package git
import (
fixtures ""
openpgperr ""
. ""
type RepositorySuite struct {
var _ = Suite(&RepositorySuite{})
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestInit(c *C) {
r, err := Init(memory.NewStorage(), memfs.New())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Core.IsBare, Equals, false)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestInitNonStandardDotGit(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
fs := osfs.New(dir)
dot, _ := fs.Chroot("storage")
storage := filesystem.NewStorage(dot, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
wt, _ := fs.Chroot("worktree")
r, err := Init(storage, wt)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
f, err := fs.Open(fs.Join("worktree", ".git"))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(string(all), Equals, fmt.Sprintf("gitdir: %s\n", filepath.Join("..", "storage")))
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Core.Worktree, Equals, filepath.Join("..", "worktree"))
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestInitStandardDotGit(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
fs := osfs.New(dir)
dot, _ := fs.Chroot(".git")
storage := filesystem.NewStorage(dot, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, err := Init(storage, fs)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
l, err := fs.ReadDir(".git")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(len(l) > 0, Equals, true)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Core.Worktree, Equals, "")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestInitBare(c *C) {
r, err := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Core.IsBare, Equals, true)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestInitAlreadyExists(c *C) {
st := memory.NewStorage()
r, err := Init(st, nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = Init(st, nil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists)
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestOpen(c *C) {
st := memory.NewStorage()
r, err := Init(st, memfs.New())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = Open(st, memfs.New())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestOpenBare(c *C) {
st := memory.NewStorage()
r, err := Init(st, nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = Open(st, nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestOpenBareMissingWorktree(c *C) {
st := memory.NewStorage()
r, err := Init(st, memfs.New())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = Open(st, nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestOpenNotExists(c *C) {
r, err := Open(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryNotExists)
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestClone(c *C) {
r, err := Clone(memory.NewStorage(), nil, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remotes, err := r.Remotes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remotes, HasLen, 1)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneContext(c *C) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
r, err := CloneContext(ctx, memory.NewStorage(), nil, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, context.Canceled)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneWithTags(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, err := Clone(memory.NewStorage(), nil, &CloneOptions{URL: url, Tags: NoTags})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remotes, err := r.Remotes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remotes, HasLen, 1)
i, err := r.References()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
var count int
i.ForEach(func(r *plumbing.Reference) error { count++; return nil })
c.Assert(count, Equals, 3)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneSparse(c *C) {
fs := memfs.New()
r, err := Clone(memory.NewStorage(), fs, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
w, err := r.Worktree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
sparseCheckoutDirectories := []string{"go", "json", "php"}
Branch: "refs/heads/master",
SparseCheckoutDirectories: sparseCheckoutDirectories,
}), IsNil)
fis, err := fs.ReadDir(".")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for _, fi := range fis {
c.Assert(fi.IsDir(), Equals, true)
var oneOfSparseCheckoutDirs bool
for _, sparseCheckoutDirectory := range sparseCheckoutDirectories {
if strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), sparseCheckoutDirectory) {
oneOfSparseCheckoutDirs = true
c.Assert(oneOfSparseCheckoutDirs, Equals, true)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateRemoteAndRemote(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
remote, err := r.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "foo",
URLs: []string{"http://foo/foo.git"},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remote.Config().Name, Equals, "foo")
alt, err := r.Remote("foo")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(alt, Not(Equals), remote)
c.Assert(alt.Config().Name, Equals, "foo")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateRemoteInvalid(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
remote, err := r.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{})
c.Assert(err, Equals, config.ErrRemoteConfigEmptyName)
c.Assert(remote, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateRemoteAnonymous(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
remote, err := r.CreateRemoteAnonymous(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "anonymous",
URLs: []string{"http://foo/foo.git"},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remote.Config().Name, Equals, "anonymous")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateRemoteAnonymousInvalidName(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
remote, err := r.CreateRemoteAnonymous(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "not_anonymous",
URLs: []string{"http://foo/foo.git"},
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrAnonymousRemoteName)
c.Assert(remote, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateRemoteAnonymousInvalid(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
remote, err := r.CreateRemoteAnonymous(&config.RemoteConfig{})
c.Assert(err, Equals, config.ErrRemoteConfigEmptyName)
c.Assert(remote, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestDeleteRemote(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
_, err := r.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "foo",
URLs: []string{"http://foo/foo.git"},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.DeleteRemote("foo")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
alt, err := r.Remote("foo")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRemoteNotFound)
c.Assert(alt, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateBranchAndBranch(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
testBranch := &config.Branch{
Name: "foo",
Remote: "origin",
Merge: "refs/heads/foo",
err := r.CreateBranch(testBranch)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(len(cfg.Branches), Equals, 1)
branch := cfg.Branches["foo"]
c.Assert(branch.Name, Equals, testBranch.Name)
c.Assert(branch.Remote, Equals, testBranch.Remote)
c.Assert(branch.Merge, Equals, testBranch.Merge)
branch, err = r.Branch("foo")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch.Name, Equals, testBranch.Name)
c.Assert(branch.Remote, Equals, testBranch.Remote)
c.Assert(branch.Merge, Equals, testBranch.Merge)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateBranchUnmarshal(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
expected := []byte(`[core]
bare = true
[remote "foo"]
url = http://foo/foo.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/foo/*
[branch "foo"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/foo
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
_, err := r.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "foo",
URLs: []string{"http://foo/foo.git"},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
testBranch1 := &config.Branch{
Name: "master",
Remote: "origin",
Merge: "refs/heads/master",
testBranch2 := &config.Branch{
Name: "foo",
Remote: "origin",
Merge: "refs/heads/foo",
err = r.CreateBranch(testBranch1)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.CreateBranch(testBranch2)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
marshaled, err := cfg.Marshal()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(string(expected), Equals, string(marshaled))
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestBranchInvalid(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
branch, err := r.Branch("foo")
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateBranchInvalid(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.CreateBranch(&config.Branch{})
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
testBranch := &config.Branch{
Name: "foo",
