package object
import (
fixtures ""
. ""
type PatchSuite struct {
var _ = Suite(&PatchSuite{})
func (s *PatchSuite) TestStatsWithSubmodules(c *C) {
storer := filesystem.NewStorage(
fixtures.ByURL("").One().DotGit(), cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
commit, err := GetCommit(storer, plumbing.NewHash("b685400c1f9316f350965a5993d350bc746b0bf4"))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tree, err := commit.Tree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
e, err := tree.entry("basic")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ch := &Change{
From: ChangeEntry{
Name: "basic",
Tree: tree,
TreeEntry: *e,
To: ChangeEntry{
Name: "basic",
Tree: tree,
TreeEntry: *e,
p, err := getPatch("", ch)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(p, NotNil)
func (s *PatchSuite) TestFileStatsString(c *C) {
testCases := []struct {
description string
input FileStats
expected string
description: "no files changed",
input: []FileStat{},
expected: "",
description: "one file touched - no changes",
input: []FileStat{
Name: "file1",
expected: " file1 | 0 \n",
description: "one file changed",
input: []FileStat{
Name: "file1",
Addition: 1,
expected: " file1 | 1 +\n",
description: "one file changed with one addition and one deletion",
input: []FileStat{
Name: ".github/workflows/git.yml",
Addition: 1,
Deletion: 1,
expected: " .github/workflows/git.yml | 2 +-\n",
description: "two files changed",
input: []FileStat{
Name: ".github/workflows/git.yml",
Addition: 1,
Deletion: 1,
Name: "cli/go-git/go.mod",
Addition: 4,
Deletion: 4,
expected: " .github/workflows/git.yml | 2 +-\n cli/go-git/go.mod | 8 ++++----\n",
description: "three files changed",
input: []FileStat{
Name: ".github/workflows/git.yml",
Addition: 3,
Deletion: 3,
Name: "worktree.go",
Addition: 107,
Name: "worktree_test.go",
Addition: 75,
expected: " .github/workflows/git.yml | 6 +++---\n" +
" worktree.go | 107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" +
" worktree_test.go | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n",
description: "three files changed with deletions and additions",
input: []FileStat{
Name: ".github/workflows/git.yml",
Addition: 3,
Deletion: 3,
Name: "worktree.go",
Addition: 107,
Deletion: 217,
Name: "worktree_test.go",
Addition: 75,
Deletion: 275,
expected: " .github/workflows/git.yml | 6 +++---\n" +
" worktree.go | 324 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------\n" +
" worktree_test.go | 350 ++++++++++++-----------------------------------------\n",
for _, tc := range testCases {
c.Log("Executing test cases:", tc.description)
c.Assert(printStat(tc.input), Equals, tc.expected)