# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc. # Alexander Belchenko # Chris Ball # Oleg Romanyshyn # W. Trevor King # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import copy import errno import os import os.path import sys import time import unittest import doctest from properties import Property, doc_property, local_property, \ defaulting_property, checked_property, fn_checked_property, \ cached_property, primed_property, change_hook_property, \ settings_property import settings_object import mapfile import bug import rcs import encoding import utility class NoBugDir(Exception): def __init__(self, path): msg = "The directory \"%s\" has no bug directory." % path Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.path = path class NoRootEntry(Exception): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path Exception.__init__(self, "Specified root does not exist: %s" % path) class AlreadyInitialized(Exception): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path Exception.__init__(self, "Specified root is already initialized: %s" % path) class MultipleBugMatches(ValueError): def __init__(self, shortname, matches): msg = ("More than one bug matches %s. " "Please be more specific.\n%s" % (shortname, matches)) ValueError.__init__(self, msg) self.shortname = shortname self.matches = matches class NoBugMatches(KeyError): def __init__(self, shortname): msg = "No bug matches %s" % shortname KeyError.__init__(self, msg) self.shortname = shortname class DiskAccessRequired (Exception): def __init__(self, goal): msg = "Cannot %s without accessing the disk" % goal Exception.__init__(self, msg) TREE_VERSION_STRING = "Bugs Everywhere Tree 1 0\n" class BugDir (list, settings_object.SavedSettingsObject): """ Sink to existing root ====================== Consider the following usage case: You have a bug directory rooted in /path/to/source by which I mean the '.be' directory is at /path/to/source/.be However, you're of in some subdirectory like /path/to/source/GUI/testing and you want to comment on a bug. Setting sink_to_root=True wen you initialize your BugDir will cause it to search for the '.be' file in the ancestors of the path you passed in as 'root'. /path/to/source/GUI/testing/.be miss /path/to/source/GUI/.be miss /path/to/source/.be hit! So it still roots itself appropriately without much work for you. File-system access ================== BugDirs live completely in memory when .sync_with_disk is False. This is the default configuration setup by BugDir(from_disk=False). If .sync_with_disk == True (e.g. BugDir(from_disk=True)), then any changes to the BugDir will be immediately written to disk. If you want to change .sync_with_disk, we suggest you use .set_sync_with_disk(), which propogates the new setting through to all bugs/comments/etc. that have been loaded into memory. If you've been living in memory and want to move to .sync_with_disk==True, but you're not sure if anything has been changed in memory, a call to save() immediately before the .set_sync_with_disk(True) call is a safe move. Regardless of .sync_with_disk, a call to .save() will write out all the contents that the BugDir instance has loaded into memory. If sync_with_disk has been True over the course of all interesting changes, this .save() call will be a waste of time. The BugDir will only load information from the file system when it loads new settings/bugs/comments that it doesn't already have in memory and .sync_with_disk == True. Allow RCS initialization ======================== This one is for testing purposes. Setting it to True allows the BugDir to search for an installed RCS backend and initialize it in the root directory. This is a convenience option for supporting tests of versioning functionality (e.g. .duplicate_bugdir). Disable encoding manipulation ============================= This one is for testing purposed. You might have non-ASCII Unicode in your bugs, comments, files, etc. BugDir instances try and support your preferred encoding scheme (e.g. "utf-8") when dealing with stream and file input/output. For stream output, this involves replacing sys.stdout and sys.stderr (libbe.encode.set_IO_stream_encodings). However this messes up doctest's output catching. In