.. _release: ================== Maintainer guide ================== This guide contains a playbook for tasks the maintainer will need to perform. Initial setup ============= - Create a PyPI account - Configure ``~/.pypirc`` with credentials - ``pip install twine`` How to make a new release of git-deps ===================================== - Ensure everything is committed and the git working tree is clean. - Ensure all change have been pushed to the remote branch. - Run ``tox`` to check everything is OK. - Decide a new version, e.g.:: version=1.1.0 Release candidates should take the form ``1.2.3rc4``. - ``git tag -s $version`` - ``tox -e sdist`` - ``twine upload .tox/dist/git-deps-$version.zip`` - Check the new version appears at ``_. - Test installation via at least one of the documented options, e.g. ``pip install git-deps`` within a virtualenv. - Test / update the Docker-based installation.