path: root/html/js/cola.v3.js
diff options
authorAdam Spiers <git@adamspiers.org>2015-01-06 16:37:04 +0000
committerAdam Spiers <git@adamspiers.org>2015-01-06 16:37:04 +0000
commitbe8ec266ec51b4f0c9a36a7ff6d136e42c54dd9f (patch)
tree2b726308a5ea0de679a650e41830aaa34c08dbbd /html/js/cola.v3.js
parent70d766006cc69ce8318431cf91e0ee0f6d471aa1 (diff)
for now, use the non-minified versions of d3 and webcola
This makes for less cryptic debugging messages.
Diffstat (limited to 'html/js/cola.v3.js')
1 files changed, 3735 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/html/js/cola.v3.js b/html/js/cola.v3.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b7c100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/js/cola.v3.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3735 @@
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ var Locks = (function () {
+ function Locks() {
+ this.locks = {};
+ }
+ Locks.prototype.add = function (id, x) {
+ if (isNaN(x[0]) || isNaN(x[1]))
+ debugger;
+ this.locks[id] = x;
+ };
+ Locks.prototype.clear = function () {
+ this.locks = {};
+ };
+ Locks.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
+ for (var l in this.locks)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ };
+ Locks.prototype.apply = function (f) {
+ for (var l in this.locks) {
+ f(l, this.locks[l]);
+ }
+ };
+ return Locks;
+ })();
+ cola.Locks = Locks;
+ var Descent = (function () {
+ function Descent(x, D, G) {
+ if (typeof G === "undefined") { G = null; }
+ this.D = D;
+ this.G = G;
+ this.threshold = 0.0001;
+ this.random = new PseudoRandom();
+ this.project = null;
+ this.x = x;
+ this.k = x.length;
+ var n = this.n = x[0].length;
+ this.H = new Array(this.k);
+ this.g = new Array(this.k);
+ this.Hd = new Array(this.k);
+ this.a = new Array(this.k);
+ this.b = new Array(this.k);
+ this.c = new Array(this.k);
+ this.d = new Array(this.k);
+ this.e = new Array(this.k);
+ this.ia = new Array(this.k);
+ this.ib = new Array(this.k);
+ this.xtmp = new Array(this.k);
+ this.locks = new Locks();
+ this.minD = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var i = n, j;
+ while (i--) {
+ j = n;
+ while (--j > i) {
+ var d = D[i][j];
+ if (d > 0 && d < this.minD) {
+ this.minD = d;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.minD === Number.MAX_VALUE)
+ this.minD = 1;
+ i = this.k;
+ while (i--) {
+ this.g[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.H[i] = new Array(n);
+ j = n;
+ while (j--) {
+ this.H[i][j] = new Array(n);
+ }
+ this.Hd[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.a[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.b[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.c[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.d[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.e[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.ia[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.ib[i] = new Array(n);
+ this.xtmp[i] = new Array(n);
+ }
+ }
+ Descent.createSquareMatrix = function (n, f) {
+ var M = new Array(n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ M[i] = new Array(n);
+ for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+ M[i][j] = f(i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ return M;
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.offsetDir = function () {
+ var _this = this;
+ var u = new Array(this.k);
+ var l = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.k; ++i) {
+ var x = u[i] = this.random.getNextBetween(0.01, 1) - 0.5;
+ l += x * x;
+ }
+ l = Math.sqrt(l);
+ return u.map(function (x) {
+ return x *= _this.minD / l;
+ });
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.computeDerivatives = function (x) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var n = this.n;
+ if (n < 1)
+ return;
+ var i;
+ var d = new Array(this.k);
+ var d2 = new Array(this.k);
+ var Huu = new Array(this.k);
+ var maxH = 0;
+ for (var u = 0; u < n; ++u) {
+ for (i = 0; i < this.k; ++i)
+ Huu[i] = this.g[i][u] = 0;
+ for (var v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
+ if (u === v)
+ continue;
+ while (true) {
+ var sd2 = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < this.k; ++i) {
+ var dx = d[i] = x[i][u] - x[i][v];
+ sd2 += d2[i] = dx * dx;
+ }
+ if (sd2 > 1e-9)
+ break;
+ var rd = this.offsetDir();
+ for (i = 0; i < this.k; ++i)
+ x[i][v] += rd[i];
+ }
+ var l = Math.sqrt(sd2);
+ var D = this.D[u][v];
+ var weight = this.G != null ? this.G[u][v] : 1;
+ if (weight > 1 && l > D || !isFinite(D)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < this.k; ++i)
+ this.H[i][u][v] = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (weight > 1) {
+ weight = 1;
+ }
+ var D2 = D * D;
+ var gs = weight * (l - D) / (D2 * l);
+ var hs = -weight / (D2 * l * l * l);
+ if (!isFinite(gs))
+ console.log(gs);
+ for (i = 0; i < this.k; ++i) {
+ this.g[i][u] += d[i] * gs;
+ Huu[i] -= this.H[i][u][v] = hs * (D * (d2[i] - sd2) + l * sd2);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < this.k; ++i)
+ maxH = Math.max(maxH, this.H[i][u][u] = Huu[i]);
+ }
+ if (!this.locks.isEmpty()) {
+ this.locks.apply(function (u, p) {
+ for (i = 0; i < _this.k; ++i) {
+ _this.H[i][u][u] += maxH;
+ _this.g[i][u] -= maxH * (p[i] - x[i][u]);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ Descent.dotProd = function (a, b) {
+ var x = 0, i = a.length;
+ while (i--)
+ x += a[i] * b[i];
+ return x;
+ };
+ Descent.rightMultiply = function (m, v, r) {
+ var i = m.length;
+ while (i--)
+ r[i] = Descent.dotProd(m[i], v);
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.computeStepSize = function (d) {
+ var numerator = 0, denominator = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ numerator += Descent.dotProd(this.g[i], d[i]);
+ Descent.rightMultiply(this.H[i], d[i], this.Hd[i]);
+ denominator += Descent.dotProd(d[i], this.Hd[i]);
+ }
+ if (denominator === 0 || !isFinite(denominator))
+ return 0;
+ return numerator / denominator;
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.reduceStress = function () {
+ this.computeDerivatives(this.x);
+ var alpha = this.computeStepSize(this.g);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.k; ++i) {
+ this.takeDescentStep(this.x[i], this.g[i], alpha);
+ }
+ return this.computeStress();
+ };
+ Descent.copy = function (a, b) {
+ var m = a.length, n = b[0].length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+ b[i][j] = a[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.stepAndProject = function (x0, r, d, stepSize) {
+ Descent.copy(x0, r);
+ this.takeDescentStep(r[0], d[0], stepSize);
+ if (this.project)
+ this.project[0](x0[0], x0[1], r[0]);
+ this.takeDescentStep(r[1], d[1], stepSize);
+ if (this.project)
+ this.project[1](r[0], x0[1], r[1]);
+ };
+ Descent.mApply = function (m, n, f) {
+ var i = m;
+ while (i-- > 0) {
+ var j = n;
+ while (j-- > 0)
+ f(i, j);
+ }
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.matrixApply = function (f) {
+ Descent.mApply(this.k, this.n, f);
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.computeNextPosition = function (x0, r) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.computeDerivatives(x0);
+ var alpha = this.computeStepSize(this.g);
+ this.stepAndProject(x0, r, this.g, alpha);
+ for (var u = 0; u < this.n; ++u)
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.k; ++i)
+ if (isNaN(r[i][u]))
+ debugger;
+ if (this.project) {
+ this.matrixApply(function (i, j) {
+ return _this.e[i][j] = x0[i][j] - r[i][j];
+ });
+ var beta = this.computeStepSize(this.e);
+ beta = Math.max(0.2, Math.min(beta, 1));
+ this.stepAndProject(x0, r, this.e, beta);
+ }
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.run = function (iterations) {
+ var stress = Number.MAX_VALUE, converged = false;
+ while (!converged && iterations-- > 0) {
+ var s = this.rungeKutta();
+ converged = Math.abs(stress / s - 1) < this.threshold;
+ stress = s;
+ }
+ return stress;
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.rungeKutta = function () {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.computeNextPosition(this.x, this.a);
+ Descent.mid(this.x, this.a, this.ia);
+ this.computeNextPosition(this.ia, this.b);
+ Descent.mid(this.x, this.b, this.ib);
+ this.computeNextPosition(this.ib, this.c);
+ this.computeNextPosition(this.c, this.d);
+ var disp = 0;
+ this.matrixApply(function (i, j) {
+ var x = (_this.a[i][j] + 2.0 * _this.b[i][j] + 2.0 * _this.c[i][j] + _this.d[i][j]) / 6.0, d = _this.x[i][j] - x;
+ disp += d * d;
+ _this.x[i][j] = x;
+ });
+ return disp;
+ };
+ Descent.mid = function (a, b, m) {
+ Descent.mApply(a.length, a[0].length, function (i, j) {
+ return m[i][j] = a[i][j] + (b[i][j] - a[i][j]) / 2.0;
+ });
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.takeDescentStep = function (x, d, stepSize) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.n; ++i) {
+ x[i] = x[i] - stepSize * d[i];
+ }
+ };
+ Descent.prototype.computeStress = function () {
+ var stress = 0;
+ for (var u = 0, nMinus1 = this.n - 1; u < nMinus1; ++u) {
+ for (var v = u + 1, n = this.n; v < n; ++v) {
+ var l = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.k; ++i) {
+ var dx = this.x[i][u] - this.x[i][v];
+ l += dx * dx;
+ }
+ l = Math.sqrt(l);
+ var d = this.D[u][v];
+ if (!isFinite(d))
+ continue;
+ var rl = d - l;
+ var d2 = d * d;
+ stress += rl * rl / d2;
+ }
+ }
+ return stress;
+ };
+ Descent.zeroDistance = 1e-10;
+ return Descent;
+ })();
+ cola.Descent = Descent;
+ var PseudoRandom = (function () {
+ function PseudoRandom(seed) {
+ if (typeof seed === "undefined") { seed = 1; }
+ this.seed = seed;
+ this.a = 214013;
+ this.c = 2531011;
+ this.m = 2147483648;
+ this.range = 32767;
+ }
+ PseudoRandom.prototype.getNext = function () {
+ this.seed = (this.seed * this.a + this.c) % this.m;
+ return (this.seed >> 16) / this.range;
+ };
+ PseudoRandom.prototype.getNextBetween = function (min, max) {
+ return min + this.getNext() * (max - min);
+ };
+ return PseudoRandom;
+ })();
+ cola.PseudoRandom = PseudoRandom;
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
+ for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
+ function __() { this.constructor = d; }
+ __.prototype = b.prototype;
+ d.prototype = new __();
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ (function (geom) {
+ var Point = (function () {
+ function Point() {
+ }
+ return Point;
+ })();
+ geom.Point = Point;
+ var LineSegment = (function () {
+ function LineSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ this.x1 = x1;
+ this.y1 = y1;
+ this.x2 = x2;
+ this.y2 = y2;
+ }
+ return LineSegment;
+ })();
+ geom.LineSegment = LineSegment;
+ var PolyPoint = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(PolyPoint, _super);
+ function PolyPoint() {
+ _super.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return PolyPoint;
+ })(Point);
+ geom.PolyPoint = PolyPoint;
+ function isLeft(P0, P1, P2) {
+ return (P1.x - P0.x) * (P2.y - P0.y) - (P2.x - P0.x) * (P1.y - P0.y);
+ }
+ geom.isLeft = isLeft;
+ function above(p, vi, vj) {
+ return isLeft(p, vi, vj) > 0;
+ }
+ function below(p, vi, vj) {
+ return isLeft(p, vi, vj) < 0;
+ }
+ function ConvexHull(S) {
+ var P = S.slice(0).sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a.x !== b.x ? b.x - a.x : b.y - a.y;
+ });
+ var n = S.length, i;
+ var minmin = 0;
+ var xmin = P[0].x;
+ for (i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (P[i].x !== xmin)
+ break;
+ }
+ var minmax = i - 1;
+ var H = [];
+ H.push(P[minmin]);
+ if (minmax === n - 1) {
+ if (P[minmax].y !== P[minmin].y)
+ H.push(P[minmax]);
+ } else {
+ var maxmin, maxmax = n - 1;
+ var xmax = P[n - 1].x;
+ for (i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (P[i].x !== xmax)
+ break;
+ maxmin = i + 1;
+ i = minmax;
+ while (++i <= maxmin) {
+ if (isLeft(P[minmin], P[maxmin], P[i]) >= 0 && i < maxmin)
+ continue;
+ while (H.length > 1) {
+ if (isLeft(H[H.length - 2], H[H.length - 1], P[i]) > 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ H.length -= 1;
+ }
+ if (i != minmin)
+ H.push(P[i]);
+ }
+ if (maxmax != maxmin)
+ H.push(P[maxmax]);
+ var bot = H.length;
+ i = maxmin;
+ while (--i >= minmax) {
+ if (isLeft(P[maxmax], P[minmax], P[i]) >= 0 && i > minmax)
+ continue;
+ while (H.length > bot) {
+ if (isLeft(H[H.length - 2], H[H.length - 1], P[i]) > 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ H.length -= 1;