Remote: "origin",
Merge: "refs/heads/foo",
err = r.CreateBranch(testBranch)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.CreateBranch(testBranch)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestDeleteBranch(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
testBranch := &config.Branch{
Name: "foo",
Remote: "origin",
Merge: "refs/heads/foo",
err := r.CreateBranch(testBranch)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.DeleteBranch("foo")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
b, err := r.Branch("foo")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrBranchNotFound)
c.Assert(b, IsNil)
err = r.DeleteBranch("foo")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrBranchNotFound)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainInit(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainInit(dir, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Core.IsBare, Equals, true)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainInitAlreadyExists(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainInit(dir, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = PlainInit(dir, true)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists)
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpen(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainInit(dir, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = PlainOpen(dir)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenBare(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainInit(dir, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = PlainOpen(dir)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenNotBare(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainInit(dir, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = PlainOpen(filepath.Join(dir, ".git"))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) testPlainOpenGitFile(c *C, f func(string, string) string) {
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
dir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "plain-open")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err := PlainInit(fs.Join(fs.Root(), dir), true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
altDir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "plain-open")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = util.WriteFile(fs, fs.Join(altDir, ".git"),
[]byte(f(fs.Join(fs.Root(), dir), fs.Join(fs.Root(), altDir))),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err = PlainOpen(fs.Join(fs.Root(), altDir))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenBareAbsoluteGitDirFile(c *C) {
s.testPlainOpenGitFile(c, func(dir, altDir string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("gitdir: %s\n", dir)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenBareAbsoluteGitDirFileNoEOL(c *C) {
s.testPlainOpenGitFile(c, func(dir, altDir string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("gitdir: %s", dir)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenBareRelativeGitDirFile(c *C) {
s.testPlainOpenGitFile(c, func(dir, altDir string) string {
dir, err := filepath.Rel(altDir, dir)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return fmt.Sprintf("gitdir: %s\n", dir)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenBareRelativeGitDirFileNoEOL(c *C) {
s.testPlainOpenGitFile(c, func(dir, altDir string) string {
dir, err := filepath.Rel(altDir, dir)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return fmt.Sprintf("gitdir: %s\n", dir)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenBareRelativeGitDirFileTrailingGarbage(c *C) {
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
dir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err := PlainInit(dir, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
altDir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = util.WriteFile(fs, fs.Join(altDir, ".git"),
[]byte(fmt.Sprintf("gitdir: %s\nTRAILING", fs.Join(fs.Root(), altDir))),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err = PlainOpen(altDir)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryNotExists)
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenBareRelativeGitDirFileBadPrefix(c *C) {
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
dir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err := PlainInit(fs.Join(fs.Root(), dir), true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
altDir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = util.WriteFile(fs, fs.Join(altDir, ".git"), []byte(
fmt.Sprintf("xgitdir: %s\n", fs.Join(fs.Root(), dir)),
), 0644)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err = PlainOpen(fs.Join(fs.Root(), altDir))
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*gitdir.*")
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenNotExists(c *C) {
r, err := PlainOpen("/not-exists/")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryNotExists)
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenDetectDotGit(c *C) {
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
dir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
subdir := filepath.Join(dir, "a", "b")
err = fs.MkdirAll(subdir, 0755)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
file := fs.Join(subdir, "file.txt")
f, err := fs.Create(file)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err := PlainInit(fs.Join(fs.Root(), dir), false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
opt := &PlainOpenOptions{DetectDotGit: true}
r, err = PlainOpenWithOptions(fs.Join(fs.Root(), subdir), opt)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
r, err = PlainOpenWithOptions(fs.Join(fs.Root(), file), opt)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
optnodetect := &PlainOpenOptions{DetectDotGit: false}
r, err = PlainOpenWithOptions(fs.Join(fs.Root(), file), optnodetect)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainOpenNotExistsDetectDotGit(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
opt := &PlainOpenOptions{DetectDotGit: true}
r, err := PlainOpenWithOptions(dir, opt)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryNotExists)
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainClone(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainClone(dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remotes, err := r.Remotes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remotes, HasLen, 1)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["master"].Name, Equals, "master")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneWithRemoteName(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainClone(dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
RemoteName: "test",
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remote, err := r.Remote("test")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remote, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneOverExistingGitDirectory(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainInit(dir, false)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err = PlainClone(dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneContextCancel(c *C) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainCloneContext(ctx, dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, context.Canceled)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneContextNonExistentWithExistentDir(c *C) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
dir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err := PlainCloneContext(ctx, dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: "incorrectOnPurpose",
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, transport.ErrRepositoryNotFound)
_, err = fs.Stat(dir)
c.Assert(os.IsNotExist(err), Equals, false)
names, err := fs.ReadDir(dir)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(names, HasLen, 0)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneContextNonExistentWithNonExistentDir(c *C) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
tmpDir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
repoDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "repoDir")
r, err := PlainCloneContext(ctx, repoDir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: "incorrectOnPurpose",
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, transport.ErrRepositoryNotFound)
_, err = fs.Stat(repoDir)
c.Assert(os.IsNotExist(err), Equals, true)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneContextNonExistentWithNotDir(c *C) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
tmpDir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
repoDir := fs.Join(tmpDir, "repoDir")
f, err := fs.Create(repoDir)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(f.Close(), IsNil)
r, err := PlainCloneContext(ctx, fs.Join(fs.Root(), repoDir), false, &CloneOptions{
URL: "incorrectOnPurpose",
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*not a directory.*")
