#!/usr/bin/python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # git-bz - git subcommand to integrate with bugzilla # # Copyright (C) 2008 Owen Taylor # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, If not, see # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # # Patches for git-bz # ================== # Send to Owen Taylor # # Installation # ============ # Copy or symlink somewhere in your path. # # Documentation # ============= # See http://git.fishsoup.net/man/git-bz.html # (generated from git-bz.txt in this directory.) # DEFAULT_CONFIG = \ """ default-assigned-to = default-op-sys = All default-platform = All default-version = unspecified """ CONFIG = {} CONFIG['bugs.freedesktop.org'] = \ """ https = true default-priority = medium """ CONFIG['bugs.gentoo.org'] = \ """ https = true default-priority = Normal default-product = Gentoo Linux """ CONFIG['bugzilla.gnome.org'] = \ """ https = true default-priority = Normal default-platform = """ # Only the attachment flags supported by the git-bz-moz fork # of git-bz are listed here - listing all flags would be quite # a bit of noise. Other flags can be configured with # 'git config', but should be added here if they are useful. CONFIG['bugzilla.mozilla.org'] = \ """ https = true default-priority = --- attachment-flag.feedback.id = 607 attachment-flag.feedback.requesteeable = true attachment-flag.feedback.multiplicable = true attachment-flag.review.id = 4 attachment-flag.review.requesteeable = true attachment-flag.review.multiplicable = true attachment-flag.superreview.id = 5 attachment-flag.superreview.requesteeable = true attachment-flag.superreview.multiplicable = false attachment-flag.ui-review.id = 203 attachment-flag.ui-review.requesteeable = true attachment-flag.ui-review.multiplicable = true """ CONFIG['bugzilla.redhat.com'] = \ """ https = true attachment-flag.review.id = 155 attachment-flag.review.requesteeable = true attachment-flag.review.multiplicable = true """ CONFIG["bugs.webkit.org"] = \ """ https = true attachment-flag.review.id = 1 attachment-flag.review.requesteeable = false attachment-flag.commit-queue.id = 3 attachment-flag.commit-queue.requesteeable = false """ # Default values for options that can be configured via 'git config' git_config = { 'browser': 'firefox3', 'default-tracker': 'bugzilla.gnome.org', 'default-product': None, 'default-component': None, 'add-url': 'true', 'add-url-method': 'body-append:%u' } ################################################################################ import base64 import cPickle as pickle from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser, NoOptionError import errno import io import optparse import os try: from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite except ImportError: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite import re from StringIO import StringIO from subprocess import Popen, CalledProcessError, PIPE import shutil import sys import tempfile import time import traceback import xmlrpclib import urllib import urllib2 import urlparse from xml.etree.cElementTree import ElementTree import base64 # Globals # ======= # options dictionary from optparse global_options = None # Utility functions for git # ========================= # Run a git command # Non-keyword arguments are passed verbatim as command line arguments # Keyword arguments are turned into command line options # =True => -- # ='' => --= # Special keyword arguments: # _quiet: Discard all output even if an error occurs # _interactive: Don't capture stdout and stderr # _input=: Feed to stdinin of the command # _return_error: Return tuple of captured (stdout,stderr) # _bytes: Do not decode the output as UTF-8; leave it as raw bytes # def git_run(command, *args, **kwargs): to_run = ['git', command.replace("_", "-")] interactive = False quiet = False input = None return_stderr = False ignore_exit_status = False strip = True bytes = False for (k,v) in kwargs.iteritems(): if k == '_quiet': quiet = True elif k == '_interactive': interactive = True elif k == '_return_stderr': return_stderr = True elif k == '_ignore_exit_status': ignore_exit_status = True elif k == '_strip': strip = v elif k == '_input': input = v elif k == '_bytes': bytes = v elif v is True: if len(k) == 1: to_run.append("-" + k) else: to_run.append("--" + k.replace("_", "-")) else: to_run.append("--" + k.replace("_", "-") + "=" + v) to_run.extend(args) process = Popen(to_run, stdout=(None if interactive else PIPE), stderr=(None if interactive else PIPE), stdin=(PIPE if (input != None) else None)) output, error = process.communicate(input) if not ignore_exit_status and process.returncode != 0: if not quiet and not interactive: # Using print here could result in Python adding a stray space # before the next print sys.stderr.write(error) sys.stdout.write(output) raise CalledProcessError(process.returncode, " ".join(to_run)) if interactive: return None else: # Decode the output as UTF-8. if not bytes: output = output.decode('UTF-8') error = error.decode('UTF-8') if strip: output = output.strip() error = error.strip() if return_stderr: return output, error else: return output # Wrapper to allow us to do git.(...) instead of git_run() class Git: def __getattr__(self, command): def f(*args, **kwargs): return git_run(command, *args, **kwargs) return f git = Git() class GitCommit: def __init__(self, id, subject): self.id = id self.subject = subject def rev_list_commits(*args, **kwargs): kwargs_copy = dict(kwargs) kwargs_copy['pretty'] = 'format:%s' kwargs_copy['encoding'] = 'UTF-8' output = git.rev_list(*args, **kwargs_copy) if output == "": lines = [] else: lines = output.split("\n") if (len(lines) % 2 != 0): raise RuntimeException("git rev-list didn't return an even number of lines") result = [] for i in xrange(0, len(lines), 2): m = re.match("commit\s+([A-Fa-f0-9]+)", lines[i]) if not m: raise RuntimeException("Can't parse commit it '%s'", lines[i]) commit_id = m.group(1) subject = lines[i + 1] result.append(GitCommit(commit_id, subject)) return result def get_commits(commit_or_revision_range): # We take specifying a single revision to mean everything since that # revision, while git-rev-list lists that revision and all ancestors try: # See if the argument identifies a single revision rev = git.rev_parse(commit_or_revision_range, verify=True, _quiet=True) commits = rev_list_commits(rev, max_count='1') except CalledProcessError: # If not, assume the argument is a range try: commits = rev_list_commits(commit_or_revision_range) except CalledProcessError: # If not again, the argument must be invalid — perhaps the user has # accidentally specified a bug number but not a revision. commits = [] if len(commits) == 0: die("'%s' does not name any commits. Use HEAD to specify just the last commit" % commit_or_revision_range) return commits def get_patch(commit): # We could pass through -M as an option, but I think you basically always # want it; showing renames as renames rather than removes/adds greatly # improves readability. return git.format_patch(commit.id + "^.." + commit.id, stdout=True, M=True, _bytes=True) def get_body(commit): body = git.log(commit.id + "^.." + commit.id, pretty="format:%b", _strip=False, encoding='UTF-8') # Preserve leading space, which tends to be indents, but strip off # the trailing newline and any other insignificant space at the end. return body.rstrip() def commit_is_merge(commit): contents = git.cat_file("commit", commit.id, _bytes=True) parent_count = 0 for line in contents.split("\n"): if line == "": break if line.startswith("parent "): parent_count += 1 return parent_count > 1 # Global configuration variables # ============================== def init_git_config(): try: config_options = git.config(r'^bz\.', get_regexp=True) except CalledProcessError: return for line in config_options.split("\n"): line = line.strip() m = re.match("bz.(\S+)\s+(.*)", line) name = m.group(1) value = m.group(2) git_config[name] = value def get_tracker(): if global_options.bugzilla != None: return global_options.bugzilla return git_config['default-tracker'] def get_default_product(): product = git_config['default-product'] if product is None: config = get_config(get_tracker()) product = config.get('default-product', None) return product def get_default_component(): component = git_config['default-component'] if component is None: config = get_config(get_tracker()) component = config.get('default-component', None) return component # Per-tracker configuration variables # =================================== def resolve_host_alias(alias): try: return git.config('bz-tracker.' + alias + '.host', get=True) except CalledProcessError: return alias def add_config_param(param, value, result): param_parts = param.split(".") param_parts.reverse() param_dict = result while len(param_parts) > 1: part = param_parts.pop() if not part in param_dict or not isinstance(param_dict[part], dict): param_dict[part] = {} param_dict = param_dict[part] param_dict[param_parts[0]] = value def add_config_from_string(config_text, result): for line in config_text.split("\n"): line = re.sub("#.*", "", line) line = line.strip() if line == "": continue m = re.match("([a-zA-Z0-9-\.]+)\s*=\s*(.*)", line) if not m: die("Bad config line '%s'" % line) add_config_param(m.group(1), m.group(2), result) def add_config_from_git(name, result): try: name = name.replace(".", r"\.") config_options = git.config(r'bz-tracker\.' + name + r'\..*', get_regexp=True) except CalledProcessError: return {} for line in config_options.split("\n"): line = line.strip() m = re.match("(\S+)\s+(.*)", line) key = m.group(1) value = m.group(2) m = re.match(r'bz-tracker\.' + name + r'\.(.