order to support doctest tests using BugDirs, set manipulate_encodings=False, and stick to ASCII in your tests. """ settings_properties = [] required_saved_properties = [] _prop_save_settings = settings_object.prop_save_settings _prop_load_settings = settings_object.prop_load_settings def _versioned_property(settings_properties=settings_properties, required_saved_properties=required_saved_properties, **kwargs): if "settings_properties" not in kwargs: kwargs["settings_properties"] = settings_properties if "required_saved_properties" not in kwargs: kwargs["required_saved_properties"]=required_saved_properties return settings_object.versioned_property(**kwargs) @_versioned_property(name="target", doc="The current project development target.") def target(): return {} def _guess_encoding(self): return encoding.get_encoding() def _check_encoding(value): if value != None: return encoding.known_encoding(value) def _setup_encoding(self, new_encoding): # change hook called before generator. if new_encoding not in [None, settings_object.EMPTY]: if self._manipulate_encodings == True: encoding.set_IO_stream_encodings(new_encoding) def _set_encoding(self, old_encoding, new_encoding): self._setup_encoding(new_encoding) self._prop_save_settings(old_encoding, new_encoding) @_versioned_property(name="encoding", doc="""The default input/output encoding to use (e.g. "utf-8").""", change_hook=_set_encoding, generator=_guess_encoding, check_fn=_check_encoding) def encoding(): return {} def _setup_user_id(self, user_id): self.rcs.user_id = user_id def _guess_user_id(self): return self.rcs.get_user_id() def _set_user_id(self, old_user_id, new_user_id): self._setup_user_id(new_user_id) self._prop_save_settings(old_user_id, new_user_id) @_versioned_property(name="user_id", doc= """The user's prefered name, e.g. 'John Doe '. Note that the Arch RCS backend *enforces* ids with this format.""", change_hook=_set_user_id, generator=_guess_user_id) def user_id(): return {} @_versioned_property(name="default_assignee", doc= """The default assignee for new bugs e.g. 'John Doe '.""") def default_assignee(): return {} @_versioned_property(name="rcs_name", doc="""The name of the current RCS. Kept seperate to make saving/loading settings easy. Don't set this attribute. Set .rcs instead, and .rcs_name will be automatically adjusted.""", default="None", allowed=["None", "Arch", "bzr", "darcs", "git", "hg"]) def rcs_name(): return {} def _get_rcs(self, rcs_name=None): """Get and root a new revision control system""" if rcs_name == None: rcs_name = self.rcs_name new_rcs = rcs.rcs_by_name(rcs_name) self._change_rcs(None, new_rcs) return new_rcs def _change_rcs(self, old_rcs, new_rcs): new_rcs.encoding = self.encoding new_rcs.root(self.root) self.rcs_name = new_rcs.name @Property @change_hook_property(hook=_change_rcs) @cached_property(generator=_get_rcs) @local_property("rcs") @doc_property(doc="A revision control system instance.") def rcs(): return {} def _bug_map_gen(self): map = {} for bug in self: map[bug.uuid] = bug for uuid in self.list_uuids(): if uuid not in map: map[uuid] = None self._bug_map_value = map # ._bug_map_value used by @local_property def _extra_strings_check_fn(value): return utility.iterable_full_of_strings(value, \ alternative=settings_object.EMPTY) def _extra_strings_change_hook(self, old, new): self.extra_strings.sort() # to make merging easier self._prop_save_settings(old, new) @_versioned_property(name="extra_strings", doc="Space for an array of extra strings. Useful for storing state for functionality implemented purely in becommands/.py.", default=[], check_fn=_extra_strings_check_fn, change_hook=_extra_strings_change_hook, mutable=True) def extra_strings(): return {} @Property @primed_property(primer=_bug_map_gen) @local_property("bug_map") @doc_property(doc="A dict of (bug-uuid, bug-instance) pairs.") def _bug_map(): return {} def _setup_severities(self, severities): if severities not in [None, settings_object.EMPTY]: bug.load_severities(severities) def _set_severities(self, old_severities, new_severities): self._setup_severities(new_severities) self._prop_save_settings(old_severities, new_severities) @_versioned_property(name="severities", doc="The allowed bug