package lexer import ( "bytes" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" "unicode/utf8" "" "" ) const ( EOF = iota + 1 BANG DOLLAR PAREN_L PAREN_R SPREAD COLON EQUALS AT BRACKET_L BRACKET_R BRACE_L PIPE BRACE_R NAME INT FLOAT STRING BLOCK_STRING ) var TokenKind map[int]int var tokenDescription map[int]string func init() { TokenKind = make(map[int]int) tokenDescription = make(map[int]string) TokenKind[EOF] = EOF TokenKind[BANG] = BANG TokenKind[DOLLAR] = DOLLAR TokenKind[PAREN_L] = PAREN_L TokenKind[PAREN_R] = PAREN_R TokenKind[SPREAD] = SPREAD TokenKind[COLON] = COLON TokenKind[EQUALS] = EQUALS TokenKind[AT] = AT TokenKind[BRACKET_L] = BRACKET_L TokenKind[BRACKET_R] = BRACKET_R TokenKind[BRACE_L] = BRACE_L TokenKind[PIPE] = PIPE TokenKind[BRACE_R] = BRACE_R TokenKind[NAME] = NAME TokenKind[INT] = INT TokenKind[FLOAT] = FLOAT TokenKind[STRING] = STRING TokenKind[BLOCK_STRING] = BLOCK_STRING tokenDescription[TokenKind[EOF]] = "EOF" tokenDescription[TokenKind[BANG]] = "!" tokenDescription[TokenKind[DOLLAR]] = "$" tokenDescription[TokenKind[PAREN_L]] = "(" tokenDescription[TokenKind[PAREN_R]] = ")" tokenDescription[TokenKind[SPREAD]] = "..." tokenDescription[TokenKind[COLON]] = ":" tokenDescription[TokenKind[EQUALS]] = "=" tokenDescription[TokenKind[AT]] = "@" tokenDescription[TokenKind[BRACKET_L]] = "[" tokenDescription[TokenKind[BRACKET_R]] = "]" tokenDescription[TokenKind[BRACE_L]] = "{" tokenDescription[TokenKind[PIPE]] = "|" tokenDescription[TokenKind[BRACE_R]] = "}" tokenDescription[TokenKind[NAME]] = "Name" tokenDescription[TokenKind[INT]] = "Int" tokenDescription[TokenKind[FLOAT]] = "Float" tokenDescription[TokenKind[STRING]] = "String" tokenDescription[TokenKind[BLOCK_STRING]] = "BlockString" } // Token is a representation of a lexed Token. Value only appears for non-punctuation // tokens: NAME, INT, FLOAT, and STRING. type Token struct { Kind int Start int End int Value string } type Lexer func(resetPosition int) (Token, error) func Lex(s *source.Source) Lexer { var prevPosition int return func(resetPosition int) (Token, error) { if resetPosition == 0 { resetPosition = prevPosition } token, err := readToken(s, resetPosition) if err != nil { return token, err } prevPosition = token.End return token, nil } } // Reads an alphanumeric + underscore name from the source. // [_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]* // position: Points to the byte position in the byte array // runePosition: Points to the rune position in the byte array func readName(source *source.Source, position, runePosition int) Token { body := source.Body bodyLength := len(body) endByte := position + 1 endRune := runePosition + 1 for { code, _ := runeAt(body, endByte) if (endByte != bodyLength) && (code == '_' || // _ code >= '0' && code <= '9' || // 0-9 code >= 'A' && code <= 'Z' || // A-Z code >= 'a' && code <= 'z') { // a-z endByte++ endRune++ continue } else { break } } return makeToken(TokenKind[NAME], runePosition, endRune, string(body[position:endByte])) } // Reads a number token from the source file, either a float // or an int depending on whether a decimal point appears. // Int: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*) // Float: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?((E|e)(+|-)?[0-9]+)? func readNumber(s *source.Source, start int, firstCode rune, codeLength int) (Token, error) { code := firstCode body := s.Body position := start isFloat := false if code == '-' { // - position += codeLength code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) } if code == '0' { // 0 position += codeLength code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) if code >= '0' && code <= '9' { description := fmt.Sprintf("Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: %v.", printCharCode(code)) return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, position, description) } } else { p, err := readDigits(s, position, code, codeLength) if err != nil { return Token{}, err } position = p code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) } if code == '.' { // . isFloat = true