# Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Aaron Bentley # Chris Ball # Gianluca Montecchi # W. Trevor King # # This file is part of Bugs Everywhere. # # Bugs Everywhere is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Bugs Everywhere. If not, see . import libbe import libbe.bugdir import libbe.bug import libbe.command import libbe.command.util import libbe.storage import libbe.diff class Diff (libbe.command.Command): __doc__ = """Compare bug reports with older tree >>> import sys >>> import libbe.bugdir >>> bd = libbe.bugdir.SimpleBugDir(memory=False, versioned=True) >>> io = libbe.command.StringInputOutput() >>> io.stdout = sys.stdout >>> ui = libbe.command.UserInterface(io=io) >>> ui.storage_callbacks.set_storage(bd.storage) >>> cmd = Diff() >>> original = bd.storage.commit('Original status') >>> bug = bd.bug_from_uuid('a') >>> bug.status = 'closed' >>> changed = bd.storage.commit('Closed bug a') >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, args=[original]) Modified bugs: abc/a:cm: Bug A Changed bug settings: status: open -> closed >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, {'subscribe':'%(bugdir_id)s:mod', 'uuids':True}, [original]) a >>> bd.storage.versioned = False >>> ret = ui.run(cmd, args=[original]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserError: This repository is not revision-controlled. >>> ui.cleanup() >>> bd.cleanup() """ % {'bugdir_id':libbe.diff.BUGDIR_ID} name = 'diff' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): libbe.command.Command.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.options.extend([ libbe.command.Option(name='repo', short_name='r', help='Compare with repository in REPO instead' ' of the current repository.', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='repo', metavar='REPO', completion_callback=libbe.command.util.complete_path)), libbe.command.Option(name='subscribe', short_name='s', help='Only print changes matching SUBSCRIPTION, ' 'subscription is a comma-separated list of ID:TYPE ' 'tuples. See `be subscribe --help` for descriptions ' 'of ID and TYPE.', arg=libbe.command.Argument( name='subscribe', metavar='SUBSCRIPTION')), libbe.command.Option(name='uuids', short_name='u', help='Only print the changed bug UUIDS.'), ]) self.args.extend([ libbe.command.Argument( name='revision', metavar='REVISION', default=None, optional=True) ]) def _run(self, **params): try: subscriptions = libbe.diff.subscriptions_from_string( params['subscribe']) except ValueError, e: raise libbe.command.UserError(e.msg) bugdirs = self._get_bugdirs() for uuid,bugdir in sorted(bugdirs.items()): self.diff(bugdir, subscriptions, params=params) def diff(self, bugdir, subscriptions, params): if params['repo'] == None: if bugdir.storage.versioned == False: raise libbe.command.UserError( 'This repository is not revision-controlled.') if params['revision'] == None: # get the most recent revision params['revision'] = bugdir.storage.revision_id(-1) old_bd = libbe.bugdir.RevisionedBugDir(bugdir, params['revision']) else: old_storage = libbe.storage.get_storage(params['repo']) old_storage.connect() old_bd_current = libbe.bugdir.BugDir(old_storage, from_disk=True) if params['revision'] == None: # use the current working state old_bd = old_bd_current else: if old_bd_current.storage.versioned == False: raise libbe.command.UserError( '{} is not revision-controlled.'.format( bugdir.storage.repo)) old_bd = libbe.bugdir.RevisionedBugDir(old_bd_current,revision) d = libbe.diff.Diff(old_bd, bugdir) tree = d.report_tree(subscriptions) if params['uuids'] == True: uuids = [] bugs = tree.child_by_path('/bugs') for bug_type in bugs: uuids.extend([bug.name for bug in bug_type]) print >> self.stdout, '\n'.join(uuids) else : rep = tree.report_string() if rep != None: print >> self.stdout, rep return 0 def _long_help(self): return """ Uses the storage backend to compare the current tree with a previous tree, and prints a pretty report. If REVISION is given, it is a specifier for the particular previous tree to use. Specifiers are specific to their storage backend. For Arch your specifier must be a fully-qualified revision name. Besides the standard summary output, you can use the options to output UUIDS for the different categories. This output can be used as the input to 'be show' to get an understanding of the current status. """