# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Chris Ball # Valtteri Kokkoniemi # W. Trevor King # # This file is part of Bugs Everywhere. # # Bugs Everywhere is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Bugs Everywhere. If not, see . import copy import os import sys try: # import core module, Python >= 2.5 from xml.etree import ElementTree except ImportError: # look for non-core module from elementtree import ElementTree import libbe import libbe.bug import libbe.bugdir import libbe.command import libbe.command.util import libbe.comment import libbe.util.encoding import libbe.util.id import libbe.util.utility if libbe.TESTING == True: import doctest import io import unittest import libbe.bugdir class Import_XML (libbe.command.Command): """Import comments and bugs from XML >>> import time >>> import StringIO >>> import libbe.bugdir >>> bd = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False) >>> io = libbe.command.StringInputOutput() >>> io.stdout = sys.stdout >>> ui = libbe.command.UserInterface(io=io) >>> ui.storage_callbacks.set_storage(bd.storage) >>> cmd = Import_XML(ui=ui) >>> ui.io.set_stdin('cThis is a comment about a') >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, {'root':'/a'}, ['-']) >>> bd.flush_reload() >>> bug = bd.bug_from_uuid('a') >>> bug.load_comments(load_full=False) >>> comment = bug.comment_root[0] >>> print(comment.body) This is a comment about a >>> comment.time <= int(time.time()) True >>> comment.in_reply_to is None True >>> ui.cleanup() >>> bd.cleanup() """ name = 'import-xml' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): libbe.command.Command.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.options.extend([ libbe.command.Option(name='ignore-missing-references', short_name='i', help="If any comment's refers to a non-existent comment, ignore it (instead of raising an exception)."), libbe.command.Option(name='add-only', short_name='a', help='If any bug or comment listed in the XML file already exists in the bug repository, do not alter the repository version.'), libbe.command.Option(name='preserve-uuids', short_name='p', help='Preserve UUIDs for trusted input (potential name collisions).'), libbe.command.Option(name='root', short_name='r', help='Supply a bugdir, bug, or comment ID as the root of ' 'any non-bugdir elements that are direct children of the ' ' element. If any such elements exist, you are ' 'required to set this option.', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='root', metavar='ID', completion_callback=libbe.command.util.complete_bug_comment_id)), ]) self.args.extend([ libbe.command.Argument( name='xml-file', metavar='XML-FILE'), ]) def _run(self, **params): storage = self._get_storage() bugdirs = self._get_bugdirs() writeable = storage.writeable storage.writeable = False if params['root'] is not None: root_bugdir,root_bug,root_comment = ( libbe.command.util.bugdir_bug_comment_from_user_id( bugdirs, params['root'])) else: root_bugdir,root_bug,root_comment = (None, None, None) xml = self._read_xml(storage, params) version,root_bugdirs,root_bugs,root_comments = self._parse_xml( xml, params) if params['add-only']: accept_changes = False accept_extra_strings = False else: accept_changes = True accept_extra_strings = True dirty_items = list(self._merge_comments( bugdirs, root_bug, root_comment, root_comments, params, accept_changes, accept_extra_strings)) dirty_items.extend(self._merge_bugs( bugdirs, root_bugdir, root_bugs, params, accept_changes, accept_extra_strings)) dirty_items.extend(self._merge_bugdirs( bugdirs, root_bugdirs, params, accept_changes, accept_extra_strings)) # protect against programmer error causing data loss: if root_bug is not None: # check for each of the new comments comms = [] for c in root_bug.comments(): comms.append(c.uuid) if c.alt_id is not None: comms.append(c.alt_id) if root_comment.uuid == libbe.comment.INVALID_UUID: root_text = root_bug.id.user() else: root_text = root_comment.id.user() for new in root_comments: assert new.uuid in comms or new.alt_id in comms, \ "comment %s (alt: %s) wasn't added to %s" \ % (new.uuid, new.alt_id, root_text) for new in root_bugs: # check for each of the new bugs try: libbe.command.util.bug_from_uuid(bugdirs, new.uuid) except libbe.bugdir.NoBugMatches: try: libbe.command.util.bug_from_uuid(bugdirs, new.alt_id) except libbe.bugdir.NoBugMatches: raise AssertionError( "bug {} (alt: {}) wasn't added to {}".format( new.uuid, new.alt_id, root_bugdir.id.user())) for new in root_bugdirs: assert new.uuid in bugdirs or new.alt_id in bugdirs, ( "bugdir {} wasn't added to {}".format( new.uuid, sorted(bugdirs.keys()))) # save new information storage.writeable = writeable for item in dirty_items: item.save() def _read_xml(self, storage, params): if params['xml-file'] == '-': return self.stdin.read().encode(self.stdin.encoding) else: self._check_restricted_access(storage, params['xml-file']) return libbe.util.encoding.get_file_contents(params['xml-file']) def _parse_xml(self, xml, params): version = {} root_bugdirs = [] root_bugs = [] root_comments = [] be_xml = ElementTree.XML(xml) if be_xml.tag != 'be-xml': raise libbe.util.utility.InvalidXML( 'import-xml', be_xml, 'root element must be ') for child in be_xml: if child.tag == 'bugdir': new = libbe.bugdir.BugDir(storage=None) new.from_xml(child, preserve_uuids=params['preserve-uuids']) root_bugdirs.append(new) elif child.tag == 'bug': new = libbe.bug.Bug() new.from_xml(child, preserve_uuids=params['preserve-uuids']) root_bugs.append(new) elif child.tag == 'comment': new = libbe.comment.Comment() new.from_xml(child, preserve_uuids=params['preserve-uuids']) root_comments.append(new) elif child.tag == 'version': for gchild in child: if child.tag in ['tag', 'nick', 'revision', 'revision-id']: text = xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(child.text) text = text.decode('unicode_escape').strip() version[child.tag] = text else: libbe.LOG.warning( 'ignoring unknown tag {0} in {1}\n'.format( gchild.tag, child.tag)) else: libbe.LOG.warning('ignoring unknown tag {0} in {1}\n'.format( child.tag, be_xml.tag)) return (version, root_bugdirs, root_bugs, root_comments) def _merge_comments(self, bugdirs, bug, root_comment, comments, params, accept_changes, accept_extra_strings, accept_comments=True): if len(comments) == 0: return if bug is None: raise libbe.command.UserError( 'No root bug for merging comments:\n{}'.format( '\n\n'.join([c.string() for c in comments]))) bug.load_comments(load_full=True) if root_comment.uuid == libbe.comment.INVALID_UUID: root_comment = bug.comment_root else: root_comment = bug.comment_from_uuid(root_comment.uuid) new_bug = libbe.bug.Bug(bugdir=bug.bugdir, uuid=bug.uuid) new_bug.explicit_attrs = [] new_bug.comment_root = copy.deepcopy(bug.comment_root) if root_comment.uuid == libbe.comment.INVALID_UUID: new_root_comment = new_bug.comment_root else: new_root_comment = new_bug.comment_from_uuid( root_comment.uuid) for new in new_bug.comments(): new.explicit_attrs = [] try: new_bug.add_comments( comments, default_parent=root_comment, ignore_missing_references=params['ignore-missing-references']) except libbe.comment.MissingReference as e: raise libbe.command.UserError(e) bug.merge(new_bug, accept_changes=accept_changes, accept_extra_strings=accept_extra_strings, accept_comments=accept_comments) yield bug def _merge_bugs(self, bugdirs, bugdir, bugs, params, accept_changes, accept_extra_strings, accept_comments=True): for new in bugs: try: old = bugdir.bug_from_uuid(new.alt_id) except KeyError: bugdir.append(new, update=True) yield new else: old.load_comments(load_full=True) old.merge(new, accept_changes=accept_changes, accept_extra_strings=accept_extra_strings, accept_comments=accept_comments) yield old def _merge_bugdirs(self, bugdirs, new_bugdirs, params, accept_changes, accept_extra_strings, accept_comments=True): for new in new_bugdirs: if new.alt_id in bugdirs: old = bugdirs[new.alt_id] old.load_all_bugs() old.merge(new, accept_changes=accept_changes, accept_extra_strings=accept_extra_strings, accept_bugs=True, accept_comments=accept_comments) yield old else: bugdirs[new.uuid] = new new.storage = self._get_storage() yield new def _long_help(self): return """ Import comments and bugs from XMLFILE. If XMLFILE is '-', the file is read from stdin. This command provides a fallback mechanism for passing bugs between repositories, in case the repositories VCSs are incompatible. If the VCSs are compatible, it's better to use their builtin merge/push/pull to share this information, as that will preserve a more detailed history. The XML file should be formatted similarly to: 1.0.0 be 446 a@b.com-20091119214553-iqyw2cpqluww3zna ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... where the ellipses mark output commpatible with BugDir.xml(), Bug.xml(), and Comment.xml(). Take a look at the output of `be show --xml` for some explicit examples. Unrecognized tags are ignored. Missing tags are left at the default value. The version tag is not required, but is strongly recommended. The bugdir, bug, and comment UUIDs are always auto-generated, so if you set a field, but no field, your will be used as the object's . An exception is raised if conflicts with an existing object. Bugdirs and bugs do not have a permantent alt-id, so they the s you specify are not saved. The s _are_ used to match agains prexisting bug and comment uuids, and comment alt-ids, and fields explicitly given in the XML file will replace old versions unless the --add-only flag. *.extra_strings recieves special treatment, and if --add-only is not set, the resulting list concatenates both source lists and removes repeats. Here's an example of import activity: Repository bugdir (uuid=abc123) bug (uuid=B, creator=John, status=open) estr (don't forget your towel) estr (helps with space travel) com (uuid=C1, author=Jane, body=Hello) com (uuid=C2, author=Jess, body=World) XML bugdir (uuid=abc123) bug (uuid=B, status=fixed) estr (don't forget your towel) estr (watch out for flying dolphins) com (uuid=C1, body=So long) com (uuid=C3, author=Jed, body=And thanks) Result bugdir (uuid=abc123) bug (uuid=B, creator=John, status=fixed) estr (don't forget your towel) estr (helps with space travel) estr (watch out for flying dolphins) com (uuid=C1, author=Jane, body=So long) com (uuid=C2, author=Jess, body=World) com (uuid=C4, alt-id=C3, author=Jed, body=And thanks) Result, with --add-only bugdir (uuid=abc123) bug (uuid=B, creator=John, status=open) estr (don't forget your towel) estr (helps with space travel) com (uuid=C1, author=Jane, body=Hello) com (uuid=C2, author=Jess, body=World) com (uuid=C4, alt-id=C3, author=Jed, body=And thanks) Examples: Import comments (e.g. emails from a mailbox) and append to bug /XYZ: $ be-mail-to-xml mail.mbox | be import-xml -r /XYZ - Or you can append those emails underneath the prexisting comment /XYZ/3: $ be-mail-to-xml mail.mbox | be import-xml -r /XYZ/3 - User creates a new bug: user$ be new "The demuxulizer is broken" Created bug with ID 48f user$ be comment 48f ... User exports bug as xml and emails it to the developers: user$ be show --xml 48f > 48f.xml user$ cat 48f.xml | mail -s "Demuxulizer bug xml" devs@b.com or equivalently (with a slightly fancier be-handle-mail compatible email): user$ be email-bugs 48f Devs recieve email, and save it's contents as demux-bug.xml: dev$ cat demux-bug.xml | be import-xml - """ Import_xml = Import_XML # alias for libbe.command.base.get_command_class() if libbe.TESTING == True: class LonghelpTestCase (unittest.TestCase): """ Test import scenarios given in longhelp. """ def setUp(self): self.bugdir = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False) io = libbe.command.StringInputOutput() self.ui = libbe.command.UserInterface(io=io) self.ui.storage_callbacks.set_storage(self.bugdir.storage) self.cmd = Import_XML(ui=self.ui) self.cmd._storage = self.bugdir.storage self.cmd._setup_io = lambda i_enc,o_enc : None bugA = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('a') self.bugdir.remove_bug(bugA) self.bugdir.storage.writeable = False bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') bugB.creator = 'John' bugB.status = 'open' bugB.extra_strings += ["don't forget your towel"] bugB.extra_strings += ['helps with space travel'] comm1 = bugB.comment_root.new_reply(body='Hello\n') comm1.uuid = 'c1' comm1.author = 'Jane' comm2 = bugB.comment_root.new_reply(body='World\n') comm2.uuid = 'c2' comm2.author = 'Jess' self.bugdir.storage.writeable = True bugB.save() self.xml = """ abc123 b fixed a test bug don't forget your towel watch out for flying dolphins c1 So long c3 Jed And thanks """ self.root_comment_xml = """ c1 So long c3 Jed And thanks """ def tearDown(self): self.bugdir.cleanup() self.ui.cleanup() def _execute(self, xml, params={}, args=[]): self.ui.io.set_stdin(xml) self.ui.run(self.cmd, params, args) self.bugdir.flush_reload() def testCleanBugdir(self): uuids = list(self.bugdir.uuids()) self.assertTrue(uuids == ['b'], uuids) def testNotAddOnly(self): bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') self._execute(self.xml, {}, ['-']) uuids = list(self.bugdir.uuids()) self.assertTrue(uuids == ['b'], uuids) bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') self.assertTrue(bugB.uuid == 'b', bugB.uuid) self.assertTrue(bugB.creator == 'John', bugB.creator) self.assertTrue(bugB.status == 'fixed', bugB.status) self.assertTrue(bugB.summary == 'a test bug', bugB.summary) estrs = ["don't forget your towel", 'helps with space travel', 'watch out for flying dolphins'] self.assertTrue(bugB.extra_strings == estrs, bugB.extra_strings) comments = list(bugB.comments()) self.assertTrue(len(comments) == 3, ['%s (%s, %s)' % (c.uuid, c.alt_id, c.body) for c in comments]) c1 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c1') comments.remove(c1) self.assertTrue(c1.uuid == 'c1', c1.uuid) self.assertTrue(c1.alt_id is None, c1.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c1.author == 'Jane', c1.author) self.assertTrue(c1.body == 'So long\n', c1.body) c2 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c2') comments.remove(c2) self.assertTrue(c2.uuid == 'c2', c2.uuid) self.assertTrue(c2.alt_id is None, c2.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c2.author == 'Jess', c2.author) self.assertTrue(c2.body == 'World\n', c2.body) c4 = comments[0] self.assertTrue(len(c4.uuid) == 36, c4.uuid) self.assertTrue(c4.alt_id == 'c3', c4.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c4.author == 'Jed', c4.author) self.assertTrue(c4.body == 'And thanks\n', c4.body) def testAddOnly(self): bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') initial_bugB_summary = bugB.summary self._execute(self.xml, {'add-only':True}, ['-']) uuids = list(self.bugdir.uuids()) self.assertTrue(uuids == ['b'], uuids) bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') self.assertTrue(bugB.uuid == 'b', bugB.uuid) self.assertTrue(bugB.creator == 'John', bugB.creator) self.assertTrue(bugB.status == 'open', bugB.status) self.assertTrue(bugB.summary == initial_bugB_summary, bugB.summary) estrs = ["don't forget your towel", 'helps with space travel'] self.assertTrue(bugB.extra_strings == estrs, bugB.extra_strings) comments = list(bugB.comments()) self.assertTrue(len(comments) == 3, ['%s (%s)' % (c.uuid, c.alt_id) for c in comments]) c1 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c1') comments.remove(c1) self.assertTrue(c1.uuid == 'c1', c1.uuid) self.assertTrue(c1.alt_id is None, c1.