# Bugs Everywhere, a distributed bugtracker # Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc. # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301, USA import os import os.path import time import textwrap import doctest from beuuid import uuid_gen from properties import Property, doc_property, local_property, \ defaulting_property, checked_property, cached_property, \ primed_property, change_hook_property, settings_property import settings_object import mapfile from tree import Tree import utility class InvalidShortname(KeyError): def __init__(self, shortname, shortnames): msg = "Invalid shortname %s\n%s" % (shortname, shortnames) KeyError.__init__(self, msg) self.shortname = shortname self.shortnames = shortnames INVALID_UUID = "!!~~\n INVALID-UUID \n~~!!" def _list_to_root(comments, bug): """ Convert a raw list of comments to single (dummy) root comment. We use a dummy root comment, because there can be several comment threads rooted on the same parent bug. To simplify comment interaction, we condense these threads into a single thread with a Comment dummy root. No Comment method should use the dummy comment. """ root_comments = [] uuid_map = {} for comment in comments: assert comment.uuid != None uuid_map[comment.uuid] = comment for comm in comments: rep = comm.in_reply_to if rep == None or rep == settings_object.EMPTY or rep == bug.uuid: root_comments.append(comm) else: parentUUID = comm.in_reply_to parent = uuid_map[parentUUID] parent.add_reply(comm) dummy_root = Comment(bug, uuid=INVALID_UUID) dummy_root.extend(root_comments) return dummy_root def loadComments(bug, load_full=False): """ Set load_full=True when you want to load the comment completely from disk *now*, rather than waiting and lazy loading as required. """ path = bug.get_path("comments") if not os.path.isdir(path): return Comment(bug, uuid=INVALID_UUID) comments = [] for uuid in os.listdir(path): if uuid.startswith('.'): continue comm = Comment(bug, uuid, from_disk=True) if load_full == True: comm.load_settings() dummy = comm.body # force the body to load comments.append(comm) return _list_to_root(comments, bug) def saveComments(bug): path = bug.get_path("comments") bug.rcs.mkdir(path) for comment in bug.comment_root.traverse(): comment.save() class Comment(Tree, settings_object.SavedSettingsObject): """ >>> c = Comment() >>> c.uuid != None True >>> c.uuid = "some-UUID" >>> print c.content_type text/plain """ settings_properties = [] required_saved_properties = [] _prop_save_settings = settings_object.prop_save_settings _prop_load_settings = settings_object.prop_load_settings def _versioned_property(settings_properties=settings_properties, required_saved_properties=required_saved_properties, **kwargs): if "settings_properties" not in kwargs: kwargs["settings_properties"] = settings_properties if "required_saved_properties" not in kwargs: kwargs["required_saved_properties"]=required_saved_properties return settings_object.versioned_property(**kwargs) @_versioned_property(name="From", doc="The author of the comment") def From(): return {} @_versioned_property(name="In-reply-to", doc="UUID for parent comment or bug") def in_reply_to(): return {} @_versioned_property(name="Content-type", doc="Mime type for comment body", default="text/plain", require_save=True) def content_type(): return {} @_versioned_property(name="Date", doc="An RFC 2822 timestamp for comment creation") def time_string(): return {} def _get_time(self): if self.time_string == None: return None return utility.str_to_time(self.time_string) def _set_time(self, value): self.time_string = utility.time_to_str(value) time = property(fget=_get_time, fset=_set_time, doc="An integer version of .time_string") def _get_comment_body(self): if self.rcs != None and self.sync_with_disk == True: import rcs return self.rcs.get_file_contents(self.get_path("body")) def _set_comment_body(self, value, force=False): if (self.rcs != None and self.sync_with_disk == True) or force==True: assert value != None, "Can't save empty comment" self.rcs.set_file_contents(self.get_path("body"), value) @Property @change_hook_property(hook=_set_comment_body) @cached_property(generator=_get_comment_body) @local_property("body") @doc_property(doc="The meat of the comment") def body(): return {} def _get_rcs(self): if hasattr(self.bug, "rcs"): return self.bug.rcs @Property @cached_property(generator=_get_rcs) @local_property("rcs") @doc_property(doc="A revision control system instance.") def rcs(): return {} def __init__(self, bug=None, uuid=None, from_disk=False, in_reply_to=None, body=None): """ Set from_disk=True to load an old comment. Set from_disk=False to create a new comment. The uuid option is required when from_disk==True. The in_reply_to and body options are only used if from_disk==False (the default). When from_disk==True, they are loaded from the bug database. in_reply_to should be the uuid string of the parent comment. """ Tree.