*)', key) param = m.group(1) add_config_param(param, value, result) # We only ever should be the config for one tracker in the course of a single run cached_config = None cached_config_tracker = None def get_config(tracker): global cached_config global cached_config_tracker if cached_config == None: cached_config_tracker = tracker host = resolve_host_alias(tracker) cached_config = {} add_config_from_string(DEFAULT_CONFIG, cached_config) if host in CONFIG: add_config_from_string(CONFIG[host], cached_config) add_config_from_git(host, cached_config) if tracker != host: add_config_from_git(tracker, cached_config) assert cached_config_tracker == tracker return cached_config def tracker_uses_https(tracker): config = get_config(tracker) return 'https' in config and config['https'] == 'true' def tracker_get_path(tracker): config = get_config(tracker) if 'path' in config: return config['path'] return None def tracker_get_auth_user(tracker): config = get_config(tracker) if 'auth-user' in config: return config['auth-user'] return None def tracker_get_auth_password(tracker): config = get_config(tracker) if 'auth-password' in config: return config['auth-password'] return None def merge_default_fields_from_dict(default_fields, d): for key, value in d.iteritems(): if key.startswith("default-"): param = key[8:].replace("-", "_") if param in ['tracker', 'product', 'component']: continue # Ignore empty fields if value == '' and param in ['platform']: continue default_fields[param] = value def get_default_fields(tracker): config = get_config(tracker) default_fields = {} merge_default_fields_from_dict(default_fields, config) # bz.default-* options specified in 'git config' have higher precedence # than per-tracker options. We expect them to be set locally by the # user for a particular git repository. merge_default_fields_from_dict(default_fields, git_config) return default_fields # Utility functions for bugzilla # ============================== class BugParseError(Exception): pass # A BugHandle is the parsed form of a bug reference string; it # uniquely identifies a bug on a server, though until we try # to load it (and create a Bug) we don't know if it actually exists. class BugHandle: def __init__(self, host, path, https, id, auth_user=None, auth_password=None): self.host = host self.path = path self.https = https self.id = id self.auth_user = auth_user self.auth_password = auth_password # ensure that the path to the bugzilla installation is an absolute path # so that it will still work even if their config option specifies # something like: # path = bugzilla # instead of the proper form: # path = /bugzilla if self.path and self.path[0] != '/': self.path = '/' + self.path def get_url(self): return "%s://%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" % ("https" if self.https else "http", self.host, self.id) def needs_auth(self): return self.auth_user and self.auth_password @staticmethod def parse(bug_reference): parseresult = urlparse.urlsplit (bug_reference) if parseresult.scheme in ('http', 'https'): # Catch http://www.gnome.org and the oddball http:relative/path and http:/path if len(parseresult.path) == 0 or parseresult.path[0] != '/' or parseresult.hostname is None: raise BugParseError("Invalid bug reference '%s'" % bug_reference) user = parseresult.username password = parseresult.password # if the url did not specify http auth credentials in the form # https://user:password@host.com, check to see whether the config file # specifies any auth credentials for this host if not user: user = tracker_get_auth_user(parseresult.hostname) if not password: password = tracker_get_auth_password(parseresult.hostname) bugid = None # strip off everything after the last '/', so '/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi' # will simply become '/bugzilla' base_path = parseresult.path[:parseresult.path.rfind('/')] # Some bugzilla instances support a nice short bug link like: # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/12345 m = re.match(r'/([0-9]+)$', parseresult.path) if m: bugid = m.group(1) else: m = re.match("id=([^&]+)", parseresult.query) if m: bugid = m.group(1) if bugid is not None: return BugHandle(host=parseresult.hostname, path=base_path, https=parseresult.scheme=="https", id=bugid, auth_user=user, auth_password=password) colon = bug_reference.find(":") if colon > 0: tracker = bug_reference[0:colon] id = bug_reference[colon + 1:] else: tracker = get_tracker() id = bug_reference if not id.isdigit(): raise BugParseError("Invalid bug reference '%s'" % bug_reference) host = resolve_host_alias(tracker) https = tracker_uses_https(tracker) path = tracker_get_path(tracker) auth_user = tracker_get_auth_user(tracker) auth_password = tracker_get_auth_password(tracker) if not re.match(r"^.*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$", host): raise BugParseError("'%s' doesn't look like a valid bugzilla host or alias" % host) return BugHandle(host=host, path=path, https=https, id=id, auth_user=auth_user, auth_password=auth_password) @staticmethod def parse_or_die(str): try: return BugHandle.parse(str) except BugParseError, e: die(e.message) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.host, self.https, self.id)) def __eq__(self, other): return ((self.host, self.https, self.id) == (other.host, other.https, other.id)) class CookieError(Exception): pass def do_get_cookies_from_sqlite(host, cookies_sqlite, browser, query): result = {} # We use a timeout of 0 since we expect to hit the browser holding # the lock often and we need to fall back to making a copy without a delay connection = sqlite.connect(cookies_sqlite, timeout=0) try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, { 'host': host }) now = time.time() cookies = list(cursor.fetchall()) chromium_time = False if browser in ('Google Chrome', 'Chromium'): cookies = decrypt_cookie_values(cookies, browser) chromium_time = True for name,value,path,expiry in cookies: # Excessive caution: toss out values that need to be quoted in a cookie header expiry = float(expiry) if chromium_time: # Time stored in microseconds since epoch expiry /= 1000000. # Old chromium versions used to use the Unix epoch, but newer versions # use the Windows epoch of January 1, 1601. Convert the latter to Unix epoch if expiry > 11644473600: expiry -= 11644473600 if float(expiry) > now and not re.search(r'[()<>@,;:\\"/\[\]?={} \t]', value): result[name] = value return result finally: connection.close() # Firefox 3.5 keeps the cookies database permamently locked; as a workaround # hack, we make a copy, read from that, then delete the copy. Of course, # we may hit an inconsistent state of the database def get_cookies_from_sqlite_with_copy(host, cookies_sqlite, browser, *args, **kwargs): db_copy = cookies_sqlite + ".git-bz-temp" shutil.copyfile(cookies_sqlite, db_copy) try: return do_get_cookies_from_sqlite(host, db_copy, browser, *args, **kwargs) except sqlite.OperationalError, e: raise CookieError("Cookie database was locked; temporary copy didn't work") finally: os.remove(db_copy) def get_cookies_from_sqlite(host, cookies_sqlite, browser, query): try: result = do_get_cookies_from_sqlite(host, cookies_sqlite, browser, query) except sqlite.OperationalError, e: if "database is locked" in str(e): # Try making a temporary copy result = get_cookies_from_sqlite_with_copy(host, cookies_sqlite, browser, query) else: raise if not ('Bugzilla_login' in result and 'Bugzilla_logincookie' in result): raise CookieError("You don't appear to be signed into %s; please log in with %s" % (host, browser)) return result def get_cookies_from_sqlite_xulrunner(host, cookies_sqlite, name): return get_cookies_from_sqlite(host, cookies_sqlite, name, "select name,value,path,expiry from moz_cookies where host in (:host, '.'||:host)") def get_bugzilla_cookies_ff3(host): if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': profiles_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/Firefox') else: profiles_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.mozilla/firefox') profile_path = None cp = RawConfigParser() cp.read(os.path.join(profiles_dir, "profiles.ini")) for section in cp.sections(): if not cp.has_option(section, "Path"): continue if (not profile_path or (cp.has_option(section, "Default") and cp.get(section, "Default").strip() == "1")): profile_path = os.path.join(profiles_dir, cp.get(section, "Path").strip()) if not profile_path: raise CookieError("Cannot find default Firefox profile") cookies_sqlite = os.path.join(profile_path, "cookies.sqlite") if not os.path.exists(cookies_sqlite): raise CookieError("%s doesn't exist." % cookies_sqlite) return get_cookies_from_sqlite_xulrunner(host, cookies_sqlite, "Firefox") def get_bugzilla_cookies_galeon(host): cookies_sqlite = os.path.expanduser('~/.galeon/mozilla/galeon/cookies.sqlite') if not os.path.exists(cookies_sqlite): raise CookieError("%s doesn't exist." % cookies_sqlite) return get_cookies_from_sqlite_xulrunner(host, cookies_sqlite, "Galeon") def get_bugzilla_cookies_epy(host): # epiphany-webkit migrated the cookie db to a different location, but the # format is the same profile_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/epiphany') cookies_sqlite = os.path.join(profile_dir, "cookies.sqlite") if not os.path.exists(cookies_sqlite): # try pre-GNOME-3.6 location profile_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.gnome2/epiphany') cookies_sqlite = os.path.join(profile_dir, "cookies.sqlite") if not os.path.exists(cookies_sqlite): # try the old location cookies_sqlite = os.path.join(profile_dir, "mozilla/epiphany/cookies.sqlite") if not os.path.exists(cookies_sqlite): raise CookieError("%s doesn't exist" % cookies_sqlite) return get_cookies_from_sqlite_xulrunner(host, cookies_sqlite, "Epiphany") def decrypt_cookie_values(cookies, browser): # Code inspired by this blog post: http://n8henrie.com/2014/05/decrypt-chrome-cookies-with-python/ try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2 except ImportError: print >>sys.stderr, "Import of PyCrypto failed, please make sure AES and PBKDF2 modules are available in your PyCrypto package" if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': # The following module is needed only on Apple platforms for now. # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keyring import keyring if browser == 'Google Chrome': service_name = 'Chrome Safe Storage' username = 'Chrome' else: service_name = 'Chromium Safe Storage' username = 'Chromium' password = keyring.get_password(service_name, username) password = password.encode('utf8') iterations = 1003 elif os.uname()[0] == 'Linux': # Chrome and Chromium don't use the GNOME keyring. See also # https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=364326 password = 'peanuts'.encode('utf8') iterations = 1 else: print >>sys.stderr, "%s cookies decryption not supported on this platform" % browser return cookies # Default values used by both Chrome and Chromium in OSX and Linux salt = b'saltysalt' iv = b' ' * 16 length = 16 new_cookies = [] for name, encrypted_value, path, expiry in cookies: # Trim off the 'v10' that Chrome/ium prepends if encrypted_value[:3] != 'v10': print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown cookie encrypted_value header found: %s. Skipping." % encrypted_value[:3] continue encrypted_value = encrypted_value[3:] key = PBKDF2(password, salt, length, iterations) cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=iv) decrypted = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_value) # Get rid of padding. new_cookies.append((name, decrypted[:-ord(decrypted[-1])], path, expiry)) return new_cookies # Shared for Chromium and Google Chrome def get_bugzilla_cookies_chr(host, browser, config_dir): config_dir = os.path.expanduser(config_dir) cookies_sqlite = os.path.join(config_dir, "Cookies") if not os.path.exists(cookies_sqlite): raise CookieError("%s doesn't exist" % cookies_sqlite) return get_cookies_from_sqlite(host, cookies_sqlite, browser, "select name,encrypted_value,path,expires_utc from cookies where host_key in (:host, '.'