fi, err := fs.Stat(repoDir)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(fi.IsDir(), Equals, false)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneContextNonExistentWithNotEmptyDir(c *C) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
tmpDir, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
repoDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, "repoDir")
err = fs.MkdirAll(repoDir, 0777)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
dummyFile := filepath.Join(repoDir, "dummyFile")
err = util.WriteFile(fs, dummyFile, []byte("dummyContent"), 0644)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err := PlainCloneContext(ctx, fs.Join(fs.Root(), repoDir), false, &CloneOptions{
URL: "incorrectOnPurpose",
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, transport.ErrRepositoryNotFound)
_, err = fs.Stat(dummyFile)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneContextNonExistingOverExistingGitDirectory(c *C) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
r, err := PlainInit(dir, false)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err = PlainCloneContext(ctx, dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: "incorrectOnPurpose",
c.Assert(r, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneWithRecurseSubmodules(c *C) {
if testing.Short() {
c.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
path := fixtures.ByTag("submodule").One().Worktree().Root()
r, err := PlainClone(dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: path,
RecurseSubmodules: DefaultSubmoduleRecursionDepth,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Remotes, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Submodules, HasLen, 2)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPlainCloneNoCheckout(c *C) {
dir, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
path := fixtures.ByTag("submodule").One().Worktree().Root()
r, err := PlainClone(dir, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: path,
NoCheckout: true,
RecurseSubmodules: DefaultSubmoduleRecursionDepth,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(h.Hash().String(), Equals, "b685400c1f9316f350965a5993d350bc746b0bf4")
fi, err := osfs.New(dir).ReadDir("")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(fi, HasLen, 1) // .git
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestFetch(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
_, err := r.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: DefaultRemoteName,
URLs: []string{s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r.Fetch(&FetchOptions{}), IsNil)
remotes, err := r.Remotes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remotes, HasLen, 1)
_, err = r.Head()
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound)
branch, err := r.Reference("refs/remotes/origin/master", false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(branch.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestFetchContext(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
_, err := r.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: DefaultRemoteName,
URLs: []string{s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
c.Assert(r.FetchContext(ctx, &FetchOptions{}), NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneWithProgress(c *C) {
fs := memfs.New()
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
_, err := Clone(memory.NewStorage(), fs, &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
Progress: buf,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(buf.Len(), Not(Equals), 0)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneDeep(c *C) {
fs := memfs.New()
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), fs)
head, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound)
c.Assert(head, IsNil)
err = r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remotes, err := r.Remotes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remotes, HasLen, 1)
head, err = r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(head, NotNil)
c.Assert(head.Type(), Equals, plumbing.SymbolicReference)
c.Assert(head.Target().String(), Equals, "refs/heads/master")
branch, err := r.Reference(head.Target(), false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
branch, err = r.Reference("refs/remotes/origin/master", false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(branch.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
fi, err := fs.ReadDir("")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(fi, HasLen, 8)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneConfig(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
head, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound)
c.Assert(head, IsNil)
err = r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Core.IsBare, Equals, true)
c.Assert(cfg.Remotes, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Remotes["origin"].Name, Equals, "origin")
c.Assert(cfg.Remotes["origin"].URLs, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["master"].Name, Equals, "master")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneSingleBranchAndNonHEAD(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
head, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound)
c.Assert(head, IsNil)
err = r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
ReferenceName: plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/heads/branch"),
SingleBranch: true,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remotes, err := r.Remotes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remotes, HasLen, 1)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["branch"].Name, Equals, "branch")
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["branch"].Remote, Equals, "origin")
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["branch"].Merge, Equals, plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/heads/branch"))
head, err = r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(head, NotNil)
c.Assert(head.Type(), Equals, plumbing.SymbolicReference)
c.Assert(head.Target().String(), Equals, "refs/heads/branch")
branch, err := r.Reference(head.Target(), false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch.Hash().String(), Equals, "e8d3ffab552895c19b9fcf7aa264d277cde33881")
branch, err = r.Reference("refs/remotes/origin/branch", false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(branch.Hash().String(), Equals, "e8d3ffab552895c19b9fcf7aa264d277cde33881")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneSingleBranch(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
head, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound)
c.Assert(head, IsNil)
err = r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
SingleBranch: true,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remotes, err := r.Remotes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(remotes, HasLen, 1)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["master"].Name, Equals, "master")
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["master"].Remote, Equals, "origin")
c.Assert(cfg.Branches["master"].Merge, Equals, plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/heads/master"))
head, err = r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(head, NotNil)
c.Assert(head.Type(), Equals, plumbing.SymbolicReference)
c.Assert(head.Target().String(), Equals, "refs/heads/master")
branch, err := r.Reference(head.Target(), false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
branch, err = r.Reference("refs/remotes/origin/master", false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
c.Assert(branch.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(branch.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneSingleTag(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: url,
SingleBranch: true,
ReferenceName: plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/tags/commit-tag"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
branch, err := r.Reference("refs/tags/commit-tag", false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(branch, NotNil)
conf, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
originRemote := conf.Remotes["origin"]
c.Assert(originRemote, NotNil)
c.Assert(originRemote.Fetch, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(originRemote.Fetch[0].String(), Equals, "+refs/tags/commit-tag:refs/tags/commit-tag")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneDetachedHEAD(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
ReferenceName: plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/tags/v1.0.0"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 0)
head, err := r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(head, NotNil)
c.Assert(head.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(head.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
count := 0