+ }
+ if (i != minmin)
+ H.push(P[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return H;
+ }
+ geom.ConvexHull = ConvexHull;
+ function clockwiseRadialSweep(p, P, f) {
+ P.slice(0).sort(function (a, b) {
+ return Math.atan2(a.y - p.y, a.x - p.x) - Math.atan2(b.y - p.y, b.x - p.x);
+ }).forEach(f);
+ }
+ geom.clockwiseRadialSweep = clockwiseRadialSweep;
+ function nextPolyPoint(p, ps) {
+ if (p.polyIndex === ps.length - 1)
+ return ps[0];
+ return ps[p.polyIndex + 1];
+ }
+ function prevPolyPoint(p, ps) {
+ if (p.polyIndex === 0)
+ return ps[ps.length - 1];
+ return ps[p.polyIndex - 1];
+ }
+ function tangent_PointPolyC(P, V) {
+ return { rtan: Rtangent_PointPolyC(P, V), ltan: Ltangent_PointPolyC(P, V) };
+ }
+ function Rtangent_PointPolyC(P, V) {
+ var n = V.length - 1;
+ var a, b, c;
+ var upA, dnC;
+ if (below(P, V[1], V[0]) && !above(P, V[n - 1], V[0]))
+ return 0;
+ for (a = 0, b = n; ;) {
+ if (b - a === 1)
+ if (above(P, V[a], V[b]))
+ return a;
+ else
+ return b;
+ c = Math.floor((a + b) / 2);
+ dnC = below(P, V[c + 1], V[c]);
+ if (dnC && !above(P, V[c - 1], V[c]))
+ return c;
+ upA = above(P, V[a + 1], V[a]);
+ if (upA) {
+ if (dnC)
+ b = c;
+ else {
+ if (above(P, V[a], V[c]))
+ b = c;
+ else
+ a = c;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!dnC)
+ a = c;
+ else {
+ if (below(P, V[a], V[c]))
+ b = c;
+ else
+ a = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Ltangent_PointPolyC(P, V) {
+ var n = V.length - 1;
+ var a, b, c;
+ var dnA, dnC;
+ if (above(P, V[n - 1], V[0]) && !below(P, V[1], V[0]))
+ return 0;
+ for (a = 0, b = n; ;) {
+ if (b - a === 1)
+ if (below(P, V[a], V[b]))
+ return a;
+ else
+ return b;
+ c = Math.floor((a + b) / 2);
+ dnC = below(P, V[c + 1], V[c]);
+ if (above(P, V[c - 1], V[c]) && !dnC)
+ return c;
+ dnA = below(P, V[a + 1], V[a]);
+ if (dnA) {
+ if (!dnC)
+ b = c;
+ else {
+ if (below(P, V[a], V[c]))
+ b = c;
+ else
+ a = c;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dnC)
+ a = c;
+ else {
+ if (above(P, V[a], V[c]))
+ b = c;
+ else
+ a = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function tangent_PolyPolyC(V, W, t1, t2, cmp1, cmp2) {
+ var ix1, ix2;
+ ix1 = t1(W[0], V);
+ ix2 = t2(V[ix1], W);
+ var done = false;
+ while (!done) {
+ done = true;
+ while (true) {
+ if (ix1 === V.length - 1)
+ ix1 = 0;
+ if (cmp1(W[ix2], V[ix1], V[ix1 + 1]))
+ break;
+ ++ix1;
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ if (ix2 === 0)
+ ix2 = W.length - 1;
+ if (cmp2(V[ix1], W[ix2], W[ix2 - 1]))
+ break;
+ --ix2;
+ done = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return { t1: ix1, t2: ix2 };
+ }
+ geom.tangent_PolyPolyC = tangent_PolyPolyC;
+ function LRtangent_PolyPolyC(V, W) {
+ var rl = RLtangent_PolyPolyC(W, V);
+ return { t1: rl.t2, t2: rl.t1 };
+ }
+ geom.LRtangent_PolyPolyC = LRtangent_PolyPolyC;
+ function RLtangent_PolyPolyC(V, W) {
+ return tangent_PolyPolyC(V, W, Rtangent_PointPolyC, Ltangent_PointPolyC, above, below);
+ }
+ geom.RLtangent_PolyPolyC = RLtangent_PolyPolyC;
+ function LLtangent_PolyPolyC(V, W) {
+ return tangent_PolyPolyC(V, W, Ltangent_PointPolyC, Ltangent_PointPolyC, below, below);
+ }
+ geom.LLtangent_PolyPolyC = LLtangent_PolyPolyC;
+ function RRtangent_PolyPolyC(V, W) {
+ return tangent_PolyPolyC(V, W, Rtangent_PointPolyC, Rtangent_PointPolyC, above, above);
+ }
+ geom.RRtangent_PolyPolyC = RRtangent_PolyPolyC;
+ var BiTangent = (function () {
+ function BiTangent(t1, t2) {
+ this.t1 = t1;
+ this.t2 = t2;
+ }
+ return BiTangent;
+ })();
+ geom.BiTangent = BiTangent;
+ var BiTangents = (function () {
+ function BiTangents() {
+ }
+ return BiTangents;
+ })();
+ geom.BiTangents = BiTangents;
+ var TVGPoint = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(TVGPoint, _super);
+ function TVGPoint() {
+ _super.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return TVGPoint;
+ })(Point);
+ geom.TVGPoint = TVGPoint;
+ var VisibilityVertex = (function () {
+ function VisibilityVertex(id, polyid, polyvertid, p) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.polyid = polyid;
+ this.polyvertid = polyvertid;
+ this.p = p;
+ p.vv = this;
+ }
+ return VisibilityVertex;
+ })();
+ geom.VisibilityVertex = VisibilityVertex;
+ var VisibilityEdge = (function () {
+ function VisibilityEdge(source, target) {
+ this.source = source;
+ this.target = target;
+ }
+ VisibilityEdge.prototype.length = function () {
+ var dx = this.source.p.x - this.target.p.x;
+ var dy = this.source.p.y - this.target.p.y;
+ return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ };
+ return VisibilityEdge;
+ })();
+ geom.VisibilityEdge = VisibilityEdge;
+ var TangentVisibilityGraph = (function () {
+ function TangentVisibilityGraph(P, g0) {
+ this.P = P;
+ this.V = [];
+ this.E = [];
+ if (!g0) {
+ var n = P.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ var p = P[i];
+ for (var j = 0; j < p.length; ++j) {
+ var pj = p[j], vv = new VisibilityVertex(this.V.length, i, j, pj);
+ this.V.push(vv);
+ if (j > 0)
+ this.E.push(new VisibilityEdge(p[j - 1].vv, vv));
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
+ var Pi = P[i];
+ for (var j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
+ var Pj = P[j], t = geom.tangents(Pi, Pj);
+ for (var q in t) {
+ var c = t[q], source = Pi[c.t1], target = Pj[c.t2];
+ this.addEdgeIfVisible(source, target, i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.V = g0.V.slice(0);
+ this.E = g0.E.slice(0);
+ }
+ }
+ TangentVisibilityGraph.prototype.addEdgeIfVisible = function (u, v, i1, i2) {
+ if (!this.intersectsPolys(new LineSegment(u.x, u.y, v.x, v.y), i1, i2)) {
+ this.E.push(new VisibilityEdge(u.vv, v.vv));
+ }
+ };
+ TangentVisibilityGraph.prototype.addPoint = function (p, i1) {
+ var n = this.P.length;
+ this.V.push(new VisibilityVertex(this.V.length, n, 0, p));
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (i === i1)
+ continue;
+ var poly = this.P[i], t = tangent_PointPolyC(p, poly);
+ this.addEdgeIfVisible(p, poly[t.ltan], i1, i);
+ this.addEdgeIfVisible(p, poly[t.rtan], i1, i);
+ }
+ return p.vv;
+ };
+ TangentVisibilityGraph.prototype.intersectsPolys = function (l, i1, i2) {
+ for (var i = 0, n = this.P.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (i != i1 && i != i2 && intersects(l, this.P[i]).length > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ return TangentVisibilityGraph;
+ })();
+ geom.TangentVisibilityGraph = TangentVisibilityGraph;
+ function intersects(l, P) {
+ var ints = [];
+ for (var i = 1, n = P.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ var int = cola.vpsc.Rectangle.lineIntersection(l.x1, l.y1, l.x2, l.y2, P[i - 1].x, P[i - 1].y, P[i].x, P[i].y);
+ if (int)
+ ints.push(int);
+ }
+ return ints;
+ }
+ function tangents(V, W) {
+ var m = V.length - 1, n = W.length - 1;
+ var bt = new BiTangents();
+ for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+ var v1 = V[i == 0 ? m - 1 : i - 1];
+ var v2 = V[i];
+ var v3 = V[i + 1];
+ var w1 = W[j == 0 ? n - 1 : j - 1];
+ var w2 = W[j];
+ var w3 = W[j + 1];
+ var v1v2w2 = isLeft(v1, v2, w2);
+ var v2w1w2 = isLeft(v2, w1, w2);
+ var v2w2w3 = isLeft(v2, w2, w3);
+ var w1w2v2 = isLeft(w1, w2, v2);
+ var w2v1v2 = isLeft(w2, v1, v2);
+ var w2v2v3 = isLeft(w2, v2, v3);
+ if (v1v2w2 >= 0 && v2w1w2 >= 0 && v2w2w3 < 0 && w1w2v2 >= 0 && w2v1v2 >= 0 && w2v2v3 < 0) {
+ bt.ll = new BiTangent(i, j);
+ } else if (v1v2w2 <= 0 && v2w1w2 <= 0 && v2w2w3 > 0 && w1w2v2 <= 0 && w2v1v2 <= 0 && w2v2v3 > 0) {
+ bt.rr = new BiTangent(i, j);
+ } else if (v1v2w2 <= 0 && v2w1w2 > 0 && v2w2w3 <= 0 && w1w2v2 >= 0 && w2v1v2 < 0 && w2v2v3 >= 0) {
+ bt.rl = new BiTangent(i, j);
+ } else if (v1v2w2 >= 0 && v2w1w2 < 0 && v2w2w3 >= 0 && w1w2v2 <= 0 && w2v1v2 > 0 && w2v2v3 <= 0) {
+ bt.lr = new BiTangent(i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bt;
+ }
+ geom.tangents = tangents;
+ function isPointInsidePoly(p, poly) {
+ for (var i = 1, n = poly.length; i < n; ++i)
+ if (below(poly[i - 1], poly[i], p))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ function isAnyPInQ(p, q) {
+ return !p.every(function (v) {
+ return !isPointInsidePoly(v, q);
+ });
+ }
+ function polysOverlap(p, q) {
+ if (isAnyPInQ(p, q))
+ return true;
+ if (isAnyPInQ(q, p))
+ return true;
+ for (var i = 1, n = p.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ var v = p[i], u = p[i - 1];
+ if (intersects(new LineSegment(u.x, u.y, v.x, v.y), q).length > 0)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ geom.polysOverlap = polysOverlap;
+ })(cola.geom || (cola.geom = {}));
+ var geom = cola.geom;
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ function unionCount(a, b) {
+ var u = {};
+ for (var i in a)
+ u[i] = {};
+ for (var i in b)
+ u[i] = {};
+ return Object.keys(u).length;
+ }
+ function intersectionCount(a, b) {
+ var n = 0;
+ for (var i in a)
+ if (typeof b[i] !== 'undefined')
+ ++n;
+ return n;
+ }
+ function getNeighbours(n, links, la) {
+ var neighbours = new Array(n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ neighbours[i] = {};
+ }
+ links.forEach(function (e) {
+ var u = la.getSourceIndex(e), v = la.getTargetIndex(e);
+ neighbours[u][v] = {};
+ neighbours[v][u] = {};
+ });
+ return neighbours;
+ }
+ function computeLinkLengths(n, links, w, f, la) {
+ var neighbours = getNeighbours(n, links, la);
+ links.forEach(function (l) {
+ var a = neighbours[la.getSourceIndex(l)];
+ var b = neighbours[la.getTargetIndex(l)];
+ la.setLength(l, 1 + w * f(a, b));
+ });
+ }
+ function symmetricDiffLinkLengths(n, links, la, w) {
+ if (typeof w === "undefined") { w = 1; }
+ computeLinkLengths(n, links, w, function (a, b) {
+ return Math.sqrt(unionCount(a, b) - intersectionCount(a, b));
+ }, la);
+ }
+ cola.symmetricDiffLinkLengths = symmetricDiffLinkLengths;
+ function jaccardLinkLengths(n, links, la, w) {
+ if (typeof w === "undefined") { w = 1; }
+ computeLinkLengths(n, links, w, function (a, b) {
+ return Math.min(Object.keys(a).length, Object.keys(b).length) < 1.1 ? 0 : intersectionCount(a, b) / unionCount(a, b);
+ }, la);
+ }
+ cola.jaccardLinkLengths = jaccardLinkLengths;
+ function generateDirectedEdgeConstraints(n, links, axis, la) {
+ var components = stronglyConnectedComponents(n, links, la);
+ var nodes = {};
+ components.filter(function (c) {
+ return c.length > 1;
+ }).forEach(function (c) {
+ return c.forEach(function (v) {
+ return nodes[v] = c;
+ });
+ });
+ var constraints = [];
+ links.forEach(function (l) {
+ var ui = la.getSourceIndex(l), vi = la.getTargetIndex(l), u = nodes[ui], v = nodes[vi];
+ if (!u || !v || u.component !== v.component) {
+ constraints.push({
+ axis: axis,
+ left: ui,
+ right: vi,
+ gap: la.getMinSeparation(l)
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return constraints;
+ }
+ cola.generateDirectedEdgeConstraints = generateDirectedEdgeConstraints;
+ function stronglyConnectedComponents(numVertices, edges, la) {
+ var adjList = new Array(numVertices);
+ var index = new Array(numVertices);
+ var lowValue = new Array(numVertices);
+ var active = new Array(numVertices);
+ for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
+ adjList[i] = [];
+ index[i] = -1;
+ lowValue[i] = 0;
+ active[i] = false;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; ++i) {
+ adjList[la.getSourceIndex(edges[i])].push(la.getTargetIndex(edges[i]));
+ }
+ var count = 0;
+ var S = [];
+ var components = [];
+ function strongConnect(v) {
+ index[v] = count;
+ lowValue[v] = count;
+ active[v] = true;
+ count += 1;
+ S.push(v);
+ var e = adjList[v];
+ for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) {
+ var u = e[i];
+ if (index[u] < 0) {
+ strongConnect(u);
+ lowValue[v] = Math.min(lowValue[v], lowValue[u]) | 0;
+ } else if (active[u]) {
+ lowValue[v] = Math.min(lowValue[v], lowValue[u]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lowValue[v] === index[v]) {
+ var component = [];
+ for (var i = S.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var w = S[i];
+ active[w] = false;
+ component.push(w);
+ if (w === v) {
+ S.length = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ components.push(component);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
+ if (index[i] < 0) {
+ strongConnect(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return components;
+ }
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ (function (powergraph) {
+ var PowerEdge = (function () {
+ function PowerEdge(source, target) {
