# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Gianluca Montecchi # W. Trevor King # # This file is part of Bugs Everywhere. # # Bugs Everywhere is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Bugs Everywhere. If not, see . import codecs import htmlentitydefs import os import os.path import re import string import time import xml.sax.saxutils import libbe import libbe.command import libbe.command.util import libbe.comment import libbe.util.encoding import libbe.util.id class HTML (libbe.command.Command): """Generate a static HTML dump of the current repository status >>> import sys >>> import libbe.bugdir >>> bd = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False) >>> io = libbe.command.StringInputOutput() >>> io.stdout = sys.stdout >>> ui = libbe.command.UserInterface(io=io) >>> ui.storage_callbacks.set_storage(bd.storage) >>> cmd = HTML(ui=ui) >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, {'output':os.path.join(bd.storage.repo, 'html_export')}) >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(bd.storage.repo, 'html_export')) True >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(bd.storage.repo, 'html_export', 'index.html')) True >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(bd.storage.repo, 'html_export', 'index_inactive.html')) True >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(bd.storage.repo, 'html_export', 'bugs')) True >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(bd.storage.repo, 'html_export', 'bugs', 'a', 'index.html')) True >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(bd.storage.repo, 'html_export', 'bugs', 'b', 'index.html')) True >>> ui.cleanup() >>> bd.cleanup() """ name = 'html' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): libbe.command.Command.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.options.extend([ libbe.command.Option(name='output', short_name='o', help='Set the output path (%default)', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='output', metavar='DIR', default='./html_export', completion_callback=libbe.command.util.complete_path)), libbe.command.Option(name='template-dir', short_name='t', help='Use a different template. Defaults to internal templates', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='template-dir', metavar='DIR', completion_callback=libbe.command.util.complete_path)), libbe.command.Option(name='title', help='Set the bug repository title (%default)', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='title', metavar='STRING', default='BugsEverywhere Issue Tracker')), libbe.command.Option(name='index-header', help='Set the index page headers (%default)', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='index-header', metavar='STRING', default='BugsEverywhere Bug List')), libbe.command.Option(name='export-template', short_name='e', help='Export the default template and exit.'), libbe.command.Option(name='export-template-dir', short_name='d', help='Set the directory for the template export (%default)', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='export-template-dir', metavar='DIR', default='./default-templates/', completion_callback=libbe.command.util.complete_path)), libbe.command.Option(name='min-id-length', short_name='l', help='Attempt to truncate bug and comment IDs to this length. Set to -1 for non-truncated IDs (%default)', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='min-id-length', metavar='INT', default=-1, type='int')), libbe.command.Option(name='verbose', short_name='v', help='Verbose output, default is %default'), ]) def _run(self, **params): if params['export-template'] == True: bugdir = None else: bugdir = self._get_bugdir() bugdir.load_all_bugs() html_gen = HTMLGen(bugdir, template=params['template-dir'], title=params['title'], index_header=params['index-header'], min_id_length=params['min-id-length'], verbose=params['verbose'], stdout=self.stdout) if params['export-template'] == True: html_gen.write_default_template(params['export-template-dir']) else: html_gen.run(params['output']) def _long_help(self): return """ Generate a set of html pages representing the current state of the bug directory. """ Html = HTML # alias for libbe.command.base.get_command_class() class HTMLGen (object): def __init__(self, bd, template=None, title="Site Title", index_header="Index Header", min_id_length=-1, verbose=False, encoding=None, stdout=None, ): self.generation_time = time.ctime() self.bd = bd if template == None: self.template = "default" else: self.template = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(template)) self.title = title self.index_header = index_header self.verbose = verbose self.stdout = stdout if encoding != None: self.encoding = encoding else: self.encoding = libbe.util.encoding.get_filesystem_encoding() self._load_default_templates() if template != None: self._load_user_templates() self.min_id_length = min_id_length def run(self, out_dir): if self.verbose == True: print >> self.stdout, \ 'Creating the html output in %s using templates in %s' \ % (out_dir, self.template) bugs_active = [] bugs_inactive = [] bugs = [b for b in self.bd] bugs.sort() bugs_active = [b for b in bugs if b.active == True] bugs_inactive = [b for b in bugs if b.active != True] self._create_output_directories(out_dir) self._write_css_file() for b in bugs: if b.active: up_link = '../../index.html' else: up_link = '../../index_inactive.html' self._write_bug_file(b, up_link) self._write_index_file( bugs_active, title=self.title, index_header=self.index_header, bug_type='active') self._write_index_file( bugs_inactive, title=self.title, index_header=self.index_header, bug_type='inactive') def _truncated_bug_id(self, bug): return libbe.util.id._truncate( bug.uuid, bug.sibling_uuids(), min_length=self.min_id_length) def _truncated_comment_id(self, comment): return libbe.util.id._truncate( comment.uuid, comment.sibling_uuids(), min_length=self.min_id_length) def _create_output_directories(self, out_dir): if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Creating output directories' self.out_dir = self._make_dir(out_dir) self.out_dir_bugs = self._make_dir( os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'bugs')) def _write_css_file(self): if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Writing css file' assert hasattr(self, 'out_dir'), \ 'Must run after ._create_output_directories()' self._write_file(self.css_file, [self.out_dir,'style.css']) def _write_bug_file(self, bug, up_link): if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, '\tCreating bug file for %s' % bug.id.user() assert hasattr(self, 'out_dir_bugs'), \ 'Must run after ._create_output_directories()' bug.load_comments(load_full=True) comment_entries = self._generate_bug_comment_entries(bug) dirname = self._truncated_bug_id(bug) fullpath = os.path.join(self.out_dir_bugs, dirname, 'index.html') template_info = {'title':self.title, 'charset':self.encoding, 'up_link':up_link, 'shortname':bug.id.user(), 'comment_entries':comment_entries, 'generation_time':self.generation_time} for attr in ['uuid', 'severity', 'status', 'assigned', 'reporter', 'creator', 'time_string', 'summary']: template_info[attr] = self._escape(getattr(bug, attr)) fulldir = os.path.join(self.out_dir_bugs, dirname) if not os.path.exists(fulldir): os.mkdir(fulldir) self._write_file(self.bug_file % template_info, [fullpath]) def _generate_bug_comment_entries(self, bug): assert hasattr(self, 'out_dir_bugs'), \ 'Must run after ._create_output_directories()' stack = [] comment_entries = [] bug.comment_root.sort(cmp=libbe.comment.cmp_time, reverse=True) for depth,comment in bug.comment_root.thread(flatten=False): while len(stack) > depth: # pop non-parents off the stack stack.pop(-1) # close non-parent
') else: comment_entries.append( '
' % template_info['truncated_id']) for attr in ['uuid', 'author', 'date', 'body']: value = getattr(comment, attr) if attr == 'body': link_long_ids = False save_body = False if comment.content_type == 'text/html': link_long_ids = True elif comment.content_type.startswith('text/'): value = '