objects, err := r.Objects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
objects.ForEach(func(object.Object) error { count++; return nil })
c.Assert(count, Equals, 28)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneDetachedHEADAndSingle(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
ReferenceName: plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/tags/v1.0.0"),
SingleBranch: true,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 0)
head, err := r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(head, NotNil)
c.Assert(head.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(head.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
count := 0
objects, err := r.Objects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
objects.ForEach(func(object.Object) error { count++; return nil })
c.Assert(count, Equals, 28)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneDetachedHEADAndShallow(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), memfs.New())
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
ReferenceName: plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/tags/v1.0.0"),
Depth: 1,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 0)
head, err := r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(head, NotNil)
c.Assert(head.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(head.Hash().String(), Equals, "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
count := 0
objects, err := r.Objects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
objects.ForEach(func(object.Object) error { count++; return nil })
c.Assert(count, Equals, 15)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCloneDetachedHEADAnnotatedTag(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(fixtures.ByTag("tags").One()),
ReferenceName: plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/tags/annotated-tag"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.Config()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.Branches, HasLen, 0)
head, err := r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(head, NotNil)
c.Assert(head.Type(), Equals, plumbing.HashReference)
c.Assert(head.Hash().String(), Equals, "f7b877701fbf855b44c0a9e86f3fdce2c298b07f")
count := 0
objects, err := r.Objects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
objects.ForEach(func(object.Object) error { count++; return nil })
c.Assert(count, Equals, 7)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPush(c *C) {
url, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
server, err := PlainInit(url, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = s.Repository.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "test",
URLs: []string{url},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = s.Repository.Push(&PushOptions{
RemoteName: "test",
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
AssertReferences(c, server, map[string]string{
"refs/heads/master": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"refs/heads/branch": "e8d3ffab552895c19b9fcf7aa264d277cde33881",
AssertReferences(c, s.Repository, map[string]string{
"refs/remotes/test/master": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"refs/remotes/test/branch": "e8d3ffab552895c19b9fcf7aa264d277cde33881",
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPushContext(c *C) {
url, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
_, err := PlainInit(url, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = s.Repository.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "foo",
URLs: []string{url},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
err = s.Repository.PushContext(ctx, &PushOptions{
RemoteName: "foo",
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
// installPreReceiveHook installs a pre-receive hook in the .git
// directory at path which prints message m before exiting
// successfully.
func installPreReceiveHook(c *C, fs billy.Filesystem, path, m string) {
hooks := fs.Join(path, "hooks")
err := fs.MkdirAll(hooks, 0777)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = util.WriteFile(fs, fs.Join(hooks, "pre-receive"), preReceiveHook(m), 0777)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPushWithProgress(c *C) {
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
path, err := util.TempDir(fs, "", "")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
url := fs.Join(fs.Root(), path)
server, err := PlainInit(url, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
m := "Receiving..."
installPreReceiveHook(c, fs, path, m)
_, err = s.Repository.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: "bar",
URLs: []string{url},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
var p bytes.Buffer
err = s.Repository.Push(&PushOptions{
RemoteName: "bar",
Progress: &p,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
AssertReferences(c, server, map[string]string{
"refs/heads/master": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"refs/heads/branch": "e8d3ffab552895c19b9fcf7aa264d277cde33881",
c.Assert((&p).Bytes(), DeepEquals, []byte(m))
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPushDepth(c *C) {
url, clean := s.TemporalDir()
defer clean()
server, err := PlainClone(url, true, &CloneOptions{
URL: fixtures.Basic().One().DotGit().Root(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err := Clone(memory.NewStorage(), memfs.New(), &CloneOptions{
URL: url,
Depth: 1,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = util.WriteFile(r.wt, "foo", nil, 0755)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
w, err := r.Worktree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = w.Add("foo")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hash, err := w.Commit("foo", &CommitOptions{
Author: defaultSignature(),
Committer: defaultSignature(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.Push(&PushOptions{})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
AssertReferences(c, server, map[string]string{
"refs/heads/master": hash.String(),
AssertReferences(c, r, map[string]string{
"refs/remotes/origin/master": hash.String(),
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestPushNonExistentRemote(c *C) {
srcFs := fixtures.Basic().One().DotGit()
sto := filesystem.NewStorage(srcFs, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, err := Open(sto, srcFs)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.Push(&PushOptions{RemoteName: "myremote"})
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*remote not found.*")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLog(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
From: plumbing.NewHash("b8e471f58bcbca63b07bda20e428190409c2db47"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
for _, o := range commitOrder {
commit, err := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, o)
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogAll(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rIter, err := r.Storer.IterReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
refCount := 0
err = rIter.ForEach(func(ref *plumbing.Reference) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(refCount, Equals, 5)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
All: true,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
for _, o := range commitOrder {
commit, err := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, o)
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogAllMissingReferences(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.Storer.RemoveReference(plumbing.HEAD)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rIter, err := r.Storer.IterReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
refCount := 0
err = rIter.ForEach(func(ref *plumbing.Reference) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(refCount, Equals, 4)
err = r.Storer.SetReference(plumbing.NewHashReference(plumbing.ReferenceName("DUMMY"), plumbing.NewHash("DUMMY")))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rIter, err = r.Storer.IterReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
refCount = 0
err = rIter.ForEach(func(ref *plumbing.Reference) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(refCount, Equals, 5)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
All: true,
c.Assert(cIter, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cCount := 0
cIter.ForEach(func(c *object.Commit) error {
return nil
c.Assert(cCount, Equals, 9)
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogAllOrderByTime(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
Order: LogOrderCommitterTime,
All: true,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
for _, o := range commitOrder {
commit, err := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, o)
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogHead(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
for _, o := range commitOrder {
