path: root/bridge/jira/import.go
diff options
authorJosh Bialkowski <josh.bialkowski@gmail.com>2019-11-07 08:01:08 -0800
committerJosh Bialkowski <josh.bialkowski@gmail.com>2019-12-18 07:42:13 -0800
commiteff830bdcb8f979da34fb9e8f782efb1598b4a44 (patch)
treed0aa7524125b08c863e7ad7683272ab29cf99ad3 /bridge/jira/import.go
parente96d8e6771086e20639a16abf6af30f2faa006a0 (diff)
Implement jira bridge
Diffstat (limited to 'bridge/jira/import.go')
1 files changed, 598 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bridge/jira/import.go b/bridge/jira/import.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6f8aea1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridge/jira/import.go
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+package jira
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "net/http"
+ "sort"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/bridge/core"
+ "github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/bug"
+ "github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/cache"
+ "github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/entity"
+ "github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug/util/text"
+const (
+ keyOrigin = "origin"
+ keyJiraID = "jira-id"
+ keyJiraOperationID = "jira-derived-id"
+ keyJiraKey = "jira-key"
+ keyJiraUser = "jira-user"
+ keyJiraProject = "jira-project"
+ keyJiraExportTime = "jira-export-time"
+ defaultPageSize = 10
+// jiraImporter implement the Importer interface
+type jiraImporter struct {
+ conf core.Configuration
+ // send only channel
+ out chan<- core.ImportResult
+// Init .
+func (gi *jiraImporter) Init(conf core.Configuration) error {
+ gi.conf = conf
+ return nil
+// ImportAll iterate over all the configured repository issues and ensure the
+// creation of the missing issues / timeline items / edits / label events ...
+func (self *jiraImporter) ImportAll(
+ ctx context.Context, repo *cache.RepoCache, since time.Time) (
+ <-chan core.ImportResult, error) {
+ sinceStr := since.Format("2006-01-02 15:04")
+ serverURL := self.conf[keyServer]
+ project := self.conf[keyProject]
+ // TODO(josh)[da52062]: Validate token and if it is expired then prompt for
+ // credentials and generate a new one
+ out := make(chan core.ImportResult)
+ self.out = out
+ go func() {
+ defer close(self.out)
+ client := NewClient(serverURL, &ctx)
+ err := client.Login(self.conf)
+ if err != nil {
+ out <- core.NewImportError(err, "")
+ return
+ }
+ message, err := client.Search(
+ fmt.Sprintf("project=%s AND updatedDate>\"%s\"", project, sinceStr), 0, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ out <- core.NewImportError(err, "")
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("So far so good. Have %d issues to import\n", message.Total)
+ jql := fmt.Sprintf("project=%s AND updatedDate>\"%s\"", project, sinceStr)
+ var searchIter *SearchIterator
+ for searchIter =
+ client.IterSearch(jql, defaultPageSize); searchIter.HasNext(); {
+ issue := searchIter.Next()
+ bug, err := self.ensureIssue(repo, *issue)
+ if err != nil {
+ err := fmt.Errorf("issue creation: %v", err)
+ out <- core.NewImportError(err, "")
+ return
+ }
+ var commentIter *CommentIterator
+ for commentIter =
+ client.IterComments(issue.ID, defaultPageSize); commentIter.HasNext(); {
+ comment := commentIter.Next()
+ self.ensureComment(repo, bug, *comment)
+ }
+ if commentIter.HasError() {
+ out <- core.NewImportError(commentIter.Err, "")
+ }
+ snapshot := bug.Snapshot()
+ opIdx := 0
+ var changelogIter *ChangeLogIterator
+ for changelogIter =
+ client.IterChangeLog(issue.ID, defaultPageSize); changelogIter.HasNext(); {
+ changelogEntry := changelogIter.Next()
+ // Advance the operation iterator up to the first operation which has
+ // an export date not before the changelog entry date. If the changelog
+ // entry was created in response to an exported operation, then this
+ // will be that operation.