' link_long_ids = True elif comment.content_type.startswith('image/'): save_body = True value = '' \ % (self._truncated_bug_id(bug), self._truncated_comment_id(comment)) else: save_body = True value = 'Link to %s file.' \ % (self._truncated_bug_id(bug), self._truncated_comment_id(comment), comment.content_type) if link_long_ids == True: value = self._long_to_linked_user(value) if save_body == True: per_bug_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir_bugs, bug.uuid) if not os.path.exists(per_bug_dir): os.mkdir(per_bug_dir) comment_path = os.path.join(per_bug_dir, comment.uuid) self._write_file( '\n ForceType %s\n' \ % (comment.uuid, comment.content_type), [per_bug_dir, '.htaccess'], mode='a') self._write_file(comment.body, [per_bug_dir, comment.uuid], mode='wb') else: value = self._escape(value) template_info[attr] = value comment_entries.append(self.bug_comment_entry % template_info) while len(stack) > 0: stack.pop(-1) comment_entries.append('
\n') # close every remaining
>> import libbe.bugdir >>> bd = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False) >>> h = HTMLGen(bd) >>> h._long_to_linked_user('A link #abc123/a#, and a non-link #x#y#.') 'A link abc/a, and a non-link #x#y#.' >>> bd.cleanup() """ replacer = libbe.util.id.IDreplacer( [self.bd], self._long_to_linked_user_replacer, wrap=False) return re.sub( libbe.util.id.REGEXP, replacer, text) def _long_to_linked_user_replacer(self, bugdirs, long_id): """ >>> import libbe.bugdir >>> import libbe.util.id >>> bd = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False) >>> a = bd.bug_from_uuid('a') >>> uuid_gen = libbe.util.id.uuid_gen >>> libbe.util.id.uuid_gen = lambda : '0123' >>> c = a.new_comment('comment for link testing') >>> libbe.util.id.uuid_gen = uuid_gen >>> c.uuid '0123' >>> h = HTMLGen(bd) >>> h._long_to_linked_user_replacer([bd], 'abc123') '#abc123#' >>> h._long_to_linked_user_replacer([bd], 'abc123/a') 'abc/a' >>> h._long_to_linked_user_replacer([bd], 'abc123/a/0123') 'abc/a/012' >>> h._long_to_linked_user_replacer([bd], 'x') '#x#' >>> h._long_to_linked_user_replacer([bd], '') '##' >>> bd.cleanup() """ try: p = libbe.util.id.parse_user(bugdirs[0], long_id) except (libbe.util.id.MultipleIDMatches, libbe.util.id.NoIDMatches, libbe.util.id.InvalidIDStructure), e: return '#%s#' % long_id # re-wrap failures if p['type'] == 'bugdir': return '#%s#' % long_id elif p['type'] == 'bug': bug,comment = libbe.command.util.bug_comment_from_user_id( bugdirs[0], long_id) return '%s' \ % (self._truncated_bug_id(bug), bug.id.user()) elif p['type'] == 'comment': bug,comment = libbe.command.util.bug_comment_from_user_id( bugdirs[0], long_id) return '%s' \ % (self._truncated_bug_id(bug), self._truncated_comment_id(comment), comment.id.user()) raise Exception('Invalid id type %s for "%s"' % (p['type'], long_id)) def _write_index_file(self, bugs, title, index_header, bug_type='active'): if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Writing %s index file for %d bugs' % (bug_type, len(bugs)) assert hasattr(self, 'out_dir'), 'Must run after ._create_output_directories()' esc = self._escape bug_entries = self._generate_index_bug_entries(bugs) if bug_type == 'active': filename = 'index.html' elif bug_type == 'inactive': filename = 'index_inactive.html' else: raise Exception, 'Unrecognized bug_type: "%s"' % bug_type template_info = {'title':title, 'index_header':index_header, 'charset':self.encoding, 'active_class':'tab sel', 'inactive_class':'tab nsel', 'bug_entries':bug_entries, 'generation_time':self.generation_time} if bug_type == 'inactive': template_info['active_class'] = 'tab nsel' template_info['inactive_class'] = 'tab sel' self._write_file(self.index_file % template_info, [self.out_dir, filename]) def _generate_index_bug_entries(self, bugs): bug_entries = [] for bug in bugs: if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, '\tCreating bug entry for %s' % bug.id.user() template_info = {'shortname':bug.id.user()} for attr in ['uuid', 'severity', 'status', 'assigned', 'reporter', 'creator', 'time_string', 'summary']: template_info[attr] = self._escape(getattr(bug, attr)) template_info['dir'] = self._truncated_bug_id(bug) bug_entries.append(self.index_bug_entry % template_info) return '\n'.join(bug_entries) def _escape(self, string): if string == None: return '' return xml.sax.saxutils.escape(string) def _load_user_templates(self): for filename,attr in [('style.css','css_file'), ('index_file.tpl','index_file'), ('index_bug_entry.tpl','index_bug_entry'), ('bug_file.tpl','bug_file'), ('bug_comment_entry.tpl','bug_comment_entry')]: fullpath = os.path.join(self.template, filename) if