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 2),
- repeat("24551a5d486969a2972ee05e87f16444890f9555", 1),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 8),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 13),
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 5),
- repeat("24551a5d486969a2972ee05e87f16444890f9555", 1),
- repeat("838aed816872c52ed435e4876a7b64dba0bed500", 8),
- )},
- */
- /*
- // FAIL move?
- {"https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git", "f39d86f59a0781f130e8de6b2115329c1fbe9545", "dev/create_google_dev_vm.sh", concat(
- repeat("a24001f6938d425d0e7504bdf5d27fc866a85c3d", 20),
- )},
- */