+ var exportTime time.Time
+ for ; opIdx < len(snapshot.Operations); opIdx++ {
+ exportTimeStr, hasTime := snapshot.Operations[opIdx].GetMetadata(
+ keyJiraExportTime)
+ if !hasTime {
+ continue
+ }
+ exportTime, err = http.ParseTime(exportTimeStr)
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ if !exportTime.Before(changelogEntry.Created.Time) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if opIdx < len(snapshot.Operations) {
+ self.ensureChange(
+ repo, bug, *changelogEntry, snapshot.Operations[opIdx])
+ } else {
+ self.ensureChange(repo, bug, *changelogEntry, nil)
+ }
+ }
+ if changelogIter.HasError() {
+ out <- core.NewImportError(changelogIter.Err, "")
+ }
+ if err := bug.CommitAsNeeded(); err != nil {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("bug commit: %v", err)
+ out <- core.NewImportError(err, "")
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if searchIter.HasError() {
+ out <- core.NewImportError(searchIter.Err, "")
+ }
+ }()
+ return out, nil
+// Create a bug.Person from a JIRA user
+func (self *jiraImporter) ensurePerson(
+ repo *cache.RepoCache, user User) (*cache.IdentityCache, error) {
+ // Look first in the cache
+ i, err := repo.ResolveIdentityImmutableMetadata(
+ keyJiraUser, string(user.Key))
+ if err == nil {
+ return i, nil
+ }
+ if _, ok := err.(entity.ErrMultipleMatch); ok {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ i, err = repo.NewIdentityRaw(
+ user.DisplayName,
+ user.EmailAddress,
+ user.Key,
+ "",
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraUser: string(user.Key),
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportIdentity(i.Id())
+ return i, nil
+// Create a bug.Bug based from a JIRA issue
+func (self *jiraImporter) ensureIssue(
+ repo *cache.RepoCache, issue Issue) (*cache.BugCache, error) {
+ author, err := self.ensurePerson(repo, issue.Fields.Creator)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // TODO(josh)[f8808eb]: Consider looking up the git-bug entry directly from
+ // the jira field which contains it, if we have a custom field configured
+ // to store git-bug IDs.
+ b, err := repo.ResolveBugCreateMetadata(keyJiraID, issue.ID)
+ if err != nil && err != bug.ErrBugNotExist {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err == bug.ErrBugNotExist {
+ cleanText, err := text.Cleanup(string(issue.Fields.Description))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ title := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]: %s", issue.Key, issue.Fields.Summary)
+ b, _, err = repo.NewBugRaw(
+ author,
+ issue.Fields.Created.Unix(),
+ title,
+ cleanText,
+ nil,
+ map[string]string{
+ keyOrigin: target,
+ keyJiraID: issue.ID,
+ keyJiraKey: issue.Key,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportBug(b.Id())
+ } else {
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "bug already imported")
+ }
+ return b, nil
+// Return a unique string derived from a unique jira id and a timestamp
+func getTimeDerivedID(jiraID string, timestamp MyTime) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", jiraID, timestamp.Unix())
+// Create a bug.Comment from a JIRA comment
+func (self *jiraImporter) ensureComment(
+ repo *cache.RepoCache, b *cache.BugCache, item Comment) error {
+ // ensure person
+ author, err := self.ensurePerson(repo, item.Author)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ targetOpID, err := b.ResolveOperationWithMetadata(
+ keyJiraID, item.ID)
+ if err == nil {
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "comment already imported")
+ } else if err != cache.ErrNoMatchingOp {
+ return err
+ }
+ // If the comment is a new comment then create it
+ if targetOpID == "" && err == cache.ErrNoMatchingOp {
+ var cleanText string
+ if item.Updated != item.Created {
+ // We don't know the original text... we only have the updated text.
+ cleanText = ""
+ } else {
+ cleanText, err = text.Cleanup(string(item.Body))
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // add comment operation
+ op, err := b.AddCommentRaw(
+ author,
+ item.Created.Unix(),
+ cleanText,
+ nil,
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraID: item.ID,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportComment(op.Id())
+ }
+ // If there are no updates to this comment, then we are done
+ if item.Updated == item.Created {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // If there has been an update to this comment, we try to find it in the
+ // database. We need a unique id so we'll concat the issue id with the update
+ // timestamp. Note that this must be consistent with the exporter during
+ // export of an EditCommentOperation
+ derivedID := getTimeDerivedID(item.ID, item.Updated)
+ targetOpID, err = b.ResolveOperationWithMetadata(
+ keyJiraID, item.ID)
+ if err == nil {
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "update already imported")
+ } else if err != cache.ErrNoMatchingOp {
+ return err
+ }
+ // ensure editor identity
+ editor, err := self.ensurePerson(repo, item.UpdateAuthor)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // comment edition
+ cleanText, err := text.Cleanup(string(item.Body))
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ op, err := b.EditCommentRaw(
+ editor,
+ item.Updated.Unix(),
+ target,
+ cleanText,
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraID: derivedID,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportCommentEdition(op.Id())
+ return nil
+// Return a unique string derived from a unique jira id and an index into the
+// data referred to by that jira id.
