# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc. # Gianluca Montecchi # Oleg Romanyshyn # W. Trevor King # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """ Define assorted utilities to make command-line handling easier. """ import glob import optparse import os from textwrap import TextWrapper from StringIO import StringIO import sys import libbe import bugdir import comment import plugin import encoding if libbe.TESTING == True: import doctest class UserError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self, msg) class UnknownCommand(UserError): def __init__(self, cmd): Exception.__init__(self, "Unknown command '%s'" % cmd) self.cmd = cmd class UsageError(Exception): pass class GetHelp(Exception): pass class GetCompletions(Exception): def __init__(self, completions=[]): msg = "Get allowed completions" Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.completions = completions def iter_commands(): for name, module in plugin.iter_plugins("becommands"): yield name.replace("_", "-"), module def get_command(command_name): """Retrieves the module for a user command >>> try: ... get_command("asdf") ... except UnknownCommand, e: ... print e Unknown command 'asdf' >>> repr(get_command("list")).startswith(" 0: max_pos_arg = max(bugid_args.keys()) else: max_pos_arg = -1 for pos,value in enumerate(args): if value == "--complete": filter = None if pos in bugid_args: filter = bugid_args[pos] if pos > max_pos_arg and -1 in bugid_args: filter = bugid_args[-1] if filter != None: bugshortnames = [] try: bd = bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True, manipulate_encodings=False) bd.load_all_bugs() bugs = [bug for bug in bd if filter(bug) == True] bugshortnames = [bd.bug_shortname(bug) for bug in bugs] except bugdir.NoBugDir: pass raise GetCompletions(bugshortnames) raise GetCompletions() def complete_path(path): """List possible path completions for path.""" comps = glob.glob(path+"*") + glob.glob(path+"/*") if len(comps) == 1 and os.path.isdir(comps[0]): comps.extend(glob.glob(comps[0]+"/*")) return comps def underlined(instring): """Produces a version of a string that is underlined with '=' >>> underlined("Underlined String") 'Underlined String\\n=================' """ return "%s\n%s" % (instring, "="*len(instring)) def restrict_file_access(bugdir, path): """ Check that the file at path is inside bugdir.root. This is important if you allow other users to execute becommands with your username (e.g. if you're running be-handle-mail through your ~/.procmailrc). If this check wasn't made, a user could e.g. run be commit -b ~/.ssh/id_rsa "Hack to expose ssh key" which would expose your ssh key to anyone who could read the VCS log. """ in_root = bugdir.vcs.path_in_root(path, bugdir.root) if in_root == False: raise UserError('file access restricted!\n %s not in %s' % (path, bugdir.root)) def parse_id(id): """ Return (bug_id, comment_id) tuple. Basically inverts Comment.comment_shortnames() >>> parse_id('XYZ') ('XYZ', None) >>> parse_id('XYZ:123') ('XYZ', ':123') >>> parse_id('') Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserError: invalid id ''. >>> parse_id('::') Traceback (most recent call last): ... UserError: invalid id '::'. """ if len(id) == 0: raise UserError("invalid id '%s'." % id) if id.count(':') > 1: raise UserError("invalid id '%s'." % id) elif id.count(':') == 1: # Split shortname generated by Comment.comment_shortnames() bug_id,comment_id = id.split(':') comment_id = ':'+comment_id else: bug_id = id comment_id = None return (bug_id, comment_id) def bug_from_id(bdir, id): """ Exception translation for the command-line interface. id can be either the bug shortname or the full uuid. """ try: bug = bdir.bug_from_shortname(id) except (bugdir.MultipleBugMatches, bugdir.NoBugMatches), e: raise UserError(e.message) return bug def bug_comment_from_id(bdir, id): """ Return (bug,comment) tuple matching shortname. id can be either the bug/comment shortname or the full uuid. If there is no comment part to the id, the returned comment is the bug's .comment_root. """ bug_id,comment_id = parse_id(id) try: bug = bdir.bug_from_shortname(bug_id) except (bugdir.MultipleBugMatches, bugdir.NoBugMatches), e: raise UserError(e.message) if comment_id == None: comm = bug.comment_root else: #bug.load_comments(load_full=False) try: comm = bug.comment_root.comment_from_shortname(comment_id) except comment.InvalidShortname, e: raise UserError(e.message) return (bug, comm) if libbe.TESTING == True: suite = doctest.DocTestSuite()