||:host)") def get_bugzilla_cookies_chromium(host): if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': config_dir = '~/Library/Application Support/Chromium/Default' else: config_dir = '~/.config/chromium/Default' return get_bugzilla_cookies_chr(host, "Chromium", config_dir) def get_bugzilla_cookies_google_chrome(host): if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': config_dir = '~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default' else: config_dir = '~/.config/google-chrome/Default' return get_bugzilla_cookies_chr(host, "Google Chrome", config_dir) browsers = { 'firefox3' : get_bugzilla_cookies_ff3, 'epiphany' : get_bugzilla_cookies_epy, 'galeon' : get_bugzilla_cookies_galeon, 'chromium' : get_bugzilla_cookies_chromium, 'google-chrome': get_bugzilla_cookies_google_chrome } def browser_list(): return ", ".join(sorted(browsers.keys())) def get_bugzilla_cookies(host): browser = git_config['browser'] if browser in browsers: do_get_cookies = browsers[browser] else: die('Unsupported browser %s (we only support %s)' % (browser, browser_list())) try: return do_get_cookies(host) except CookieError, e: die("""Error getting login cookie from browser: %s Configured browser: %s (change with 'git config --global bz.browser ') Possible browsers: %s""" % (str(e), browser, browser_list())) # Based on http://code.activestate.com/recipes/146306/ - Wade Leftwich # fields are taken and encoded as UTF-8. files are never transcoded. def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files=None): """ fields is a dictionary of { name : value } for regular form fields. if value is a list, one form field is added for each item in the list files is a dictionary of { name : ( filename, content_type, value) } for data to be uploaded as files Return (content_type, body) ready for httplib.HTTPContent instance """ BOUNDARY = '----------ThIs_Is_tHe_bouNdaRY_$' CRLF = '\r\n' L = [] for key in sorted(fields.keys()): value = fields[key] if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key) L.append('') L.append(v.encode('UTF-8')) else: L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key) L.append('') L.append(value.encode('UTF-8')) if files: for key in sorted(files.keys()): (filename, content_type, value) = files[key] L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (key, filename)) L.append('Content-Type: %s' % content_type) L.append('') L.append(value) L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--') L.append('') body = CRLF.join(L) content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY return content_type, body # Cache of constant-responses per bugzilla server # =============================================== CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME = 3600 * 24 # one day xdg_cache_home = os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache')) cache_filename = os.path.join(xdg_cache_home, 'git-bz-cache') class Cache(object): def __init__(self): self.cfp = None def __ensure(self, host): # Ensure the cache directory exists. cache_dir = os.path.dirname(cache_filename) try: os.makedirs(cache_dir, 0700) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(cache_dir): pass else: raise if self.cfp == None: self.cfp = RawConfigParser() self.cfp.read(cache_filename) if self.cfp.has_section(host): if time.time() > self.cfp.getfloat(host, "expires"): self.cfp.remove_section(host) if not self.cfp.has_section(host): self.cfp.add_section(host) self.cfp.set(host, "expires", time.time() + CACHE_EXPIRY_TIME) def get(self, host, key): self.__ensure(host) try: return pickle.loads(self.cfp.get(host, key)) except NoOptionError: raise IndexError() def set(self, host, key, value): self.__ensure(host) self.cfp.set(host, key, pickle.dumps(value)) f = open(cache_filename, "w") self.cfp.write(f) f.close() cache = Cache() # General Utility Functions # ========================= def make_filename(description): filename = re.sub(r"\s+", "-", description) filename = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9-]+", "", filename) filename = filename[0:50] return filename def edit_file(filename): editor = git.var("GIT_EDITOR") process = Popen(editor + " " + filename, shell=True) process.wait() if process.returncode != 0: die("Editor exited with non-zero return code") def edit_template(template): # Prompts the user to edit the text 'template' and returns list of # lines with comments stripped handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(".txt", "git-bz-") f = os.fdopen(handle, "w") f.write(template.encode("UTF-8")) f.close() edit_file(filename) # Use io.open() to get encoding support f = io.open(filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") lines = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("#"), f.readlines()) f.close() return lines def split_subject_body(lines): # Splits the first line (subject) from the subsequent lines (body) i = 0 subject = "" while i < len(lines): subject = lines[i].strip() if subject != "": break i += 1 return subject, "".join(lines[i + 1:]).strip() def _shortest_unique_abbreviation(full, l): for i in xrange(1, len(full) + 1): abbrev = full[0:i] if not any((x != full and x.startswith(abbrev) for x in l)): return abbrev # Duplicate items or one item is a prefix of another raise ValueError("%s has no unique abbreviation in %s" % (full, l)) def _abbreviation_item_help(full, l): abbrev = _shortest_unique_abbreviation(full, l) return '[%s]%s' % (abbrev, full[len(abbrev):]) # Return '[a]pple, [pe]ar, [po]tato' def abbreviation_help_string(l): return ", ".join((_abbreviation_item_help(full, l) for full in l)) # Find the unique element in l that starts with abbrev def expand_abbreviation(abbrev, l): for full in l: if full.startswith(abbrev) and len(abbrev) >= len(_shortest_unique_abbreviation(full, l)): return full raise ValueError("No unique abbreviation expansion") def prompt(message): while True: # Using print here could result in Python adding a stray space # before the next print sys.stdout.write(message + " [yn] ") line = sys.stdin.readline().strip() if line == 'y' or line == 'Y': return True elif line == 'n' or line == 'N': return False def prompt_multi(message, options): while True: # Using print here could result in Python adding a stray space # before the next print sys.stdout.write(message + " ") line = sys.stdin.readline() opt = line[0].lower() if opt in options: return opt def die(message): print >>sys.stderr, message sys.exit(1) def http_auth_header(user, password): return 'Basic ' + base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (user, password)).strip() # Classes for bug handling # ======================== class BugPatch(object): def __init__(self, attach_id): self.attach_id = attach_id class NoXmlRpcError(Exception): pass class PermanentRedirector(urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler): def __init__(self, server): self.server = server self.current = None def http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs): if self.current is not None: return urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs) # This is a bit of a hack to avoid keeping on redirecting for every # request. If the server redirected the hostname with a permanent redirect, # keeping the path the same, we're assume it's saying "hey, the bugzilla # instance is really over here" - we don't require separate proof for every # different URL. # Protect against multiple redirects, which would confuse the logic self.current = req result = urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_301(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs) old_split = urlparse.urlsplit(req.get_full_url()) new_split = urlparse.urlsplit(result.url) new_https = new_split.scheme == 'https' if new_split.hostname != self.server.host or new_https != self.server.https: if req.get_method() == 'GET' and old_split.path == new_split.path: self.server.host = new_split.hostname self.server.https = new_https self.current = None return result def _encode_quoted(m): return urllib.quote(m.group(0).encode('UTF-8')) # Encodes non-ASCII characters as UTF-8 with %-escapes, but doesn't # change existing escapes in the URL def encode_utf8(url): return str(re.sub('[^\x01-\x7f]+', _encode_quoted, url)) class BugServer(object): def __init__(self, host, path, https, auth_user=None, auth_password=None): self.host = host self.path = path self.https = https self.auth_user = auth_user self.auth_password = auth_password self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(PermanentRedirector(self)) self.cookies = get_bugzilla_cookies(host) self._xmlrpc_proxy = None def get_cookie_string(self): return ("Bugzilla_login=%s; Bugzilla_logincookie=%s" % (self.cookies['Bugzilla_login'], self.cookies['Bugzilla_logincookie'])) def send_request(self, method, url, data=None, headers={}): headers = dict(headers) cookies = self.get_cookie_string() if isinstance(cookies, unicode): cookies = cookies.encode('UTF-8') headers['Cookie'] = cookies headers['User-Agent'] = "git-bz" if self.auth_user and self.auth_password: headers['Authorization'] = http_auth_header(self.auth_user, self.auth_password) if self.path: url = self.path + url uri = "%s://%s%s" % ("https" if self.https else "http", self.host.encode("idna"), encode_utf8(url)) req = urllib2.Request(uri, data, headers) response = None try: response = self.opener.open(req) except urllib2.HTTPError as err: raise err; except urllib2.URLError as err: die ("Failed to connect to bug: %s" % str(err.reason)) return response def send_post(self, url, fields, files=None): content_type, body = encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files) return self.send_request("POST", url, data=body, headers={ 'Content-Type': content_type }) def get_xmlrpc_proxy(self): if self._xmlrpc_proxy is None: uri = "%s://%s/xmlrpc.cgi" % ("https" if self.https else "http", self.host) if self.https: transport = SafeBugTransport(self) else: transport = BugTransport(self) self._xmlrpc_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(uri, transport) return self._xmlrpc_proxy def _product_id(self, product_name): # This way works with newer bugzilla; older Bugzilla doesn't support names: try: response = self.get_xmlrpc_proxy().Product.get({ 'names': product_name, 'include_fields': ['id', 'name'] }) products = response['products'] if len(products) > 0: return products[0]['id'] except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: pass except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e: pass # This should work with any bugzilla that supports xmlrpc, but will be slow print >>sys.stderr, "Searching for product ID ...", try: response = self.get_xmlrpc_proxy().Product.get_accessible_products({}) ids = response['ids'] response = self.get_xmlrpc_proxy().Product.get_products({ 'ids': ids, 'include_fields': ['id', 'name']}) for p in response['products']: if p['name'] == product_name: print >>sys.stderr, "found it" return p['id'] except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: pass except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e: pass print >>sys.stderr, "failed" return None def product_id(self, product_name): key = 'product_id_' + urllib.quote(product_name) try: return cache.get(self.host, key) except IndexError: value = self._product_id(product_name) if value != None: cache.set(self.host, key, value) return value # Query the server for the legal values of the given field; returns an # array, or None if the query failed def _legal_values(self, field): try: response = self.get_xmlrpc_proxy().Bug.legal_values({ 'field': field }) cache.set(self.host, 'legal_' + field, response['values']) return response['values'] except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: if e.faultCode == -32000: # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513511 return None raise except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e: if e.errcode == 500: # older bugzilla versions die this way return None elif e.errcode == 404: # really old bugzilla, no XML-RPC return None raise def legal_values(self, field): try: return cache.get(self.host, 'legal_' + field) except IndexError: values = self._legal_values(field) cache.set(self.host, 'legal_' + field, values) return values # mixin for xmlrpclib.Transport classes to add cookies class CookieTransportMixin(object): def send_request(self, connection, *args): xmlrpclib.Transport.send_request(self, connection, *args) cookie = self.server.get_cookie_string() if isinstance(cookie, unicode): cookie = cookie.encode('UTF-8') connection.putheader("Cookie", cookie) connection.putheader("Authorization", http_auth_header(self.server.auth_user, self.server.auth_password)) class BugTransport(CookieTransportMixin, xmlrpclib.Transport): def __init__(self, server): xmlrpclib.Transport.__init__(self) self.server = server class SafeBugTransport(CookieTransportMixin, xmlrpclib.SafeTransport): def __init__(self, server): xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.__init__(self) self.server = server servers = {} # Note that if we detect that we are redirecting, we may rewrite the # host/https of the server to avoid doing too many redirections, and # so the host,https we connect to may be different than what we use # to look up the server. def get_bug_server(host, path, https, auth_user, auth_password): identifier = (host, path, https) if not identifier in servers: servers[identifier] = BugServer(host, path, https, auth_user, auth_password) return servers[identifier] # Unfortunately, Bugzilla doesn't set a useful status code for # form posts. Because it's very confusing to claim we succeeded # but not, we look for text in the response indicating success, # and not text indicating failure. # # We generally look for specific tags - these have been # quite stable across versions, though translations will throw # us off. # # *args are regular expressions to search for in response_data # that indicate success. Returns the matched regular expression # on success, None otherwise def check_for_success(response_data, *args): for pattern in args: m = re.search(pattern, response_data) if m: return m return None class Bug(object): def __init__(self, server): self.server = server self.id = None self.product = None self.component = None self.short_desc = None self.patches = [] def _load(self, id, attachmentdata=False): url = "/show_bug.cgi?id=" + id + "&ctype=xml" if not attachmentdata: url += "&excludefield=attachmentdata" try: response = self.server.send_request("GET", url) except urllib2.HTTPError as err: die ("Failed to retrieve bug information: %d" % err.code) etree = ElementTree() etree.parse(response) bug = etree.find("bug") error = bug.get("error") if error != None: die ("Failed to retrieve bug information: %s" % error) self.id = int(bug.find("bug_id").text) self.short_desc = bug.find("short_desc").text self.bug_status = bug.find("bug_status").text if self.bug_status == "RESOLVED": self.resolution = bug.find("resolution").text token = bug.find("token") self.token = None if token is None else token.text for attachment in bug.findall("attachment"): if attachment.get("ispatch") == "1" and not attachment.get("isobsolete") == "1" : attach_id = int(attachment.find("attachid").text) patch = BugPatch(attach_id) # We have to save fields we might not otherwise care about # (like isprivate) so that we can pass them back when updating # the attachment patch.description = attachment.find("desc").text patch.date = attachment.find("date").text patch.attacher = attachment.find("attacher").text status = attachment.find("gnome_attachment_status") patch.status = None if status is None else status.text patch.filename = attachment.find("filename").text patch.isprivate = attachment.get("isprivate") == "1" token = attachment.find("token") patch.token = None if token is None else token.text if attachmentdata: data = attachment.find("data").text patch.data = base64.b64decode(data) else: patch.data = None self.patches.append(patch) def _create_via_xmlrpc(self, product, component, short_desc, comment, default_fields): params = dict() params['product'] = product params['component'] = component params['summary'] = short_desc params['description'] = comment for (field, value) in default_fields.iteritems(): params[field] = value try: response = self.server.get_xmlrpc_proxy().Bug.create(params) self.id = response['id'] except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: if e.faultString.find("is no version named '") >= 0: print >>sys.stderr, e.faultString print >>sys.stderr print >>sys.stderr, "You can configure a version for %s with:" % self.server.host print >>sys.stderr print >>sys.stderr, " git config [--global] bz-tracker.%s.default-version <version>" % self.server.host sys.exit(1) die(e.faultString) except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e: if e.errcode == 404: raise NoXmlRpcError(e.errmsg) else: print >>sys.stderr, "Problem filing bug via XML-RPC: %s (%d)\n" % (e.errmsg, e.errcode) print >>sys.stderr, "falling back to form post\n" raise NoXmlRpcError("Communication error") def _create_with_form(self, product, component, short_desc, comment, default_fields): fields = dict() fields['product'] = product fields['component'] = component fields['short_desc'] = short_desc fields['comment'] = comment # post_bug.cgi wants some names that are less congenial than the names # expected in XML-RPC. for (field, value) in default_fields.iteritems(): if field == 'severity': field = 'bug_severity' elif field == 'platform': field = 'rep_platform' fields[field] = value # Priority values vary wildly between different servers because the stock # Bugzilla uses the awkward P1/../P5. It will be defaulted on the XML-RPC # code path, but we need to take a wild guess here. if not 'priority' in fields: fields['priority'] = 'P5' # Legal severity values are much more standardized, but not specifying it # in the XML-RPC code path allows the server default to win. We need to # specify something here. if not 'severity' in fields: fields['bug_severity'] = 'normal' # Required, but a configured default doesn't make any sense if not 'bug_file_loc' in fields: fields['bug_file_loc'] = '' try: response = self.server.send_post("/post_bug.cgi", fields) response_data = response.read() except urllib2.HTTPError as err: die("Failed to create bug, status=%d" % err.code); m = check_for_success(response_data, r"<title>\s*(\S+\s+)?