+ this.source = source;
+ this.target = target;
+ }
+ return PowerEdge;
+ })();
+ powergraph.PowerEdge = PowerEdge;
+ var Configuration = (function () {
+ function Configuration(n, edges, linkAccessor) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.linkAccessor = linkAccessor;
+ this.modules = new Array(n);
+ this.roots = new Array(n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ this.roots[i] = this.modules[i] = new Module(i, {}, {}, {});
+ }
+ this.R = edges.length;
+ edges.forEach(function (e) {
+ var s = _this.modules[linkAccessor.getSourceIndex(e)], t = _this.modules[linkAccessor.getTargetIndex(e)];
+ s.outgoing[t.id] = t;
+ t.incoming[s.id] = s;
+ });
+ }
+ Configuration.prototype.merge = function (a, b) {
+ var inInt = intersection(a.incoming, b.incoming), outInt = intersection(a.outgoing, b.outgoing);
+ var children = {};
+ children[a.id] = a;
+ children[b.id] = b;
+ var m = new Module(this.modules.length, outInt, inInt, children);
+ this.modules.push(m);
+ var update = function (s, i, o) {
+ for (var v in s) {
+ var n = s[v];
+ n[i][m.id] = m;
+ delete n[i][a.id];
+ delete n[i][b.id];
+ delete a[o][v];
+ delete b[o][v];
+ }
+ };
+ update(outInt, "incoming", "outgoing");
+ update(inInt, "outgoing", "incoming");
+ this.R -= Object.keys(inInt).length + Object.keys(outInt).length;
+ delete this.roots[a.id];
+ delete this.roots[b.id];
+ this.roots[m.id] = m;
+ return m;
+ };
+ Configuration.prototype.rootMerges = function () {
+ var rs = Object.keys(this.roots);
+ var n = rs.length;
+ var merges = new Array(n * (n - 1));
+ var ctr = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, i_ = n - 1; i < i_; ++i) {
+ for (var j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) {
+ var a = this.roots[rs[i]], b = this.roots[rs[j]];
+ merges[ctr++] = { nEdges: this.nEdges(a, b), a: a, b: b };
+ }
+ }
+ return merges;
+ };
+ Configuration.prototype.greedyMerge = function () {
+ var ms = this.rootMerges().sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a.nEdges - b.nEdges;
+ });
+ var m = ms[0];
+ if (m.nEdges >= this.R)
+ return false;
+ this.merge(m.a, m.b);
+ return true;
+ };
+ Configuration.prototype.nEdges = function (a, b) {
+ return this.R - intersectionCount(a.outgoing, b.outgoing) - intersectionCount(a.incoming, b.incoming);
+ };
+ Configuration.prototype.getGroupHierarchy = function (retargetedEdges) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var groups = [];
+ var root = {};
+ toGroups(this.roots, root, groups);
+ var es = this.allEdges();
+ es.forEach(function (e) {
+ var a = _this.modules[e.source];
+ var b = _this.modules[e.target];
+ retargetedEdges.push(new PowerEdge(typeof a.gid === "undefined" ? e.source : groups[a.gid], typeof b.gid === "undefined" ? e.target : groups[b.gid]));
+ });
+ return groups;
+ };
+ Configuration.prototype.allEdges = function () {
+ var es = [];
+ Configuration.getEdges(this.roots, es);
+ return es;
+ };
+ Configuration.getEdges = function (modules, es) {
+ for (var i in modules) {
+ var m = modules[i];
+ m.getEdges(es);
+ Configuration.getEdges(m.children, es);
+ }
+ };
+ return Configuration;
+ })();
+ powergraph.Configuration = Configuration;
+ function toGroups(modules, group, groups) {
+ for (var i in modules) {
+ var m = modules[i];
+ if (m.isLeaf()) {
+ if (!group.leaves)
+ group.leaves = [];
+ group.leaves.push(m.id);
+ } else {
+ var g = group;
+ m.gid = groups.length;
+ if (!m.isIsland()) {
+ g = { id: m.gid };
+ if (!group.groups)
+ group.groups = [];
+ group.groups.push(m.gid);
+ groups.push(g);
+ }
+ toGroups(m.children, g, groups);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var Module = (function () {
+ function Module(id, outgoing, incoming, children) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.outgoing = outgoing;
+ this.incoming = incoming;
+ this.children = children;
+ }
+ Module.prototype.getEdges = function (es) {
+ for (var o in this.outgoing) {
+ es.push({ source: this.id, target: this.outgoing[o].id });
+ }
+ };
+ Module.prototype.isLeaf = function () {
+ return Object.keys(this.children).length == 0;
+ };
+ Module.prototype.isIsland = function () {
+ return Object.keys(this.outgoing).length == 0 && Object.keys(this.incoming).length == 0;
+ };
+ return Module;
+ })();
+ powergraph.Module = Module;
+ function intersection(m, n) {
+ var i = {};
+ for (var v in m)
+ if (v in n)
+ i[v] = m[v];
+ return i;
+ }
+ function intersectionCount(m, n) {
+ return Object.keys(intersection(m, n)).length;
+ }
+ function getGroups(nodes, links, la) {
+ var n = nodes.length, c = new powergraph.Configuration(n, links, la);
+ while (c.greedyMerge())
+ ;
+ var powerEdges = [];
+ var g = c.getGroupHierarchy(powerEdges);
+ powerEdges.forEach(function (e) {
+ var f = function (end) {
+ var g = e[end];
+ if (typeof g == "number")
+ e[end] = nodes[g];
+ };
+ f("source");
+ f("target");
+ });
+ return { groups: g, powerEdges: powerEdges };
+ }
+ powergraph.getGroups = getGroups;
+ })(cola.powergraph || (cola.powergraph = {}));
+ var powergraph = cola.powergraph;
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+var PairingHeap = (function () {
+ function PairingHeap(elem) {
+ this.elem = elem;
+ this.subheaps = [];
+ }
+ PairingHeap.prototype.toString = function (selector) {
+ var str = "", needComma = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.subheaps.length; ++i) {
+ var subheap = this.subheaps[i];
+ if (!subheap.elem) {
+ needComma = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (needComma) {
+ str = str + ",";
+ }
+ str = str + subheap.toString(selector);
+ needComma = true;
+ }
+ if (str !== "") {
+ str = "(" + str + ")";
+ }
+ return (this.elem ? selector(this.elem) : "") + str;
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.forEach = function (f) {
+ if (!this.empty()) {
+ f(this.elem, this);
+ this.subheaps.forEach(function (s) {
+ return s.forEach(f);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.count = function () {
+ return this.empty() ? 0 : 1 + this.subheaps.reduce(function (n, h) {
+ return n + h.count();
+ }, 0);
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.min = function () {
+ return this.elem;
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.empty = function () {
+ return this.elem == null;
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.contains = function (h) {
+ if (this === h)
+ return true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.subheaps.length; i++) {
+ if (this.subheaps[i].contains(h))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.isHeap = function (lessThan) {
+ var _this = this;
+ return this.subheaps.every(function (h) {
+ return lessThan(_this.elem, h.elem) && h.isHeap(lessThan);
+ });
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.insert = function (obj, lessThan) {
+ return this.merge(new PairingHeap(obj), lessThan);
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.merge = function (heap2, lessThan) {
+ if (this.empty())
+ return heap2;
+ else if (heap2.empty())
+ return this;
+ else if (lessThan(this.elem, heap2.elem)) {
+ this.subheaps.push(heap2);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ heap2.subheaps.push(this);
+ return heap2;
+ }
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.removeMin = function (lessThan) {
+ if (this.empty())
+ return null;
+ else
+ return this.mergePairs(lessThan);
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.mergePairs = function (lessThan) {
+ if (this.subheaps.length == 0)
+ return new PairingHeap(null);
+ else if (this.subheaps.length == 1) {
+ return this.subheaps[0];
+ } else {
+ var firstPair = this.subheaps.pop().merge(this.subheaps.pop(), lessThan);
+ var remaining = this.mergePairs(lessThan);
+ return firstPair.merge(remaining, lessThan);
+ }
+ };
+ PairingHeap.prototype.decreaseKey = function (subheap, newValue, setHeapNode, lessThan) {
+ var newHeap = subheap.removeMin(lessThan);
+ subheap.elem = newHeap.elem;
+ subheap.subheaps = newHeap.subheaps;
+ if (setHeapNode !== null && newHeap.elem !== null) {
+ setHeapNode(subheap.elem, subheap);
+ }
+ var pairingNode = new PairingHeap(newValue);
+ if (setHeapNode !== null) {
+ setHeapNode(newValue, pairingNode);
+ }
+ return this.merge(pairingNode, lessThan);
+ };
+ return PairingHeap;
+var PriorityQueue = (function () {
+ function PriorityQueue(lessThan) {
+ this.lessThan = lessThan;
+ }
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.top = function () {
+ if (this.empty()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return this.root.elem;
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.push = function () {
+ var args = [];
+ for (var _i = 0; _i < (arguments.length - 0); _i++) {
+ args[_i] = arguments[_i + 0];
+ }
+ var pairingNode;
+ for (var i = 0, arg; arg = args[i]; ++i) {
+ pairingNode = new PairingHeap(arg);
+ this.root = this.empty() ? pairingNode : this.root.merge(pairingNode, this.lessThan);
+ }
+ return pairingNode;
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.empty = function () {
+ return !this.root || !this.root.elem;
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.isHeap = function () {
+ return this.root.isHeap(this.lessThan);
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.forEach = function (f) {
+ this.root.forEach(f);
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.pop = function () {
+ if (this.empty()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var obj = this.root.min();
+ this.root = this.root.removeMin(this.lessThan);
+ return obj;
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.reduceKey = function (heapNode, newKey, setHeapNode) {
+ if (typeof setHeapNode === "undefined") { setHeapNode = null; }
+ this.root = this.root.decreaseKey(heapNode, newKey, setHeapNode, this.lessThan);
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.toString = function (selector) {
+ return this.root.toString(selector);
+ };
+ PriorityQueue.prototype.count = function () {
+ return this.root.count();
+ };
+ return PriorityQueue;
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ (function (vpsc) {
+ var PositionStats = (function () {
+ function PositionStats(scale) {
+ this.scale = scale;
+ this.AB = 0;
+ this.AD = 0;
+ this.A2 = 0;
+ }
+ PositionStats.prototype.addVariable = function (v) {
+ var ai = this.scale / v.scale;
+ var bi = v.offset / v.scale;
+ var wi = v.weight;
+ this.AB += wi * ai * bi;
+ this.AD += wi * ai * v.desiredPosition;
+ this.A2 += wi * ai * ai;
+ };
+ PositionStats.prototype.getPosn = function () {
+ return (this.AD - this.AB) / this.A2;
+ };
+ return PositionStats;
+ })();
+ vpsc.PositionStats = PositionStats;
+ var Constraint = (function () {
+ function Constraint(left, right, gap, equality) {
+ if (typeof equality === "undefined") { equality = false; }
+ this.left = left;
+ this.right = right;
+ this.gap = gap;
+ this.equality = equality;
+ this.active = false;
+ this.unsatisfiable = false;
+ this.left = left;
+ this.right = right;
+ this.gap = gap;
+ this.equality = equality;
+ }
+ Constraint.prototype.slack = function () {
+ return this.unsatisfiable ? Number.MAX_VALUE : this.right.scale * this.right.position() - this.gap - this.left.scale * this.left.position();
+ };
+ return Constraint;
+ })();
+ vpsc.Constraint = Constraint;
+ var Variable = (function () {
+ function Variable(desiredPosition, weight, scale) {
+ if (typeof weight === "undefined") { weight = 1; }
+ if (typeof scale === "undefined") { scale = 1; }
+ this.desiredPosition = desiredPosition;
+ this.weight = weight;
+ this.scale = scale;
+ this.offset = 0;
+ }
+ Variable.prototype.dfdv = function () {
+ return 2.0 * this.weight * (this.position() - this.desiredPosition);
+ };
+ Variable.prototype.position = function () {
+ return (this.block.ps.scale * this.block.posn + this.offset) / this.scale;
+ };
+ Variable.prototype.visitNeighbours = function (prev, f) {
+ var ff = function (c, next) {
+ return c.active && prev !== next && f(c, next);
+ };
+ this.cOut.forEach(function (c) {
+ return ff(c, c.right);
+ });
+ this.cIn.forEach(function (c) {
+ return ff(c, c.left);
+ });
+ };
+ return Variable;
+ })();
+ vpsc.Variable = Variable;
+ var Block = (function () {
+ function Block(v) {
+ this.vars = [];
+ v.offset = 0;
+ this.ps = new PositionStats(v.scale);
+ this.addVariable(v);
+ }
+ Block.prototype.addVariable = function (v) {
+ v.block = this;
+ this.vars.push(v);