commit, err := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, o)
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogError(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = r.Log(&LogOptions{
From: plumbing.NewHash("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"),
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogFileNext(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fileName := "vendor/foo.go"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{FileName: &fileName})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
for _, o := range commitOrder {
commit, err := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, o)
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogFileForEach(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fileName := "php/crappy.php"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{FileName: &fileName})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
expectedIndex := 0
err = cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
expectedCommitHash := commitOrder[expectedIndex]
c.Assert(commit.Hash.String(), Equals, expectedCommitHash.String())
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(expectedIndex, Equals, 1)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogNonHeadFile(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fileName := "README"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{FileName: &fileName})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogAllFileForEach(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fileName := "README"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{FileName: &fileName, All: true})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
expectedIndex := 0
err = cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
expectedCommitHash := commitOrder[expectedIndex]
c.Assert(commit.Hash.String(), Equals, expectedCommitHash.String())
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(expectedIndex, Equals, 1)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogInvalidFile(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Throwing in a file that does not exist
fileName := "vendor/foo12.go"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{FileName: &fileName})
// Not raising an error since `git log -- vendor/foo12.go` responds silently
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogFileInitialCommit(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fileName := "LICENSE"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
Order: LogOrderCommitterTime,
FileName: &fileName,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
expectedIndex := 0
err = cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
expectedCommitHash := commitOrder[expectedIndex]
c.Assert(commit.Hash.String(), Equals, expectedCommitHash.String())
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(expectedIndex, Equals, 1)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogFileWithOtherParamsFail(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fileName := "vendor/foo.go"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
Order: LogOrderCommitterTime,
FileName: &fileName,
From: plumbing.NewHash("35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
_, iterErr := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(iterErr, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogFileWithOtherParamsPass(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fileName := "LICENSE"
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
Order: LogOrderCommitterTime,
FileName: &fileName,
From: plumbing.NewHash("35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commitVal, iterErr := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(iterErr, Equals, nil)
c.Assert(commitVal.Hash.String(), Equals, "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d")
_, iterErr = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(iterErr, Equals, io.EOF)
type mockErrCommitIter struct{}
func (m *mockErrCommitIter) Next() (*object.Commit, error) {
return nil, errors.New("mock next error")
func (m *mockErrCommitIter) ForEach(func(*object.Commit) error) error {
return errors.New("mock foreach error")
func (m *mockErrCommitIter) Close() {}
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogFileWithError(c *C) {
fileName := "README"
cIter := object.NewCommitFileIterFromIter(fileName, &mockErrCommitIter{}, false)
defer cIter.Close()
err := cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogPathWithError(c *C) {
fileName := "README"
pathIter := func(path string) bool {
return path == fileName
cIter := object.NewCommitPathIterFromIter(pathIter, &mockErrCommitIter{}, false)
defer cIter.Close()
err := cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogPathRegexpWithError(c *C) {
pathRE := regexp.MustCompile("R.*E")
pathIter := func(path string) bool {
return pathRE.MatchString(path)
cIter := object.NewCommitPathIterFromIter(pathIter, &mockErrCommitIter{}, false)
defer cIter.Close()
err := cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogPathFilterRegexp(c *C) {
pathRE := regexp.MustCompile(`.*\.go`)
pathIter := func(path string) bool {
return pathRE.MatchString(path)
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expectedCommitIDs := []string{
commitIDs := []string{}
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
PathFilter: pathIter,
From: plumbing.NewHash("6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
commitIDs = append(commitIDs, commit.ID().String())
return nil
strings.Join(commitIDs, ", "),
strings.Join(expectedCommitIDs, ", "),
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogLimitNext(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
since := time.Date(2015, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{Since: &since})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
for _, o := range commitOrder {
commit, err := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, o)
_, err = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogLimitForEach(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
since := time.Date(2015, 3, 31, 11, 54, 0, 0, time.UTC)
until := time.Date(2015, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{Since: &since, Until: &until})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
expectedIndex := 0
err = cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
expectedCommitHash := commitOrder[expectedIndex]
c.Assert(commit.Hash.String(), Equals, expectedCommitHash.String())
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(expectedIndex, Equals, 1)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogAllLimitForEach(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
since := time.Date(2015, 3, 31, 11, 54, 0, 0, time.UTC)
until := time.Date(2015, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{Since: &since, Until: &until, All: true})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
commitOrder := []plumbing.Hash{
expectedIndex := 0
err = cIter.ForEach(func(commit *object.Commit) error {
expectedCommitHash := commitOrder[expectedIndex]
c.Assert(commit.Hash.String(), Equals, expectedCommitHash.String())
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(expectedIndex, Equals, 2)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogLimitWithOtherParamsFail(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
since := time.Date(2015, 3, 31, 11, 54, 0, 0, time.UTC)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
Order: LogOrderCommitterTime,
Since: &since,
From: plumbing.NewHash("35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
_, iterErr := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(iterErr, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestLogLimitWithOtherParamsPass(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
until := time.Date(2015, 3, 31, 11, 43, 0, 0, time.UTC)
cIter, err := r.Log(&LogOptions{
Order: LogOrderCommitterTime,
Until: &until,
From: plumbing.NewHash("35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9"),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer cIter.Close()
commitVal, iterErr := cIter.Next()
c.Assert(iterErr, Equals, nil)
c.Assert(commitVal.Hash.String(), Equals, "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d")
_, iterErr = cIter.Next()
c.Assert(iterErr, Equals, io.EOF)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestConfigScoped(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cfg, err := r.ConfigScoped(config.LocalScope)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.User.Email, Equals, "")
cfg, err = r.ConfigScoped(config.SystemScope)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cfg.User.Email, Not(Equals), "")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCommit(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hash := plumbing.NewHash("b8e471f58bcbca63b07bda20e428190409c2db47")