([0-9]+)") if not m: print response_data die("Failed to create bug") self.id = int(m.group(1)) def _create(self, product, component, short_desc, comment, default_fields): try: self._create_via_xmlrpc(product, component, short_desc, comment, default_fields) except NoXmlRpcError: self._create_with_form(product, component, short_desc, comment, default_fields) print "Successfully created" print "Bug %d - %s" % (self.id, short_desc) print self.get_url() def create_patch(self, description, comment, filename, data, obsoletes=[], status='none', flags={}): # Bugzilla 4.2+ requires you to grab a fresh token from attachment.cgi. url = "/attachment.cgi?bugid=" + str(self.id) + "&action=enter" try: response = self.server.send_request("GET", url) except KeyboardInterrupt: die("Failed to retrieve attachment form: user cancelled") except urllib2.HTTPError as err: die("Failed to retrieve attachment form: %d" % response.status) token = re.search(r'<input type="hidden" name="token" value="(.+)">', response.read()) # Build the new form. fields = {} fields['bugid'] = str(self.id) fields['action'] = 'insert' if token is not None: fields['token'] = token.group(1) fields['ispatch'] = '1' fields['gnome_attachment_status'] = status fields['description'] = description if comment: fields['comment'] = comment if obsoletes: # this will produce multiple parts in the encoded data with the # name 'obsolete' for each item in the list fields['obsolete'] = map(str, obsoletes) fields.update(flags) files = { 'data': ( filename.encode('UTF-8'), 'text/plain', data # pass through as raw bytes ) } try: response = self.server.send_post("/attachment.cgi", fields, files) response_data = response.read() except urllib2.HTTPError as err: die ("Failed to attach patch to bug %d, status=%d" % (self.id, err.code)) if not check_for_success(response_data, # Older bugzilla's used this for successful attachments r"<title>\s*Changes\s+Submitted", # Newer bugzilla's, use, instead: r"<title>\s*Attachment\s+\d+\s+added"): print response_data die ("Failed to attach patch to bug %d" % self.id) print "Attached %s" % filename # Update specified fields of a bug; keyword arguments are interpreted # as field_name=value def update(self, **changes): changes['id'] = str(self.id) if self.token: changes['token'] = self.token # Since we don't send delta_ts we'll never get a mid-air collision # This is probably a good thing try: response = self.server.send_post("/process_bug.cgi", changes) response_data = response.read() except urllib2.HTTPError as err: die ("Failed to update bug %d, status=%d" % (self.id, err.code)) if not check_for_success(response_data, r"<title>[\S\s]{0,100}processed\s*"): # Mid-air collisions would be indicated by # "Mid-air collision!" print response_data die ("Failed to update bug %d" % self.id) # Update specified fields of an attachment; keyword arguments are # interpreted as field_name=value def update_patch(self, patch, **changes): # Unlike /process_bug.cgi, the attachment editing interface doesn't # support defaulting missing fields to their existing values, so we # have to pass everything back. fields = { 'action': 'update', 'id': str(patch.attach_id), 'description': patch.description, 'filename': patch.filename, 'ispatch': "1", 'isobsolete': "0", 'isprivate': "1" if patch.isprivate else "0", }; if patch.token: fields['token'] = patch.token if patch.status is not None: fields['gnome_attachment_status'] = patch.status for (field, value) in changes.iteritems(): if field == 'status': # encapsulate oddball form field name field = 'gnome_attachment_status' fields[field] = value try: response = self.server.send_post("/attachment.cgi", fields) response_data = response.read() except urllib2.HTTPError as err: die ("Failed to update attachment %d to bug %d, status=%d" % (patch.attach_id, self.id, err.code)) if not check_for_success(response_data, r"\s*Changes\s+Submitted"): print response_data die ("Failed to update attachment %d to bug %d" % (patch.attach_id, self.id)) def get_url(self): return "%s://%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%d" % ("https" if self.server.https else "http", self.server.host, self.id) @staticmethod def load(bug_reference, attachmentdata=False): server = get_bug_server(bug_reference.host, bug_reference.path, bug_reference.https, bug_reference.auth_user, bug_reference.auth_password) bug = Bug(server) bug._load(bug_reference.id, attachmentdata) return bug @staticmethod def create(tracker, product, component, short_desc, comment): host = resolve_host_alias(tracker) https = tracker_uses_https(tracker) path = tracker_get_path(tracker) auth_user = tracker_get_auth_user(tracker) auth_password = tracker_get_auth_password(tracker) default_fields = get_default_fields(tracker) server = get_bug_server(host, path, https, auth_user, auth_password) bug = Bug(server) bug._create(product, component, short_desc, comment, default_fields) return bug # The Commands # ============= def commit_needs_url(commit, bug_id): pat = re.compile(r"(?<!\d)%d(?!\d)" % bug_id) return (pat.search(commit.subject) is None and pat.search(get_body(commit)) is None) def check_add_url(commits, bug_id=None, is_add_url=False): if bug_id != None: # We only need to check the commits that we'll add the URL to commits = [commit for commit in commits if commit_needs_url(commit, bug_id)] if len(commits) == 0: # Nothing to do return try: git.diff(exit_code=True, ignore_submodules=True, _quiet=True) git.diff(exit_code=True, ignore_submodules=True, cached=True, _quiet=True) except CalledProcessError: die("Cannot add bug reference to commit message(s); You must commit (or stash) all changes first") for commit in commits: # check that the commit is an ancestor of the current revision base = git.merge_base("HEAD", commit.id) if base != commit.id: die("%s %s\nNot an ancestor of HEAD, can't add bug URL to it" % (commit.id[0:7], commit.subject)) # see if the commit is present in any remote branches remote_branches = git.branch(contains=commit.id, r=True) if remote_branches != "": print commit.id[0:7], commit.subject print "Commit is already in remote branch(es):", " ".join(remote_branches.split()) if not prompt("Rewrite the commit add the bug URL anyways?"): if is_add_url: print "Aborting." else: print "Aborting. You can use -n/--no-add-url to turn off adding the URL" sys.exit(0) # Check for merge commits oldest_commit = commits[-1] all_commits = rev_list_commits(commits[-1].id + "^..HEAD") for commit in all_commits: if commit_is_merge(commit): print "Found merge commit:" print commit.id[0:7], commit.subject print "Can't rewrite this commit or an ancestor commit to add bug URL" sys.exit(1) def bad_url_method(add_url_method): die("""add-url-method '%s' is invalid Should be [subject-prepend|subject-append|body-prepend|body-append]:<format>""" % add_url_method) def add_url_to_subject_body(subject, body, bug): add_url_method = git_config['add-url-method'] if not ':' in add_url_method: bad_url_method(add_url_method) method, format = add_url_method.split(':', 1) def sub_percent(m): if m.group(1) == 'u': return bug.get_url() elif m.group(1) == 'd': return str(bug.id) elif m.group(1) == 'n': return "\n" elif m.group(1) == '%': return "%" else: die("Bad add-url-method escape %%%s" % m.group(1)) formatted = re.sub("%(.)", sub_percent, format) if method == 'subject-prepend': subject = formatted + " " + subject elif method == 'subject-append': subject = subject + " " + formatted elif method == 'body-prepend': body = formatted + "\n\n" + body elif method == 'body-append': body = body + "\n\n" + formatted else: bad_url_method(add_url_method) return subject, body def validate_add_url_method(bug): # Dry run add_url_to_subject_body("", "", bug) def add_url_to_head_commit(commit, bug): subject = commit.subject body = get_body(commit) subject, body = add_url_to_subject_body(subject, body, bug) input = subject + "\n\n" + body git.commit(file="-", amend=True, _input=input.encode('UTF-8')) def add_url(bug, commits): commit_map = {} oldest_commit = None for commit in commits: commit_map[commit.id] = commit if commit_needs_url(commit, bug.id): oldest_commit = commit if not oldest_commit: return # Check that the add-url method is valid before starting the rebase validate_add_url_method(bug) all_commits = rev_list_commits(oldest_commit.id + "^..HEAD") orig_head = all_commits[0].id try: branch_name = git.symbolic_ref("HEAD", q=True) except CalledProcessError: branch_name = None try: # Detach HEAD from the branch; this gives a cleaner reflog for the branch print "Moving to starting point" git.checkout(oldest_commit.id + "^", q=True) for commit in reversed(all_commits): # Map back to the original commit object so we can update it if commit.id in commit_map: commit = commit_map[commit.id] if commit.id in commit_map and commit_needs_url(commit, bug.id): print "Adding bug reference ", commit.id[0:7], commit.subject git.cherry_pick(commit.id) add_url_to_head_commit(commit, bug) else: if commit.id in commit_map: print "Recommitting", commit.id[0:7], commit.subject, "(already has bug #)" else: print "Recommitting", commit.id[0:7], commit.subject git.cherry_pick(commit.id) # Get the commit ID; we update the commit with the new ID, so we in the case # where we later format the patch, we format the patch with the added bug URL new_head = commit.id = git.rev_parse("HEAD") if branch_name is not None: git.update_ref("-m", "bz add-url: adding references to %s" % bug.get_url(), branch_name, new_head) git.symbolic_ref("HEAD", branch_name) except: print "Cleaning up back to original state on error" git.reset(orig_head, hard=True) if branch_name is not None: git.symbolic_ref("HEAD", branch_name) raise def do_add_url(bug_reference, commit_or_revision_range): commits = get_commits(commit_or_revision_range) bug = Bug.load(BugHandle.parse_or_die(bug_reference)) check_add_url(commits, bug.id, is_add_url=True) print "Bug %d - %s" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc) print bug.get_url() print found = False for commit in commits: if commit_needs_url(commit, bug.id): print commit.id[0:7], commit.subject found = True else: print "SKIPPING", commit.id[0:7], commit.subject if not found: sys.exit(0) print if not prompt("Add bug URL to above commits?"): print "Aborting" sys.exit(0) print add_url(bug, commits) resolvemsg = '''When you have resolved this problem run "git bz apply --continue". If you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git bz apply --skip". To restore the original branch and stop patching run "git bz apply --abort".''' def