+ this.ps.addVariable(v);
+ this.posn = this.ps.getPosn();
+ };
+ Block.prototype.updateWeightedPosition = function () {
+ this.ps.AB = this.ps.AD = this.ps.A2 = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, n = this.vars.length; i < n; ++i)
+ this.ps.addVariable(this.vars[i]);
+ this.posn = this.ps.getPosn();
+ };
+ Block.prototype.compute_lm = function (v, u, postAction) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var dfdv = v.dfdv();
+ v.visitNeighbours(u, function (c, next) {
+ var _dfdv = _this.compute_lm(next, v, postAction);
+ if (next === c.right) {
+ dfdv += _dfdv * c.left.scale;
+ c.lm = _dfdv;
+ } else {
+ dfdv += _dfdv * c.right.scale;
+ c.lm = -_dfdv;
+ }
+ postAction(c);
+ });
+ return dfdv / v.scale;
+ };
+ Block.prototype.populateSplitBlock = function (v, prev) {
+ var _this = this;
+ v.visitNeighbours(prev, function (c, next) {
+ next.offset = v.offset + (next === c.right ? c.gap : -c.gap);
+ _this.addVariable(next);
+ _this.populateSplitBlock(next, v);
+ });
+ };
+ Block.prototype.traverse = function (visit, acc, v, prev) {
+ if (typeof v === "undefined") { v = this.vars[0]; }
+ if (typeof prev === "undefined") { prev = null; }
+ var _this = this;
+ v.visitNeighbours(prev, function (c, next) {
+ acc.push(visit(c));
+ _this.traverse(visit, acc, next, v);
+ });
+ };
+ Block.prototype.findMinLM = function () {
+ var m = null;
+ this.compute_lm(this.vars[0], null, function (c) {
+ if (!c.equality && (m === null || c.lm < m.lm))
+ m = c;
+ });
+ return m;
+ };
+ Block.prototype.findMinLMBetween = function (lv, rv) {
+ this.compute_lm(lv, null, function () {
+ });
+ var m = null;
+ this.findPath(lv, null, rv, function (c, next) {
+ if (!c.equality && c.right === next && (m === null || c.lm < m.lm))
+ m = c;
+ });
+ return m;
+ };
+ Block.prototype.findPath = function (v, prev, to, visit) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var endFound = false;
+ v.visitNeighbours(prev, function (c, next) {
+ if (!endFound && (next === to || _this.findPath(next, v, to, visit))) {
+ endFound = true;
+ visit(c, next);
+ }
+ });
+ return endFound;
+ };
+ Block.prototype.isActiveDirectedPathBetween = function (u, v) {
+ if (u === v)
+ return true;
+ var i = u.cOut.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var c = u.cOut[i];
+ if (c.active && this.isActiveDirectedPathBetween(c.right, v))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ Block.split = function (c) {
+ c.active = false;
+ return [Block.createSplitBlock(c.left), Block.createSplitBlock(c.right)];
+ };
+ Block.createSplitBlock = function (startVar) {
+ var b = new Block(startVar);
+ b.populateSplitBlock(startVar, null);
+ return b;
+ };
+ Block.prototype.splitBetween = function (vl, vr) {
+ var c = this.findMinLMBetween(vl, vr);
+ if (c !== null) {
+ var bs = Block.split(c);
+ return { constraint: c, lb: bs[0], rb: bs[1] };
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ Block.prototype.mergeAcross = function (b, c, dist) {
+ c.active = true;
+ for (var i = 0, n = b.vars.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ var v = b.vars[i];
+ v.offset += dist;
+ this.addVariable(v);
+ }
+ this.posn = this.ps.getPosn();
+ };
+ Block.prototype.cost = function () {
+ var sum = 0, i = this.vars.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var v = this.vars[i], d = v.position() - v.desiredPosition;
+ sum += d * d * v.weight;
+ }
+ return sum;
+ };
+ return Block;
+ })();
+ vpsc.Block = Block;
+ var Blocks = (function () {
+ function Blocks(vs) {
+ this.vs = vs;
+ var n = vs.length;
+ this.list = new Array(n);
+ while (n--) {
+ var b = new Block(vs[n]);
+ this.list[n] = b;
+ b.blockInd = n;
+ }
+ }
+ Blocks.prototype.cost = function () {
+ var sum = 0, i = this.list.length;
+ while (i--)
+ sum += this.list[i].cost();
+ return sum;
+ };
+ Blocks.prototype.insert = function (b) {
+ b.blockInd = this.list.length;
+ this.list.push(b);
+ };
+ Blocks.prototype.remove = function (b) {
+ var last = this.list.length - 1;
+ var swapBlock = this.list[last];
+ this.list.length = last;
+ if (b !== swapBlock) {
+ this.list[b.blockInd] = swapBlock;
+ swapBlock.blockInd = b.blockInd;
+ }
+ };
+ Blocks.prototype.merge = function (c) {
+ var l = c.left.block, r = c.right.block;
+ var dist = c.right.offset - c.left.offset - c.gap;
+ if (l.vars.length < r.vars.length) {
+ r.mergeAcross(l, c, dist);
+ this.remove(l);
+ } else {
+ l.mergeAcross(r, c, -dist);
+ this.remove(r);
+ }
+ };
+ Blocks.prototype.forEach = function (f) {
+ this.list.forEach(f);
+ };
+ Blocks.prototype.updateBlockPositions = function () {
+ this.list.forEach(function (b) {
+ return b.updateWeightedPosition();
+ });
+ };
+ Blocks.prototype.split = function (inactive) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.updateBlockPositions();
+ this.list.forEach(function (b) {
+ var v = b.findMinLM();
+ if (v !== null && v.lm < Solver.LAGRANGIAN_TOLERANCE) {
+ b = v.left.block;
+ Block.split(v).forEach(function (nb) {
+ return _this.insert(nb);
+ });
+ _this.remove(b);
+ inactive.push(v);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ return Blocks;
+ })();
+ vpsc.Blocks = Blocks;
+ var Solver = (function () {
+ function Solver(vs, cs) {
+ this.vs = vs;
+ this.cs = cs;
+ this.vs = vs;
+ vs.forEach(function (v) {
+ v.cIn = [], v.cOut = [];
+ });
+ this.cs = cs;
+ cs.forEach(function (c) {
+ c.left.cOut.push(c);
+ c.right.cIn.push(c);
+ });
+ this.inactive = cs.map(function (c) {
+ c.active = false;
+ return c;
+ });
+ this.bs = null;
+ }
+ Solver.prototype.cost = function () {
+ return this.bs.cost();
+ };
+ Solver.prototype.setStartingPositions = function (ps) {
+ this.inactive = this.cs.map(function (c) {
+ c.active = false;
+ return c;
+ });
+ this.bs = new Blocks(this.vs);
+ this.bs.forEach(function (b, i) {
+ return b.posn = ps[i];
+ });
+ };
+ Solver.prototype.setDesiredPositions = function (ps) {
+ this.vs.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ return v.desiredPosition = ps[i];
+ });
+ };
+ Solver.prototype.mostViolated = function () {
+ var minSlack = Number.MAX_VALUE, v = null, l = this.inactive, n = l.length, deletePoint = n;
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ var c = l[i];
+ if (c.unsatisfiable)
+ continue;
+ var slack = c.slack();
+ if (c.equality || slack < minSlack) {
+ minSlack = slack;
+ v = c;
+ deletePoint = i;
+ if (c.equality)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (deletePoint !== n && (minSlack < Solver.ZERO_UPPERBOUND && !v.active || v.equality)) {
+ l[deletePoint] = l[n - 1];
+ l.length = n - 1;
+ }
+ return v;
+ };
+ Solver.prototype.satisfy = function () {
+ if (this.bs == null) {
+ this.bs = new Blocks(this.vs);
+ }
+ this.bs.split(this.inactive);
+ var v = null;
+ while ((v = this.mostViolated()) && (v.equality || v.slack() < Solver.ZERO_UPPERBOUND && !v.active)) {
+ var lb = v.left.block, rb = v.right.block;
+ if (lb !== rb) {
+ this.bs.merge(v);
+ } else {
+ if (lb.isActiveDirectedPathBetween(v.right, v.left)) {
+ v.unsatisfiable = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ var split = lb.splitBetween(v.left, v.right);
+ if (split !== null) {
+ this.bs.insert(split.lb);
+ this.bs.insert(split.rb);
+ this.bs.remove(lb);
+ this.inactive.push(split.constraint);
+ } else {
+ v.unsatisfiable = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (v.slack() >= 0) {
+ this.inactive.push(v);
+ } else {
+ this.bs.merge(v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Solver.prototype.solve = function () {
+ this.satisfy();
+ var lastcost = Number.MAX_VALUE, cost = this.bs.cost();
+ while (Math.abs(lastcost - cost) > 0.0001) {
+ this.satisfy();
+ lastcost = cost;
+ cost = this.bs.cost();
+ }
+ return cost;
+ };
+ Solver.ZERO_UPPERBOUND = -1e-10;
+ return Solver;
+ })();
+ vpsc.Solver = Solver;
+ })(cola.vpsc || (cola.vpsc = {}));
+ var vpsc = cola.vpsc;
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ (function (vpsc) {
+ function computeGroupBounds(g) {
+ g.bounds = typeof g.leaves !== "undefined" ? g.leaves.reduce(function (r, c) {
+ return c.bounds.union(r);
+ }, Rectangle.empty()) : Rectangle.empty();
+ if (typeof g.groups !== "undefined")
+ g.bounds = g.groups.reduce(function (r, c) {
+ return computeGroupBounds(c).union(r);
+ }, g.bounds);
+ g.bounds = g.bounds.inflate(g.padding);
+ return g.bounds;
+ }
+ vpsc.computeGroupBounds = computeGroupBounds;
+ var Rectangle = (function () {
+ function Rectangle(x, X, y, Y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.X = X;
+ this.y = y;
+ this.Y = Y;
+ }
+ Rectangle.empty = function () {
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.cx = function () {
+ return (this.x + this.X) / 2;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.cy = function () {
+ return (this.y + this.Y) / 2;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.overlapX = function (r) {
+ var ux = this.cx(), vx = r.cx();
+ if (ux <= vx && r.x < this.X)
+ return this.X - r.x;
+ if (vx <= ux && this.x < r.X)
+ return r.X - this.x;
+ return 0;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.overlapY = function (r) {
+ var uy = this.cy(), vy = r.cy();
+ if (uy <= vy && r.y < this.Y)
+ return this.Y - r.y;
+ if (vy <= uy && this.y < r.Y)
+ return r.Y - this.y;
+ return 0;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.setXCentre = function (cx) {
+ var dx = cx - this.cx();
+ this.x += dx;
+ this.X += dx;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.setYCentre = function (cy) {
+ var dy = cy - this.cy();
+ this.y += dy;
+ this.Y += dy;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.width = function () {
+ return this.X - this.x;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.height = function () {
+ return this.Y - this.y;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.union = function (r) {
+ return new Rectangle(Math.min(this.x, r.x), Math.max(this.X, r.X), Math.min(this.y, r.y), Math.max(this.Y, r.Y));
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.lineIntersections = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ var sides = [
+ [this.x, this.y, this.X, this.y],
+ [this.X, this.y, this.X, this.Y],
+ [this.X, this.Y, this.x, this.Y],
+ [this.x, this.Y, this.x, this.y]];
+ var intersections = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
+ var r = Rectangle.lineIntersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, sides[i][0], sides[i][1], sides[i][2], sides[i][3]);
+ if (r !== null)
+ intersections.push({ x: r.x, y: r.y });
+ }
+ return intersections;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.rayIntersection = function (x2, y2) {
+ var ints = this.lineIntersections(this.cx(), this.cy(), x2, y2);
+ return ints.length > 0 ? ints[0] : null;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.vertices = function () {
+ return [
+ { x: this.x, y: this.y },
+ { x: this.X, y: this.y },
+ { x: this.X, y: this.Y },
+ { x: this.x, y: this.Y },
+ { x: this.x, y: this.y }];
+ };
+ Rectangle.lineIntersection = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
+ var dx12 = x2 - x1, dx34 = x4 - x3, dy12 = y2 - y1, dy34 = y4 - y3, denominator = dy34 * dx12 - dx34 * dy12;
+ if (denominator == 0)
+ return null;
+ var dx31 = x1 - x3, dy31 = y1 - y3, numa = dx34 * dy31 - dy34 * dx31, a = numa / denominator, numb = dx12 * dy31 - dy12 * dx31, b = numb / denominator;
+ if (a >= 0 && a <= 1 && b >= 0 && b <= 1) {
+ return {
+ x: x1 + a * dx12,
+ y: y1 + a * dy12
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ Rectangle.prototype.inflate = function (pad) {
+ return new Rectangle(this.x - pad, this.X + pad, this.y - pad, this.Y + pad);
+ };
+ return Rectangle;
+ })();
+ vpsc.Rectangle = Rectangle;
+ function makeEdgeBetween(link, source, target, ah) {
+ var si = source.rayIntersection(target.cx(), target.cy());
+ if (!si)
+ si = { x: source.cx(), y: source.cy() };
+ var ti = target.rayIntersection(source.cx(), source.cy());
+ if (!ti)
+ ti = { x: target.cx(), y: target.cy() };
+ var dx = ti.x - si.x, dy = ti.y - si.y, l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), al = l - ah;
+ link.sourceIntersection = si;
+ link.targetIntersection = ti;
+ link.arrowStart = { x: si.x + al * dx / l, y: si.y + al * dy / l };
+ }
+ vpsc.makeEdgeBetween = makeEdgeBetween;
+ function makeEdgeTo(s, target, ah) {
+ var ti = target.rayIntersection(s.x, s.y);
+ if (!ti)
+ ti = { x: target.cx(), y: target.cy() };