commit, err := r.CommitObject(hash)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(commit.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, commit.ID())
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, hash)
c.Assert(commit.Type(), Equals, plumbing.CommitObject)
tree, err := commit.Tree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(tree.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(commit.Author.Email, Equals, "daniel@lordran.local")
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCommits(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
commits, err := r.CommitObjects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for {
commit, err := commits.Next()
if err != nil {
c.Assert(commit.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(commit.Hash, Equals, commit.ID())
c.Assert(commit.Type(), Equals, plumbing.CommitObject)
c.Assert(count, Equals, 9)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestBlob(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
blob, err := r.BlobObject(plumbing.NewHash("b8e471f58bcbca63b07bda20e428190409c2db47"))
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
c.Assert(blob, IsNil)
blobHash := plumbing.NewHash("9a48f23120e880dfbe41f7c9b7b708e9ee62a492")
blob, err = r.BlobObject(blobHash)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(blob.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(blob.Hash, Equals, blob.ID())
c.Assert(blob.Hash, Equals, blobHash)
c.Assert(blob.Type(), Equals, plumbing.BlobObject)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestBlobs(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
blobs, err := r.BlobObjects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for {
blob, err := blobs.Next()
if err != nil {
c.Assert(blob.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(blob.Hash, Equals, blob.ID())
c.Assert(blob.Type(), Equals, plumbing.BlobObject)
c.Assert(count, Equals, 10)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestTagObject(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hash := plumbing.NewHash("ad7897c0fb8e7d9a9ba41fa66072cf06095a6cfc")
tag, err := r.TagObject(hash)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(tag.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(tag.Hash, Equals, hash)
c.Assert(tag.Type(), Equals, plumbing.TagObject)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestTags(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
tags, err := r.Tags()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tags.ForEach(func(tag *plumbing.Reference) error {
c.Assert(tag.Hash().IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(tag.Name().IsTag(), Equals, true)
return nil
c.Assert(count, Equals, 5)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagLightweight(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expected, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ref, err := r.CreateTag("foobar", expected.Hash(), nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ref, NotNil)
actual, err := r.Tag("foobar")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(expected.Hash(), Equals, actual.Hash())
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagLightweightExists(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expected, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ref, err := r.CreateTag("lightweight-tag", expected.Hash(), nil)
c.Assert(ref, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrTagExists)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagAnnotated(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expectedHash := h.Hash()
ref, err := r.CreateTag("foobar", expectedHash, &CreateTagOptions{
Tagger: defaultSignature(),
Message: "foo bar baz qux",
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tag, err := r.Tag("foobar")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
obj, err := r.TagObject(tag.Hash())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ref, DeepEquals, tag)
c.Assert(obj.Hash, Equals, ref.Hash())
c.Assert(obj.Type(), Equals, plumbing.TagObject)
c.Assert(obj.Target, Equals, expectedHash)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagAnnotatedBadOpts(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expectedHash := h.Hash()
ref, err := r.CreateTag("foobar", expectedHash, &CreateTagOptions{})
c.Assert(ref, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMissingMessage)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagAnnotatedBadHash(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ref, err := r.CreateTag("foobar", plumbing.ZeroHash, &CreateTagOptions{
Tagger: defaultSignature(),
Message: "foo bar baz qux",
c.Assert(ref, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagSigned(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
key := commitSignKey(c, true)
_, err = r.CreateTag("foobar", h.Hash(), &CreateTagOptions{
Tagger: defaultSignature(),
Message: "foo bar baz qux",
SignKey: key,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tag, err := r.Tag("foobar")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
obj, err := r.TagObject(tag.Hash())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Verify the tag.
pks := new(bytes.Buffer)
pkw, err := armor.Encode(pks, openpgp.PublicKeyType, nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = key.Serialize(pkw)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = pkw.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
actual, err := obj.Verify(pks.String())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(actual.PrimaryKey, DeepEquals, key.PrimaryKey)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagSignedBadKey(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
key := commitSignKey(c, false)
_, err = r.CreateTag("foobar", h.Hash(), &CreateTagOptions{
Tagger: defaultSignature(),
Message: "foo bar baz qux",
SignKey: key,
c.Assert(err, Equals, openpgperr.InvalidArgumentError("signing key is encrypted"))
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCreateTagCanonicalize(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
key := commitSignKey(c, true)
_, err = r.CreateTag("foobar", h.Hash(), &CreateTagOptions{
Tagger: defaultSignature(),
Message: "\n\nfoo bar baz qux\n\nsome message here",
SignKey: key,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tag, err := r.Tag("foobar")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
obj, err := r.TagObject(tag.Hash())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Assert the new canonicalized message.
c.Assert(obj.Message, Equals, "foo bar baz qux\n\nsome message here\n")
// Verify the tag.
pks := new(bytes.Buffer)
pkw, err := armor.Encode(pks, openpgp.PublicKeyType, nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = key.Serialize(pkw)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = pkw.Close()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
actual, err := obj.Verify(pks.String())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(actual.PrimaryKey, DeepEquals, key.PrimaryKey)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestTagLightweight(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expected := plumbing.NewHash("f7b877701fbf855b44c0a9e86f3fdce2c298b07f")
tag, err := r.Tag("lightweight-tag")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
actual := tag.Hash()
c.Assert(expected, Equals, actual)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestTagLightweightMissingTag(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tag, err := r.Tag("lightweight-tag-tag")
c.Assert(tag, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrTagNotFound)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestDeleteTag(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.DeleteTag("lightweight-tag")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = r.Tag("lightweight-tag")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrTagNotFound)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestDeleteTagMissingTag(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.DeleteTag("lightweight-tag-tag")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrTagNotFound)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestDeleteTagAnnotated(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
fss := filesystem.NewStorage(fs, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, _ := Init(fss, nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ref, err := r.Tag("annotated-tag")
c.Assert(ref, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
obj, err := r.TagObject(ref.Hash())
c.Assert(obj, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.DeleteTag("annotated-tag")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = r.Tag("annotated-tag")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrTagNotFound)
// Run a prune (and repack, to ensure that we are GCing everything regardless
// of the fixture in use) and try to get the tag object again.
