# Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc. # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import os.path import errno import time import doctest from beuuid import uuid_gen import mapfile import comment import utility ### Define and describe valid bug categories # Use a tuple of (category, description) tuples since we don't have # ordered dicts in Python yet http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0372/ # in order of increasing severity severity_level_def = ( ("wishlist","A feature that could improve usefullness, but not a bug."), ("minor","The standard bug level."), ("serious","A bug that requires workarounds."), ("critical","A bug that prevents some features from working at all."), ("fatal","A bug that makes the package unusable.")) # in order of increasing resolution # roughly following http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.2/en/html/lifecycle.html active_status_def = ( ("unconfirmed","A possible bug which lacks independent existance confirmation."), ("open","A working bug that has not been assigned to a developer."), ("assigned","A working bug that has been assigned to a developer."), ("test","The code has been adjusted, but the fix is still being tested.")) inactive_status_def = ( ("closed", "The bug is no longer relevant."), ("fixed", "The bug should no longer occur."), ("wontfix","It's not a bug, it's a feature."), ("disabled", "?")) ### Convert the description tuples to more useful formats severity_values = tuple([val for val,description in severity_level_def]) severity_description = dict(severity_level_def) severity_index = {} for i in range(len(severity_values)): severity_index[severity_values[i]] = i active_status_values = tuple(val for val,description in active_status_def) inactive_status_values = tuple(val for val,description in inactive_status_def) status_values = active_status_values + inactive_status_values status_description = dict(active_status_def+inactive_status_def) status_index = {} for i in range(len(status_values)): status_index[status_values[i]] = i def checked_property(name, valid): """ Provide access to an attribute name, testing for valid values. """ def getter(self): value = getattr(self, "_"+name) if value not in valid: raise InvalidValue(name, value) return value def setter(self, value): if value not in valid: raise InvalidValue(name, value) return setattr(self, "_"+name, value) return property(getter, setter) class Bug(object): severity = checked_property("severity", severity_values) status = checked_property("status", status_values) def _get_active(self): return self.status in active_status_values active = property(_get_active) def __init__(self, bugdir=None, uuid=None, from_disk=False, load_comments=False, summary=None): self.bugdir = bugdir if bugdir != None: self.rcs = bugdir.rcs else: self.rcs = None if from_disk == True: self._comments_loaded = False self.uuid = uuid self.load(load_comments=load_comments) else: # Note: defaults should match those in Bug.load() self._comments_loaded = True if uuid != None: self.uuid = uuid else: self.uuid = uuid_gen() self.summary = summary if self.rcs != None: self.creator = self.rcs.get_user_id() else: self.creator = None self.target = None self.status = "open" self.severity = "minor" self.assigned = None self.time = int(time.time()) # only save to second precision self.comment_root = comment.Comment(self, uuid=comment.INVALID_UUID) def __repr__(self): return "Bug(uuid=%r)" % self.uuid def string(self, shortlist=False, show_comments=False): if self.bugdir == None: shortname = self.uuid else: shortname = self.bugdir.bug_shortname(self) if shortlist == False: if self.time == None: timestring = "" else: htime = utility.handy_time(self.time) ftime = utility.time_to_str(self.time) timestring = "%s (%s)" % (htime, ftime) info = [("ID", self.uuid), ("Short name", shortname), ("Severity", self.severity), ("Status", self.status), ("Assigned", self.assigned), ("Target", self.target), ("Creator", self.creator), ("Created", timestring)] newinfo = [] for k,v in info: if v == None: newinfo.append((k,"")) else: newinfo.append((k,v)) info = newinfo longest_key_len = max([len(k) for k,v in info]) infolines = [" %*s : %s\n" %(longest_key_len,k,v) for k,v in info] bugout = "".join(infolines) + "%s" % self.summary.rstrip('\n') else: statuschar = self.status[0] severitychar = self.severity[0] chars = "%c%c" % (statuschar, severitychar) bugout = "%s:%s: %s" % (shortname, chars, self.summary.rstrip('\n')) if show_comments == True: if self._comments_loaded == False: self.load_comments() comout = self.comment_root.string_thread(auto_name_map=True, bug_shortname=shortname) output = bugout + '\n' + comout.rstrip('\n') else : output = bugout return output def __str__(self): return