// Package repository contains helper methods for working with a Git repo. package repository import ( "bytes" "errors" "strings" "github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/util/git" "github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/util/lamport" ) var ErrNoConfigEntry = errors.New("no config entry for the given key") var ErrMultipleConfigEntry = errors.New("multiple config entry for the given key") // RepoCommon represent the common function the we want all the repo to implement type RepoCommon interface { // GetPath returns the path to the repo. GetPath() string // GetUserName returns the name the the user has used to configure git GetUserName() (string, error) // GetUserEmail returns the email address that the user has used to configure git. GetUserEmail() (string, error) // GetCoreEditor returns the name of the editor that the user has used to configure git. GetCoreEditor() (string, error) // StoreConfig store a single key/value pair in the config of the repo StoreConfig(key string, value string) error // ReadConfigs read all key/value pair matching the key prefix ReadConfigs(keyPrefix string) (map[string]string, error) // ReadConfigBool read a single boolean value from the config // Return ErrNoConfigEntry or ErrMultipleConfigEntry if there is zero or more than one entry // for this key ReadConfigBool(key string) (bool, error) // ReadConfigBool read a single string value from the config // Return ErrNoConfigEntry or ErrMultipleConfigEntry if there is zero or more than one entry // for this key ReadConfigString(key string) (string, error) // RmConfigs remove all key/value pair matching the key prefix RmConfigs(keyPrefix string) error } // Repo represents a source code repository. type Repo interface { RepoCommon // FetchRefs fetch git refs from a remote FetchRefs(remote string, refSpec string) (string, error) // PushRefs push git refs to a remote PushRefs(remote string, refSpec string) (string, error) // StoreData will store arbitrary data and return the corresponding hash StoreData(data []byte) (git.Hash, error) // ReadData will attempt to read arbitrary data from the given hash ReadData(hash git.Hash) ([]byte, error) // StoreTree will store a mapping key-->Hash as a Git tree StoreTree(mapping []TreeEntry) (git.Hash, error) // StoreCommit will store a Git commit with the given Git tree StoreCommit(treeHash git.Hash) (git.Hash, error) // StoreCommit will store a Git commit with the given Git tree StoreCommitWithParent(treeHash git.Hash, parent git.Hash) (git.Hash, error) // UpdateRef will create or update a Git reference UpdateRef(ref string, hash git.Hash) error // ListRefs will return a list of Git ref matching the given refspec ListRefs(refspec string) ([]string, error) // RefExist will check if a reference exist in Git RefExist(ref string) (bool, error) // CopyRef will create a new reference with the same value as another one CopyRef(source string, dest string) error // ListCommits will return the list of tree hashes of a ref, in chronological order ListCommits(ref string) ([]git.Hash, error) // ListEntries will return the list of entries in a Git tree ListEntries(hash git.Hash) ([]TreeEntry, error) // FindCommonAncestor will return the last common ancestor of two chain of commit FindCommonAncestor(hash1 git.Hash, hash2 git.Hash) (git.Hash, error) // GetTreeHash return the git tree hash referenced in a commit GetTreeHash(commit git.Hash) (git.Hash, error) } // ClockedRepo is a Repo that also has Lamport clocks type ClockedRepo interface { Repo // LoadClocks read the clocks values from the on-disk repo LoadClocks() error // WriteClocks write the clocks values into the repo WriteClocks() error // CreateTime return the current value of the creation clock CreateTime() lamport.Time // CreateTimeIncrement increment the creation clock and return the new value. CreateTimeIncrement() (lamport.Time, error) // EditTime return the current value of the edit clock EditTime() lamport.Time // EditTimeIncrement increment the edit clock and return the new value. EditTimeIncrement() (lamport.Time, error) // CreateWitness witness another create time and increment the corresponding // clock if needed. CreateWitness(time lamport.Time) error // EditWitness witness another edition time and increment the corresponding // clock if needed. EditWitness(time lamport.Time) error } // Witnesser is a function that will initialize the clocks of a repo // from scratch type Witnesser func(repo ClockedRepo) error func prepareTreeEntries(entries []TreeEntry) bytes.Buffer { var buffer bytes.Buffer for _, entry := range entries { buffer.WriteString(entry.Format()) } return buffer } func readTreeEntries(s string) ([]TreeEntry, error) { split := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(s), "\n") casted := make([]TreeEntry, len(split)) for i, line := range split { if line == "" { continue } entry, err := ParseTreeEntry(line) if err != nil { return nil, err } casted[i] = entry } return casted, nil }