+ var dx = ti.x - s.x, dy = ti.y - s.y, l = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ return { x: ti.x - ah * dx / l, y: ti.y - ah * dy / l };
+ }
+ vpsc.makeEdgeTo = makeEdgeTo;
+ var Node = (function () {
+ function Node(v, r, pos) {
+ this.v = v;
+ this.r = r;
+ this.pos = pos;
+ this.prev = makeRBTree();
+ this.next = makeRBTree();
+ }
+ return Node;
+ })();
+ var Event = (function () {
+ function Event(isOpen, v, pos) {
+ this.isOpen = isOpen;
+ this.v = v;
+ this.pos = pos;
+ }
+ return Event;
+ })();
+ function compareEvents(a, b) {
+ if (a.pos > b.pos) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (a.pos < b.pos) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (a.isOpen) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ function makeRBTree() {
+ return new RBTree(function (a, b) {
+ return a.pos - b.pos;
+ });
+ }
+ var xRect = {
+ getCentre: function (r) {
+ return r.cx();
+ },
+ getOpen: function (r) {
+ return r.y;
+ },
+ getClose: function (r) {
+ return r.Y;
+ },
+ getSize: function (r) {
+ return r.width();
+ },
+ makeRect: function (open, close, center, size) {
+ return new Rectangle(center - size / 2, center + size / 2, open, close);
+ },
+ findNeighbours: findXNeighbours
+ };
+ var yRect = {
+ getCentre: function (r) {
+ return r.cy();
+ },
+ getOpen: function (r) {
+ return r.x;
+ },
+ getClose: function (r) {
+ return r.X;
+ },
+ getSize: function (r) {
+ return r.height();
+ },
+ makeRect: function (open, close, center, size) {
+ return new Rectangle(open, close, center - size / 2, center + size / 2);
+ },
+ findNeighbours: findYNeighbours
+ };
+ function generateGroupConstraints(root, f, minSep, isContained) {
+ if (typeof isContained === "undefined") { isContained = false; }
+ var padding = root.padding, gn = typeof root.groups !== 'undefined' ? root.groups.length : 0, ln = typeof root.leaves !== 'undefined' ? root.leaves.length : 0, childConstraints = !gn ? [] : root.groups.reduce(function (ccs, g) {
+ return ccs.concat(generateGroupConstraints(g, f, minSep, true));
+ }, []), n = (isContained ? 2 : 0) + ln + gn, vs = new Array(n), rs = new Array(n), i = 0, add = function (r, v) {
+ rs[i] = r;
+ vs[i++] = v;
+ };
+ if (isContained) {
+ var b = root.bounds, c = f.getCentre(b), s = f.getSize(b) / 2, open = f.getOpen(b), close = f.getClose(b), min = c - s + padding / 2, max = c + s - padding / 2;
+ root.minVar.desiredPosition = min;
+ add(f.makeRect(open, close, min, padding), root.minVar);
+ root.maxVar.desiredPosition = max;
+ add(f.makeRect(open, close, max, padding), root.maxVar);
+ }
+ if (ln)
+ root.leaves.forEach(function (l) {
+ return add(l.bounds, l.variable);
+ });
+ if (gn)
+ root.groups.forEach(function (g) {
+ var b = g.bounds;
+ add(f.makeRect(f.getOpen(b), f.getClose(b), f.getCentre(b), f.getSize(b)), g.minVar);
+ });
+ var cs = generateConstraints(rs, vs, f, minSep);
+ if (gn) {
+ vs.forEach(function (v) {
+ v.cOut = [], v.cIn = [];
+ });
+ cs.forEach(function (c) {
+ c.left.cOut.push(c), c.right.cIn.push(c);
+ });
+ root.groups.forEach(function (g) {
+ var gapAdjustment = (g.padding - f.getSize(g.bounds)) / 2;
+ g.minVar.cIn.forEach(function (c) {
+ return c.gap += gapAdjustment;
+ });
+ g.minVar.cOut.forEach(function (c) {
+ c.left = g.maxVar;
+ c.gap += gapAdjustment;
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return childConstraints.concat(cs);
+ }
+ function generateConstraints(rs, vars, rect, minSep) {
+ var i, n = rs.length;
+ var N = 2 * n;
+ console.assert(vars.length >= n);
+ var events = new Array(N);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ var r = rs[i];
+ var v = new Node(vars[i], r, rect.getCentre(r));
+ events[i] = new Event(true, v, rect.getOpen(r));
+ events[i + n] = new Event(false, v, rect.getClose(r));
+ }
+ events.sort(compareEvents);
+ var cs = new Array();
+ var scanline = makeRBTree();
+ for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+ var e = events[i];
+ var v = e.v;
+ if (e.isOpen) {
+ scanline.insert(v);
+ rect.findNeighbours(v, scanline);
+ } else {
+ scanline.remove(v);
+ var makeConstraint = function (l, r) {
+ var sep = (rect.getSize(l.r) + rect.getSize(r.r)) / 2 + minSep;
+ cs.push(new cola.vpsc.Constraint(l.v, r.v, sep));
+ };
+ var visitNeighbours = function (forward, reverse, mkcon) {
+ var u, it = v[forward].iterator();
+ while ((u = it[forward]()) !== null) {
+ mkcon(u, v);
+ u[reverse].remove(v);
+ }
+ };
+ visitNeighbours("prev", "next", function (u, v) {
+ return makeConstraint(u, v);
+ });
+ visitNeighbours("next", "prev", function (u, v) {
+ return makeConstraint(v, u);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ console.assert(scanline.size === 0);
+ return cs;
+ }
+ function findXNeighbours(v, scanline) {
+ var f = function (forward, reverse) {
+ var it = scanline.findIter(v);
+ var u;
+ while ((u = it[forward]()) !== null) {
+ var uovervX = u.r.overlapX(v.r);
+ if (uovervX <= 0 || uovervX <= u.r.overlapY(v.r)) {
+ v[forward].insert(u);
+ u[reverse].insert(v);
+ }
+ if (uovervX <= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ f("next", "prev");
+ f("prev", "next");
+ }
+ function findYNeighbours(v, scanline) {
+ var f = function (forward, reverse) {
+ var u = scanline.findIter(v)[forward]();
+ if (u !== null && u.r.overlapX(v.r) > 0) {
+ v[forward].insert(u);
+ u[reverse].insert(v);
+ }
+ };
+ f("next", "prev");
+ f("prev", "next");
+ }
+ function generateXConstraints(rs, vars) {
+ return generateConstraints(rs, vars, xRect, 1e-6);
+ }
+ vpsc.generateXConstraints = generateXConstraints;
+ function generateYConstraints(rs, vars) {
+ return generateConstraints(rs, vars, yRect, 1e-6);
+ }
+ vpsc.generateYConstraints = generateYConstraints;
+ function generateXGroupConstraints(root) {
+ return generateGroupConstraints(root, xRect, 1e-6);
+ }
+ vpsc.generateXGroupConstraints = generateXGroupConstraints;
+ function generateYGroupConstraints(root) {
+ return generateGroupConstraints(root, yRect, 1e-6);
+ }
+ vpsc.generateYGroupConstraints = generateYGroupConstraints;
+ function removeOverlaps(rs) {
+ var vs = rs.map(function (r) {
+ return new cola.vpsc.Variable(r.cx());
+ });
+ var cs = cola.vpsc.generateXConstraints(rs, vs);
+ var solver = new cola.vpsc.Solver(vs, cs);
+ solver.solve();
+ vs.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ return rs[i].setXCentre(v.position());
+ });
+ vs = rs.map(function (r) {
+ return new cola.vpsc.Variable(r.cy());
+ });
+ cs = cola.vpsc.generateYConstraints(rs, vs);
+ solver = new cola.vpsc.Solver(vs, cs);
+ solver.solve();
+ vs.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ return rs[i].setYCentre(v.position());
+ });
+ }
+ vpsc.removeOverlaps = removeOverlaps;
+ var IndexedVariable = (function (_super) {
+ __extends(IndexedVariable, _super);
+ function IndexedVariable(index, w) {
+ _super.call(this, 0, w);
+ this.index = index;
+ }
+ return IndexedVariable;
+ })(cola.vpsc.Variable);
+ var Projection = (function () {
+ function Projection(nodes, groups, rootGroup, constraints, avoidOverlaps) {
+ if (typeof rootGroup === "undefined") { rootGroup = null; }
+ if (typeof constraints === "undefined") { constraints = null; }
+ if (typeof avoidOverlaps === "undefined") { avoidOverlaps = false; }
+ var _this = this;
+ this.nodes = nodes;
+ this.groups = groups;
+ this.rootGroup = rootGroup;
+ this.avoidOverlaps = avoidOverlaps;
+ this.variables = nodes.map(function (v, i) {
+ return v.variable = new IndexedVariable(i, 1);
+ });
+ if (constraints)
+ this.createConstraints(constraints);
+ if (avoidOverlaps && rootGroup && typeof rootGroup.groups !== 'undefined') {
+ nodes.forEach(function (v) {
+ if (!v.width || !v.height) {
+ v.bounds = new cola.vpsc.Rectangle(v.x, v.x, v.y, v.y);
+ return;
+ }
+ var w2 = v.width / 2, h2 = v.height / 2;
+ v.bounds = new cola.vpsc.Rectangle(v.x - w2, v.x + w2, v.y - h2, v.y + h2);
+ });
+ computeGroupBounds(rootGroup);
+ var i = nodes.length;
+ groups.forEach(function (g) {
+ _this.variables[i] = g.minVar = new IndexedVariable(i++, 0.01);
+ _this.variables[i] = g.maxVar = new IndexedVariable(i++, 0.01);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ Projection.prototype.createSeparation = function (c) {
+ return new cola.vpsc.Constraint(this.nodes[c.left].variable, this.nodes[c.right].variable, c.gap, typeof c.equality !== "undefined" ? c.equality : false);
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.makeFeasible = function (c) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (!this.avoidOverlaps)
+ return;
+ var axis = 'x', dim = 'width';
+ if (c.axis === 'x')
+ axis = 'y', dim = 'height';
+ var vs = c.offsets.map(function (o) {
+ return _this.nodes[o.node];
+ }).sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a[axis] - b[axis];
+ });
+ var p = null;
+ vs.forEach(function (v) {
+ if (p)
+ v[axis] = p[axis] + p[dim] + 1;
+ p = v;
+ });
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.createAlignment = function (c) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var u = this.nodes[c.offsets[0].node].variable;
+ this.makeFeasible(c);
+ var cs = c.axis === 'x' ? this.xConstraints : this.yConstraints;
+ c.offsets.slice(1).forEach(function (o) {
+ var v = _this.nodes[o.node].variable;
+ cs.push(new cola.vpsc.Constraint(u, v, o.offset, true));
+ });
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.createConstraints = function (constraints) {
+ var _this = this;
+ var isSep = function (c) {
+ return typeof c.type === 'undefined' || c.type === 'separation';
+ };
+ this.xConstraints = constraints.filter(function (c) {
+ return c.axis === "x" && isSep(c);
+ }).map(function (c) {
+ return _this.createSeparation(c);
+ });
+ this.yConstraints = constraints.filter(function (c) {
+ return c.axis === "y" && isSep(c);
+ }).map(function (c) {
+ return _this.createSeparation(c);
+ });
+ constraints.filter(function (c) {
+ return c.type === 'alignment';
+ }).forEach(function (c) {
+ return _this.createAlignment(c);
+ });
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.setupVariablesAndBounds = function (x0, y0, desired, getDesired) {
+ this.nodes.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ if (v.fixed) {
+ v.variable.weight = 1000;
+ desired[i] = getDesired(v);
+ } else {
+ v.variable.weight = 1;
+ }
+ var w = (v.width || 0) / 2, h = (v.height || 0) / 2;
+ var ix = x0[i], iy = y0[i];
+ v.bounds = new Rectangle(ix - w, ix + w, iy - h, iy + h);
+ });
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.xProject = function (x0, y0, x) {
+ if (!this.rootGroup && !(this.avoidOverlaps || this.xConstraints))
+ return;
+ this.project(x0, y0, x0, x, function (v) {
+ return v.px;
+ }, this.xConstraints, generateXGroupConstraints, function (v) {
+ return v.bounds.setXCentre(x[v.variable.index] = v.variable.position());
+ }, function (g) {
+ var xmin = x[g.minVar.index] = g.minVar.position();
+ var xmax = x[g.maxVar.index] = g.maxVar.position();
+ var p2 = g.padding / 2;
+ g.bounds.x = xmin - p2;
+ g.bounds.X = xmax + p2;
+ });
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.yProject = function (x0, y0, y) {
+ if (!this.rootGroup && !this.yConstraints)
+ return;
+ this.project(x0, y0, y0, y, function (v) {
+ return v.py;
+ }, this.yConstraints, generateYGroupConstraints, function (v) {
+ return v.bounds.setYCentre(y[v.variable.index] = v.variable.position());
+ }, function (g) {
+ var ymin = y[g.minVar.index] = g.minVar.position();
+ var ymax = y[g.maxVar.index] = g.maxVar.position();
+ var p2 = g.padding / 2;
+ g.bounds.y = ymin - p2;
+ ;
+ g.bounds.Y = ymax + p2;
+ });
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.projectFunctions = function () {
+ var _this = this;
+ return [
+ function (x0, y0, x) {
+ return _this.xProject(x0, y0, x);
+ },
+ function (x0, y0, y) {
+ return _this.yProject(x0, y0, y);
+ }
+ ];
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.project = function (x0, y0, start, desired, getDesired, cs, generateConstraints, updateNodeBounds, updateGroupBounds) {
+ this.setupVariablesAndBounds(x0, y0, desired, getDesired);
+ if (this.rootGroup && this.avoidOverlaps) {
+ computeGroupBounds(this.rootGroup);
+ cs = cs.concat(generateConstraints(this.rootGroup));
+ }
+ this.solve(this.variables, cs, start, desired);
+ this.nodes.forEach(updateNodeBounds);
+ if (this.rootGroup && this.avoidOverlaps) {
+ this.groups.forEach(updateGroupBounds);
+ }
+ };
+ Projection.prototype.solve = function (vs, cs, starting, desired) {
