import { parse, stringify, quote } from 'src/pages/list/Filter'; it('parses a simple query', () => { expect(parse('foo:bar')).toEqual({ foo: ['bar'], }); }); it('parses a query with multiple filters', () => { expect(parse(`foo:bar baz:foo-bar`)).toEqual({ foo: ['bar'], baz: ['foo-bar'], }); expect(parse(`label:abc freetext`)).toEqual({ label: [`abc`], freetext: [''], }); expect(parse(`label:abc with "quotes" 'in' freetext`)).toEqual({ label: [`abc`], with: [''], '"quotes"': [''], "'in'": [''], freetext: [''], }); }); it('parses a quoted query', () => { expect(parse(`foo:"bar"`)).toEqual({ foo: [`"bar"`], }); expect(parse(`foo:'bar'`)).toEqual({ foo: [`'bar'`], }); expect(parse(`label:'multi word label'`)).toEqual({ label: [`'multi word label'`], }); expect(parse(`label:"multi word label"`)).toEqual({ label: [`"multi word label"`], }); expect(parse(`label:'multi word label with "nested" quotes'`)).toEqual({ label: [`'multi word label with "nested" quotes'`], }); expect(parse(`label:"multi word label with 'nested' quotes"`)).toEqual({ label: [`"multi word label with 'nested' quotes"`], }); expect(parse(`label:"with:quoated:colon"`)).toEqual({ label: [`"with:quoated:colon"`], }); expect(parse(`label:'name ends after this ->' quote'`)).toEqual({ label: [`'name ends after this ->'`], "quote'": [``], }); expect(parse(`label:"name ends after this ->" quote"`)).toEqual({ label: [`"name ends after this ->"`], 'quote"': [``], }); expect(parse(`label:'this ->"<- quote belongs to label name'`)).toEqual({ label: [`'this ->"<- quote belongs to label name'`], }); expect(parse(`label:"this ->'<- quote belongs to label name"`)).toEqual({ label: [`"this ->'<- quote belongs to label name"`], }); expect(parse(`label:'names end with'whitespace not with quotes`)).toEqual({ label: [`'names end with'whitespace`], not: [``], with: [``], quotes: [``], }); expect(parse(`label:"names end with"whitespace not with quotes`)).toEqual({ label: [`"names end with"whitespace`], not: [``], with: [``], quotes: [``], }); }); it('should not escape nested quotes', () => { expect(parse(`foo:'do not escape this ->'<- quote'`)).toEqual({ foo: [`'do not escape this ->'<-`], "quote'": [``], }); expect(parse(`foo:'do not escape this ->"<- quote'`)).toEqual({ foo: [`'do not escape this ->"<- quote'`], }); expect(parse(`foo:"do not escape this ->"<- quote"`)).toEqual({ foo: [`"do not escape this ->"<-`], 'quote"': [``], }); expect(parse(`foo:"do not escape this ->'<- quote"`)).toEqual({ foo: [`"do not escape this ->'<- quote"`], }); }); it('parses a query with repetitions', () => { expect(parse(`foo:bar foo:baz`)).toEqual({ foo: ['bar', 'baz'], }); }); it('parses a complex query', () => { expect(parse(`foo:bar foo:baz baz:"foobar" idont:'know'`)).toEqual({ foo: ['bar', 'baz'], baz: [`"foobar"`], idont: [`'know'`], }); }); it('parses a key:value:value query', () => { expect(parse(`meta:github:""`)).toEqual( { meta: [`github:""`], } ); }); it('quotes values', () => { expect(quote(`foo`)).toEqual(`foo`); expect(quote(`foo bar`)).toEqual(`"foo bar"`); expect(quote(`foo "bar"`)).toEqual(`"foo "bar""`); expect(quote(`foo 'bar'`)).toEqual(`"foo "bar""`); expect(quote(`'foo'`)).toEqual(`"foo"`); expect(quote(`foo "bar" 'baz'`)).toEqual(`"foo "bar" "baz""`); }); it('stringifies params', () => { expect(stringify({ foo: ['bar'] })).toEqual('foo:bar'); expect(stringify({ foo: ['bar baz'] })).toEqual('foo:"bar baz"'); expect(stringify({ foo: ['bar', 'baz'] })).toEqual('foo:bar foo:baz'); expect(stringify({ foo: ['bar'], baz: ['foobar'] })).toEqual( 'foo:bar baz:foobar' ); });