path: root/repository.go
blob: 4c184abaf38c3a2fd1284eaa0038cd32d7e3da7b (plain) (tree)



























































































































package git

import (



var (
	ErrObjectNotFound          = errors.New("object not found")
	ErrInvalidReference        = errors.New("invalid reference, should be a tag or a branch")
	ErrRepositoryNotExists     = errors.New("repository not exists")
	ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists = errors.New("repository already exists")
	ErrRemoteNotFound          = errors.New("remote not found")
	ErrRemoteExists            = errors.New("remote already exists")
	ErrWorktreeNotProvided     = errors.New("worktree should be provided")
	ErrIsBareRepository        = errors.New("worktree not available in a bare repository")

// Repository represents a git repository
type Repository struct {
	Storer storage.Storer

	r  map[string]*Remote
	wt billy.Filesystem

// Init creates an empty git repository, based on the given Storer and worktree.
// The worktree Filesystem is optional, if nil a bare repository is created. If
// the given storer is not empty ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists is returned
func Init(s storage.Storer, worktree billy.Filesystem) (*Repository, error) {
	r := newRepository(s, worktree)
	_, err := r.Reference(plumbing.HEAD, false)
	switch err {
	case plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound:
	case nil:
		return nil, ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists
		return nil, err

	h := plumbing.NewSymbolicReference(plumbing.HEAD, plumbing.Master)
	if err := s.SetReference(h); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if worktree == nil {
		return r, nil

	return r, setWorktreeAndStoragePaths(r, worktree)

func setWorktreeAndStoragePaths(r *Repository, worktree billy.Filesystem) error {
	type fsBased interface {
		Filesystem() billy.Filesystem

	// .git file is only created if the storage is file based and the file
	// system is osfs.OS
	fs, isFSBased := r.Storer.(fsBased)
	if !isFSBased {
		return nil

	_, isOS := fs.Filesystem().(*osfs.OS)
	if !isOS {
		return nil

	if err := createDotGitFile(worktree, fs.Filesystem()); err != nil {
		return err

	return setConfigWorktree(r, worktree, fs.Filesystem())

func createDotGitFile(worktree, storage billy.Filesystem) error {
	path, err := filepath.Rel(worktree.Base(), storage.Base())
	if err != nil {
		path = storage.Base()

	if path == ".git" {
		// not needed, since the folder is the default place
		return nil

	f, err := worktree.Create(".git")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer f.Close()
	_, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "gitdir: %s\n", path)
	return err

func setConfigWorktree(r *Repository, worktree, storage billy.Filesystem) error {
	path, err := filepath.Rel(storage.Base(), worktree.Base())
	if err != nil {
		path = worktree.Base()

	if path == ".." {
		// not needed, since the folder is the default place
		return nil

	cfg, err := r.Storer.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.Core.Worktree = path
	return r.Storer.SetConfig(cfg)

// Open opens a git repository using the given Storer and worktree filesystem,
// if the given storer is complete empty ErrRepositoryNotExists is returned.
// The worktree can be nil when the repository being opened is bare, if the
// repository is a normal one (not bare) and worktree is nil the err
// ErrWorktreeNotProvided is returned
func Open(s storage.Storer, worktree billy.Filesystem) (*Repository, error) {
	_, err := s.Reference(plumbing.HEAD)
	if err == plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound {
		return nil, ErrRepositoryNotExists

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	cfg, err := s.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if !cfg.Core.IsBare && worktree == nil {
		return nil, ErrWorktreeNotProvided

	return newRepository(s, worktree), nil

// Clone a repository into the given Storer and worktree Filesystem with the
// given options, if worktree is nil a bare repository is created. If the given
// storer is not empty ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists is returned
func Clone(s storage.Storer, worktree billy.Filesystem, o *CloneOptions) (*Repository, error) {
	r, err := Init(s, worktree)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return r, r.clone(o)

// PlainInit create an empty git repository at the given path. isBare defines
// if the repository will have worktree (non-bare) or not (bare), if the path
// is not empty ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists is returned
func PlainInit(path string, isBare bool) (*Repository, error) {
	var wt, dot billy.Filesystem

	if isBare {
		dot = osfs.New(path)
	} else {
		wt = osfs.New(path)
		dot = wt.Dir(".git")

	s, err := filesystem.NewStorage(dot)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return Init(s, wt)

// PlainOpen opens a git repository from the given path. It detects if the
// repository is bare or a normal one. If the path doesn't contain a valid
// repository ErrRepositoryNotExists is returned
func PlainOpen(path string) (*Repository, error) {
	var wt, dot billy.Filesystem

	fs := osfs.New(path)
	if _, err := fs.Stat(".git"); err != nil {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return nil, err

		dot = fs
	} else {
		wt = fs
		dot = fs.Dir(".git")

	s, err := filesystem.NewStorage(dot)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return Open(s, wt)

