package difftree
import (
. ""
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
type DiffTreeSuite struct {
repos map[string]*git.Repository
var _ = Suite(&DiffTreeSuite{})
func (s *DiffTreeSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
fixtureRepos := [...]struct {
url string
packfile string
s.repos = make(map[string]*git.Repository, 0)
for _, fixRepo := range fixtureRepos {
store := memory.NewStorage()
s.repos[fixRepo.url], _ = git.NewRepository(store)
f, err := os.Open(fixRepo.packfile)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r := packfile.NewSeekable(f)
d := packfile.NewDecoder(r)
err = d.Decode(store.ObjectStorage())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(f.Close(), IsNil)
func equalChanges(a, b Changes) bool {
if a == nil && b == nil {
return true
if a == nil || b == nil {
return false
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i, va := range a {
vb := b[i]
if va.Action != vb.Action ||
va.File.Name != vb.File.Name ||
va.File.Size != vb.File.Size {
return false
return true
func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestActionString(c *C) {
expected := "Insert"
action := Insert
obtained := action.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
expected = "Delete"
action = Delete
obtained = action.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
expected = "Modify"
action = Modify
obtained = action.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
action = 37
c.Assert(func() { action.String() },
PanicMatches, "unsupported action: 37")
func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestChangeString(c *C) {
expected := "<Action: Insert, Path: bla, Size: 12>"
change := &Change{
Action: Insert,
File: &git.File{Name: "bla", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 12}},
obtained := change.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
expected = "<Action: Delete, Path: bla, Size: 12>"
change = &Change{
Action: Delete,
File: &git.File{Name: "bla", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 12}},
obtained = change.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
expected = "<Action: Modify, Path: bla, Size: 12>"
change = &Change{
Action: Modify,
File: &git.File{Name: "bla", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 12}},
obtained = change.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestChangesString(c *C) {
expected := "[]"
changes := newEmpty()
obtained := changes.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
expected = "[<Action: Modify, Path: bla, Size: 12>]"
changes = make([]*Change, 1)
changes[0] = &Change{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "bla", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 12}}}
obtained = changes.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
expected = "[<Action: Modify, Path: bla, Size: 12>, <Action: Insert, Path: foo/bar, Size: 124>]"
changes = make([]*Change, 2)
changes[0] = &Change{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "bla", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 12}}}
changes[1] = &Change{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "foo/bar", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 124}}}
obtained = changes.String()
c.Assert(obtained, Equals, expected)
func (s *DiffTreeSuite) TestNew(c *C) {
for i, t := range []struct {
repo string // the repo name as in localRepos
commit1 string // the commit of the first tree
commit2 string // the commit of the second tree
expected Changes // the expected list of changes
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "README", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 0}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "README", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 0}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 359}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 359}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "README", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1176}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_builder.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1956}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 687}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "README", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1176}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_builder.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1956}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 687}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "examples/bot.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 287}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "examples/raw_shell.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1269}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "helpers.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 782}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "README.markdown", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 34}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "ts3.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 4251}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "examples/bot.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 287}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "examples/raw_shell.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1269}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "helpers.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 782}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "README.markdown", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 34}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "ts3.go", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 4251}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1828}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1247}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 2245}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "security.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1361}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "security_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 875}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1221}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1794}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 4220}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "lazy_dir.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 695}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "lazy_dir_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1276}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "security.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 2134}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "security_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1184}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1221}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 2245}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "lazy_dir.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 695}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "lazy_dir_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1276}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "security.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1361}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "security_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 875}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1768}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "security.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 2092}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "security_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1180}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1696}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "gem_eval_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 4622}}},
{Action: Insert, File: &git.File{Name: "git_mock", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 45}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "lazy_dir.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 921}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "lazy_dir_test.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 1617}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "security.rb", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 2179}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "Makefile", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 4166}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "netbsd_init.c", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 953}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "rumphyper_stubs.c", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 766}}},
{Action: Delete, File: &git.File{Name: "sysproxy.c", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 47101}}},
{Action: Modify, File: &git.File{Name: "app-tools/rumprun", Blob: git.Blob{Size: 6492}}},
} {
repo, ok := s.repos[t.repo]
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true,
Commentf("subtest %d: repo %s not found", i, t.repo))
tree1, err := tree(repo, t.commit1)
c.Assert(err, IsNil,
Commentf("subtest %d: unable to retrieve tree from commit %s and repo %s: %s", i, t.commit1, t.repo, err))
var tree2 *git.Tree
if t.commit1 == t.commit2 {
tree2 = tree1
} else {
tree2, err = tree(repo, t.commit2)
c.Assert(err, IsNil,
Commentf("subtest %d: unable to retrieve tree from commit %s and repo %s", i, t.commit2, t.repo, err))
obtained, err := New(tree1, tree2)
c.Assert(err, IsNil,
Commentf("subtest %d: unable to calculate difftree: %s", i, err))
c.Assert(equalChanges(obtained, t.expected), Equals, true,
i, t.repo, t.commit1, t.commit2, t.expected, obtained))
func tree(repo *git.Repository, commitHashStr string) (*git.Tree, error) {
if commitHashStr == "" {
return nil, nil
commit, err := repo.Commit(core.NewHash(commitHashStr))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return commit.Tree()