position += codeLength code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) p, err := readDigits(s, position, code, codeLength) if err != nil { return Token{}, err } position = p code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) } if code == 'E' || code == 'e' { // E e isFloat = true position += codeLength code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) if code == '+' || code == '-' { // + - position += codeLength code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) } p, err := readDigits(s, position, code, codeLength) if err != nil { return Token{}, err } position = p } kind := TokenKind[INT] if isFloat { kind = TokenKind[FLOAT] } return makeToken(kind, start, position, string(body[start:position])), nil } // Returns the new position in the source after reading digits. func readDigits(s *source.Source, start int, firstCode rune, codeLength int) (int, error) { body := s.Body position := start code := firstCode if code >= '0' && code <= '9' { // 0 - 9 for { if code >= '0' && code <= '9' { // 0 - 9 position += codeLength code, codeLength = runeAt(body, position) continue } else { break } } return position, nil } var description string description = fmt.Sprintf("Invalid number, expected digit but got: %v.", printCharCode(code)) return position, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, position, description) } func readString(s *source.Source, start int) (Token, error) { body := s.Body position := start + 1 runePosition := start + 1 chunkStart := position var code rune var n int var valueBuffer bytes.Buffer for { code, n = runeAt(body, position) if position < len(body) && // not LineTerminator code != 0x000A && code != 0x000D && // not Quote (") code != '"' { // SourceCharacter if code < 0x0020 && code != 0x0009 { return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, fmt.Sprintf(`Invalid character within String: %v.`, printCharCode(code))) } position += n runePosition++ if code == '\\' { // \ valueBuffer.Write(body[chunkStart : position-1]) code, n = runeAt(body, position) switch code { case '"': valueBuffer.WriteRune('"') break case '/': valueBuffer.WriteRune('/') break case '\\': valueBuffer.WriteRune('\\') break case 'b': valueBuffer.WriteRune('\b') break case 'f': valueBuffer.WriteRune('\f') break case 'n': valueBuffer.WriteRune('\n') break case 'r': valueBuffer.WriteRune('\r') break case 't': valueBuffer.WriteRune('\t') break case 'u': // Check if there are at least 4 bytes available if len(body) <= position+4 { return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid character escape sequence: "+ "\\u%v", string(body[position+1:]))) } charCode := uniCharCode( rune(body[position+1]), rune(body[position+2]), rune(body[position+3]), rune(body[position+4]), ) if charCode < 0 { return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid character escape sequence: "+ "\\u%v", string(body[position+1:position+5]))) } valueBuffer.WriteRune(charCode) position += 4 runePosition += 4 break default: return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, fmt.Sprintf(`Invalid character escape sequence: \\%c.`, code)) } position += n runePosition++ chunkStart = position } continue } else { break } } if code != '"' { // quote (") return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, "Unterminated string.") } stringContent := body[chunkStart:position] valueBuffer.Write(stringContent) value := valueBuffer.String() return makeToken(TokenKind[STRING], start, position+1, value), nil } // readBlockString reads a block string token from the source file. // // """("?"?(\\"""|\\(?!=""")|[^"\\]))*""" func readBlockString(s *source.Source, start int) (Token, error) { body := s.Body position := start + 3 runePosition := start + 3 chunkStart := position var valueBuffer bytes.Buffer for { // Stop if we've reached the end of the buffer if position >= len(body) { break } code, n := runeAt(body, position) // Closing Triple-Quote (""") if code == '"' { x, _ := runeAt(body, position+1) y, _ := runeAt(body, position+2) if x == '"' && y == '"' { stringContent := body[chunkStart:position] valueBuffer.Write(stringContent) value := blockStringValue(valueBuffer.String()) return makeToken(TokenKind[BLOCK_STRING], start, position+3, value), nil } } // SourceCharacter if code < 0x0020 && code != 0x0009 && code != 0x000a && code != 0x000d { return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, fmt.Sprintf(`Invalid character within String: %v.