+func getIndexDerivedID(jiraID string, idx int) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", jiraID, idx)
+func labelSetsMatch(jiraSet []string, gitbugSet []bug.Label) bool {
+ if len(jiraSet) != len(gitbugSet) {
+ return false
+ }
+ sort.Strings(jiraSet)
+ gitbugStrSet := make([]string, len(gitbugSet), len(gitbugSet))
+ for idx, label := range gitbugSet {
+ gitbugStrSet[idx] = label.String()
+ }
+ sort.Strings(gitbugStrSet)
+ for idx, value := range jiraSet {
+ if value != gitbugStrSet[idx] {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// Create a bug.Operation (or a series of operations) from a JIRA changelog
+// entry
+func (self *jiraImporter) ensureChange(
+ repo *cache.RepoCache, b *cache.BugCache, entry ChangeLogEntry,
+ potentialOp bug.Operation) error {
+ // If we have an operation which is already mapped to the entire changelog
+ // entry then that means this changelog entry was induced by an export
+ // operation and we've already done the match, so we skip this one
+ _, err := b.ResolveOperationWithMetadata(keyJiraOperationID, entry.ID)
+ if err == nil {
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing(
+ "", "changelog entry already matched to export")
+ return nil
+ } else if err != cache.ErrNoMatchingOp {
+ return err
+ }
+ // In general, multiple fields may be changed in changelog entry on
+ // JIRA. For example, when an issue is closed both its "status" and its
+ // "resolution" are updated within a single changelog entry.
+ // I don't thing git-bug has a single operation to modify an arbitrary
+ // number of fields in one go, so we break up the single JIRA changelog
+ // entry into individual field updates.
+ author, err := self.ensurePerson(repo, entry.Author)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if len(entry.Items) < 1 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Received changelog entry with no item! (%s)", entry.ID)
+ }
+ statusMap := getStatusMap(self.conf)
+ // NOTE(josh): first do an initial scan and see if any of the changed items
+ // matches the current potential operation. If it does, then we know that this
+ // entire changelog entry was created in response to that git-bug operation.
+ // So we associate the operation with the entire changelog, and not a specific
+ // entry.
+ for _, item := range entry.Items {
+ switch item.Field {
+ case "labels":
+ // TODO(josh)[d7fd71c]: move set-symmetric-difference code to a helper
+ // function. Probably in jira.go or something.
+ fromLabels := strings.Split(item.FromString, " ")
+ toLabels := strings.Split(item.ToString, " ")
+ removedLabels, addedLabels, _ := setSymmetricDifference(
+ fromLabels, toLabels)
+ opr, isRightType := potentialOp.(*bug.LabelChangeOperation)
+ if isRightType &&
+ labelSetsMatch(addedLabels, opr.Added) &&
+ labelSetsMatch(removedLabels, opr.Removed) {
+ b.SetMetadata(opr.Id(), map[string]string{
+ keyJiraOperationID: entry.ID,
+ })
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "matched export")
+ return nil
+ }
+ case "status":
+ opr, isRightType := potentialOp.(*bug.SetStatusOperation)
+ if isRightType && statusMap[opr.Status.String()] == item.ToString {
+ b.SetMetadata(opr.Id(), map[string]string{
+ keyJiraOperationID: entry.ID,
+ })
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "matched export")
+ return nil
+ }
+ case "summary":
+ // NOTE(josh): JIRA calls it "summary", which sounds more like the body
+ // text, but it's the title
+ opr, isRightType := potentialOp.(*bug.SetTitleOperation)
+ if isRightType && opr.Title == item.ToString {
+ b.SetMetadata(opr.Id(), map[string]string{
+ keyJiraOperationID: entry.ID,
+ })
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "matched export")
+ return nil
+ }
+ case "description":
+ // NOTE(josh): JIRA calls it "description", which sounds more like the
+ // title but it's actually the body
+ opr, isRightType := potentialOp.(*bug.EditCommentOperation)
+ if isRightType &&
+ opr.Target == b.Snapshot().Operations[0].Id() &&
+ opr.Message == item.ToString {
+ b.SetMetadata(opr.Id(), map[string]string{
+ keyJiraOperationID: entry.ID,
+ })
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "matched export")
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Since we didn't match the changelog entry to a known export operation,
+ // then this is a changelog entry that we should import. We import each
+ // changelog entry item as a separate git-bug operation.