do_apply(*args): git_dir = git.rev_parse(git_dir=True) resuming = global_options.resolved or global_options.skip or global_options.abort if len(args) == 0: if not resuming: die(parser.get_usage()) if global_options.resolved: arg = "--resolved" elif global_options.skip: arg = "--skip" elif global_options.abort: arg = "--abort" try: f = open(git_dir + "/rebase-apply/git-bz", "r") lines = f.read().rstrip().split('\n') bug_ref = lines[0] orig_head = lines[1] need_amend = lines[2] == "True" patch_ids = map(int, lines[3:]) f.close() except: die("Not inside a 'git bz apply' operation") try: process = git.am(arg, resolvemsg=resolvemsg, _interactive=True) except CalledProcessError: sys.exit(1) if global_options.abort: sys.exit(0) if need_amend: try: git.commit(amend=True, _interactive=True) except CalledProcessError: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: left dummy commit message" else: if resuming: die(parser.get_usage()) bug_ref = args[0] orig_head = git.rev_parse("HEAD") bug = Bug.load(BugHandle.parse_or_die(bug_ref), attachmentdata=True) if len(bug.patches) == 0: die("No patches on bug %d" % bug.id) patches = [] patches_by_id = {} for patch in bug.patches: patches_by_id[patch.attach_id] = patch if resuming: for pid in patch_ids: patches.append(patches_by_id[pid]) else: print "Bug %d - %s" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc) print for patch in bug.patches: if patch.status == 'committed' or patch.status == 'rejected': print "%d - %s (skipping, %s)" % (patch.attach_id, patch.description, patch.status) else: patches.append(patch) for patch in patches: if patch.status != 'none': print "%d - %s (%s)" % (patch.attach_id, patch.description, patch.status) else: print "%d - %s" % (patch.attach_id, patch.description) print opt = prompt_multi("Apply? [(y)es, (n)o, (i)nteractive]", ["y", "n", "i"]) if opt == "n": return elif opt == "i": template = StringIO() template.write("# Bug %d - %s\n\n" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc)) for patch in bug.patches: patches_by_id[patch.attach_id] = patch if patch.status == 'committed' or patch.status == 'rejected': template.write("#%d - %s (%s)\n" % (patch.attach_id, patch.description, patch.status)) elif patch.status != 'none': template.write("%d - %s (%s)\n" % (patch.attach_id, patch.description, patch.status)) else: template.write("%d - %s\n" % (patch.attach_id, patch.description)) template.write("\n") template.write("""# Uncommented patches will be applied in the order they appear. # Lines starting with '#' will be ignored. Delete everything to abort. """) lines = edit_template(template.getvalue()) patches = [] for line in lines: match = re.match('^(\d+)', line) if match: pid = int(match.group(1)) if not patches_by_id.has_key(pid): die("Unknown attachment id " + pid) patches.append(patches_by_id[pid]) if len(patches) == 0 and not resuming: die("No patches to apply, aborting") for patch in patches: if re.search(r'(^|\n)From ', patch.data) is None: # Plain diff... rewrite it into something git-am will accept users = bug.server.get_xmlrpc_proxy().User.get({ 'names': [patch.attacher] })['users'] name = users[0]['real_name'] email = users[0]['email'] headers = """From xxx From: %s <%s> Date: %s Subject: %s """ % (name, email, patch.date, patch.description) # The exact string 'FIXME: need commit message' is checked for by # git.gnome.org commit hooks, so they need to be updated if it changes. patch.data = headers.encode('UTF-8') + """ FIXME: need commit message. (Please also double check the author and subject.) --- """ + patch.data need_amend = True else: need_amend = False handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(".patch", make_filename(patch.description) + "-") f = os.fdopen(handle, "w") f.write(patch.data) f.close() try: process = git.am("-3", filename, resolvemsg=resolvemsg, _interactive=True) except CalledProcessError: if os.access(git_dir + "/rebase-apply", os.F_OK): # git-am saved its state for an abort or continue, # so save our state too f = open(git_dir + "/rebase-apply/git-bz", "w") f.write("%s\n" % bug_ref) f.write("%s\n" % orig_head) f.write("%r\n" % need_amend) for i in range(patches.index(patch) + 1, len(patches)): f.write("%s\n" % patches[i].attach_id) f.close() print "Patch left in %s" % filename return os.remove(filename) if need_amend: try: git.commit(amend=True, _interactive=True) except CalledProcessError: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: left dummy commit message" if global_options.add_url: # Slightly hacky. We could add the URLs as we go by using # git-mailinfo to parse each patch, calling # add_url_to_subject_body(), and then reassembling. That would # be much more complicated though. commits = rev_list_commits(orig_head + "..") add_url(bug, commits) def strip_bug_url(bug, commit_body): # Strip off the trailing bug URLs we add with -u; we do this before # using commit body in as a comment; doing it by stripping right before # posting means that we are robust against someone running add-url first # and attach second. pattern = "\s*" + re.escape(bug.get_url()) + "\s*$" return re.sub(pattern, "", commit_body) def edit_attachment_comment(bug, initial_description, initial_body): template = StringIO() template.write("# Attachment to Bug %d - %s\n\n" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc)) template.write(initial_description) template.write("\n\n") template.write(initial_body) template.write("\n\n") if len(bug.patches) > 0: for patch in bug.patches: obsoleted = (initial_description == patch.description) template.write("%sObsoletes: %d - %s\n" % ("" if obsoleted else "#", patch.attach_id, patch.description)) template.write("\n") config = get_config(get_tracker()) attachment_flags = config.get('attachment-flag', {}) flag_names = sorted(attachment_flags.keys()) if flag_names: template.write("""# Uncomment to set flags for the attachment; flags can be set to +,- , or ?.\n""") template.write("""# When setting a flag to ? you can optionally specify individuals as, for example: # Review: ? sue@example.com, joe@example.com\n""") for name in flag_names: template.write("""#%s: ?\n""" % name) template.write("\n") template.write("""# Please edit the description (first line) and comment (other lines). Lines # starting with '#' will be ignored. Delete everything to abort. """) if len(bug.patches) > 0: template.write("# To obsolete existing patches, uncomment the appropriate lines.\n") lines = edit_template(template.getvalue()) obsoletes= [] def filter_obsolete(line): m = re.match("^\s*Obsoletes\s*:\s*([\d]+)", line) if m: obsoletes.append(int(m.group(1))) return False else: return True lines = filter(filter_obsolete, lines) flags = {} def filter_flags(line): # Lookup for a known attachment flag in the line. It has to be # at the beginning of the line. m = re.match(r'^\s*([^ ,]+)\s*:\s*([+-?].*?)\s*$', line) if not m: return True flag_name = m.group(1) # If there's something that looks like a flag format in the commit message # - say someone writes "Yay :-)" - we dont' want to produce a confusing # error message, so hope nobody accidentally edits a real flag name when # uncommenting it. if not flag_name in attachment_flags: return True value = m.group(2) # Flag found, check its value and build the form data # that bugzilla will be able to understand. flag_config = attachment_flags[flag_name] requesteeable = flag_config.get('requesteeable', 'false') multiplicable = flag_config.get('multiplicable', 'false') if len(value) > 1: extra = value[1:].strip() if requesteeable != 'true': print "Flag '%s' cannot be requested for a specific user. Ignoring '%s' and setting flag to fallback value: '?'." % (flag_name, extra) value = '?' elif not value.startswith('?'): print "A specific user can only be requested for the '?' status. Ignoring '%s'." % extra value = value[0] else: requestees = [r.strip() for r in value[1:].split(',')] if len(requestees) > 1 and multiplicable != 'true': ignored_requestees = requestees[1:] print "Flag '%s' cannot be requested for multiple users. Ignoring '%s' and setting value to '%s'" % (flag_name, ', '.join(ignored_requestees), requestees[0]) requestees = requestees[0:1] flags["requestee_type-%s" % flag_config['id']] = ','.join(requestees) value = '?' flags["flag_type-%s" % flag_config['id']] = value return False lines = filter(filter_flags, lines) description, comment = split_subject_body(lines) if description == "": die("Empty description, aborting") return description, comment, obsoletes, flags def attach_commits(bug, commits, include_comments=True, edit_comments=False, status='none'): # We want to attach the patches in chronological order commits = list(commits) commits.reverse() for commit in commits: filename = make_filename(commit.subject) + ".patch" patch = get_patch(commit) if include_comments: body = strip_bug_url(bug, get_body(commit)) else: body = None if edit_comments: description, body, obsoletes, flags = edit_attachment_comment(bug, commit.subject, body) else: description = commit.subject obsoletes = [] flags = {} for attachment in bug.patches: if attachment.description == commit.subject: obsoletes.append(attachment.attach_id) bug.create_patch(description, body, filename, patch, obsoletes=obsoletes, status=status, flags=flags) def do_attach(*args): if len(args) == 1: commit_or_revision_range = args[0] commits = get_commits(commit_or_revision_range) extracted = list(extract_and_collate_bugs(commits)) if len(extracted) == 0: die("No bug references found in specified commits") elif len(extracted) > 1: # This could be sensible in the case of "attach updated patches # for all these commits", but for now, just make it an error die("Found multiple bug references specified commits:\n " + "\n ".join((handle.get_url() for handle, _ in extracted))) # extract_and_collate_bugs returns a list of commits that reference # the handle, but we ignore that - we want to attach all of the # specified commits, even if only some of the reference the bug handle, _ = extracted[0] else: bug_reference = args[0] commit_or_revision_range = args[1] commits = get_commits(commit_or_revision_range) handle = BugHandle.parse_or_die(bug_reference) bug = Bug.load(handle) if global_options.add_url: check_add_url(commits, bug.id, is_add_url=False) # We always want to prompt if the user has specified multiple attachments. # For the common case of one attachment don't prompt if we are going # to give them a chance to edit and abort anyways. if len(commits) > 1 or not global_options.edit: print "Bug %d - %s" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc) print for commit in reversed(commits): print commit.id[0:7], commit.subject print if not prompt("Attach?"): print "Aborting" sys.exit(0) if global_options.add_url: add_url(bug, commits) # as in edit_bug we need to update the bug first while our token is still valid bug.update(addselfcc='1') attach_commits(bug, commits, edit_comments=global_options.edit) # Sort the patches in the bug into categories based on a set of Git # git commits that we're considering to be newly applied. Matching # is done on exact git subject <=> patch description matches. def filter_patches(bug, applied_commits): newly_applied_patches = dict() # maps to the commit object where it was applied obsoleted_patches = set() unapplied_patches = set() applied_subjects = dict(((commit.subject, commit) for commit in applied_commits)) seen_subjects = set() # Work backwards so that the latest patch is considered applied, and older # patches with the same subject obsoleted. for patch in reversed(bug.patches): # Previously committted or rejected patches are never a match if patch.status == "committed" or patch.status == "rejected": continue if patch.description in seen_subjects: obsoleted_patches.add(patch) elif patch.description in applied_subjects: newly_applied_patches[patch] = applied_subjects[patch.description] seen_subjects.add(patch) else: unapplied_patches.add(patch) return newly_applied_patches, obsoleted_patches, unapplied_patches def edit_bug(bug, applied_commits=None, fix_commits=None): if applied_commits is not None: newly_applied_patches, obsoleted_patches, unapplied_patches = filter_patches(bug, applied_commits) mark_resolved = len(unapplied_patches) == 0 and bug.bug_status != "RESOLVED" else: newly_applied_patches = obsoleted_patches = set() mark_resolved = fix_commits is not None template = StringIO() template.write("# Bug %d - %s - %s" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc, bug.bug_status)) if bug.bug_status == "RESOLVED": template.write(" - %s" % bug.resolution) template.write("\n") template.write("# %s\n" % bug.get_url()) template.write("# Enter comment on following lines; delete everything to abort\n\n") if fix_commits is not None: if len(fix_commits) == 1: template.write("The following fix has been pushed:\n") else: template.write("The following fixes have been pushed:\n") for commit in reversed(fix_commits): template.write(commit.id[0:7] + " " + commit.subject + "\n") template.write("\n") for patch in bug.patches: if patch in newly_applied_patches: commit = newly_applied_patches[patch] template.write("Attachment %d pushed as %s - %s\n" % (patch.attach_id, commit.id[0:7], commit.subject)) if mark_resolved: template.write("# Comment to keep bug open\n") elif bug.bug_status == "RESOLVED": template.write("# Uncomment and edit to change resolution\n") else: template.write("# Uncomment to resolve bug\n") legal_resolutions = bug.server.legal_values('resolution') if legal_resolutions: # Require non-empty resolution. DUPLICATE, MOVED would need special support legal_resolutions = [x for x in legal_resolutions if x not in ('', 'DUPLICATE', 'MOVED')] template.write("# possible resolutions: %s\n" % abbreviation_help_string(legal_resolutions)) if not mark_resolved: template.write("#") template.write("Resolution: FIXED\n") if len(bug.patches) > 0: patches_have_status = any((patch.status is not None for patch in bug.patches)) if patches_have_status: if len(newly_applied_patches) > 0 or len(obsoleted_patches) > 0: template.write("\n# Lines below change patch status, unless commented out\n") else: template.write("\n# To change patch status, uncomment below, edit 'committed' as appropriate.\n") fields = bug.server.get_xmlrpc_proxy().Bug.fields({ 'names': ['attachments.gnome_attachment_status']}) values = fields['fields'][0]['values'] legal_statuses = [v['name'] for v in values] if legal_statuses: legal_statuses.append('obsolete') template.write("# possible statuses: %s\n" % abbreviation_help_string(legal_statuses)) for patch in bug.patches: if patch in newly_applied_patches: new_status = "committed" elif patch in obsoleted_patches: new_status = "obsolete" else: new_status = "#committed" template.write("%s @%d - %s - %s\n" % (new_status, patch.attach_id, patch.description, patch.status)) else: template.write("\n# To mark patches obsolete, uncomment below\n") for patch in bug.patches: template.write("#obsolete @%d - %s\n" % (patch.attach_id, patch.description)) template.write("\n") lines = edit_template(template.getvalue()) def filter_line(line): m = re.match("^\s*Resolution\s*:\s*(\S+)", line) if m: resolutions.append(m.group(1)) return False m = re.match("^\s*(\S+)\s*@\s*(\d+)", line) if m: status = m.group(1) changed_attachments[int(m.group(2))] = status return False return True changed_attachments = {} resolutions = [] lines = filter(filter_line, lines) comment = "".join(lines).strip() resolution = resolutions[0] if len(resolutions) > 0 else None if resolution is None and len(changed_attachments) == 0 and comment == "": print "No changes, not editing Bug %d - %s" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc) return False if fix_commits is not None: if global_options.add_url: # We don't want to add the URLs until the user has decided not to # cancel the operation. But the comment that the user edited # included commit IDs. If adding the URL changes the commit IDs # we need to replace them in the comment. old_ids = [(commit, commit.id[0:7]) for commit in fix_commits] add_url(bug, fix_commits) for commit, old_id in old_ids: new_id = commit.id[0:7] if new_id != old_id: comment = comment.replace(old_id, new_id) bug_changes = {} if resolution is not None: if legal_resolutions: try: resolution = expand_abbreviation(resolution, legal_resolutions) except ValueError: die("Bad resolution: %s" % resolution) bug_changes['bug_status'] = 'RESOLVED' bug_changes['resolution'] = resolution if comment != "": if len(bug_changes) == 0 and len(changed_attachments) == 1: # We can add the comment when we submit the attachment change. # Bugzilla will add a helpful notation ad we'll only send out # one set of email pass # We'll put the comment with the attachment else: bug_changes['comment'] = comment # If we did the attachment updates first, we'd have to fetch a new # token hash for the bug, since they'll change it. But each attachment # has an individual token hash for just that attachment, so we can # do the attachment updates afterwards. bug_changes['addselfcc'] = '1' bug.update(**bug_changes) for (attachment_id, status) in changed_attachments.iteritems(): patch = None if patches_have_status: if legal_statuses: try: status = expand_abbreviation(status, legal_statuses) except ValueError: die("Bad patch status: %s" % status) else: if status != "obsolete": die("Can't mark patch as '%s'; only obsolete is supported on %s" % (status, bug.server.host)) for p in bug.patches: if p.attach_id == attachment_id: patch = p if not patch: die("%d is not a valid attachment ID for Bug %d" % (attachment_id, bug.id)) attachment_changes = {} if comment != "" and not 'comment' in bug_changes: # See above attachment_changes['comment'] = comment if status == 'obsolete': attachment_changes['isobsolete'] = "1" else: attachment_changes['status'] = status bug.update_patch(patch, **attachment_changes) if status == 'obsolete': print "Marked attachment as obsolete: %s - %s " % (patch.attach_id, patch.description) else: print "Changed status of attachment to %s: %s - %s" % (status, patch.attach_id, patch.description) if fix_commits is not None: attach_commits(bug, fix_commits, status='committed') if resolution is not None: print "Resolved as %s bug %d - %s" % (resolution, bug.id, bug.short_desc) elif len(changed_attachments) > 0: print "Updated bug %d - %s" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc) else: print "Added comment to bug %d - %s" % (bug.id, bug.short_desc) print bug.get_url() return True LOG_BUG_REFERENCE = re.compile(r""" (\b[Ss]ee\s+(?:[^\s:/]+\s+){0,2})? (?:(https?://[^/]+/show_bug.cgi\?id=[^&\s]+) | [Bb]ug\s+\#?(\d+)) """, re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL) def extract_bugs_from_string(str): refs = [] for m in LOG_BUG_REFERENCE.finditer(str): bug_reference = None # If something says "See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/..." or # "See mozilla bug http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/..." or "see # bug 12345" - anything like that - then it's probably talking # about some peripherally related bug. So, if the word see # occurs 0 to 2 words before the bug reference, we ignore it. if m.group(1) is not None: print "Skipping cross-reference '%s'" % m.group(0) continue if m.group(2) is not None: bug_reference = m.group(2) else: bug_reference = m.group(3) try: yield BugHandle.parse(bug_reference) except BugParseError, e: print "WARNING: cannot resolve bug reference '%s'" % bug_reference def extract_bugs_from_commit(commit): for handle in extract_bugs_from_string(commit.subject): yield handle for handle in extract_bugs_from_string(get_body(commit)): yield handle # Yields bug, [<list of commits where it is referenced>] for each bug # referenced in the list of commits. The order of bugs is the same as the # order of their first reference in the list of commits def extract_and_collate_bugs(commits): bugs = [] bug_to_commits = {} for commit in commits: for handle in extract_bugs_from_commit(commit): if not handle in bug_to_commits: bugs.append(handle) bug_to_commits[handle] = [] bug_to_commits[handle].append(commit) for bug in bugs: yield bug, bug_to_commits[bug] def do_edit(bug_reference_or_revision_range): try: handle = BugHandle.parse(bug_reference_or_revision_range) if global_options.pushed: die("--pushed can't be used together with a bug reference") if global_options.fix is not None: die("--fix requires commits to be specified") bug = Bug.load(handle) edit_bug(bug) except BugParseError, e: try: commits = get_commits(bug_reference_or_revision_range) except CalledProcessError: die("'%s' isn't a valid bug reference or revision range" % bug_reference_or_revision_range) if global_options.fix is not None: handle = BugHandle.parse_or_die(global_options.fix) bug = Bug.load(handle) edit_bug(bug, fix_commits=commits) else: # Process from oldest to newest commits.reverse() for handle, commits in extract_and_collate_bugs(commits): bug = Bug.load(handle) if global_options.pushed: edit_bug(bug, applied_commits=commits) else: edit_bug(bug) PRODUCT_COMPONENT_HELP = """ Use: git config bz.default-product <product> git config bz.default-component <component> to configure a default product and/or component for this module.""" def do_file(*args): if len(args) == 1: product_component, commit_or_revision_range = None, args[0] else: product_component, commit_or_revision_range = args[0], args[1] config = get_config(get_tracker()) if product_component: m = re.match("(?:([^/]+)/)?