+ var solver = new cola.vpsc.Solver(vs, cs);
+ solver.setStartingPositions(starting);
+ solver.setDesiredPositions(desired);
+ solver.solve();
+ };
+ return Projection;
+ })();
+ vpsc.Projection = Projection;
+ })(cola.vpsc || (cola.vpsc = {}));
+ var vpsc = cola.vpsc;
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ (function (shortestpaths) {
+ var Neighbour = (function () {
+ function Neighbour(id, distance) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.distance = distance;
+ }
+ return Neighbour;
+ })();
+ var Node = (function () {
+ function Node(id) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.neighbours = [];
+ }
+ return Node;
+ })();
+ var Calculator = (function () {
+ function Calculator(n, es, getSourceIndex, getTargetIndex, getLength) {
+ this.n = n;
+ this.es = es;
+ this.neighbours = new Array(this.n);
+ var i = this.n;
+ while (i--)
+ this.neighbours[i] = new Node(i);
+ i = this.es.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var e = this.es[i];
+ var u = getSourceIndex(e), v = getTargetIndex(e);
+ var d = getLength(e);
+ this.neighbours[u].neighbours.push(new Neighbour(v, d));
+ this.neighbours[v].neighbours.push(new Neighbour(u, d));
+ }
+ }
+ Calculator.prototype.DistanceMatrix = function () {
+ var D = new Array(this.n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.n; ++i) {
+ D[i] = this.dijkstraNeighbours(i);
+ }
+ return D;
+ };
+ Calculator.prototype.DistancesFromNode = function (start) {
+ return this.dijkstraNeighbours(start);
+ };
+ Calculator.prototype.PathFromNodeToNode = function (start, end) {
+ return this.dijkstraNeighbours(start, end);
+ };
+ Calculator.prototype.dijkstraNeighbours = function (start, dest) {
+ if (typeof dest === "undefined") { dest = -1; }
+ var q = new PriorityQueue(function (a, b) {
+ return a.d <= b.d;
+ }), i = this.neighbours.length, d = new Array(i);
+ while (i--) {
+ var node = this.neighbours[i];
+ node.d = i === start ? 0 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ node.q = q.push(node);
+ }
+ while (!q.empty()) {
+ var u = q.pop();
+ d[u.id] = u.d;
+ if (u.id === dest) {
+ var path = [];
+ var v = u;
+ while (typeof v.prev !== 'undefined') {
+ path.push(v.prev.id);
+ v = v.prev;
+ }
+ return path;
+ }
+ i = u.neighbours.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var neighbour = u.neighbours[i];
+ var v = this.neighbours[neighbour.id];
+ var t = u.d + neighbour.distance;
+ if (u.d !== Number.MAX_VALUE && v.d > t) {
+ v.d = t;
+ v.prev = u;
+ q.reduceKey(v.q, v, function (e, q) {
+ return e.q = q;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return d;
+ };
+ return Calculator;
+ })();
+ shortestpaths.Calculator = Calculator;
+ })(cola.shortestpaths || (cola.shortestpaths = {}));
+ var shortestpaths = cola.shortestpaths;
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+ * @module cola
+ */
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ /**
+ * @class d3adaptor
+ */
+ cola.d3adaptor = function () {
+ var d3adaptor = {},
+ event = d3.dispatch("start", "tick", "end"),
+ size = [1, 1],
+ linkDistance = 20,
+ avoidOverlaps = false,
+ handleDisconnected = true,
+ drag,
+ alpha,
+ lastStress,
+ running = false,
+ nodes = [],
+ groups = [],
+ variables = [],
+ rootGroup = null,
+ links = [],
+ constraints = [],
+ distanceMatrix = null,
+ descent = null,
+ directedLinkConstraints = null,
+ threshold = 0.01,
+ defaultNodeSize = 10,
+ visibilityGraph = null;
+ d3adaptor.tick = function () {
+ if (alpha < threshold) {
+ event.end({ type: "end", alpha: alpha = 0 });
+ delete lastStress;
+ running = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ var n = nodes.length,
+ m = links.length,
+ o;
+ descent.locks.clear();
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ o = nodes[i];
+ if (o.fixed) {
+ if (typeof o.px === 'undefined' || typeof o.py === 'undefined') {
+ o.px = o.x;
+ o.py = o.y;
+ }
+ var p = [o.px, o.py];
+ descent.locks.add(i, p);
+ }
+ }
+ var s1 = descent.rungeKutta();
+ //var s1 = descent.reduceStress();
+ if (s1 === 0) {
+ alpha = 0;
+ } else if (typeof lastStress !== 'undefined') {
+ alpha = Math.abs(Math.abs(lastStress / s1) - 1);
+ }
+ lastStress = s1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ o = nodes[i];
+ if (o.fixed) {
+ o.x = o.px;
+ o.y = o.py;
+ } else {
+ o.x = descent.x[0][i];
+ o.y = descent.x[1][i];
+ }
+ }
+ event.tick({ type: "tick", alpha: alpha });
+ };
+ /**
+ * the list of nodes.
+ * If nodes has not been set, but links has, then we instantiate a nodes list here, of the correct size,
+ * before returning it.
+ * @property nodes {Array}
+ * @default empty list
+ */
+ d3adaptor.nodes = function (v) {
+ if (!arguments.length) {
+ if (nodes.length === 0 && links.length > 0) {
+ var n = 0;
+ links.forEach(function (l) {
+ n = Math.max(n, l.source, l.target);
+ });
+ nodes = new Array(++n);
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ nodes[i] = {};
+ }
+ }
+ return nodes;
+ }
+ nodes = v;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ /**
+ * a list of hierarchical groups defined over nodes
+ * @property groups {Array}
+ * @default empty list
+ */
+ d3adaptor.groups = function (x) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return groups;
+ groups = x;
+ rootGroup = {};
+ groups.forEach(function (g) {
+ if (typeof g.padding === "undefined")
+ g.padding = 1;
+ if (typeof g.leaves !== "undefined")
+ g.leaves.forEach(function (v, i) { (g.leaves[i] = nodes[v]).parent = g });
+ if (typeof g.groups !== "undefined")
+ g.groups.forEach(function (gi, i) { (g.groups[i] = groups[gi]).parent = g });
+ });
+ rootGroup.leaves = nodes.filter(function (v) { return typeof v.parent === 'undefined'; });
+ rootGroup.groups = groups.filter(function (g) { return typeof g.parent === 'undefined'; });
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ d3adaptor.powerGraphGroups = function (f) {
+ var g = powergraph.getGroups(nodes, links, linkAccessor);
+ this.groups(g.groups);
+ f(g);
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * if true, the layout will not permit overlaps of the node bounding boxes (defined by the width and height properties on nodes)
+ * @property avoidOverlaps
+ * @type bool
+ * @default false
+ */
+ d3adaptor.avoidOverlaps = function (v) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return avoidOverlaps;
+ avoidOverlaps = v;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * if true, the layout will not permit overlaps of the node bounding boxes (defined by the width and height properties on nodes)
+ * @property avoidOverlaps
+ * @type bool
+ * @default false
+ */
+ d3adaptor.handleDisconnected = function (v) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return handleDisconnected;
+ handleDisconnected = v;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * causes constraints to be generated such that directed graphs are laid out either from left-to-right or top-to-bottom.
+ * a separation constraint is generated in the selected axis for each edge that is not involved in a cycle (part of a strongly connected component)
+ * @param axis {string} 'x' for left-to-right, 'y' for top-to-bottom
+ * @param minSeparation {number|link=>number} either a number specifying a minimum spacing required across all links or a function to return the minimum spacing for each link
+ */
+ d3adaptor.flowLayout = function (axis, minSeparation) {
+ if (!arguments.length) axis = 'y';
+ directedLinkConstraints = {
+ axis: axis,
+ getMinSeparation: typeof minSeparation === 'number' ? function () { return minSeparation } : minSeparation
+ };
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * links defined as source, target pairs over nodes
+ * @property links {array}
+ * @default empty list
+ */
+ d3adaptor.links = function (x) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return links;
+ links = x;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ /**
+ * list of constraints of various types
+ * @property constraints
+ * @type {array}
+ * @default empty list
+ */
+ d3adaptor.constraints = function (c) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return constraints;
+ constraints = c;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Matrix of ideal distances between all pairs of nodes.
+ * If unspecified, the ideal distances for pairs of nodes will be based on the shortest path distance between them.
+ * @property distanceMatrix
+ * @type {Array of Array of Number}
+ * @default null
+ */
+ d3adaptor.distanceMatrix = function (d) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return distanceMatrix;
+ distanceMatrix = d;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Size of the layout canvas dimensions [x,y]. Currently only used to determine the midpoint which is taken as the starting position
+ * for nodes with no preassigned x and y.
+ * @property size
+ * @type {Array of Number}
+ */
+ d3adaptor.size = function (x) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return size;
+ size = x;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Default size (assume nodes are square so both width and height) to use in packing if node width/height are not specified.
+ * @property defaultNodeSize
+ * @type {Number}
+ */
+ d3adaptor.defaultNodeSize = function (x) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return defaultNodeSize;
+ defaultNodeSize = x;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ d3adaptor.linkDistance = function (x) {
+ if (!arguments.length)
+ return typeof linkDistance === "function" ? linkDistance() : linkDistance;
+ linkDistance = typeof x === "function" ? x : +x;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ d3adaptor.convergenceThreshold = function (x) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return threshold;
+ threshold = typeof x === "function" ? x : +x;
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ d3adaptor.alpha = function (x) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return alpha;
+ x = +x;
+ if (alpha) { // if we're already running
+ if (x > 0) alpha = x; // we might keep it hot
+ else alpha = 0; // or, next tick will dispatch "end"
+ } else if (x > 0) { // otherwise, fire it up!
+ if (!running)
+ {
+ running = true;
+ event.start({ type: "start", alpha: alpha = x });
+ d3.timer(d3adaptor.tick);
+ }
+ }
+ return d3adaptor;
+ };
+ function getLinkLength(link) {
+ return typeof linkDistance === "function" ? +linkDistance.call(null, link) : linkDistance;
+ }
+ function setLinkLength(link, length) {
+ link.length = length;
+ }
+ var linkAccessor = { getSourceIndex: getSourceIndex, getTargetIndex: getTargetIndex, setLength: setLinkLength };
+ d3adaptor.symmetricDiffLinkLengths = function (idealLength, w) {
+ cola.symmetricDiffLinkLengths(this.nodes().length, links, linkAccessor, w);
+ this.linkDistance(function (l) { return idealLength * l.length });
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ d3adaptor.jaccardLinkLengths = function (idealLength, w) {
+ cola.jaccardLinkLengths(this.nodes().length, links, linkAccessor, w);
+ this.linkDistance(function (l) { return idealLength * l.length });
+ return d3adaptor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * start the layout process
+ * @method start
+ * @param {number} [initialUnconstrainedIterations=0] unconstrained initial layout iterations
+ * @param {number} [initialUserConstraintIterations=0] initial layout iterations with user-specified constraints
+ * @param {number} [initialAllConstraintsIterations=0] initial layout iterations with all constraints including non-overlap
+ */
+ d3adaptor.start = function () {
+ var i,
+ j,
+ n = this.nodes().length,
+ N = n + 2 * groups.length,
+ m = links.length,
+ w = size[0],
+ h = size[1];
+ var x = new Array(N), y = new Array(N);
+ variables = new Array(N);
+ var makeVariable = function (i, w) {
+ var v = variables[i] = new cola.vpsc.Variable(0, w);
+ v.index = i;
+ return v;
+ }
+ var G = null;
+ var ao = this.avoidOverlaps();
+ nodes.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ v.index = i;
+ if (typeof v.x === 'undefined') {
+ v.x = w / 2, v.y = h / 2;
+ }
+ x[i] = v.x, y[i] = v.y;
+ });
+ var distances;
+ if (distanceMatrix) {
+ // use the user specified distanceMatrix
+ distances = distanceMatrix;
+ } else {
+ // construct an n X n distance matrix based on shortest paths through graph (with respect to edge.length).
