# Copyright """Usage: python test.py [module(s) ...] When called without optional module names, run the test suites for *all* modules. This may raise lots of errors if you haven't installed one of the versioning control systems. When called with module name arguments, only run the test suites from those modules and their submodules. For example: python test.py libbe.bugdir libbe.storage """ import doctest import os import os.path import sys import unittest import libbe libbe.TESTING = True from libbe.util.tree import Tree from libbe.util.plugin import import_by_name def python_tree(root_path='libbe', root_modname='libbe'): tree = Tree() tree.path = root_path tree.parent = None stack = [tree] while len(stack) > 0: f = stack.pop(0) if f.path.endswith('.py'): f.name = os.path.basename(f.path)[:-len('.py')] elif os.path.isdir(f.path) \ and os.path.exists(os.path.join(f.path, '__init__.py')): f.name = os.path.basename(f.path) f.is_module = True for child in os.listdir(f.path): if child == '__init__.py': continue c = Tree() c.path = os.path.join(f.path, child) c.parent = f stack.append(c) else: continue if f.parent == None: f.modname = root_modname else: f.modname = f.parent.modname + '.' + f.name f.parent.append(f) return tree def add_module_tests(suite, modname): mod = import_by_name(modname) if hasattr(mod, 'suite'): s = mod.suite else: s = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(mod) sdoc = doctest.DocTestSuite(mod) suite.addTest(sdoc) suite.addTest(s) suite = unittest.TestSuite() tree = python_tree() if len(sys.argv) <= 1: for node in tree.traverse(): add_module_tests(suite, node.modname) else: added = [] for modname in sys.argv[1:]: for node in tree.traverse(): if node.modname == modname: for n in node.traverse(): if n.modname not in added: add_module_tests(suite, n.modname) added.append(n.modname) break result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) numErrors = len(result.errors) numFailures = len(result.failures) numBad = numErrors + numFailures if numBad > 126: numBad = 1 sys.exit(numBad)