// PlainClone a repository into the path with the given options, isBare defines
// if the new repository will be bare or normal. If the path is not empty
// ErrRepositoryAlreadyExists is returned
func PlainClone(path string, isBare bool, o *CloneOptions) (*Repository, error) {
	r, err := PlainInit(path, isBare)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return r, r.clone(o)

func newRepository(s storage.Storer, worktree billy.Filesystem) *Repository {
	return &Repository{
		Storer: s,
		wt:     worktree,
		r:      make(map[string]*Remote, 0),

// Config return the repository config
func (r *Repository) Config() (*config.Config, error) {
	return r.Storer.Config()

// Remote return a remote if exists
func (r *Repository) Remote(name string) (*Remote, error) {
	cfg, err := r.Storer.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c, ok := cfg.Remotes[name]
	if !ok {
		return nil, ErrRemoteNotFound

	return newRemote(r.Storer, c), nil

// Remotes returns a list with all the remotes
func (r *Repository) Remotes() ([]*Remote, error) {
	cfg, err := r.Storer.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	remotes := make([]*Remote, len(cfg.Remotes))

	var i int
	for _, c := range cfg.Remotes {
		remotes[i] = newRemote(r.Storer, c)

	return remotes, nil

// CreateRemote creates a new remote
func (r *Repository) CreateRemote(c *config.RemoteConfig) (*Remote, error) {
	if err := c.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	remote := newRemote(r.Storer, c)

	cfg, err := r.Storer.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if _, ok := cfg.Remotes[c.Name]; ok {
		return nil, ErrRemoteExists

	cfg.Remotes[c.Name] = c
	return remote, r.Storer.SetConfig(cfg)

// DeleteRemote delete a remote from the repository and delete the config
func (r *Repository) DeleteRemote(name string) error {
	cfg, err := r.Storer.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if _, ok := cfg.Remotes[name]; !ok {
		return ErrRemoteNotFound

	delete(cfg.Remotes, name)
	return r.Storer.SetConfig(cfg)

// Clone clones a remote repository
func (r *Repository) clone(o *CloneOptions) error {
	if err := o.Validate(); err != nil {
		return err

	c := &config.RemoteConfig{
		Name: o.RemoteName,
		URL:  o.URL,

	remote, err := r.CreateRemote(c)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	remoteRefs, err := remote.fetch(&FetchOptions{
		RefSpecs: r.cloneRefSpec(o, c),
		Depth:    o.Depth,
		Auth:     o.Auth,
		Progress: o.Progress,
	if err != nil {

		return err

	head, err := storer.ResolveReference(remoteRefs, o.ReferenceName)
	if err != nil {

		return err

	if _, err := r.updateReferences(c.Fetch, o.ReferenceName, head); err != nil {
		return err

	if err := r.updateWorktree(); err != nil {
		return err

	if o.RecursiveSubmodules && r.wt != nil {
		if err := r.initSubmodules(); err != nil {
			return err

	return r.updateRemoteConfig(remote, o, c, head)

func (r *Repository) initSubmodules() error {
	w, err := r.Worktree()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s, err := w.Submodules()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return s.Init()

func (r *Repository) cloneRefSpec(o *CloneOptions,
	c *config.RemoteConfig) []config.RefSpec {

	if !o.SingleBranch {
		return c.Fetch

	var rs string

	if o.ReferenceName == plumbing.HEAD {
		rs = fmt.Sprintf(refspecSingleBranchHEAD, c.Name)
	} else {
		rs = fmt.Sprintf(refspecSingleBranch,
			o.ReferenceName.Short(), c.Name)

	return []config.RefSpec{config.RefSpec(rs)}

func (r *Repository) setIsBare(isBare bool) error {
	cfg, err := r.Storer.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.Core.IsBare = isBare
	return r.Storer.SetConfig(cfg)

const (
	refspecSingleBranch     = "+refs/heads/%s:refs/remotes/%s/%[1]s"
	refspecSingleBranchHEAD = "+HEAD:refs/remotes/%s/HEAD"

func (r *Repository) updateRemoteConfig(remote *Remote, o *CloneOptions,
	c *config.RemoteConfig, head *plumbing.Reference) error {

	if !o.SingleBranch {
		return nil

	c.Fetch = []config.RefSpec{config.RefSpec(fmt.Sprintf(
		refspecSingleBranch, head.Name().Short(), c.Name,

	cfg, err := r.Storer.Config()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	cfg.Remotes[c.Name] = c
	return r.Storer.SetConfig(cfg)

