import os import subprocess import sys from git_deps.gitutils import GitUtils from git_deps.detector import DependencyDetector from git_deps.errors import InvalidCommitish from git_deps.listener.json import JSONDependencyListener from git_deps.utils import abort, standard_logger def serve(options): try: import flask from flask import Flask, send_file from flask.json import jsonify from import safe_join except ImportError: abort("Cannot find flask module which is required for webserver mode.") logger = standard_logger(__name__, options.debug) webserver = Flask('git-deps') here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) root = os.path.join(here, 'html') webserver.root_path = root logger.debug("Webserver root is %s" % root) ########################################################## # Static content @webserver.route('/') def main_page(): return send_file('git-deps.html') @webserver.route('/tip-template.html') def tip_template(): return send_file('tip-template.html') @webserver.route('/test.json') def data(): return send_file('test.json') def make_subdir_handler(subdir): def subdir_handler(filename): path = safe_join(root, subdir) path = safe_join(path, filename) if os.path.exists(path): return send_file(path) else: flask.abort(404) return subdir_handler for subdir in ('node_modules', 'css', 'js'): fn = make_subdir_handler(subdir) route = '/%s/' % subdir webserver.add_url_rule(route, subdir + '_handler', fn) ########################################################## # Dynamic content def json_error(status_code, error_class, message, **extra): json = { 'status': status_code, 'error_class': error_class, 'message': message, } json.update(extra) response = jsonify(json) response.status_code = status_code return response @webserver.route('/options') def send_options(): client_options = options.__dict__ client_options['repo_path'] = os.getcwd() return jsonify(client_options) @webserver.route('/deps.json/') def deps(revspec): detector = DependencyDetector(options) listener = JSONDependencyListener(options) detector.add_listener(listener) if '..' in revspec: try: revisions = GitUtils.rev_list(revspec) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return json_error( 422, 'Invalid revision range', "Could not resolve revision range '%s'" % revspec, revspec=revspec) else: revisions = [revspec] for rev in revisions: try: detector.get_commit(rev) except InvalidCommitish: return json_error( 422, 'Invalid revision', "Could not resolve revision '%s'" % rev, rev=rev) detector.find_dependencies(rev) tip_commit = detector.get_commit(revisions[0]) tip_sha1 = tip_commit.hex json = listener.json() json['query'] = { 'revspec': revspec, 'revisions': revisions, 'tip_sha1': tip_sha1, 'tip_abbrev': GitUtils.abbreviate_sha1(tip_sha1), } return jsonify(json) # We don't want to see double-decker warnings, so check # WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN which is only set for the first startup, not # on app reloads. if options.debug and not os.getenv('WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN'): print("!! WARNING! Debug mode enabled, so webserver is completely " "insecure!") print("!! Arbitrary code can be executed from browser!") print() try:, debug=options.debug, host=options.bindaddr) except OSError as e: print("\n!!! ERROR: Could not start server:") print("!!!") print("!!! " + str(e)) print("!!!") if e.strerror == "Address already in use": print("!!! Do you already have a git deps server running?") print("!!! If so, stop it first and try again.") print("!!!") print("!!! Aborting.") sys.exit(1)