#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 W. Trevor King # # This file is part of Bugs Everywhere. # # Bugs Everywhere is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Bugs Everywhere. If not, see . import os import os.path import shutil import string import sys from libbe.util.subproc import Pipe, invoke from libbe.util.encoding import set_file_contents from update_copyright import update_authors, update_files INITIAL_COMMIT = '1bf1ec598b436f41ff27094eddf0b28c797e359d' def validate_tag(tag): """ >>> validate_tag('1.0.0') >>> validate_tag('A.B.C-r7') >>> validate_tag('A.B.C r7') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: Invalid character ' ' in tag 'A.B.C r7' >>> validate_tag('"') Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: Invalid character '"' in tag '"' >>> validate_tag("'") Traceback (most recent call last): ... Exception: Invalid character ''' in tag ''' """ for char in tag: if char in string.digits: continue elif char in string.letters: continue elif char in ['.','-']: continue raise Exception("Invalid character '%s' in tag '%s'" % (char, tag)) def pending_changes(): """Use `git diff`s output to detect change. """ p = Pipe([['git', 'diff', 'HEAD']]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses if len(p.stdout) == 0: return False return True def set_release_version(tag): print "set libbe.version._VERSION = '%s'" % tag p = Pipe([['sed', '-i', "s/^# *_VERSION *=.*/_VERSION = '%s'/" % tag, os.path.join('libbe', 'version.py')]]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses def remove_makefile_libbe_version_dependencies(): print "set Makefile LIBBE_VERSION :=" p = Pipe([['sed', '-i', "s/^LIBBE_VERSION *:=.*/LIBBE_VERSION :=/", 'Makefile']]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses def commit(commit_message): print 'commit current status:', commit_message p = Pipe([['git', 'commit', '-m', commit_message]]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses def tag(tag): print 'tag current revision', tag p = Pipe([['git', 'tag', tag]]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses def export(target_dir): print 'export current revision to', target_dir p = Pipe([['git', 'archive', '--prefix', target_dir, 'HEAD'], ['tar', '-xv']]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses def make_version(): print 'generate libbe/_version.py' p = Pipe([['make', os.path.join('libbe', '_version.py')]]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses def make_changelog(filename, tag): """Generate a ChangeLog from the git history. Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2976665/git-changelog-day-by-day """ print 'generate ChangeLog file', filename, 'up to tag', tag p = invoke(['git', 'log', '--no-merges', '--format="%cd"', '--date=short', '%s..%s' % (INITIAL_COMMIT, tag)]) days = sorted(set(p.stdout.split('\n')), reverse=True) log = [] next = None for day in days: args = ['git', 'log', '--no-merges', '--format=" * s"', '--since', day] if next != None: args.extend(['--until', next]) p = invoke(args) log.extend(['', day, p.stdout]) next = day set_file_contents(filename, '\n'.join(log), encoding='utf-8') def set_vcs_name(filename, vcs_name='None'): """Exported directory is not a git repository, so set vcs_name to something that will work. vcs_name: new_vcs_name """ print 'set vcs_name in', filename, 'to', vcs_name p = Pipe([['sed', '-i', "s/^vcs_name:.*/vcs_name: %s/" % vcs_name, filename]]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses def create_tarball(tag): release_name='be-%s' % tag export_dir = release_name export(export_dir) make_version() print 'copy libbe/_version.py to %s/libbe/_version.py' % export_dir shutil.copy(os.path.join('libbe', '_version.py'), os.path.join(export_dir, 'libbe', '_version.py')) make_changelog(os.path.join(export_dir, 'ChangeLog'), tag) set_vcs_name(os.path.join(export_dir, '.be', 'settings')) tarball_file = '%s.tar.gz' % release_name print 'create tarball', tarball_file p = Pipe([['tar', '-czf', tarball_file, export_dir]]) assert p.status == 0, p.statuses print 'remove', export_dir shutil.rmtree(export_dir) def test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse usage = """%prog [options] TAG Create a git tag and a release tarball from the current revision. For example %prog 1.0.0 You may wish to test this out in a dummy branch first to make sure it works as expected to avoid the tedium of unwinding the version-bump commit if it fails. """ p = optparse.OptionParser(usage) p.add_option('--test', dest='test', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run internal tests and exit') options,args = p.parse_args() if options.test == True: test() sys.exit(0) assert len(args) == 1, '%d (!= 1) arguments: %s' % (len(args), args) tag = args[0] validate_tag(tag) if pending_changes() == True: print "Handle pending changes before releasing." sys.exit(1) set_release_version(tag) update_authors() update_files() commit("Bumped to version %s" % tag) tag(tag) create_tarball(tag)