func (r *Repository) updateReferences(spec []config.RefSpec,
	headName plumbing.ReferenceName, resolvedHead *plumbing.Reference) (updated bool, err error) {

	if !resolvedHead.IsBranch() {
		// Detached HEAD mode
		head := plumbing.NewHashReference(plumbing.HEAD, resolvedHead.Hash())
		return updateReferenceStorerIfNeeded(r.Storer, head)

	refs := []*plumbing.Reference{
		// Create local reference for the resolved head
		// Create local symbolic HEAD
		plumbing.NewSymbolicReference(plumbing.HEAD, resolvedHead.Name()),

	refs = append(refs, r.calculateRemoteHeadReference(spec, resolvedHead)...)

	for _, ref := range refs {
		u, err := updateReferenceStorerIfNeeded(r.Storer, ref)
		if err != nil {
			return updated, err

		if u {
			updated = true


func (r *Repository) calculateRemoteHeadReference(spec []config.RefSpec,
	resolvedHead *plumbing.Reference) []*plumbing.Reference {

	var refs []*plumbing.Reference

	// Create resolved HEAD reference with remote prefix if it does not
	// exist. This is needed when using single branch and HEAD.
	for _, rs := range spec {
		name := resolvedHead.Name()
		if !rs.Match(name) {

		name = rs.Dst(name)
		_, err := r.Storer.Reference(name)
		if err == plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound {
			refs = append(refs, plumbing.NewHashReference(name, resolvedHead.Hash()))

	return refs

func updateReferenceStorerIfNeeded(
	s storer.ReferenceStorer, r *plumbing.Reference) (updated bool, err error) {

	p, err := s.Reference(r.Name())
	if err != nil && err != plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound {
		return false, err

	// we use the string method to compare references, is the easiest way
	if err == plumbing.ErrReferenceNotFound || r.String() != p.String() {
		if err := s.SetReference(r); err != nil {
			return false, err

		return true, nil

	return false, nil

// Pull incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current branch.
// Returns nil if the operation is successful, NoErrAlreadyUpToDate if there are
// no changes to be fetched, or an error.
func (r *Repository) Pull(o *PullOptions) error {
	if err := o.Validate(); err != nil {
		return err

	remote, err := r.Remote(o.RemoteName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	remoteRefs, err := remote.fetch(&FetchOptions{
		Depth:    o.Depth,
		Auth:     o.Auth,
		Progress: o.Progress,

	updated := true
	if err == NoErrAlreadyUpToDate {
		updated = false
	} else if err != nil {
		return err

	head, err := storer.ResolveReference(remoteRefs, o.ReferenceName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	refsUpdated, err := r.updateReferences(remote.c.Fetch, o.ReferenceName, head)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if refsUpdated {
		updated = refsUpdated

	if !updated {
		return NoErrAlreadyUpToDate

	return r.updateWorktree()

func (r *Repository) updateWorktree() error {
	if r.wt == nil {
		return nil

	w, err := r.Worktree()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	h, err := r.Head()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return w.Checkout(h.Hash())

// Fetch fetches changes from a remote repository.
// Returns nil if the operation is successful, NoErrAlreadyUpToDate if there are
// no changes to be fetched, or an error.
func (r *Repository) Fetch(o *FetchOptions) error {
	if err := o.Validate(); err != nil {
		return err

	remote, err := r.Remote(o.RemoteName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return remote.Fetch(o)

// Push pushes changes to a remote.
func (r *Repository) Push(o *PushOptions) error {
	if err := o.Validate(); err != nil {
		return err

	remote, err := r.Remote(o.RemoteName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return remote.Push(o)

// Commit return a Commit with the given hash. If not found
// plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound is returned
func (r *Repository) Commit(h plumbing.Hash) (*object.Commit, error) {
	return object.GetCommit(r.Storer, h)

// Commits returns an unsorted CommitIter with all the commits in the repository
func (r *Repository) Commits() (*object.CommitIter, error) {
	iter, err := r.Storer.IterEncodedObjects(plumbing.CommitObject)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return object.NewCommitIter(r.Storer, iter), nil

// Tree return a Tree with the given hash. If not found
// plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound is returned
func (r *Repository) Tree(h plumbing.Hash) (*object.Tree, error) {
	return object.GetTree(r.Storer, h)

// Trees returns an unsorted TreeIter with all the trees in the repository
func (r *Repository) Trees() (*object.TreeIter, error) {
	iter, err := r.Storer.IterEncodedObjects(plumbing.TreeObject)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return object.NewTreeIter(r.Storer, iter), nil