+ for idx, item := range entry.Items {
+ derivedID := getIndexDerivedID(entry.ID, idx)
+ _, err := b.ResolveOperationWithMetadata(keyJiraOperationID, derivedID)
+ if err == nil {
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing("", "update already imported")
+ continue
+ } else if err != cache.ErrNoMatchingOp {
+ return err
+ }
+ switch item.Field {
+ case "labels":
+ // TODO(josh)[d7fd71c]: move set-symmetric-difference code to a helper
+ // function. Probably in jira.go or something.
+ fromLabels := strings.Split(item.FromString, " ")
+ toLabels := strings.Split(item.ToString, " ")
+ removedLabels, addedLabels, _ := setSymmetricDifference(
+ fromLabels, toLabels)
+ op, err := b.ForceChangeLabelsRaw(
+ author,
+ entry.Created.Unix(),
+ addedLabels,
+ removedLabels,
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraID: entry.ID,
+ keyJiraOperationID: derivedID,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportLabelChange(op.Id())
+ case "status":
+ if statusMap[bug.OpenStatus.String()] == item.ToString {
+ op, err := b.OpenRaw(
+ author,
+ entry.Created.Unix(),
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraID: entry.ID,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ keyJiraOperationID: derivedID,
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportStatusChange(op.Id())
+ } else if statusMap[bug.ClosedStatus.String()] == item.ToString {
+ op, err := b.CloseRaw(
+ author,
+ entry.Created.Unix(),
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraID: entry.ID,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ keyJiraOperationID: derivedID,
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportStatusChange(op.Id())
+ } else {
+ self.out <- core.NewImportNothing(
+ "", fmt.Sprintf(
+ "No git-bug status mapped for jira status %s", item.ToString))
+ }
+ case "summary":
+ // NOTE(josh): JIRA calls it "summary", which sounds more like the body
+ // text, but it's the title
+ op, err := b.SetTitleRaw(
+ author,
+ entry.Created.Unix(),
+ string(item.ToString),
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraID: entry.ID,
+ keyJiraOperationID: derivedID,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportTitleEdition(op.Id())
+ case "description":
+ // NOTE(josh): JIRA calls it "description", which sounds more like the
+ // title but it's actually the body
+ op, err := b.EditBodyRaw(
+ author,
+ entry.Created.Unix(),
+ string(item.ToString),
+ map[string]string{
+ keyJiraID: entry.ID,
+ keyJiraOperationID: derivedID,
+ keyJiraProject: self.conf[keyProject],
+ },
+ )
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ self.out <- core.NewImportCommentEdition(op.Id())
+ }
+ // Other Examples:
+ // "assignee" (jira)
+ // "Attachment" (jira)
+ // "Epic Link" (custom)
+ // "Rank" (custom)
+ // "resolution" (jira)
+ // "Sprint" (custom)
+ }
+ return nil
+func getStatusMap(conf core.Configuration) map[string]string {
+ var hasConf bool
+ statusMap := make(map[string]string)
+ statusMap[bug.OpenStatus.String()], hasConf = conf[keyMapOpenID]
+ if !hasConf {
+ // Default to "1" which is the built-in jira "Open" status
+ statusMap[bug.OpenStatus.String()] = "1"
+ }
+ statusMap[bug.ClosedStatus.String()], hasConf = conf[keyMapCloseID]
+ if !hasConf {
+ // Default to "6" which is the built-in jira "Closed" status
+ statusMap[bug.OpenStatus.String()] = "6"
+ }
+ return statusMap