type Query { """Access a repository by reference/name. If no ref is given, the default repository is returned if any.""" repository(ref: String): Repository } type Mutation { """Create a new bug""" newBug(input: NewBugInput!): NewBugPayload! """Add a new comment to a bug""" addComment(input: AddCommentInput!): AddCommentPayload! """Add a new comment to a bug and close it""" addCommentAndClose(input: AddCommentAndCloseBugInput!): AddCommentAndCloseBugPayload! """Add a new comment to a bug and reopen it""" addCommentAndReopen(input: AddCommentAndReopenBugInput!): AddCommentAndReopenBugPayload! """Change a comment of a bug""" editComment(input: EditCommentInput!): EditCommentPayload! """Add or remove a set of label on a bug""" changeLabels(input: ChangeLabelInput): ChangeLabelPayload! """Change a bug's status to open""" openBug(input: OpenBugInput!): OpenBugPayload! """Change a bug's status to closed""" closeBug(input: CloseBugInput!): CloseBugPayload! """Change a bug's title""" setTitle(input: SetTitleInput!): SetTitlePayload! }