([^/]+)", product_component) if not m: die("'%s' is not a valid [<product>/]<component>" % product_component) product = m.group(1) component = m.group(2) if not product: product = get_default_product() if not product: die("'%s' does not specify a product and no default product is configured" % product_component + PRODUCT_COMPONENT_HELP) else: product = get_default_product() component = get_default_component() if not product: die("[<product>/]<component> not specified and no default product is configured" + PRODUCT_COMPONENT_HELP) if not component: die("[<product>/]<component> not specified and no default component is configured" + PRODUCT_COMPONENT_HELP) commits = get_commits(commit_or_revision_range) bug_references = [c for c in extract_and_collate_bugs(commits)] if len(bug_references) > 0: print ("Found existing bug reference%s in commit message%s:" % ("" if len(bug_references) == 1 else "s", "" if len(commits) == 1 else "s")) for reference, _ in bug_references: print " ", reference.get_url() if not prompt("File anyway?"): print "Aborting" sys.exit(0) if global_options.add_url: check_add_url(commits, is_add_url=False) template = StringIO() if len(commits) == 1: template.write(commits[0].subject) template.write("\n") template.write(""" # Please enter the summary (first line) and description (other lines). Lines # starting with '#' will be ignored. Delete everything to abort. # # Product: %(product)s # Component: %(component)s # Patches to be attached: """ % { 'product': product, 'component': component }) for commit in reversed(commits): template.write("# " + commit.id[0:7] + " " + commit.subject + "\n") lines = edit_template(template.getvalue()) summary, description = split_subject_body(lines) if summary == "": die("Empty summary, aborting") # If we have only one patch and no other description for the bug was # specified, use the body of the commit as the the description for # the bug rather than the descriptionfor the attachment include_comments=True if len(commits) == 1: if description == "": description = get_body(commits[0]) include_comments = False bug = Bug.create(get_tracker(), product, component, summary, description) if global_options.add_url: add_url(bug, commits) attach_commits(bug, commits, include_comments=include_comments) def run_push(*args, **kwargs): # Predicting what 'git pushes' pushes based on the command line # would be extraordinarily complex, but the interactive output goes # to stderr and is somewhat ambiguous. We do the best we can parsing # it. git 1.6.4 adds --porcelain to push, so we can use that eventually. dry = kwargs['dry'] if 'dry' in kwargs else False options = dict() if dry: options['dry'] = True if global_options.force: options['force'] = True options['_return_stderr'] = True if not dry: # commits can be pushed even if other commits fail to push options['_ignore_exit_status'] = True # In the dry case, we allow CalledProcessError to throw through # to distinguish failure from no commits to push out, err = git.push(*args, **options) if not dry: # Echo the output so the user gets feedback about what happened print >>sys.stderr, err commits = [] for line in err.strip().split("\n"): # # We only look for updates of existing branches; a much more complex # handling would be look for all commits that weren't pushed to a # remote branch. Hopefully the typical use of 'git bz push' is pushing # a single commit to master. # # e5ad33e..febe0d4 master -> master m = re.match(r"^\s*([a-f0-9]{6,}..[a-f0-9]{6,})\s+\S+\s*->\s*\S+\s*$", line) if m: branch_commits = get_commits(m.group(1)) # Process from oldest to newest branch_commits.reverse() commits += branch_commits # Remove duplicate commits seen_commit_ids = set() unique_commits = [] for commit in commits: if not commit.id in seen_commit_ids: seen_commit_ids.add(commit.id) unique_commits.append(commit) return unique_commits def do_push(*args): if global_options.fix: handle = BugHandle.parse_or_die(global_options.fix) bug = Bug.load(handle) # We need the user to confirm before we add the URLs to the commits # We need to add the URLs to the commits before we push # We need to push in order to find out what commits we are pushing # So, we push --dry first options = { 'dry' : True } try: commits = run_push(*args, **options) except CalledProcessError, e: sys.exit(e.returncode) if edit_bug(bug, fix_commits=commits): run_push(*args) else: unique_commits = run_push(*args) for handle, commits in extract_and_collate_bugs(unique_commits): bug = Bug.load(handle) edit_bug(bug, commits) def do_components(*args): tracker = get_tracker() host = resolve_host_alias(tracker) https = tracker_uses_https(tracker) path = tracker_get_path(tracker) auth_user = tracker_get_auth_user(tracker) auth_password = tracker_get_auth_password(tracker) server = get_bug_server(host, path, https, auth_user, auth_password) if len(args) == 1: product = args[0] else: product = get_default_product() if not product: die("<product> not specified and no default product is configured" + PRODUCT_COMPONENT_HELP) product_id = server.product_id(product) if product_id is None: die("No such product " + product) try: response = server.get_xmlrpc_proxy().Bug.legal_values({'product_id': product_id, 'field': 'component'}) components = response['values'] for component in components: print component except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: die(e.faultString) except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, e: die("Unable to retrieve components: %s" % e.errmsg) ################################################################################ init_git_config() if len(sys.argv) > 1: command = sys.argv[1] else: command = '' sys.argv[1:2] = [] parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-b", "--bugzilla", metavar="<host or alias>", help="bug tracker to use") def add_add_url_options(): parser.add_option("-u", "--add-url", action="store_true", help="rewrite commits to add the bug URL [default]") parser.add_option("-n", "--no-add-url", action="store_false", dest="add_url", help="don't rewrite commits to add the bug URL") def add_edit_option(): parser.add_option("-e", "--edit", action="store_true", help="allow editing the bugzilla comment") def add_fix_option(): parser.add_option("", "--fix", metavar="<bug reference>", help="attach commits and close bug") if command == 'add-url': parser.set_usage("git bz add-url [options] <bug reference> (<commit> | <revision range>)"); min_args = max_args = 2 elif command == 'apply': parser.set_usage("git bz apply [options] <bug reference>"); # git am accepts either --continue or --resolved, so we do too. Call # it "resolved" in the options object, since "continue" is reserved parser.add_option("", "--continue", action="store_true", dest="resolved", help="continue applying a patch set after a failure") parser.add_option("", "--resolved", action="store_true", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option("", "--skip", action="store_true", help="skip the current patch after a failure") parser.add_option("", "--abort", action="store_true", help="abort the current patch set and revert to original state") add_add_url_options() min_args = 0 max_args = 1 elif command == 'attach': parser.set_usage("git bz attach [options] [<bug reference>] (<commit> | <revision range>)"); add_add_url_options() add_edit_option() min_args = 1 max_args = 2 elif command == 'components': parser.set_usage("git bz components [options] [<product>]"); min_args = 0 max_args = 1 elif command == 'edit': parser.set_usage("git bz edit [options] (<bug reference> | <commit> | <revision range>)"); parser.add_option("", "--pushed", action="store_true", help="pre-fill edit form treating the commits as pushed") add_add_url_options() add_fix_option() min_args = max_args = 1 elif command == 'file': parser.set_usage("git bz file [options] [[<product>]]/<component>] (<commit> | <revision range>)"); add_add_url_options() min_args = 1 max_args = 2 elif command == 'push': parser.set_usage("git bz push [options] [<repository> <refspec>...]"); add_add_url_options() add_fix_option() parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="allow non-fast-forward commits") min_args = 0 max_args = 1000 # no max else: print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: git bz [add-url|apply|attach|components|edit|file|push] [options]" sys.exit(1) global_options, args = parser.parse_args() if hasattr(global_options, 'add_url') and global_options.add_url is None: global_options.add_url = git_config['add-url'] == 'true' if len(args) < min_args or len(args) > max_args: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if command == 'add-url': do_add_url(*args) elif command == 'apply': do_apply(*args) elif command == 'attach': do_attach(*args) elif command == 'components': do_components(*args) elif command == 'edit': if global_options.pushed: exit do_edit(*args) elif command == 'file': do_file(*args) elif command == 'push': do_push(*args) sys.exit(0)