+ distances = (new cola.shortestpaths.Calculator(N, links, getSourceIndex, getTargetIndex, getLinkLength)).DistanceMatrix();
+ // G is a square matrix with G[i][j] = 1 iff there exists an edge between node i and node j
+ // otherwise 2. (
+ G = cola.Descent.createSquareMatrix(N, function () { return 2 });
+ links.forEach(function (e) {
+ var u = getSourceIndex(e), v = getTargetIndex(e);
+ G[u][v] = G[v][u] = 1;
+ });
+ }
+ var D = cola.Descent.createSquareMatrix(N, function (i, j) {
+ return distances[i][j];
+ });
+ if (rootGroup && typeof rootGroup.groups !== 'undefined') {
+ var i = n;
+ groups.forEach(function(g) {
+ G[i][i + 1] = G[i + 1][i] = 1e-6;
+ D[i][i + 1] = D[i + 1][i] = 0.1;
+ x[i] = 0, y[i++] = 0;
+ x[i] = 0, y[i++] = 0;
+ });
+ } else rootGroup = { leaves: nodes, groups: [] };
+ var curConstraints = constraints || [];
+ if (directedLinkConstraints) {
+ linkAccessor.getMinSeparation = directedLinkConstraints.getMinSeparation;
+ curConstraints = curConstraints.concat(cola.generateDirectedEdgeConstraints(n, links, directedLinkConstraints.axis, linkAccessor));
+ }
+ var initialUnconstrainedIterations = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : 0;
+ var initialUserConstraintIterations = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : 0;
+ var initialAllConstraintsIterations = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : 0;
+ this.avoidOverlaps(false);
+ descent = new cola.Descent([x, y], D);
+ descent.threshold = threshold;
+ // apply initialIterations without user constraints or nonoverlap constraints
+ descent.run(initialUnconstrainedIterations);
+ // apply initialIterations with user constraints but no noverlap constraints
+ if (curConstraints.length > 0) descent.project = new cola.vpsc.Projection(nodes, groups, rootGroup, curConstraints).projectFunctions();
+ descent.run(initialUserConstraintIterations);
+ // subsequent iterations will apply all constraints
+ this.avoidOverlaps(ao);
+ if (ao) descent.project = new cola.vpsc.Projection(nodes, groups, rootGroup, curConstraints, true).projectFunctions();
+ // allow not immediately connected nodes to relax apart (p-stress)
+ descent.G = G;
+ descent.run(initialAllConstraintsIterations);
+ links.forEach(function (l) {
+ if (typeof l.source == "number") l.source = nodes[l.source];
+ if (typeof l.target == "number") l.target = nodes[l.target];
+ });
+ nodes.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ v.x = x[i], v.y = y[i];
+ });
+ // recalculate nodes position for disconnected graphs
+ if (!distanceMatrix && handleDisconnected) {
+ cola.applyPacking(cola.separateGraphs(nodes, links), w, h, defaultNodeSize);
+ nodes.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ descent.x[0][i] = v.x, descent.x[1][i] = v.y;
+ });
+ }
+ return d3adaptor.resume();
+ };
+ d3adaptor.resume = function () {
+ return d3adaptor.alpha(.1);
+ };
+ d3adaptor.stop = function () {
+ return d3adaptor.alpha(0);
+ };
+ function d3_identity(d) {
+ return d;
+ }
+ d3adaptor.prepareEdgeRouting = function (nodeMargin) {
+ visibilityGraph = new cola.geom.TangentVisibilityGraph(
+ nodes.map(function (v) {
+ return v.bounds.inflate(-nodeMargin).vertices();
+ }));
+ }
+ d3adaptor.routeEdge = function(d, draw) {
+ var lineData = [];
+ if (d.source.id === 10 && d.target.id === 11) {
+ debugger;
+ }
+ var vg2 = new cola.geom.TangentVisibilityGraph(visibilityGraph.P, { V: visibilityGraph.V, E: visibilityGraph.E }),
+ port1 = { x: d.source.x, y: d.source.y },
+ port2 = { x: d.target.x, y: d.target.y },
+ start = vg2.addPoint(port1, d.source.id),
+ end = vg2.addPoint(port2, d.target.id);
+ vg2.addEdgeIfVisible(port1, port2, d.source.id, d.target.id);
+ if (typeof draw !== 'undefined') {
+ draw(vg2);
+ }
+ var sourceInd = function(e) { return e.source.id }, targetInd = function(e) { return e.target.id }, length = function(e) { return e.length() },
+ spCalc = new cola.shortestpaths.Calculator(vg2.V.length, vg2.E, sourceInd, targetInd, length),
+ shortestPath = spCalc.PathFromNodeToNode(start.id, end.id);
+ if (shortestPath.length === 1 || shortestPath.length === vg2.V.length) {
+ cola.vpsc.makeEdgeBetween(d, d.source.innerBounds, d.target.innerBounds, 5);
+ lineData = [{ x: d.sourceIntersection.x, y: d.sourceIntersection.y }, { x: d.arrowStart.x, y: d.arrowStart.y }];
+ } else {
+ var n = shortestPath.length - 2,
+ p = vg2.V[shortestPath[n]].p,
+ q = vg2.V[shortestPath[0]].p,
+ lineData = [d.source.innerBounds.rayIntersection(p.x, p.y)];
+ for (var i = n; i >= 0; --i)
+ lineData.push(vg2.V[shortestPath[i]].p);
+ lineData.push(cola.vpsc.makeEdgeTo(q, d.target.innerBounds, 5));
+ }
+ lineData.forEach(function (v, i) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ var u = lineData[i - 1];
+ nodes.forEach(function (node) {
+ if (node.id === getSourceIndex(d) || node.id === getTargetIndex(d)) return;
+ var ints = node.innerBounds.lineIntersections(u.x, u.y, v.x, v.y);
+ if (ints.length > 0) {
+ debugger;
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ return lineData;
+ }
+ // use `node.call(d3adaptor.drag)` to make nodes draggable
+ d3adaptor.drag = function () {
+ if (!drag) drag = d3.behavior.drag()
+ .origin(d3_identity)
+ .on("dragstart.d3adaptor", colaDragstart)
+ .on("drag.d3adaptor", dragmove)
+ .on("dragend.d3adaptor", colaDragend);
+ if (!arguments.length) return drag;
+ this//.on("mouseover.d3adaptor", colaMouseover)
+ //.on("mouseout.d3adaptor", colaMouseout)
+ .call(drag);
+ };
+ //The link source and target may be just a node index, or they may be references to nodes themselves.
+ function getSourceIndex(e) {
+ return typeof e.source === 'number' ? e.source : e.source.index;
+ }
+ //The link source and target may be just a node index, or they may be references to nodes themselves.
+ function getTargetIndex(e) {
+ return typeof e.target === 'number' ? e.target : e.target.index;
+ }
+ // Get a string ID for a given link.
+ d3adaptor.linkId = function (e) {
+ return getSourceIndex(e) + "-" + getTargetIndex(e);
+ }
+ function dragmove(d) {
+ d.px = d3.event.x, d.py = d3.event.y;
+ d3adaptor.resume(); // restart annealing
+ }
+ return d3.rebind(d3adaptor, event, "on");
+ };
+ // The fixed property has three bits:
+ // Bit 1 can be set externally (e.g., d.fixed = true) and show persist.
+ // Bit 2 stores the dragging state, from mousedown to mouseup.
+ // Bit 3 stores the hover state, from mouseover to mouseout.
+ // Dragend is a special case: it also clears the hover state.
+ function colaDragstart(d) {
+ d.fixed |= 2; // set bit 2
+ d.px = d.x, d.py = d.y; // set velocity to zero
+ }
+ function colaDragend(d) {
+ d.fixed &= ~6; // unset bits 2 and 3
+ //d.fixed = 0;
+ }
+ function colaMouseover(d) {
+ d.fixed |= 4; // set bit 3
+ d.px = d.x, d.py = d.y; // set velocity to zero
+ }
+ function colaMouseout(d) {
+ d.fixed &= ~4; // unset bit 3
+ }
+ return cola;
+})(cola || (cola = {}));
+//Based on js_bintrees:
+//Copyright (C) 2011 by Vadim Graboys
+//Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+//of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+//in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+//to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+//copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+//furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+//The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+//all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+RBTree = (function (window) {
+var global = window;
+var require = function(name) {
+ var fn = require.m[name];
+ if (fn.mod) {
+ return fn.mod.exports;
+ }
+ var mod = fn.mod = { exports: {} };
+ fn(mod, mod.exports);
+ return mod.exports;
+require.m = {};
+require.m['./treebase'] = function(module, exports) {
+function TreeBase() {}
+// removes all nodes from the tree
+TreeBase.prototype.clear = function() {
+ this._root = null;
+ this.size = 0;
+// returns node data if found, null otherwise
+TreeBase.prototype.find = function(data) {
+ var res = this._root;
+ while(res !== null) {
+ var c = this._comparator(data, res.data);
+ if(c === 0) {
+ return res.data;
+ }
+ else {
+ res = res.get_child(c > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+// returns iterator to node if found, null otherwise
+TreeBase.prototype.findIter = function(data) {
+ var res = this._root;
+ var iter = this.iterator();
+ while(res !== null) {
+ var c = this._comparator(data, res.data);
+ if(c === 0) {
+ iter._cursor = res;
+ return iter;
+ }
+ else {
+ iter._ancestors.push(res);
+ res = res.get_child(c > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+// Returns an interator to the tree node immediately before (or at) the element
+TreeBase.prototype.lowerBound = function(data) {
+ return this._bound(data, this._comparator);
+// Returns an interator to the tree node immediately after (or at) the element
+TreeBase.prototype.upperBound = function(data) {
+ var cmp = this._comparator;
+ function reverse_cmp(a, b) {
+ return cmp(b, a);
+ }
+ return this._bound(data, reverse_cmp);
+// returns null if tree is empty
+TreeBase.prototype.min = function() {
+ var res = this._root;
+ if(res === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ while(res.left !== null) {
+ res = res.left;
+ }
+ return res.data;
+// returns null if tree is empty
+TreeBase.prototype.max = function() {
+ var res = this._root;
+ if(res === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ while(res.right !== null) {
+ res = res.right;
+ }
+ return res.data;
+// returns a null iterator
+// call next() or prev() to point to an element
+TreeBase.prototype.iterator = function() {
+ return new Iterator(this);
+// calls cb on each node's data, in order
+TreeBase.prototype.each = function(cb) {
+ var it=this.iterator(), data;
+ while((data = it.next()) !== null) {
+ cb(data);
+ }
+// calls cb on each node's data, in reverse order
+TreeBase.prototype.reach = function(cb) {
+ var it=this.iterator(), data;
+ while((data = it.prev()) !== null) {
+ cb(data);
+ }
+// used for lowerBound and upperBound
+TreeBase.prototype._bound = function(data, cmp) {
+ var cur = this._root;
+ var iter = this.iterator();
+ while(cur !== null) {
+ var c = this._comparator(data, cur.data);
+ if(c === 0) {
+ iter._cursor = cur;
+ return iter;
+ }
+ iter._ancestors.push(cur);
+ cur = cur.get_child(c > 0);
+ }
+ for(var i=iter._ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ cur = iter._ancestors[i];
+ if(cmp(data, cur.data) > 0) {
+ iter._cursor = cur;
+ iter._ancestors.length = i;
+ return iter;
+ }
+ }
+ iter._ancestors.length = 0;
+ return iter;
+function Iterator(tree) {
+ this._tree = tree;
+ this._ancestors = [];
+ this._cursor = null;
+Iterator.prototype.data = function() {
+ return this._cursor !== null ? this._cursor.data : null;
+// if null-iterator, returns first node
+// otherwise, returns next node
+Iterator.prototype.next = function() {
+ if(this._cursor === null) {
+ var root = this._tree._root;
+ if(root !== null) {
+ this._minNode(root);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(this._cursor.right === null) {
+ // no greater node in subtree, go up to parent
+ // if coming from a right child, continue up the stack
+ var save;
+ do {
+ save = this._cursor;
+ if(this._ancestors.length) {
+ this._cursor = this._ancestors.pop();
+ }
+ else {
+ this._cursor = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while(this._cursor.right === save);
+ }
+ else {
+ // get the next node from the subtree
+ this._ancestors.push(this._cursor);
+ this._minNode(this._cursor.right);
+ }
+ }
+ return this._cursor !== null ? this._cursor.data : null;
+// if null-iterator, returns last node
+// otherwise, returns previous node
+Iterator.prototype.prev = function() {
+ if(this._cursor === null) {
+ var root = this._tree._root;
+ if(root !== null) {
+ this._maxNode(root);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if(this._cursor.left === null) {
+ var save;
+ do {
+ save = this._cursor;
+ if(this._ancestors.length) {
+ this._cursor = this._ancestors.pop();
+ }
+ else {
+ this._cursor = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while(this._cursor.left === save);
+ }
+ else {
+ this._ancestors.push(this._cursor);
+ this._maxNode(this._cursor.left);
+ }
+ }
+ return this._cursor !== null ? this._cursor.data : null;
+Iterator.prototype._minNode = function(start) {