__init__(self) settings_object.SavedSettingsObject.__init__(self) self.bug = bug self.uuid = uuid if from_disk == True: self.sync_with_disk = True else: self.sync_with_disk = False if uuid == None: self.uuid = uuid_gen() self.time = int(time.time()) # only save to second precision if self.rcs != None: self.From = self.rcs.get_user_id() self.in_reply_to = in_reply_to self.body = body def traverse(self, *args, **kwargs): """Avoid working with the possible dummy root comment""" for comment in Tree.traverse(self, *args, **kwargs): if comment.uuid == INVALID_UUID: continue yield comment def _setting_attr_string(self, setting): value = getattr(self, setting) if value == settings_object.EMPTY: return "" else: return str(value) def xml(self, indent=0, shortname=None): """ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some\\ninsightful\\nremarks\\n") >>> comm.uuid = "0123" >>> comm.time_string = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000" >>> print comm.xml(indent=2, shortname="com-1") 0123 com-1 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 Some insightful remarks """ if shortname == None: shortname = self.uuid lines = ["", " %s" % self.uuid, " %s" % (shortname,),] if self.in_reply_to != None: lines.append(" %s" % self.in_reply_to) lines.extend([ " %s" % self._setting_attr_string("From"), " %s" % self.time_string, " %s" % (self.body or "").rstrip('\n'), "\n"]) istring = ' '*indent sep = '\n' + istring return istring + sep.join(lines).rstrip('\n') def string(self, indent=0, shortname=None): """ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some\\ninsightful\\nremarks\\n") >>> comm.time_string = "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000" >>> print comm.string(indent=2, shortname="com-1") --------- Comment --------- Name: com-1 From: Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000 Some insightful remarks """ if shortname == None: shortname = self.uuid lines = [] lines.append("--------- Comment ---------") lines.append("Name: %s" % shortname) lines.append("From: %s" % (self._setting_attr_string("From"))) lines.append("Date: %s" % self.time_string) lines.append("") #lines.append(textwrap.fill(self.body or "", # width=(79-indent))) lines.extend((self.body or "").splitlines()) # some comments shouldn't be wrapped... istring = ' '*indent sep = '\n' + istring return istring + sep.join(lines).rstrip('\n') def __str__(self): """ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some insightful remarks") >>> comm.uuid = "com-1" >>> comm.time_string = "Thu, 20 Nov 2008 15:55:11 +0000" >>> comm.From = "Jane Doe " >>> print comm --------- Comment --------- Name: com-1 From: Jane Doe Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 15:55:11 +0000 Some insightful remarks """ return self.string() def get_path(self, name=None): my_dir = os.path.join(self.bug.get_path("comments"), self.uuid) if name is None: return my_dir assert name in ["values", "body"] return os.path.join(my_dir, name) def load_settings(self): self.settings = mapfile.map_load(self.rcs, self.get_path("values")) self._setup_saved_settings() def save_settings(self): parent_dir = os.path.dirname(self.get_path()) self.rcs.mkdir(parent_dir) self.rcs.mkdir(self.get_path()) path = self.get_path("values") mapfile.map_save(self.rcs, path, self._get_saved_settings()) def save(self): assert self.body != None, "Can't save blank comment" #if self.in_reply_to == None: # raise Exception, str(self)+'\n'+str(self.settings)+'\n'+str(self._settings_loaded) #assert self.in_reply_to != None, "Comment must be a reply to something" self.save_settings() self._set_comment_body(self.body, force=True) def remove(self): for comment in self.traverse(): path = comment.get_path() self.rcs.recursive_remove(path) def add_reply(self, reply, allow_time_inversion=False): if self.uuid != INVALID_UUID: reply.in_reply_to = self.uuid self.append(reply) #raise Exception, "adding reply \n%s\n%s" % (self, reply) def new_reply(self, body=None): """ >>> comm = Comment(bug=None, body="Some insightful remarks") >>> repA = comm.new_reply("Critique original comment") >>> repB = repA.new_reply("Begin flamewar :p") >>> repB.in_reply_to == repA.uuid True """ reply = Comment(self.bug, body=body) self.add_reply(reply) #raise Exception, "new reply added (%s),\n%s\n%s\n\t--%s--" % (body, self, reply, reply.in_reply_to) return reply def string_thread(self, string_method_name="string", name_map={}, indent=0, flatten=True, auto_name_map=False, bug_shortname=None): """ Return a string displaying a thread of comments. bug_shortname is only used if auto_name_map == True. string_method_name (defaults to "string") is the name of the Comment method used to generate the output string for each Comment in the thread. The method must take the arguments indent and shortname. SIDE-EFFECT: if auto_name_map==True, calls comment_shortnames() which will sort the tree by comment.time. Avoid by calling name_map = {} for shortname,comment in comm.comment_shortnames(bug_shortname): name_map[comment.uuid] = shortname comm.sort(key=lambda c : c.From) # your sort comm.string_thread(name_map=name_map) >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a", body="Insightful remarks") >>> a.