self.string(shortlist=True) def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp_full(self, other) def get_path(self, name=None): my_dir = os.path.join(self.bugdir.get_path("bugs"), self.uuid) if name is None: return my_dir assert name in ["values", "comments"] return os.path.join(my_dir, name) def load(self, load_comments=False): map = mapfile.map_load(self.rcs, self.get_path("values")) self.summary = map.get("summary") self.creator = map.get("creator") self.target = map.get("target") self.status = map.get("status", "open") self.severity = map.get("severity", "minor") self.assigned = map.get("assigned") self.time = map.get("time") if self.time is not None: self.time = utility.str_to_time(self.time) if load_comments == True: self.load_comments() def load_comments(self): self.comment_root = comment.loadComments(self) self._comments_loaded = True def comments(self): if self._comments_loaded == False: self.load_comments() for comment in self.comment_root.traverse(): yield comment def _add_attr(self, map, name): value = getattr(self, name) if value is not None: map[name] = value def save(self): assert self.summary != None, "Can't save blank bug" map = {} self._add_attr(map, "assigned") self._add_attr(map, "summary") self._add_attr(map, "creator") self._add_attr(map, "target") self._add_attr(map, "status") self._add_attr(map, "severity") if self.time is not None: map["time"] = utility.time_to_str(self.time) self.rcs.mkdir(self.get_path()) path = self.get_path("values") mapfile.map_save(self.rcs, path, map) if self._comments_loaded: if len(self.comment_root) > 0: self.rcs.mkdir(self.get_path("comments")) comment.saveComments(self) def remove(self): self.load_comments() self.comment_root.remove() path = self.get_path() self.rcs.recursive_remove(path) def new_comment(self, body=None): comm = comment.comment_root.new_reply(body=body) return comm def comment_from_shortname(self, shortname, *args, **kwargs): return self.comment_root.comment_from_shortname(shortname, *args, **kwargs) def comment_from_uuid(self, uuid): return self.comment_root.comment_from_uuid(uuid) # the general rule for bug sorting is that "more important" bugs are # less than "less important" bugs. This way sorting a list of bugs # will put the most important bugs first in the list. When relative # importance is unclear, the sorting follows some arbitrary convention # (i.e. dictionary order). def cmp_severity(bug_1, bug_2): """ Compare the severity levels of two bugs, with more severe bugs comparing as less. >>> bugA = Bug() >>> bugB = Bug() >>> bugA.severity = bugB.severity = "wishlist" >>> cmp_severity(bugA, bugB) == 0 True >>> bugB.severity = "minor" >>> cmp_severity(bugA, bugB) > 0 True >>> bugA.severity = "critical" >>> cmp_severity(bugA, bugB) < 0 True """ if not hasattr(bug_2, "severity") : return 1 return -cmp(severity_index[bug_1.severity], severity_index[bug_2.severity]) def cmp_status(bug_1, bug_2): """ Compare the status levels of two bugs, with more 'open' bugs comparing as less. >>> bugA = Bug() >>> bugB = Bug() >>> bugA.status = bugB.status = "open" >>> cmp_status(bugA, bugB) == 0 True >>> bugB.status = "closed" >>> cmp_status(bugA, bugB) < 0 True >>> bugA.status = "fixed" >>> cmp_status(bugA, bugB) > 0 True """ if not hasattr(bug_2, "status") : return 1 val_2 = status_index[bug_2.status] return cmp(status_index[bug_1.status], status_index[bug_2.status]) def cmp_attr(bug_1, bug_2, attr, invert=False): """ Compare a general attribute between two bugs using the conventional comparison rule for that attribute type. If invert == True, sort *against* that convention. >>> attr="severity" >>> bugA = Bug() >>> bugB = Bug() >>> bugA.severity = "critical" >>> bugB.severity = "wishlist" >>> cmp_attr(bugA, bugB, attr) < 0 True >>> cmp_attr(bugA, bugB, attr, invert=True) > 0 True >>> bugB.severity = "critical" >>> cmp_attr(bugA, bugB, attr) == 0 True """ if not hasattr(bug_2, attr) : return 1 if invert == True : return -cmp(getattr(bug_1, attr), getattr(bug_2, attr)) else : return cmp(getattr(bug_1, attr), getattr(bug_2, attr)) # alphabetical rankings (a < z) cmp_creator = lambda bug_1, bug_2 : cmp_attr(bug_1, bug_2, "creator") cmp_assigned = lambda bug_1, bug_2 : cmp_attr(bug_1, bug_2, "assigned") # chronological rankings (newer < older) cmp_time = lambda bug_1, bug_2 : cmp_attr(bug_1, bug_2, "time", invert=True) def cmp_full(bug_1, bug_2, cmp_list=(cmp_status,cmp_severity,cmp_assigned, cmp_time,cmp_creator)): for comparison in cmp_list : val = comparison(bug_1, bug_2) if val != 0 : return val return 0 class InvalidValue(ValueError): def __init__(self, name, value): msg = "Cannot assign value %s to %s" % (value, name) Exception.__init__(self, msg) self.name = name self.value = value suite = doctest.DocTestSuite()