package dag
import (
// SerializeRoundTripTest realize a marshall/unmarshall round-trip in the same condition as with OperationPack,
// and check if the recovered operation is identical.
func SerializeRoundTripTest[OpT Operation](
t *testing.T,
unmarshaler OperationUnmarshaler,
maker func(author identity.Interface, unixTime int64) (OpT, entity.Resolvers),
) {
repo := repository.NewMockRepo()
rene, err := identity.NewIdentity(repo, "René Descartes", "")
require.NoError(t, err)
op, resolvers := maker(rene, time.Now().Unix())
// enforce having an id
data, err := json.Marshal(op)
require.NoError(t, err)
after, err := unmarshaler(data, resolvers)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Set the id from the serialized data
// Set the author, as OperationPack would do
require.Equal(t, op, after)