path: root/plumbing/object/commitnode.go
blob: a613eb4643e4e879c88ef2600554055577ab318c (plain) (tree)

package object

import (


// CommitNode is generic interface encapsulating either Commit object or

// graphCommitNode object

type CommitNode interface {
	ID() plumbing.Hash
	Tree() (*Tree, error)
	CommitTime() time.Time

// CommitNodeIndex is generic interface encapsulating an index of CommitNode objects

// and accessor methods for walking it as a directed graph

type CommitNodeIndex interface {
	NumParents(node CommitNode) int
	ParentNodes(node CommitNode) CommitNodeIter
	ParentNode(node CommitNode, i int) (CommitNode, error)
	ParentHashes(node CommitNode) []plumbing.Hash

	Get(hash plumbing.Hash) (CommitNode, error)

	// Commit returns the full commit object from the node

	Commit(node CommitNode) (*Commit, error)

// CommitNodeIter is a generic closable interface for iterating over commit nodes.

type CommitNodeIter interface {
	Next() (CommitNode, error)
	ForEach(func(CommitNode) error) error

// graphCommitNode is a reduced representation of Commit as presented in the commit

// graph file (commitgraph.Node). It is merely useful as an optimization for walking

// the commit graphs.


// graphCommitNode implements the CommitNode interface.

type graphCommitNode struct {
	// Hash for the Commit object

	hash plumbing.Hash
	// Index of the node in the commit graph file

	index int

	node *commitgraph.Node
	gci  *graphCommitNodeIndex

// graphCommitNodeIndex is an index that can load CommitNode objects from both the commit

// graph files and the object store.


// graphCommitNodeIndex implements the CommitNodeIndex interface

type graphCommitNodeIndex struct {
	commitGraph commitgraph.Index
	s           storer.EncodedObjectStorer

// objectCommitNode is a representation of Commit as presented in the GIT object format.


// objectCommitNode implements the CommitNode interface.

type objectCommitNode struct {
	commit *Commit

// objectCommitNodeIndex is an index that can load CommitNode objects only from the

// object store.


// objectCommitNodeIndex implements the CommitNodeIndex interface

type objectCommitNodeIndex struct {
	s storer.EncodedObjectStorer

// ID returns the Commit object id referenced by the commit graph node.

func (c *graphCommitNode) ID() plumbing.Hash {
	return c.hash

// Tree returns the Tree referenced by the commit graph node.

func (c *graphCommitNode) Tree() (*Tree, error) {
	return GetTree(c.gci.s, c.node.TreeHash)

// CommitTime returns the Commiter.When time of the Commit referenced by the commit graph node.

func (c *graphCommitNode) CommitTime() time.Time {
	return c.node.When

func (c *graphCommitNode) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		"%s %s\nDate:   %s",
		plumbing.CommitObject, c.ID(),

func NewGraphCommitNodeIndex(commitGraph commitgraph.Index, s storer.EncodedObjectStorer) CommitNodeIndex {
	return &graphCommitNodeIndex{commitGraph, s}

// NumParents returns the number of parents in a commit.

func (gci *graphCommitNodeIndex) NumParents(node CommitNode) int {
	if cgn, ok := node.(*graphCommitNode); ok {
		return len(cgn.node.ParentIndexes)
	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	return co.commit.NumParents()

// ParentNodes return a CommitNodeIter for parents of specified node.

func (gci *graphCommitNodeIndex) ParentNodes(node CommitNode) CommitNodeIter {
	return newParentgraphCommitNodeIter(gci, node)

// ParentNode returns the ith parent of a commit.

func (gci *graphCommitNodeIndex) ParentNode(node CommitNode, i int) (CommitNode, error) {
	if cgn, ok := node.(*graphCommitNode); ok {
		if len(cgn.node.ParentIndexes) == 0 || i >= len(cgn.node.ParentIndexes) {
			return nil, ErrParentNotFound

		parent, err := gci.commitGraph.GetNodeByIndex(cgn.node.ParentIndexes[i])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return &graphCommitNode{
			hash:  cgn.node.ParentHashes[i],
			index: cgn.node.ParentIndexes[i],
			node:  parent,
			gci:   gci,
		}, nil

	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	if len(co.commit.ParentHashes) == 0 || i >= len(co.commit.ParentHashes) {
		return nil, ErrParentNotFound

	parentHash := co.commit.ParentHashes[i]
	return gci.Get(parentHash)

