package github import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" ) const keyGithubId = "github-id" const keyGithubUrl = "github-url" // githubImporter implement the Importer interface type githubImporter struct{} type Actor struct { Login githubv4.String AvatarUrl githubv4.String } type ActorEvent struct { Id githubv4.ID CreatedAt githubv4.DateTime Actor Actor } type AuthorEvent struct { Id githubv4.ID CreatedAt githubv4.DateTime Author Actor } type TimelineItem struct { Typename githubv4.String `graphql:"__typename"` // Issue IssueComment struct { AuthorEvent Body githubv4.String Url githubv4.URI // TODO: edition } `graphql:"... on IssueComment"` // Label LabeledEvent struct { ActorEvent Label struct { // Color githubv4.String Name githubv4.String } } `graphql:"... on LabeledEvent"` UnlabeledEvent struct { ActorEvent Label struct { // Color githubv4.String Name githubv4.String } } `graphql:"... on UnlabeledEvent"` // Status ClosedEvent struct { ActorEvent // Url githubv4.URI } `graphql:"... on ClosedEvent"` ReopenedEvent struct { ActorEvent } `graphql:"... on ReopenedEvent"` // Title RenamedTitleEvent struct { ActorEvent CurrentTitle githubv4.String PreviousTitle githubv4.String } `graphql:"... on RenamedTitleEvent"` } type Issue struct { AuthorEvent Title string Body githubv4.String Url githubv4.URI Timeline struct { Nodes []TimelineItem PageInfo struct { EndCursor githubv4.String HasNextPage bool } } `graphql:"timeline(first: $timelineFirst, after: $timelineAfter)"` } var q struct { Repository struct { Issues struct { Nodes []Issue PageInfo struct { EndCursor githubv4.String HasNextPage bool } } `graphql:"issues(first: $issueFirst, after: $issueAfter, orderBy: {field: CREATED_AT, direction: ASC})"` } `graphql:"repository(owner: $owner, name: $name)"` } func (*githubImporter) ImportAll(repo *cache.RepoCache, conf core.Configuration) error { client := buildClient(conf) variables := map[string]interface{}{ "owner": githubv4.String(conf[keyUser]), "name": githubv4.String(conf[keyProject]), "issueFirst": githubv4.Int(1), "issueAfter": (*githubv4.String)(nil), "timelineFirst": githubv4.Int(10), "timelineAfter": (*githubv4.String)(nil), } var b *cache.BugCache for { err := client.Query(context.TODO(), &q, variables) if err != nil { return err } if len(q.Repository.Issues.Nodes) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("Something went wrong when iterating issues, len is %d", len(q.Repository.Issues.Nodes)) } issue := q.Repository.Issues.Nodes[0] if b == nil { b, err = importIssue(repo, issue) if err != nil { return err } } for _, item := range q.Repository.Issues.Nodes[0].Timeline.Nodes { importTimelineItem(b, item) } if !issue.Timeline.PageInfo.HasNextPage { err = b.CommitAsNeeded() if err != nil { return err } b = nil if !q.Repository.Issues.PageInfo.HasNextPage { break } variables["issueAfter"] = githubv4.NewString(q.Repository.Issues.PageInfo.EndCursor) variables["timelineAfter"] = (*githubv4.String)(nil) continue } variables["timelineAfter"] = githubv4.NewString(issue.Timeline.PageInfo.EndCursor) } return nil } func (*githubImporter) Import(repo *cache.RepoCache, conf core.Configuration, id string) error { fmt.Println(conf) fmt.Println("IMPORT") return nil } func importIssue(repo *cache.RepoCache, issue Issue) (*cache.BugCache, error) { fmt.Printf("import issue: %s\n", issue.Title) // TODO: check + import files return repo.NewBugRaw( makePerson(issue.Author), issue.CreatedAt.Unix(), issue.Title, cleanupText(string(issue.Body)), nil, map[string]string{ keyGithubId: parseId(issue.Id), keyGithubUrl: issue.Url.String(), }, ) } func importTimelineItem(b *cache.BugCache, item TimelineItem) error { switch item.Typename { case "IssueComment": // fmt.Printf("import %s: %s\n", item.Typename, item.IssueComment) return b.AddCommentRaw( makePerson(item.IssueComment.Author), item.IssueComment.CreatedAt.Unix(), cleanupText(string(item.IssueComment.Body)), nil, map[string]string{ keyGithubId: parseId(item.IssueComment.Id), keyGithubUrl: item.IssueComment.Url.String(), }, ) case "LabeledEvent": // fmt.Printf("import %s: %s\n", item.Typename, item.LabeledEvent) _, err := b.ChangeLabelsRaw( makePerson(item.LabeledEvent.Actor), item.LabeledEvent.CreatedAt.Unix(), []string{ string(item.LabeledEvent.Label.Name), }, nil, ) return err case "UnlabeledEvent": // fmt.Printf("import %s: %s\n", item.Typename, item.UnlabeledEvent) _, err := b.ChangeLabelsRaw( makePerson(item.UnlabeledEvent.Actor), item.UnlabeledEvent.CreatedAt.Unix(), nil, []string{ string(item.UnlabeledEvent.Label.Name), }, ) return err case "ClosedEvent": // fmt.Printf("import %s: %s\n", item.Typename, item.ClosedEvent) return b.CloseRaw( makePerson(item.ClosedEvent.Actor), item.ClosedEvent.CreatedAt.Unix(), ) case "ReopenedEvent": // fmt.Printf("import %s: %s\n", item.Typename, item.ReopenedEvent) return b.OpenRaw( makePerson(item.ReopenedEvent.Actor), item.ReopenedEvent.CreatedAt.Unix(), ) case "RenamedTitleEvent": // fmt.Printf("import %s: %s\n", item.Typename, item.RenamedTitleEvent) return b.SetTitleRaw( makePerson(item.RenamedTitleEvent.Actor), item.RenamedTitleEvent.CreatedAt.Unix(), string(item.RenamedTitleEvent.CurrentTitle), ) default: fmt.Println("ignore event ", item.Typename) } return nil } // makePerson create a bug.Person from the Github data func makePerson(actor Actor) bug.Person { return bug.Person{ Name: string(actor.Login), AvatarUrl: string(actor.AvatarUrl), } } // parseId convert the unusable githubv4.ID (an interface{}) into a string func parseId(id githubv4.ID) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", id) } func cleanupText(text string) string { // windows new line, Github, really ? return strings.Replace(text, "\r\n", "\n", -1) }