git-bug is a bug tracker embedded in git. git-bug use git objects to store the bug tracking separated from the files history. As bugs are regular git objects, they can be pushed and pulled from/to the same git remote you are already using to collaborate with other people. Usage: git-bug [flags] git-bug [command] Available Commands: add Create a new bug. bridge Configure and use bridges to other bug trackers. commands Display available commands. comment Display or add comments to a bug. completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell deselect Clear the implicitly selected bug. help Help about any command label Display, add or remove labels to/from a bug. ls List bugs. ls-id List bug identifiers. ls-label List valid labels. pull Pull bugs update from a git remote. push Push bugs update to a git remote. rm Remove an existing bug. select Select a bug for implicit use in future commands. show Display the details of a bug. status Display or change a bug status. termui Launch the terminal UI. title Display or change a title of a bug. user Display or change the user identity. version Show git-bug version information. webui Launch the web UI. Flags: -h, --help help for git-bug Use "git-bug [command] --help" for more information about a command.