+ while(start.left !== null) {
+ this._ancestors.push(start);
+ start = start.left;
+ }
+ this._cursor = start;
+Iterator.prototype._maxNode = function(start) {
+ while(start.right !== null) {
+ this._ancestors.push(start);
+ start = start.right;
+ }
+ this._cursor = start;
+module.exports = TreeBase;
+require.m['__main__'] = function(module, exports) {
+var TreeBase = require('./treebase');
+function Node(data) {
+ this.data = data;
+ this.left = null;
+ this.right = null;
+ this.red = true;
+Node.prototype.get_child = function(dir) {
+ return dir ? this.right : this.left;
+Node.prototype.set_child = function(dir, val) {
+ if(dir) {
+ this.right = val;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.left = val;
+ }
+function RBTree(comparator) {
+ this._root = null;
+ this._comparator = comparator;
+ this.size = 0;
+RBTree.prototype = new TreeBase();
+// returns true if inserted, false if duplicate
+RBTree.prototype.insert = function(data) {
+ var ret = false;
+ if(this._root === null) {
+ // empty tree
+ this._root = new Node(data);
+ ret = true;
+ this.size++;
+ }
+ else {
+ var head = new Node(undefined); // fake tree root
+ var dir = 0;
+ var last = 0;
+ // setup
+ var gp = null; // grandparent
+ var ggp = head; // grand-grand-parent
+ var p = null; // parent
+ var node = this._root;
+ ggp.right = this._root;
+ // search down
+ while(true) {
+ if(node === null) {
+ // insert new node at the bottom
+ node = new Node(data);
+ p.set_child(dir, node);
+ ret = true;
+ this.size++;
+ }
+ else if(is_red(node.left) && is_red(node.right)) {
+ // color flip
+ node.red = true;
+ node.left.red = false;
+ node.right.red = false;
+ }
+ // fix red violation
+ if(is_red(node) && is_red(p)) {
+ var dir2 = ggp.right === gp;
+ if(node === p.get_child(last)) {
+ ggp.set_child(dir2, single_rotate(gp, !last));
+ }
+ else {
+ ggp.set_child(dir2, double_rotate(gp, !last));
+ }
+ }
+ var cmp = this._comparator(node.data, data);
+ // stop if found
+ if(cmp === 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ last = dir;
+ dir = cmp < 0;
+ // update helpers
+ if(gp !== null) {
+ ggp = gp;
+ }
+ gp = p;
+ p = node;
+ node = node.get_child(dir);
+ }
+ // update root
+ this._root = head.right;
+ }
+ // make root black
+ this._root.red = false;
+ return ret;
+// returns true if removed, false if not found
+RBTree.prototype.remove = function(data) {
+ if(this._root === null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var head = new Node(undefined); // fake tree root
+ var node = head;
+ node.right = this._root;
+ var p = null; // parent
+ var gp = null; // grand parent
+ var found = null; // found item
+ var dir = 1;
+ while(node.get_child(dir) !== null) {
+ var last = dir;
+ // update helpers
+ gp = p;
+ p = node;
+ node = node.get_child(dir);
+ var cmp = this._comparator(data, node.data);
+ dir = cmp > 0;
+ // save found node
+ if(cmp === 0) {
+ found = node;
+ }
+ // push the red node down
+ if(!is_red(node) && !is_red(node.get_child(dir))) {
+ if(is_red(node.get_child(!dir))) {
+ var sr = single_rotate(node, dir);
+ p.set_child(last, sr);
+ p = sr;
+ }
+ else if(!is_red(node.get_child(!dir))) {
+ var sibling = p.get_child(!last);
+ if(sibling !== null) {
+ if(!is_red(sibling.get_child(!last)) && !is_red(sibling.get_child(last))) {
+ // color flip
+ p.red = false;
+ sibling.red = true;
+ node.red = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ var dir2 = gp.right === p;
+ if(is_red(sibling.get_child(last))) {
+ gp.set_child(dir2, double_rotate(p, last));
+ }
+ else if(is_red(sibling.get_child(!last))) {
+ gp.set_child(dir2, single_rotate(p, last));
+ }
+ // ensure correct coloring
+ var gpc = gp.get_child(dir2);
+ gpc.red = true;
+ node.red = true;
+ gpc.left.red = false;
+ gpc.right.red = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // replace and remove if found
+ if(found !== null) {
+ found.data = node.data;
+ p.set_child(p.right === node, node.get_child(node.left === null));
+ this.size--;
+ }
+ // update root and make it black
+ this._root = head.right;
+ if(this._root !== null) {
+ this._root.red = false;
+ }
+ return found !== null;
+function is_red(node) {
+ return node !== null && node.red;
+function single_rotate(root, dir) {
+ var save = root.get_child(!dir);
+ root.set_child(!dir, save.get_child(dir));
+ save.set_child(dir, root);
+ root.red = true;
+ save.red = false;
+ return save;
+function double_rotate(root, dir) {
+ root.set_child(!dir, single_rotate(root.get_child(!dir), !dir));
+ return single_rotate(root, dir);
+module.exports = RBTree;
+return require('__main__');
+var cola;
+(function (cola) {
+ var applyPacking = {}
+ applyPacking.PADDING = 10;
+ applyPacking.GOLDEN_SECTION = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2;
+ applyPacking.FLOAT_EPSILON = 0.0001;
+ applyPacking.MAX_INERATIONS = 100;
+ // assign x, y to nodes while using box packing algorithm for disconnected graphs
+ cola.applyPacking = function (graphs, w, h, node_size, desired_ratio){
+ var init_x = 0,
+ init_y = 0,
+ svg_width = w,
+ svg_height = h,
+ desired_ratio = typeof desired_ratio !== 'undefined' ? desired_ratio : 1,
+ node_size = typeof node_size !== 'undefined' ? node_size : 0,
+ real_width = 0,
+ real_height = 0,
+ min_width = 0,
+ global_bottom = 0,
+ line = [];
+ if (graphs.length == 0)
+ return;
+ /// that would take care of single nodes problem
+ // graphs.forEach(function (g) {
+ // if (g.array.length == 1) {
+ // g.array[0].x = 0;
+ // g.array[0].y = 0;
+ // }
+ // });
+ calculate_bb(graphs);
+ apply(graphs);
+ put_nodes_to_right_positions(graphs);
+ // get bounding boxes for all separate graphs
+ function calculate_bb(graphs){
+ graphs.forEach(function(g) {
+ calculate_single_bb(g)
+ });
+ function calculate_single_bb(graph){
+ var min_x = Number.MAX_VALUE, min_y = Number.MAX_VALUE,
+ max_x = 0, max_y = 0;
+ graph.array.forEach(function(v){
+ var w = typeof v.width !== 'undefined' ? v.width : node_size;
+ var h = typeof v.height !== 'undefined' ? v.height : node_size;
+ w /= 2;
+ h /= 2;
+ max_x = Math.max(v.x + w, max_x);
+ min_x = Math.min(v.x - w, min_x);
+ max_y = Math.max(v.y + h, max_y);
+ min_y = Math.min(v.y - h, min_y);
+ });
+ graph.width = max_x - min_x;
+ graph.height = max_y - min_y;
+ }
+ }
+ function plot(data, left, right, opt_x, opt_y) {
+ // plot the cost function
+ var plot_svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
+ .attr("width", function(){return 2 * (right - left);})
+ .attr("height", 200);
+ var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, 2 * (right - left)]);
+ var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x).orient("bottom");
+ plot_svg.append("g").attr("class", "x axis")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(0, 199)")
+ .call(xAxis);
+ var lastX = 0;
+ var lastY = 0;
+ var value = 0;
+ for (var r = left; r < right; r += 1){
+ value = step(data, r);
+ // value = 1;
+ plot_svg.append("line").attr("x1", 2 * (lastX - left))
+ .attr("y1", 200 - 30 * lastY)
+ .attr("x2", 2 * r - 2 * left)
+ .attr("y2", 200 - 30 * value)
+ .style("stroke", "rgb(6,120,155)");
+ lastX = r;
+ lastY = value;
+ }
+ plot_svg.append("circle").attr("cx", 2 * opt_x - 2 * left).attr("cy", 200 - 30 * opt_y)
+ .attr("r", 5).style('fill', "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)");
+ }
+ // actuall assigning of position to nodes
+ function put_nodes_to_right_positions(graphs){
+ graphs.forEach(function(g){
+ // calculate current graph center:
+ var center = {x: 0, y: 0};
+ g.array.forEach(function(node){
+ center.x += node.x;
+ center.y += node.y;
+ });
+ center.x /= g.array.length;
+ center.y /= g.array.length;
+ // calculate current top left corner:
+ var corner = { x: center.x - g.width/2, y: center.y - g.height/2 };
+ var offset = { x: g.x - corner.x, y: g.y - corner.y };
+ // put nodes:
+ g.array.forEach(function(node){
+ node.x = node.x + offset.x + svg_width/2 - real_width/2;
+ node.y = node.y + offset.y + svg_height/2 - real_height/2;
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // starts box packing algorithm
+ // desired ratio is 1 by default
+ function apply(data, desired_ratio){
+ var curr_best_f = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ var curr_best = 0;
+ data.sort(function (a, b) { return b.height - a.height; });
+ min_width = data.reduce(function(a, b) {
+ return a.width < b.width ? a.width : b.width;
+ });
+ var left = x1 = min_width;
+ var right = x2 = get_entire_width(data);
+ var iterationCounter = 0;
+ var f_x1 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var f_x2 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var flag = -1; // determines which among f_x1 and f_x2 to recompute
+ var dx = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ var df = Number.MAX_VALUE;
+ while (( dx > min_width) || df > applyPacking.FLOAT_EPSILON ) {
+ if (flag != 1) {
+ var x1 = right - (right - left) / applyPacking.GOLDEN_SECTION;
+ var f_x1 = step(data, x1);
+ }
+ if (flag != 0) {
+ var x2 = left + (right - left) / applyPacking.GOLDEN_SECTION;
+ var f_x2 = step(data, x2);
+ }
+ dx = Math.abs(x1 - x2);
+ df = Math.abs(f_x1 - f_x2);
+ if (f_x1 < curr_best_f) {
+ curr_best_f = f_x1;
+ curr_best = x1;
+ }
+ if (f_x2 < curr_best_f) {
+ curr_best_f = f_x2;
+ curr_best = x2;
+ }
+ if (f_x1 > f_x2) {
+ left = x1;
+ x1 = x2;
+ f_x1 = f_x2;
+ flag = 1;
+ } else {
+ right = x2;
+ x2 = x1;
+ f_x2 = f_x1;
+ flag = 0;
+ }
+ if (iterationCounter++ > 100) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // plot(data, min_width, get_entire_width(data), curr_best, curr_best_f);
+ step(data, curr_best);
+ }
+ // one iteration of the optimization method
+ // (gives a proper, but not necessarily optimal packing)
+ function step(data, max_width){
+ line = [];
+ real_width = 0;
+ real_height = 0;
+ global_bottom = init_y;
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++){
+ var o = data[i];
+ put_rect(o, max_width);
+ }
+ return Math.abs(get_real_ratio() - desired_ratio);
+ }
+ // looking for a position to one box
+ function put_rect(rect, max_width){
+ var parent = undefined;
+ for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++){
+ if ((line[i].space_left >= rect.height) && (line[i].x + line[i].width + rect.width + applyPacking.PADDING - max_width) <= applyPacking.FLOAT_EPSILON){
+ parent = line[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ line.push(rect);
+ if (parent !== undefined){
+ rect.x = parent.x + parent.width + applyPacking.PADDING;
+ rect.y = parent.bottom;
+ rect.space_left = rect.height;
+ rect.bottom = rect.y;
+ parent.space_left -= rect.height + applyPacking.PADDING;
+ parent.bottom += rect.height + applyPacking.PADDING;
+ } else {
+ rect.y = global_bottom;
+ global_bottom += rect.height + applyPacking.PADDING;
+ rect.x = init_x;
+ rect.bottom = rect.y;
+ rect.space_left = rect.height;
+ }
+ if (rect.y + rect.height - real_height > -applyPacking.FLOAT_EPSILON) real_height = rect.y + rect.height - init_y;
+ if (rect.x + rect.width - real_width > -applyPacking.FLOAT_EPSILON) real_width = rect.x + rect.width - init_x;
+ };
+ function get_entire_width(data){
+ var width = 0;
+ data.forEach(function (d) {return width += d.width + applyPacking.PADDING;});
+ return width;
+ }
+ function get_real_ratio(){
+ return (real_width / real_height);
+ }
+ }
+ // seraration of disconnected graphs
+ // returns an array of {}
+ cola.separateGraphs = function(nodes, links){
+ var marks = {};
+ var ways = {};
+ graphs = [];
+ var clusters = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++){
+ var link = links[i];
+ var n1 = link.source;
+ var n2 = link.target;
+ if (ways[n1.index])
+ ways[n1.index].push(n2);
+ else
+ ways[n1.index] = [n2];
+ if (ways[n2.index])
+ ways[n2.index].push(n1);
+ else
+ ways[n2.index] = [n1];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
+ var node = nodes[i];
+ if (marks[node.index]) continue;
+ explore_node(node, true);
+ }
+ function explore_node(n, is_new){
+ if (marks[n.index] !== undefined) return;
+ if (is_new) {
+ clusters++;
+ graphs.push({array:[]});
+ }
+ marks[n.index] = clusters;
+ graphs[clusters - 1].array.push(n);
+ var adjacent = ways[n.index];
+ if (!adjacent) return;
+ for (var j = 0; j < adjacent.length; j++){
+ explore_node(adjacent[j], false);
+ }
+ }
+ return graphs;
+ }
+ return cola;
+})(cola || (cola = {}))