# Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Aaron Bentley # Chris Ball # Gianluca Montecchi # Marien Zwart # Thomas Gerigk # W. Trevor King # # This file is part of Bugs Everywhere. # # Bugs Everywhere is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Bugs Everywhere. If not, see . import textwrap import libbe import libbe.bugdir import libbe.command import libbe.command.util from libbe.storage.util.settings_object import EMPTY class Set (libbe.command.Command): """Change bug directory settings >>> import sys >>> import libbe.bugdir >>> bd = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False) >>> io = libbe.command.StringInputOutput() >>> io.stdout = sys.stdout >>> ui = libbe.command.UserInterface(io=io) >>> ui.storage_callbacks.set_storage(bd.storage) >>> cmd = Set(ui=ui) >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, args=['target']) None >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, args=['target', 'abcdefg']) >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, args=['target']) abcdefg >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, args=['target', 'none']) >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, args=['target']) None >>> ui.cleanup() >>> bd.cleanup() """ name = 'set' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): libbe.command.Command.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.options.extend([ libbe.command.Option(name='bugdir', short_name='b', help='Short bugdir UUID to act on. You ' 'only need to set this if you have multiple bugdirs in ' 'your repository.', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='bugdir', metavar='ID', default=None, completion_callback=libbe.command.util.complete_bugdir_id)), ]) self.args.extend([ libbe.command.Argument( name='setting', metavar='SETTING', optional=True, completion_callback=complete_bugdir_settings), libbe.command.Argument( name='value', metavar='VALUE', optional=True) ]) def _run(self, **params): bugdirs = self._get_bugdirs() if params['bugdir']: bugdir = bugdirs[bugdir] elif len(bugdirs) == 1: bugdir = bugdirs.values()[0] else: raise libbe.command.UserError( 'Ambiguous bugdir {}'.format(sorted(bugdirs.values()))) if params['setting'] == None: keys = bugdir.settings_properties keys.sort() for key in keys: print >> self.stdout, \ '%16s: %s' % (key, _value_string(bugdir, key)) return 0 if params['setting'] not in bugdir.settings_properties: msg = 'Invalid setting %s\n' % params['setting'] msg += 'Allowed settings:\n ' msg += '\n '.join(bugdir.settings_properties) raise libbe.command.UserError(msg) if params['value'] == None: print _value_string(bugdir, params['setting']) else: if params['value'] == 'none': params['value'] = EMPTY old_setting = bugdir.settings.get(params['setting']) attr = bugdir._setting_name_to_attr_name(params['setting']) setattr(bugdir, attr, params['value']) return 0 def _long_help(self): return """ Show or change per-tree settings. If name and value are supplied, the name is set to a new value. If no value is specified, the current value is printed. If no arguments are provided, all names and values are listed. To unset a setting, set it to "none". Allowed settings are: %s Note that this command does not provide a good interface for some of these settings (yet!). You may need to edit the bugdir settings file (`.be//settings`) manually. Examples for each troublesome setting are given below. Add the following lines to override the default severities and use your own: severities: - - target - The issue is a target or milestone, not a bug. - - wishlist - A feature that could improve usefulness, but not a bug. You may add as many name/description pairs as you wish to have; they are sorted in order from least important at the top, to most important at the bottom. The target severity gets special handling by `be target`. Note that the values here _override_ the defaults. That means that if you like the defaults, and wish to keep them, you will have to copy them here before adding any of your own. See `be severity --help` for the current list. Add the following lines to override the default statuses and use your own: active_status: - - unconfirmed - A possible bug which lacks independent existance confirmation. - - open - A working bug that has not been assigned to a developer. inactive_status: - - closed - The bug is no longer relevant. - - fixed - The bug should no longer occur. You may add as many name/description pairs as you wish to have; they are sorted in order from most important at the top, to least important at the bottom. Note that the values here _override_ the defaults. That means that if you like the defaults, and wish to keep them, you will have to copy them here before adding any of your own. See `be status --help` for the current list. """ % ('\n'.join(get_bugdir_settings()),) def get_bugdir_settings(): settings = [] for s in libbe.bugdir.BugDir.settings_properties: settings.append(s) settings.sort() documented_settings = [] for s in settings: set = getattr(libbe.bugdir.BugDir, s) dstr = set.__doc__.strip() # per-setting comment adjustments if s == 'vcs_name': lines = dstr.split('\n') while lines[0].startswith('This property defaults to') == False: lines.pop(0) assert len(lines) != None, \ 'Unexpected vcs_name docstring:\n "%s"' % dstr lines.insert( 0, 'The name of the revision control system to use.\n') dstr = '\n'.join(lines) doc = textwrap.wrap(dstr, width=70, initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ') documented_settings.append('%s\n%s' % (s, '\n'.join(doc))) return documented_settings def _value_string(bugdir, setting): val = bugdir.settings.get(setting, EMPTY) if val == EMPTY: default = getattr(bugdir, bugdir._setting_name_to_attr_name(setting)) if default not in [None, EMPTY]: val = 'None (%s)' % default else: val = None return str(val) def complete_bugdir_settings(command, argument, fragment=None): """ List possible command completions for fragment. Neither the command nor argument arguments are used. """ return libbe.bugdir.BugDir.settings_properties