// The repo needs to be re-opened after the repack.
err = r.Prune(PruneOptions{Handler: r.DeleteObject})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.RepackObjects(&RepackConfig{})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r, err = PlainOpen(fs.Root())
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Now check to see if the GC was effective in removing the tag object.
obj, err = r.TagObject(ref.Hash())
c.Assert(obj, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestDeleteTagAnnotatedUnpacked(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
fs, clean := s.TemporalFilesystem()
defer clean()
fss := filesystem.NewStorage(fs, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, _ := Init(fss, nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Create a tag for the deletion test. This ensures that the ultimate loose
// object will be unpacked (as we aren't doing anything that should pack it),
// so that we can effectively test that a prune deletes it, without having to
// resort to a repack.
h, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expectedHash := h.Hash()
ref, err := r.CreateTag("foobar", expectedHash, &CreateTagOptions{
Tagger: defaultSignature(),
Message: "foo bar baz qux",
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tag, err := r.Tag("foobar")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
obj, err := r.TagObject(tag.Hash())
c.Assert(obj, NotNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
err = r.DeleteTag("foobar")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = r.Tag("foobar")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrTagNotFound)
// As mentioned, only run a prune. We are not testing for packed objects
// here.
err = r.Prune(PruneOptions{Handler: r.DeleteObject})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Now check to see if the GC was effective in removing the tag object.
obj, err = r.TagObject(ref.Hash())
c.Assert(obj, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, Equals, plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestBranches(c *C) {
f := fixtures.ByURL("").One()
sto := filesystem.NewStorage(f.DotGit(), cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, err := Open(sto, f.DotGit())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
branches, err := r.Branches()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
branches.ForEach(func(branch *plumbing.Reference) error {
c.Assert(branch.Hash().IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(branch.Name().IsBranch(), Equals, true)
return nil
c.Assert(count, Equals, 8)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestNotes(c *C) {
// TODO add fixture with Notes
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
notes, err := r.Notes()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
notes.ForEach(func(note *plumbing.Reference) error {
c.Assert(note.Hash().IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(note.Name().IsNote(), Equals, true)
return nil
c.Assert(count, Equals, 0)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestTree(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{
URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL(),
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
invalidHash := plumbing.NewHash("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
tree, err := r.TreeObject(invalidHash)
c.Assert(tree, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
hash := plumbing.NewHash("dbd3641b371024f44d0e469a9c8f5457b0660de1")
tree, err = r.TreeObject(hash)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(tree.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(tree.Hash, Equals, tree.ID())
c.Assert(tree.Hash, Equals, hash)
c.Assert(tree.Type(), Equals, plumbing.TreeObject)
c.Assert(len(tree.Entries), Not(Equals), 0)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestTrees(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
trees, err := r.TreeObjects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for {
tree, err := trees.Next()
if err != nil {
c.Assert(tree.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(tree.Hash, Equals, tree.ID())
c.Assert(tree.Type(), Equals, plumbing.TreeObject)
c.Assert(len(tree.Entries), Not(Equals), 0)
c.Assert(count, Equals, 12)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestTagObjects(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
tags, err := r.TagObjects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tags.ForEach(func(tag *object.Tag) error {
c.Assert(tag.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(tag.Type(), Equals, plumbing.TagObject)
return nil
refs, _ := r.References()
refs.ForEach(func(ref *plumbing.Reference) error {
return nil
c.Assert(count, Equals, 4)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestCommitIterClosePanic(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
commits, err := r.CommitObjects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestRef(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ref, err := r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ref.Name(), Equals, plumbing.HEAD)
ref, err = r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ref.Name(), Equals, plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/heads/master"))
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestRefs(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
iter, err := r.References()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(iter, NotNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestObject(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hash := plumbing.NewHash("6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")
o, err := r.Object(plumbing.CommitObject, hash)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(o.ID().IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(o.Type(), Equals, plumbing.CommitObject)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestObjects(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
count := 0
objects, err := r.Objects()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for {
o, err := objects.Next()
if err != nil {
c.Assert(o.ID().IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(o.Type(), Not(Equals), plumbing.AnyObject)
c.Assert(count, Equals, 31)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestObjectNotFound(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hash := plumbing.NewHash("0a3fb06ff80156fb153bcdcc58b5e16c2d27625c")
tag, err := r.Object(plumbing.TagObject, hash)
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound)
c.Assert(tag, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestWorktree(c *C) {
def := memfs.New()
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), def)
w, err := r.Worktree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(w.Filesystem, Equals, def)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestWorktreeBare(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
w, err := r.Worktree()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrIsBareRepository)
c.Assert(w, IsNil)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestResolveRevision(c *C) {
f := fixtures.ByURL("").One()
sto := filesystem.NewStorage(f.DotGit(), cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, err := Open(sto, f.DotGit())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
datas := map[string]string{
"HEAD": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"heads/master": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"heads/master~1": "918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294",
"refs/heads/master": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"refs/heads/master~2^^~": "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d",