// Blob returns a Blob with the given hash. If not found
// plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound is returne
func (r *Repository) Blob(h plumbing.Hash) (*object.Blob, error) {
	return object.GetBlob(r.Storer, h)

// Blobs returns an unsorted BlobIter with all the blobs in the repository
func (r *Repository) Blobs() (*object.BlobIter, error) {
	iter, err := r.Storer.IterEncodedObjects(plumbing.BlobObject)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return object.NewBlobIter(r.Storer, iter), nil

// Tag returns a Tag with the given hash. If not found
// plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound is returned
func (r *Repository) Tag(h plumbing.Hash) (*object.Tag, error) {
	return object.GetTag(r.Storer, h)

// Tags returns a unsorted TagIter that can step through all of the annotated
// tags in the repository.
func (r *Repository) Tags() (*object.TagIter, error) {
	iter, err := r.Storer.IterEncodedObjects(plumbing.TagObject)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return object.NewTagIter(r.Storer, iter), nil

// Object returns an Object with the given hash. If not found
// plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound is returned
func (r *Repository) Object(t plumbing.ObjectType, h plumbing.Hash) (object.Object, error) {
	obj, err := r.Storer.EncodedObject(t, h)
	if err != nil {
		if err == plumbing.ErrObjectNotFound {
			return nil, ErrObjectNotFound

		return nil, err

	return object.DecodeObject(r.Storer, obj)

// Objects returns an unsorted BlobIter with all the objects in the repository
func (r *Repository) Objects() (*object.ObjectIter, error) {
	iter, err := r.Storer.IterEncodedObjects(plumbing.AnyObject)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return object.NewObjectIter(r.Storer, iter), nil

// Head returns the reference where HEAD is pointing to.
func (r *Repository) Head() (*plumbing.Reference, error) {
	return storer.ResolveReference(r.Storer, plumbing.HEAD)

// Reference returns the reference for a given reference name. If resolved is
// true, any symbolic reference will be resolved.
func (r *Repository) Reference(name plumbing.ReferenceName, resolved bool) (
	*plumbing.Reference, error) {

	if resolved {
		return storer.ResolveReference(r.Storer, name)

	return r.Storer.Reference(name)

// References returns an unsorted ReferenceIter for all references.
func (r *Repository) References() (storer.ReferenceIter, error) {
	return r.Storer.IterReferences()

// Worktree returns a worktree based on the given fs, if nil the default
// worktree will be used.
func (r *Repository) Worktree() (*Worktree, error) {
	if r.wt == nil {
		return nil, ErrIsBareRepository

	return &Worktree{r: r, fs: r.wt}, nil

// ResolveRevision resolves revision to corresponding hash
func (r *Repository) ResolveRevision(rev plumbing.Revision) (*plumbing.Hash, error) {
	p := revision.NewParserFromString(string(rev))

	items, err := p.Parse()

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var commit *object.Commit

	for _, item := range items {
		switch item.(type) {
		case revision.Ref:
			ref, err := storer.ResolveReference(r.Storer, plumbing.ReferenceName(item.(revision.Ref)))

			if err != nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, err

			h := ref.Hash()

			commit, err = r.Commit(h)

			if err != nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, err
		case revision.CaretPath:
			depth := item.(revision.CaretPath).Depth

			if depth == 0 {

			iter := commit.Parents()

			c, err := iter.Next()

			if err != nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, err

			if depth == 1 {
				commit = c


			c, err = iter.Next()

			if err != nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, err

			commit = c
		case revision.TildePath:
			for i := 0; i < item.(revision.TildePath).Depth; i++ {
				c, err := commit.Parents().Next()

				if err != nil {
					return &plumbing.ZeroHash, err

				commit = c
		case revision.CaretReg:
			history, err := commit.History()

			if err != nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, err

			re := item.(revision.CaretReg).Regexp
			negate := item.(revision.CaretReg).Negate

			var c *object.Commit

			for i := 0; i < len(history); i++ {
				if !negate && re.MatchString(history[i].Message) {
					c = history[i]


				if negate && !re.MatchString(history[i].Message) {
					c = history[i]


			if c == nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, fmt.Errorf(`No commit message match regexp : "%s"`, re.String())

			commit = c
		case revision.AtDate:
			history, err := commit.History()

			if err != nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, err

			date := item.(revision.AtDate).Date
			var c *object.Commit

			for i := 0; i < len(history); i++ {
				if date.Equal(history[i].Committer.When.UTC()) || history[i].Committer.When.UTC().Before(date) {
					c = history[i]


			if c == nil {
				return &plumbing.ZeroHash, fmt.Errorf(`No commit exists prior to date "%s"`, date.String())

			commit = c

	return &commit.Hash, nil