severities and their descriptions.", change_hook=_set_severities) def severities(): return {} def _setup_status(self, active_status, inactive_status): bug.load_status(active_status, inactive_status) def _set_active_status(self, old_active_status, new_active_status): self._setup_status(new_active_status, self.inactive_status) self._prop_save_settings(old_active_status, new_active_status) @_versioned_property(name="active_status", doc="The allowed active bug states and their descriptions.", change_hook=_set_active_status) def active_status(): return {} def _set_inactive_status(self, old_inactive_status, new_inactive_status): self._setup_status(self.active_status, new_inactive_status) self._prop_save_settings(old_inactive_status, new_inactive_status) @_versioned_property(name="inactive_status", doc="The allowed inactive bug states and their descriptions.", change_hook=_set_inactive_status) def inactive_status(): return {} def __init__(self, root=None, sink_to_existing_root=True, assert_new_BugDir=False, allow_rcs_init=False, manipulate_encodings=True, from_disk=False, rcs=None): list.__init__(self) settings_object.SavedSettingsObject.__init__(self) self._manipulate_encodings = manipulate_encodings if root == None: root = os.getcwd() if sink_to_existing_root == True: self.root = self._find_root(root) else: if not os.path.exists(root): raise NoRootEntry(root) self.root = root # get a temporary rcs until we've loaded settings self.sync_with_disk = False self.rcs = self._guess_rcs() if from_disk == True: self.sync_with_disk = True self.load() else: self.sync_with_disk = False if assert_new_BugDir == True: if os.path.exists(self.get_path()): raise AlreadyInitialized, self.get_path() if rcs == None: rcs = self._guess_rcs(allow_rcs_init) self.rcs = rcs self._setup_user_id(self.user_id) def __del__(self): self.cleanup() def cleanup(self): self.rcs.cleanup() # methods for getting the BugDir situated in the filesystem def _find_root(self, path): """ Search for an existing bug database dir and it's ancestors and return a BugDir rooted there. Only called by __init__, and then only if sink_to_existing_root == True. """ if not os.path.exists(path): raise NoRootEntry(path) versionfile=utility.search_parent_directories(path, os.path.join(".be", "version")) if versionfile != None: beroot = os.path.dirname(versionfile) root = os.path.dirname(beroot) return root else: beroot = utility.search_parent_directories(path, ".be") if beroot == None: raise NoBugDir(path) return beroot def _guess_rcs(self, allow_rcs_init=False): """ Only called by __init__. """ deepdir = self.get_path() if not os.path.exists(deepdir): deepdir = os.path.dirname(deepdir) new_rcs = rcs.detect_rcs(deepdir) install = False if new_rcs.name == "None": if allow_rcs_init == True: new_rcs = rcs.installed_rcs() new_rcs.init(self.root) return new_rcs # methods for saving/loading/accessing settings and properties. def get_path(self, *args): """ Return a path relative to .root. """ my_dir = os.path.join(self.root, ".be") if len(args) == 0: return my_dir assert args[0] in ["version", "settings", "bugs"], str(args) return os.path.join(my_dir, *args) def _get_settings(self, settings_path, for_duplicate_bugdir=False): allow_no_rcs = not self.rcs.path_in_root(settings_path) if allow_no_rcs == True: assert for_duplicate_bugdir == True if self.sync_with_disk == False and for_duplicate_bugdir == False: # duplicates can ignore this bugdir's .sync_with_disk status raise DiskAccessRequired("_get settings") try: settings = mapfile.map_load(self.rcs, settings_path, allow_no_rcs) except rcs.NoSuchFile: settings = {"rcs_name": "None"} return settings def _save_settings(self, settings_path, settings, for_duplicate_bugdir=False): allow_no_rcs = not self.rcs.path_in_root(settings_path) if allow_no_rcs == True: assert for_duplicate_bugdir == True if self.sync_with_disk == False and for_duplicate_bugdir == False: # duplicates can ignore this bugdir's .sync_with_disk status raise DiskAccessRequired("_save settings") self.rcs.mkdir(self.get_path(), allow_no_rcs) mapfile.map_save(self.rcs, settings_path, settings, allow_no_rcs) def load_settings(self): self.settings = self._get_settings(self.get_path("settings")) self._setup_saved_settings() self._setup_user_id(self.user_id) self._setup_encoding(self.encoding) self._setup_severities(self.severities) self._setup_status(self.active_status, self.inactive_status) self.rcs = rcs.rcs_by_name(self.rcs_name) self._setup_user_id(self.user_id) def save_settings(self): settings = self._get_saved_settings() self._save_settings(self.get_path("settings"), settings) def get_version(self, path=None, use_none_rcs=False): """ Requires disk access. """ if self.sync_with_disk == False: raise DiskAccessRequired("get version") if use_none_rcs == True: RCS = rcs.rcs_by_name("None") RCS.root(self.root) RCS.encoding = encoding.get_encoding() else: RCS = self.rcs if path == None: path = self.get_path("version") tree_version = RCS.get_file_contents(path) return tree_version def set_version(self): """ Requires disk access. """ if self.sync_with_disk == False: raise DiskAccessRequired("set version") self.rcs.mkdir(self.get_path()) self.rcs.set_file_contents(self.get_path("version"), TREE_VERSION_STRING) # methods controlling disk access def set_sync_with_disk(self, value): """ Adjust .sync_with_disk for the BugDir and all it's children. See the BugDir docstring for a description of the role of .sync_with_disk. """ self.sync_with_disk = value for bug in self: bug.set_sync_with_disk(value) def load(self): """ Reqires disk access """ version = self.get_version(use_none_rcs=True) if version != TREE_VERSION_STRING: raise NotImplementedError, \ "BugDir cannot handle version '%s' yet." % version else: if not os.path.exists(self.get_path()): raise NoBugDir(self.get_path()) self.load_settings() def load_all_bugs(self): """ Requires disk access. Warning: this could take a while. """ if self.sync_with_disk == False: raise DiskAccessRequired("load all bugs") self._clear_bugs() for uuid in self.list_uuids(): self._load_bug(uuid) def save(self): """ Note that this command writes to disk _regardless_ of the status of .sync_with_disk. Save any loaded contents to disk. Because of lazy loading of bugs and comments, this is actually not too inefficient. However, if .sync_with_disk = True, then any changes are automatically written to disk as soon as they happen, so calling this method will just waste time (unless something else has been messing with your on-disk files). Requires disk access. """ sync_with_disk = self.sync_with_disk if sync_with_disk == False: self.set_sync_with_disk(True) self.set_version() self.save_settings() for bug in self: bug.save() if sync_with_disk == False: self.set_sync_with_disk(sync_with_disk) # methods for managing duplicate BugDirs def duplicate_bugdir(self, revision): duplicate_path = self.rcs.duplicate_repo(revision) # setup revision RCS as None, since the duplicate may not be # initialized for versioning duplicate_settings_path = os.path.join(duplicate_path, ".be", "settings") duplicate_settings = self._get_settings(duplicate_settings_path, for_duplicate_bugdir=True) if "rcs_name" in duplicate_settings: duplicate_settings["rcs_name"] = "None" duplicate_settings["user_id"] = self.user_id if "disabled" in bug.status_values: # Hack to support old versions of BE bugs duplicate_settings["inactive_status"] = self.inactive_status self._save_settings(duplicate_settings_path, duplicate_settings, for_duplicate_bugdir=True) return BugDir(duplicate_path, from_disk=True, manipulate_encodings=self._manipulate_encodings) def remove_duplicate_bugdir(self): self.rcs.remove_duplicate_repo() # methods for managing bugs def list_uuids(self): uuids = [] if self.sync_with_disk == True and os.path.exists(self.get_path()): # list the uuids on disk if os.path.exists(self.get_path("bugs")): for uuid in os.listdir(self.get_path("bugs")): if not (uuid.startswith('.')): uuids.append(uuid) yield uuid # and the ones that are still just in memory for bug in self: if bug.uuid not in uuids: uuids.append(bug.uuid) yield bug.uuid def _clear_bugs(self): while len(self) > 0: self.pop() self._bug_map_gen() def _load_bug(self, uuid): if self.sync_with_disk == False: raise DiskAccessRequired("_load bug") bg = bug.Bug(bugdir=self, uuid=uuid, from_disk=True) self.append(bg) self._bug_map_gen() return bg def new_bug(self, uuid=None, summary=None): bg = bug.Bug(bugdir=self, uuid=uuid, summary=summary) bg.set_sync_with_disk(self.sync_with_disk) if bg.sync_with_disk == True: bg.save() self.append(bg) self._bug_map_gen() return bg def remove_bug(self, bug): self.remove(bug) if bug.sync_with_disk == True: bug.remove() def bug_shortname(self, bug): """ Generate short names from uuids. Picks the minimum number of characters (>=3) from the beginning of the uuid such that the short names are unique. Obviously, as the number of bugs in the database grows, these short names will cease to be unique. The complete uuid should be used for long term reference. """ chars = 3 for uuid in self._bug_map.keys(): if bug.uuid == uuid: continue while (bug.uuid[:chars] == uuid[:chars]): chars+=1 return bug.uuid[:chars] def bug_from_shortname(self, shortname): """ >>> bd = SimpleBugDir(sync_with_disk=False) >>> bug_a = bd.bug_from_shortname('a') >>> print type(bug_a) >>> print bug_a a:om: Bug A >>> bd.cleanup() """ matches = [] self._bug_map_gen() for uuid in self._bug_map.keys(): if uuid.startswith(shortname): matches.append(uuid) if len(matches) > 1: raise MultipleBugMatches(shortname, matches) if len(matches) == 1: return self.bug_from_uuid(matches[0]) raise NoBugMatches(shortname) def bug_from_uuid(self, uuid): if not self.has_bug(uuid): raise KeyError("No bug matches %s\n bug map: %s\n root: %s" \ % (uuid, self._bug_map, self.root)) if self._bug_map[uuid] == None: self._load_bug(uuid) return self._bug_map[uuid] def has_bug(self, bug_uuid): if bug_uuid not in self._bug_map: self._bug_map_gen() if bug_uuid not in self._bug_map: return False return True class SimpleBugDir (BugDir): """ For testing. Set sync_with_disk==False for a memory-only bugdir. >>> bugdir = SimpleBugDir() >>> uuids = list(bugdir.list_uuids()) >>> uuids.sort() >>> print uuids ['a', 'b'] >>> bugdir.cleanup() """ def __init__(self, sync_with_disk=True): if sync_with_disk == True: dir = utility.Dir() assert os.path.exists(dir.path) root = dir.path assert_new_BugDir = True rcs_init = True else: root = "/" assert_new_BugDir = False rcs_init = False BugDir.__init__(self, root, sink_to_existing_root=False, assert_new_BugDir=assert_new_BugDir, allow_rcs_init=rcs_init, manipulate_encodings=False) if sync_with_disk == True: # postpone cleanup since dir.__del__() removes dir. self._dir_ref = dir bug_a = self.new_bug("a", summary="Bug A") bug_a.creator = "John Doe " bug_a.time = 0 bug_b = self.new_bug("b", summary="Bug B") bug_b.creator = "Jane Doe " bug_b.time = 0 bug_b.status = "closed" if sync_with_disk == True: self.save() self.set_sync_with_disk(True) def cleanup(self): if hasattr(self, "_dir_ref"): self._dir_ref.cleanup() BugDir.cleanup(self) class BugDirTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dir = utility.Dir() self.bugdir = BugDir(self.dir.path, sink_to_existing_root=False, allow_rcs_init=True) self.rcs = self.bugdir.rcs def tearDown(self): self.bugdir.cleanup() self.dir.cleanup() def fullPath(self, path): return os.path.join(self.dir.path, path) def assertPathExists(self, path): fullpath = self.fullPath(path) self.failUnless(os.path.exists(fullpath)==True, "path %s does not exist" % fullpath) self.assertRaises(AlreadyInitialized, BugDir, self.dir.path, assertNewBugDir=True) def versionTest(self): if self.rcs.versioned == False: return original = self.bugdir.rcs.commit("Began versioning") bugA = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a") bugA.status = "fixed" self.bugdir.save() new = self.rcs.commit("Fixed bug a") dupdir = self.bugdir.duplicate_bugdir(original) self.failUnless(dupdir.root != self.bugdir.root, "%s, %s" % (dupdir.root, self.bugdir.root)) bugAorig = dupdir.bug_from_uuid("a") self.failUnless(bugA != bugAorig, "\n%s\n%s" % (bugA.string(), bugAorig.string())) bugAorig.status = "fixed" self.failUnless(bug.cmp_status(bugA, bugAorig)==0, "%s, %s" % (bugA.status, bugAorig.status)) self.failUnless(bug.cmp_severity(bugA, bugAorig)==0, "%s, %s" % (bugA.severity, bugAorig.severity)) self.failUnless(bug.cmp_assigned(bugA, bugAorig)==0, "%s, %s" % (bugA.assigned, bugAorig.assigned)) self.failUnless(bug.cmp_time(bugA, bugAorig)==0, "%s, %s" % (bugA.time, bugAorig.time)) self.failUnless(bug.cmp_creator(bugA, bugAorig)==0, "%s, %s" % (bugA.creator, bugAorig.creator)) self.failUnless(bugA == bugAorig, "\n%s\n%s" % (bugA.string(), bugAorig.string())) self.bugdir.remove_duplicate_bugdir() self.failUnless(os.path.exists(dupdir.root)==False, str(dupdir.root)) def testRun(self): self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="a", summary="Ant") self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="b", summary="Cockroach") self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="c", summary="Praying mantis") length = len(self.bugdir) self.failUnless(length == 3, "%d != 3 bugs" % length) uuids = list(self.bugdir.list_uuids()) self.failUnless(len(uuids) == 3, "%d != 3 uuids" % len(uuids)) self.failUnless(uuids == ["a","b","c"], str(uuids)) bugA = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a") bugAprime = self.bugdir.bug_from_shortname("a") self.failUnless(bugA == bugAprime, "%s != %s" % (bugA, bugAprime)) self.bugdir.save() self.versionTest() def testComments(self, sync_with_disk=False): if sync_with_disk == True: self.bugdir.set_sync_with_disk(True) self.bugdir.new_bug(uuid="a", summary="Ant") bug = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a") comm = bug.comment_root rep = comm.new_reply("Ants are small.") rep.new_reply("And they have six legs.") if sync_with_disk == False: self.bugdir.save() self.bugdir.set_sync_with_disk(True) self.bugdir._clear_bugs() bug = self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid("a") bug.load_comments() if sync_with_disk == False: self.bugdir.set_sync_with_disk(False) self.failUnless(len(bug.comment_root)==1, len(bug.comment_root)) for index,comment in enumerate(bug.comments()): if index == 0: repLoaded = comment self.failUnless(repLoaded.uuid == rep.uuid, repLoaded.uuid) self.failUnless(comment.sync_with_disk == sync_with_disk, comment.sync_with_disk) self.failUnless(comment.content_type == "text/plain", comment.content_type) self.failUnless(repLoaded.settings["Content-type"]=="text/plain", repLoaded.settings) self.failUnless(repLoaded.body == "Ants are small.", repLoaded.body) elif index == 1: self.failUnless(comment.in_reply_to == repLoaded.uuid, repLoaded.uuid) self.failUnless(comment.body == "And they have six legs.", comment.body) else: self.failIf(True, "Invalid comment: %d\n%s" % (index, comment)) def testSyncedComments(self): self.testComments(sync_with_disk=True) class SimpleBugDirTestCase (unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): # create a pre-existing bugdir in a temporary directory self.dir = utility.Dir() self.original_working_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.dir.path) self.bugdir = BugDir(self.dir.path, sink_to_existing_root=False, allow_rcs_init=True) self.bugdir.new_bug("preexisting", summary="Hopefully not imported") self.bugdir.save() def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.original_working_dir) self.bugdir.cleanup() self.dir.cleanup() def testOnDiskCleanLoad(self): """SimpleBugDir(sync_with_disk==True) should not import preexisting bugs.""" bugdir = SimpleBugDir(sync_with_disk=True) self.failUnless(bugdir.sync_with_disk==True, bugdir.sync_with_disk) uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir]) self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids) bugdir._clear_bugs() uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir]) self.failUnless(uuids == [], uuids) bugdir.load_all_bugs() uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir]) self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids) bugdir.cleanup() def testInMemoryCleanLoad(self): """SimpleBugDir(sync_with_disk==False) should not import preexisting bugs.""" bugdir = SimpleBugDir(sync_with_disk=False) self.failUnless(bugdir.sync_with_disk==False, bugdir.sync_with_disk) uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir]) self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids) self.failUnlessRaises(DiskAccessRequired, bugdir.load_all_bugs) uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir]) self.failUnless(uuids == ['a', 'b'], uuids) bugdir._clear_bugs() uuids = sorted([bug.uuid for bug in bugdir]) self.failUnless(uuids == [], uuids) bugdir.cleanup() unitsuite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__]) suite = unittest.TestSuite([unitsuite, doctest.DocTestSuite()])