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c1.author == 'Jane', c1.author) self.assertTrue(c1.body == 'Hello\n', c1.body) c2 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c2') comments.remove(c2) self.assertTrue(c2.uuid == 'c2', c2.uuid) self.assertTrue(c2.alt_id is None, c2.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c2.author == 'Jess', c2.author) self.assertTrue(c2.body == 'World\n', c2.body) c4 = comments[0] self.assertTrue(len(c4.uuid) == 36, c4.uuid) self.assertTrue(c4.alt_id == 'c3', c4.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c4.author == 'Jed', c4.author) self.assertTrue(c4.body == 'And thanks\n', c4.body) def testRootCommentsNotAddOnly(self): bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') initial_bugB_summary = bugB.summary self._execute(self.root_comment_xml, {'root':'/b'}, ['-']) uuids = list(self.bugdir.uuids()) uuids = list(self.bugdir.uuids()) self.assertTrue(uuids == ['b'], uuids) bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') self.assertTrue(bugB.uuid == 'b', bugB.uuid) self.assertTrue(bugB.creator == 'John', bugB.creator) self.assertTrue(bugB.status == 'open', bugB.status) self.assertTrue(bugB.summary == initial_bugB_summary, bugB.summary) estrs = ["don't forget your towel", 'helps with space travel'] self.assertTrue(bugB.extra_strings == estrs, bugB.extra_strings) comments = list(bugB.comments()) self.assertTrue(len(comments) == 3, ['%s (%s, %s)' % (c.uuid, c.alt_id, c.body) for c in comments]) c1 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c1') comments.remove(c1) self.assertTrue(c1.uuid == 'c1', c1.uuid) self.assertTrue(c1.alt_id is None, c1.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c1.author == 'Jane', c1.author) self.assertTrue(c1.body == 'So long\n', c1.body) c2 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c2') comments.remove(c2) self.assertTrue(c2.uuid == 'c2', c2.uuid) self.assertTrue(c2.alt_id is None, c2.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c2.author == 'Jess', c2.author) self.assertTrue(c2.body == 'World\n', c2.body) c4 = comments[0] self.assertTrue(len(c4.uuid) == 36, c4.uuid) self.assertTrue(c4.alt_id == 'c3', c4.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c4.author == 'Jed', c4.author) self.assertTrue(c4.body == 'And thanks\n', c4.body) def testRootCommentsAddOnly(self): bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') initial_bugB_summary = bugB.summary self._execute(self.root_comment_xml, {'root':'/b', 'add-only':True}, ['-']) uuids = list(self.bugdir.uuids()) self.assertTrue(uuids == ['b'], uuids) bugB = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid('b') self.assertTrue(bugB.uuid == 'b', bugB.uuid) self.assertTrue(bugB.creator == 'John', bugB.creator) self.assertTrue(bugB.status == 'open', bugB.status) self.assertTrue(bugB.summary == initial_bugB_summary, bugB.summary) estrs = ["don't forget your towel", 'helps with space travel'] self.assertTrue(bugB.extra_strings == estrs, bugB.extra_strings) comments = list(bugB.comments()) self.assertTrue(len(comments) == 3, ['%s (%s)' % (c.uuid, c.alt_id) for c in comments]) c1 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c1') comments.remove(c1) self.assertTrue(c1.uuid == 'c1', c1.uuid) self.assertTrue(c1.alt_id is None, c1.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c1.author == 'Jane', c1.author) self.assertTrue(c1.body == 'Hello\n', c1.body) c2 = bugB.comment_from_uuid('c2') comments.remove(c2) self.assertTrue(c2.uuid == 'c2', c2.uuid) self.assertTrue(c2.alt_id is None, c2.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c2.author == 'Jess', c2.author) self.assertTrue(c2.body == 'World\n', c2.body) c4 = comments[0] self.assertTrue(len(c4.uuid) == 36, c4.uuid) self.assertTrue(c4.alt_id == 'c3', c4.alt_id) self.assertTrue(c4.author == 'Jed', c4.author) self.assertTrue(c4.body == 'And thanks\n', c4.body) unitsuite =unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__]) suite = unittest.TestSuite([unitsuite, doctest.DocTestSuite()])