`, printCharCode(code))) } // Escape Triple-Quote (\""") if code == '\\' { // \ x, _ := runeAt(body, position+1) y, _ := runeAt(body, position+2) z, _ := runeAt(body, position+3) if x == '"' && y == '"' && z == '"' { stringContent := append(body[chunkStart:position], []byte(`"""`)...) valueBuffer.Write(stringContent) position += 4 // account for `"""` characters runePosition += 4 // " " " " chunkStart = position continue } } position += n runePosition++ } return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, "Unterminated string.") } var splitLinesRegex = regexp.MustCompile("\r\n|[\n\r]") // This implements the GraphQL spec's BlockStringValue() static algorithm. // // Produces the value of a block string from its parsed raw value, similar to // Coffeescript's block string, Python's docstring trim or Ruby's strip_heredoc. // // Spec: // Heavily borrows from: func blockStringValue(in string) string { // Expand a block string's raw value into independent lines. lines := splitLinesRegex.Split(in, -1) // Remove common indentation from all lines but first commonIndent := -1 for i := 1; i < len(lines); i++ { line := lines[i] indent := leadingWhitespaceLen(line) if indent < len(line) && (commonIndent == -1 || indent < commonIndent) { commonIndent = indent if commonIndent == 0 { break } } } if commonIndent > 0 { for i, line := range lines { if commonIndent > len(line) { continue } lines[i] = line[commonIndent:] } } // Remove leading blank lines. for { if isBlank := lineIsBlank(lines[0]); !isBlank { break } lines = lines[1:] } // Remove trailing blank lines. for { i := len(lines) - 1 if isBlank := lineIsBlank(lines[i]); !isBlank { break } lines = append(lines[:i], lines[i+1:]...) } // Return a string of the lines joined with U+000A. return strings.Join(lines, "\n") } // leadingWhitespaceLen returns count of whitespace characters on given line. func leadingWhitespaceLen(in string) (n int) { for _, ch := range in { if ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' { n++ } else { break } } return } // lineIsBlank returns true when given line has no content. func lineIsBlank(in string) bool { return leadingWhitespaceLen(in) == len(in) } // Converts four hexidecimal chars to the integer that the // string represents. For example, uniCharCode('0','0','0','f') // will return 15, and uniCharCode('0','0','f','f') returns 255. // Returns a negative number on error, if a char was invalid. // This is implemented by noting that char2hex() returns -1 on error, // which means the result of ORing the char2hex() will also be negative. func uniCharCode(a, b, c, d rune) rune { return rune(char2hex(a)<<12 | char2hex(b)<<8 | char2hex(c)<<4 | char2hex(d)) } // Converts a hex character to its integer value. // '0' becomes 0, '9' becomes 9 // 'A' becomes 10, 'F' becomes 15 // 'a' becomes 10, 'f' becomes 15 // Returns -1 on error. func char2hex(a rune) int { if a >= 48 && a <= 57 { // 0-9 return int(a) - 48 } else if a >= 65 && a <= 70 { // A-F return int(a) - 55 } else if a >= 97 && a <= 102 { // a-f return int(a) - 87 } return -1 } func makeToken(kind int, start int, end int, value string) Token { return Token{Kind: kind, Start: start, End: end, Value: value} } func printCharCode(code rune) string { // NaN/undefined represents access beyond the end of the file. if code < 0 { return "" } // print as ASCII for printable range if code >= 0x0020 && code < 0x007F { return fmt.Sprintf(`"%c"`, code) } // Otherwise print the escaped form. e.g. `"\\u0007"` return fmt.Sprintf(`"\\u%04X"`, code) } func readToken(s *source.Source, fromPosition int) (Token, error) { body := s.Body bodyLength := len(body) position, runePosition := positionAfterWhitespace(body, fromPosition) if position >= bodyLength { return makeToken(TokenKind[EOF], position, position, ""), nil } code, codeLength := runeAt(body, position) // SourceCharacter if code < 0x0020 && code != 0x0009 && code != 0x000A && code != 0x000D { return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, fmt.Sprintf(`Invalid character %v`, printCharCode(code))) } switch code { // ! case '!': return makeToken(TokenKind[BANG], position, position+1, ""), nil // $ case '$': return makeToken(TokenKind[DOLLAR], position, position+1, ""), nil // ( case '(': return makeToken(TokenKind[PAREN_L], position, position+1, ""), nil // ) case ')': return makeToken(TokenKind[PAREN_R], position, position+1, ""), nil // . case '.': next1, _ := runeAt(body, position+1) next2, _ := runeAt(body, position+2) if next1 == '.' && next2 == '.' { return makeToken(TokenKind[SPREAD], position, position+3, ""), nil } break // : case ':': return makeToken(TokenKind[COLON], position, position+1, ""), nil // = case '=': return makeToken(TokenKind[EQUALS], position, position+1, ""), nil // @ case '@': return makeToken(TokenKind[AT], position, position+1, ""), nil // [ case '[': return makeToken(TokenKind[BRACKET_L], position, position+1, ""), nil // ] case ']': return makeToken(TokenKind[BRACKET_R], position, position+1, ""), nil // { case '{': return makeToken(TokenKind[BRACE_L], position, position+1, ""), nil // | case '|': return makeToken(TokenKind[PIPE], position, position+1, ""), nil // } case '}': return makeToken(TokenKind[BRACE_R], position, position+1, ""), nil // A-Z case 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z': return readName(s, position, runePosition), nil // _ // a-z case '_', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z': return readName(s, position, runePosition), nil // - // 0-9 case '-', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': token, err := readNumber(s, position, code, codeLength) if err != nil { return token, err } return token, nil // " case '"': var token Token var err error x, _ := runeAt(body, position+1) y, _ := runeAt(body, position+2) if x == '"' && y == '"' { token, err = readBlockString(s, position) } else { token, err = readString(s, position) } return token, err } description := fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected character %v.", printCharCode(code)) return Token{}, gqlerrors.NewSyntaxError(s, runePosition, description) } // Gets the rune from the byte array at given byte position and it's width in bytes func runeAt(body []byte, position int) (code rune, charWidth int) { if len(body) <= position { // return -1, utf8.RuneError } c := body[position] if c < utf8.RuneSelf { return rune(c), 1 } r, n := utf8.DecodeRune(body[position:]) return r, n } // Reads from body starting at startPosition until it finds a non-whitespace // or commented character, then returns the position of that character for lexing. // lexing. // Returns both byte positions and rune position func positionAfterWhitespace(body []byte, startPosition int) (position int, runePosition int) { bodyLength := len(body) position = startPosition runePosition = startPosition for { if position < bodyLength { code, n := runeAt(body, position) // Skip Ignored if code == 0xFEFF || // BOM // White Space code == 0x0009 || // tab code == 0x0020 || // space // Line Terminator code == 0x000A || // new line code == 0x000D || // carriage return // Comma code == 0x002C { position += n runePosition++ } else if code == 35 { // # position += n runePosition++ for { code, n := runeAt(body, position) if position < bodyLength && code != 0 && // SourceCharacter but not LineTerminator (code > 0x001F || code == 0x0009) && code != 0x000A && code != 0x000D { position += n runePosition++ continue } else { break } } } else { break } continue } else { break } } return position, runePosition } func GetTokenDesc(token Token) string { if token.Value == "" { return GetTokenKindDesc(token.Kind) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s \"%s\"", GetTokenKindDesc(token.Kind), token.Value) } func GetTokenKindDesc(kind int) string { return tokenDescription[kind] }