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:00:00 +0000") >>> b = a.new_reply("Critique original comment") >>> b.uuid = "b" >>> b.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 02:00:00 +0000") >>> c = b.new_reply("Begin flamewar :p") >>> c.uuid = "c" >>> c.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 03:00:00 +0000") >>> d = a.new_reply("Useful examples") >>> d.uuid = "d" >>> d.time = utility.str_to_time("Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:00:00 +0000") >>> a.sort(key=lambda comm : comm.time) >>> print a.string_thread(flatten=True) --------- Comment --------- Name: a From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:00:00 +0000 Insightful remarks --------- Comment --------- Name: b From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 02:00:00 +0000 Critique original comment --------- Comment --------- Name: c From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 03:00:00 +0000 Begin flamewar :p --------- Comment --------- Name: d From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:00:00 +0000 Useful examples >>> print a.string_thread(auto_name_map=True, bug_shortname="bug-1") --------- Comment --------- Name: bug-1:1 From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:00:00 +0000 Insightful remarks --------- Comment --------- Name: bug-1:2 From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 02:00:00 +0000 Critique original comment --------- Comment --------- Name: bug-1:3 From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 03:00:00 +0000 Begin flamewar :p --------- Comment --------- Name: bug-1:4 From: Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 04:00:00 +0000 Useful examples """ if auto_name_map == True: name_map = {} for shortname,comment in self.comment_shortnames(bug_shortname): name_map[comment.uuid] = shortname stringlist = [] for depth,comment in self.thread(flatten=flatten): ind = 2*depth+indent if comment.uuid in name_map: sname = name_map[comment.uuid] else: sname = None string_fn = getattr(comment, string_method_name) stringlist.append(string_fn(indent=ind, shortname=sname)) return '\n'.join(stringlist) def xml_thread(self, name_map={}, indent=0, auto_name_map=False, bug_shortname=None): return self.string_thread(string_method_name="xml", name_map=name_map, indent=indent, auto_name_map=auto_name_map, bug_shortname=bug_shortname) def comment_shortnames(self, bug_shortname=None): """ Iterate through (id, comment) pairs, in time order. (This is a user-friendly id, not the comment uuid). SIDE-EFFECT : will sort the comment tree by comment.time >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a") >>> b = a.new_reply() >>> b.uuid = "b" >>> c = b.new_reply() >>> c.uuid = "c" >>> d = a.new_reply() >>> d.uuid = "d" >>> for id,name in a.comment_shortnames("bug-1"): ... print id, name.uuid bug-1:1 a bug-1:2 b bug-1:3 c bug-1:4 d """ if bug_shortname == None: bug_shortname = "" self.sort(key=lambda comm : comm.time) for num,comment in enumerate(self.traverse()): yield ("%s:%d" % (bug_shortname, num+1), comment) def comment_from_shortname(self, comment_shortname, *args, **kwargs): """ Use a comment shortname to look up a comment. >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a") >>> b = a.new_reply() >>> b.uuid = "b" >>> c = b.new_reply() >>> c.uuid = "c" >>> d = a.new_reply() >>> d.uuid = "d" >>> comm = a.comment_from_shortname("bug-1:3", bug_shortname="bug-1") >>> id(comm) == id(c) True """ for cur_name, comment in self.comment_shortnames(*args, **kwargs): if comment_shortname == cur_name: return comment raise InvalidShortname(comment_shortname, list(self.comment_shortnames(*args, **kwargs))) def comment_from_uuid(self, uuid): """ Use a comment shortname to look up a comment. >>> a = Comment(bug=None, uuid="a") >>> b = a.new_reply() >>> b.uuid = "b" >>> c = b.new_reply() >>> c.uuid = "c" >>> d = a.new_reply() >>> d.uuid = "d" >>> comm = a.comment_from_uuid("d") >>> id(comm) == id(d) True """ for comment in self.traverse(): if comment.uuid == uuid: return comment raise KeyError(uuid) suite = doctest.DocTestSuite()