"refs/tags/v1.0.0": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"refs/remotes/origin/master": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"refs/remotes/origin/HEAD": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"HEAD~2^^~": "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d",
"HEAD~3^2": "a5b8b09e2f8fcb0bb99d3ccb0958157b40890d69",
"HEAD~3^2^0": "a5b8b09e2f8fcb0bb99d3ccb0958157b40890d69",
"HEAD~2^{/binary file}": "35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9",
"HEAD~^{/!-some}": "1669dce138d9b841a518c64b10914d88f5e488ea",
"master": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"branch": "e8d3ffab552895c19b9fcf7aa264d277cde33881",
"v1.0.0": "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5",
"branch~1": "918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294",
"v1.0.0~1": "918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294",
"master~1": "918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294",
"918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294": "918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294",
"918c48b": "918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294", // odd number of hex digits
for rev, hash := range datas {
h, err := r.ResolveRevision(plumbing.Revision(rev))
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("while checking %s", rev))
c.Check(h.String(), Equals, hash, Commentf("while checking %s", rev))
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestResolveRevisionAnnotated(c *C) {
f := fixtures.ByURL("").One()
sto := filesystem.NewStorage(f.DotGit(), cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, err := Open(sto, f.DotGit())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
datas := map[string]string{
"refs/tags/annotated-tag": "f7b877701fbf855b44c0a9e86f3fdce2c298b07f",
"b742a2a9fa0afcfa9a6fad080980fbc26b007c69": "f7b877701fbf855b44c0a9e86f3fdce2c298b07f",
for rev, hash := range datas {
h, err := r.ResolveRevision(plumbing.Revision(rev))
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("while checking %s", rev))
c.Check(h.String(), Equals, hash, Commentf("while checking %s", rev))
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestResolveRevisionWithErrors(c *C) {
url := s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
err := r.clone(context.Background(), &CloneOptions{URL: url})
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
headRef, err := r.Head()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ref := plumbing.NewHashReference("refs/heads/918c48b83bd081e863dbe1b80f8998f058cd8294", headRef.Hash())
err = r.Storer.SetReference(ref)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
datas := map[string]string{
"efs/heads/master~": "reference not found",
"HEAD^3": `Revision invalid : "3" found must be 0, 1 or 2 after "^"`,
"HEAD^{/whatever}": `no commit message match regexp: "whatever"`,
"4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83": "reference not found",
for rev, rerr := range datas {
_, err := r.ResolveRevision(plumbing.Revision(rev))
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
c.Assert(err.Error(), Equals, rerr)
func (s *RepositorySuite) testRepackObjects(
c *C, deleteTime time.Time, expectedPacks int) {
srcFs := fixtures.ByTag("unpacked").One().DotGit()
var sto storage.Storer
var err error
sto = filesystem.NewStorage(srcFs, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
los := sto.(storer.LooseObjectStorer)
c.Assert(los, NotNil)
numLooseStart := 0
err = los.ForEachObjectHash(func(_ plumbing.Hash) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(numLooseStart > 0, Equals, true)
pos := sto.(storer.PackedObjectStorer)
c.Assert(los, NotNil)
packs, err := pos.ObjectPacks()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
numPacksStart := len(packs)
c.Assert(numPacksStart > 1, Equals, true)
r, err := Open(sto, srcFs)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(r, NotNil)
err = r.RepackObjects(&RepackConfig{
OnlyDeletePacksOlderThan: deleteTime,
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
numLooseEnd := 0
err = los.ForEachObjectHash(func(_ plumbing.Hash) error {
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(numLooseEnd, Equals, 0)
packs, err = pos.ObjectPacks()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
numPacksEnd := len(packs)
c.Assert(numPacksEnd, Equals, expectedPacks)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestRepackObjects(c *C) {
if testing.Short() {
c.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
s.testRepackObjects(c, time.Time{}, 1)
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestRepackObjectsWithNoDelete(c *C) {
if testing.Short() {
c.Skip("skipping test in short mode.")
s.testRepackObjects(c, time.Unix(0, 1), 3)
func ExecuteOnPath(c *C, path string, cmds ...string) error {
for _, cmd := range cmds {
err := executeOnPath(path, cmd)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return nil
func executeOnPath(path, cmd string) error {
args := strings.Split(cmd, " ")
c := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
c.Dir = path
c.Env = os.Environ()
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
c.Stderr = buf
c.Stdout = buf
return c.Run()
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestBrokenMultipleShallowFetch(c *C) {
r, _ := Init(memory.NewStorage(), nil)
_, err := r.CreateRemote(&config.RemoteConfig{
Name: DefaultRemoteName,
URLs: []string{s.GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL()},
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Depth: 2,
RefSpecs: []config.RefSpec{config.RefSpec("refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master")},
}), IsNil)
shallows, err := r.Storer.Shallow()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(len(shallows), Equals, 1)
ref, err := r.Reference("refs/heads/master", true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cobj, err := r.CommitObject(ref.Hash())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cobj, NotNil)
err = object.NewCommitPreorderIter(cobj, nil, nil).ForEach(func(c *object.Commit) error {
for _, ph := range c.ParentHashes {
for _, h := range shallows {
if ph == h {
return storer.ErrStop
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Depth: 5,
RefSpecs: []config.RefSpec{config.RefSpec("refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*")},
}), IsNil)
shallows, err = r.Storer.Shallow()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(len(shallows), Equals, 3)
ref, err = r.Reference("refs/heads/master", true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
cobj, err = r.CommitObject(ref.Hash())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(cobj, NotNil)
err = object.NewCommitPreorderIter(cobj, nil, nil).ForEach(func(c *object.Commit) error {
for _, ph := range c.ParentHashes {
for _, h := range shallows {
if ph == h {
return storer.ErrStop
return nil
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func BenchmarkObjects(b *testing.B) {
defer fixtures.Clean()
for _, f := range fixtures.ByTag("packfile") {
if f.DotGitHash == "" {
b.Run(f.URL, func(b *testing.B) {
fs := f.DotGit()
storer := filesystem.NewStorage(fs, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
worktree, err := fs.Chroot(filepath.Dir(fs.Root()))
if err != nil {
repo, err := Open(storer, worktree)
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
iter, err := repo.Objects()
if err != nil {
for {
_, err := iter.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
func BenchmarkPlainClone(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
t, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
_, err = PlainClone(t, false, &CloneOptions{
URL: "",
Depth: 1,
if err != nil {