.nh .TH "GIT-BUG" "1" "Apr 2019" "Generated from git-bug's source code" "" .SH NAME .PP git-bug-webui - Launch the web UI. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBgit-bug webui [flags]\fP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Launch the web UI. .PP Available git config: git-bug.webui.open [bool]: control the automatic opening of the web UI in the default browser .SH OPTIONS .PP \fB--host\fP="" Network address or hostname to listen to (default to .PP \fB--open\fP[=false] Automatically open the web UI in the default browser .PP \fB--no-open\fP[=false] Prevent the automatic opening of the web UI in the default browser .PP \fB-p\fP, \fB--port\fP=0 Port to listen to (default to random available port) .PP \fB--read-only\fP[=false] Whether to run the web UI in read-only mode .PP \fB--log-errors\fP[=false] Whether to log errors .PP \fB-q\fP, \fB--query\fP="" The query to open in the web UI bug list .PP \fB-h\fP, \fB--help\fP[=false] help for webui .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fBgit-bug(1)\fP