os.path.exists(fullpath): setattr(self, attr, self._read_file([fullpath])) def _make_dir(self, dir_path): dir_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(dir_path)) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): try: os.makedirs(dir_path) except: raise libbe.command.UserError( 'Cannot create output directory "%s".' % dir_path) return dir_path def _write_file(self, content, path_array, mode='w'): return libbe.util.encoding.set_file_contents( os.path.join(*path_array), content, mode, self.encoding) def _read_file(self, path_array, mode='r'): return libbe.util.encoding.get_file_contents( os.path.join(*path_array), mode, self.encoding, decode=True) def write_default_template(self, out_dir): if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Creating output directories' self.out_dir = self._make_dir(out_dir) if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Creating css file' self._write_css_file() if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Creating index_file.tpl file' self._write_file(self.index_file, [self.out_dir, 'index_file.tpl']) if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Creating index_bug_entry.tpl file' self._write_file(self.index_bug_entry, [self.out_dir, 'index_bug_entry.tpl']) if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Creating bug_file.tpl file' self._write_file(self.bug_file, [self.out_dir, 'bug_file.tpl']) if self.verbose: print >> self.stdout, 'Creating bug_comment_entry.tpl file' self._write_file(self.bug_comment_entry, [self.out_dir, 'bug_comment_entry.tpl']) def _load_default_templates(self): self.css_file = """ body { font-family: "lucida grande", "sans serif"; color: #333; width: auto; margin: auto; } div.main { padding: 20px; margin: auto; padding-top: 0; margin-top: 1em; background-color: #fcfcfc; } div.footer { font-size: small; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; margin: auto; background: #305275; color: #fffee7; } table { border-style: solid; border: 10px #313131; border-spacing: 0; width: auto; } tb { border: 1px; } tr { vertical-align: top; width: auto; } td { border-width: 0; border-style: none; padding-right: 0.5em; padding-left: 0.5em; width: auto; } img { border-style: none; } h1 { padding: 0.5em; background-color: #305275; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; color: #fff; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: -20px; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } p { width: auto; } a, a:visited { background: inherit; text-decoration: none; } a { color: #003d41; } a:visited { color: #553d41; } .footer a { color: #508d91; } /* bug index pages */ td.tab { padding-right: 1em; padding-left: 1em; } td.sel.tab { background-color: #afafaf; border: 1px solid #afafaf; font-weight:bold; } td.nsel.tab { border: 0px; } table.bug_list { background-color: #afafaf; border: 2px solid #afafaf; } .bug_list tr { width: auto; } tr.wishlist { background-color: #B4FF9B; } tr.minor { background-color: #FCFF98; } tr.serious { background-color: #FFB648; } tr.critical { background-color: #FF752A; } tr.fatal { background-color: #FF3300; } /* bug detail pages */ td.bug_detail_label { text-align: right; } td.bug_detail { } td.bug_comment_label { text-align: right; vertical-align: top; } td.bug_comment { } div.comment { padding: 20px; padding-top: 20px; margin: auto; margin-top: 0; } div.root.comment { padding: 0px; /* padding-top: 0px; */ padding-bottom: 20px; } """ self.index_file = """ %(title)s


Active Bugs Inactive Bugs
""" self.index_bug_entry =""" %(shortname)s %(status)s %(severity)s %(summary)s %(time_string)s """ self.bug_file = """ %(title)s

BugsEverywhere Bug List

Back to Index

Bug: %(shortname)s

ID : %(uuid)s
Short name : %(shortname)s
Status : %(status)s
Severity : %(severity)s
Assigned : %(assigned)s
Reporter : %(reporter)s
Creator : %(creator)s
Created : %(time_string)s
Summary : %(summary)s

Back to Index
""" self.bug_comment_entry ="""
Comment: --------- Comment ---------
ID: %(uuid)s
Short name: %(shortname)s
From: %(author)s
Date: %(date)s

""" # strip leading whitespace for attr in ['css_file', 'index_file', 'index_bug_entry', 'bug_file', 'bug_comment_entry']: value = getattr(self, attr) value = value.replace('\n'+' '*12, '\n') setattr(self, attr, value.strip()+'\n')