#!/bin/bash # # Run through some simple usage cases. This both tests that important # features work, and gives an example of suggested usage to get people # started. # # usage: test_usage.sh set -e # exit imediately on failed command set -o pipefail # pipes fail if any stage fails set -v # verbose, echo commands to stdout exec 6>&2 # save stderr to file descriptor 6 exec 2>&1 # fd 2 now writes to stdout ID=`bzr whoami` echo "I am: $ID" TESTDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/BEtest.XXXXXXXXXX` cd $TESTDIR bzr init be set-root . OUT=`be new 'having too much fun'` echo "$OUT" BUG=`echo "$OUT" | sed -n 's/Created bug with ID //p'` echo "Working with bug: $BUG" be comment $BUG "This is an argument" be comment $BUG:1 "No it isn't" # comment on the first comment be show $BUG # show details on a given bug be close $BUG # set bug status to 'closed' be comment $BUG "It's closed, but I can still comment." be open $BUG # set bug status to 'open' be comment $BUG "Reopend, comment again" be status $BUG fixed # set bug status to 'fixed' be show $BUG # show bug details & comments be list # list all open bugs be list --status closed # list all closed bugs be assign $BUG # assign the bug to yourself be list -m # see bugs assigned to you be assign $BUG 'Joe' # assign the bug to Joe be list --assigned Joe # list the bugs assigned to Joe be assign $BUG none # assign the bug to noone be remove $BUG # decide that you don't like that bug after all cd / rm -rf $TESTDIR exec 2>&6 6>&- # restore stderr and close fd 6