import bugdir import plugin import os import optparse import utility def unique_name(bug, bugs): chars = 1 for some_bug in bugs: if bug.uuid == some_bug.uuid: continue while (bug.uuid[:chars] == some_bug.uuid[:chars]): chars+=1 return bug.uuid[:chars] class UserError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self, msg) class UserErrorWrap(UserError): def __init__(self, exception): UserError.__init__(self, str(exception)) self.exception = exception def get_bug(spec, bug_dir=None): matches = [] try: if bug_dir is None: bug_dir = bugdir.tree_root('.') except bugdir.NoBugDir, e: raise UserErrorWrap(e) bugs = list(bug_dir.list()) for bug in bugs: if bug.uuid.startswith(spec): matches.append(bug) if len(matches) > 1: raise UserError("More than one bug matches %s. Please be more" " specific." % spec) if len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] matches = [] if len(matches) == 0: raise UserError("No bug matches %s" % spec) return matches[0] def bug_summary(bug, bugs, no_target=False): target = if target is None or no_target: target = "" else: target = " Target: %s" % target if bug.assigned is None: assigned = "" else: assigned = " Assigned: %s" % bug.assigned return "ID: %s Severity: %s%s%s Creator: %s \n%s\n" % \ (unique_name(bug, bugs), bug.severity, assigned, target, bug.creator, bug.summary) def iter_commands(): for name, module in plugin.iter_plugins("becommands"): yield name.replace("_", "-"), module def get_command(command_name): """Retrieves the module for a user command >>> get_command("asdf") Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? File "/home/abentley/be/libbe/", line 60, in get_command raise UserError("Unknown command %s" % command_name) UserError: Unknown command asdf >>> repr(get_command("list")).startswith(">> bug_tree() is not None True >>> bug_tree("/") Traceback (most recent call last): UserErrorWrap: The directory "/" has no bug directory. """ if dir is None: dir = os.getcwd() try: return bugdir.tree_root(dir) except bugdir.NoBugDir, e: raise UserErrorWrap(e) def _test(): import doctest import sys doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()