// ParentHashes returns hashes of the parent commits for a specified node

func (gci *graphCommitNodeIndex) ParentHashes(node CommitNode) []plumbing.Hash {
	if cgn, ok := node.(*graphCommitNode); ok {
		return cgn.node.ParentHashes
	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	return co.commit.ParentHashes

// NodeFromHash looks up a commit node by it's object hash

func (gci *graphCommitNodeIndex) Get(hash plumbing.Hash) (CommitNode, error) {
	// Check the commit graph first

	parentIndex, err := gci.commitGraph.GetIndexByHash(hash)
	if err == nil {
		parent, err := gci.commitGraph.GetNodeByIndex(parentIndex)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return &graphCommitNode{
			hash:  hash,
			index: parentIndex,
			node:  parent,
			gci:   gci,
		}, nil

	// Fallback to loading full commit object

	commit, err := GetCommit(gci.s, hash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &objectCommitNode{commit: commit}, nil

// Commit returns the full Commit object representing the commit graph node.

func (gci *graphCommitNodeIndex) Commit(node CommitNode) (*Commit, error) {
	if cgn, ok := node.(*graphCommitNode); ok {
		return GetCommit(gci.s, cgn.ID())
	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	return co.commit, nil

// CommitTime returns the time when the commit was performed.


// CommitTime is present to fulfill the CommitNode interface.

func (c *objectCommitNode) CommitTime() time.Time {
	return c.commit.Committer.When

// ID returns the Commit object id referenced by the node.

func (c *objectCommitNode) ID() plumbing.Hash {
	return c.commit.ID()

// Tree returns the Tree referenced by the node.

func (c *objectCommitNode) Tree() (*Tree, error) {
	return c.commit.Tree()

func NewObjectCommitNodeIndex(s storer.EncodedObjectStorer) CommitNodeIndex {
	return &objectCommitNodeIndex{s}

// NumParents returns the number of parents in a commit.

func (oci *objectCommitNodeIndex) NumParents(node CommitNode) int {
	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	return co.commit.NumParents()

// ParentNodes return a CommitNodeIter for parents of specified node.

func (oci *objectCommitNodeIndex) ParentNodes(node CommitNode) CommitNodeIter {
	return newParentgraphCommitNodeIter(oci, node)

// ParentNode returns the ith parent of a commit.

func (oci *objectCommitNodeIndex) ParentNode(node CommitNode, i int) (CommitNode, error) {
	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	parent, err := co.commit.Parent(i)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &objectCommitNode{commit: parent}, nil

// ParentHashes returns hashes of the parent commits for a specified node

func (oci *objectCommitNodeIndex) ParentHashes(node CommitNode) []plumbing.Hash {
	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	return co.commit.ParentHashes

// NodeFromHash looks up a commit node by it's object hash

func (oci *objectCommitNodeIndex) Get(hash plumbing.Hash) (CommitNode, error) {
	commit, err := GetCommit(oci.s, hash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &objectCommitNode{commit: commit}, nil

// Commit returns the full Commit object representing the commit graph node.

func (oci *objectCommitNodeIndex) Commit(node CommitNode) (*Commit, error) {
	co := node.(*objectCommitNode)
	return co.commit, nil

// parentCommitNodeIter provides an iterator for parent commits from associated CommitNodeIndex.

type parentCommitNodeIter struct {
	gci  CommitNodeIndex
	node CommitNode
	i    int

func newParentgraphCommitNodeIter(gci CommitNodeIndex, node CommitNode) CommitNodeIter {
	return &parentCommitNodeIter{gci, node, 0}

// Next moves the iterator to the next commit and returns a pointer to it. If

// there are no more commits, it returns io.EOF.

func (iter *parentCommitNodeIter) Next() (CommitNode, error) {
	obj, err := iter.gci.ParentNode(iter.node, iter.i)
	if err == ErrParentNotFound {
		return nil, io.EOF
	if err == nil {

	return obj, err

// ForEach call the cb function for each commit contained on this iter until

// an error appends or the end of the iter is reached. If ErrStop is sent

// the iteration is stopped but no error is returned. The iterator is closed.

func (iter *parentCommitNodeIter) ForEach(cb func(CommitNode) error) error {
	for {
		obj, err := iter.Next()
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
				return nil

			return err

		if err := cb(obj); err != nil {
			if err == storer.ErrStop {
				return nil

			return err

func (iter *parentCommitNodeIter) Close() {