#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Chris Ball # Gianluca Montecchi # W. Trevor King # # This file is part of Bugs Everywhere. # # Bugs Everywhere is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # Bugs Everywhere is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Bugs Everywhere. If not, see . """ Python module and command line tool for sending pgp/mime email. Mostly uses subprocess to call gpg and a sendmail-compatible mailer. If you lack gpg, either don't use the encryption functions or adjust the pgp_* commands. You may need to adjust the sendmail command to point to whichever sendmail-compatible mailer you have on your system. """ from io import StringIO import os import re #import GnuPGInterface # Maybe should use this instead of subprocess import smtplib import subprocess import sys import tempfile import types try: from email import Message from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.encoders import encode_7or8bit from email.generator import Generator from email.parser import Parser from email.utils import getaddress except ImportError: # adjust to old python 2.4 from email import Message from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMENonMultipart import MIMENonMultipart from email.Encoders import encode_7or8bit from email.Generator import Generator from email.Parser import Parser from email.Utils import getaddresses getaddress = getaddresses class MIMEApplication (MIMENonMultipart): def __init__(self, _data, _subtype, _encoder, **params): MIMENonMultipart.__init__(self, 'application', _subtype, **params) self.set_payload(_data) _encoder(self) usage="""usage: %prog [options] Scriptable PGP MIME email using gpg. You can use gpg-agent for passphrase caching if your key requires a passphrase (it better!). Example usage would be to install gpg-agent, and then run export GPG_TTY=`tty` eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) in your shell before invoking this script. See gpg-agent(1) for more details. Alternatively, you can send your passphrase in on stdin echo 'passphrase' | %prog [options] or use the --passphrase-file option %prog [options] --passphrase-file FILE [more options] Both of these alternatives are much less secure than gpg-agent. You have been warned. """ verboseInvoke = False PGP_SIGN_AS = None PASSPHRASE = None # The following commands are adapted from my .mutt/pgp configuration # # Printf-like sequences: # %a The value of PGP_SIGN_AS. # %f Expands to the name of a file with text to be signed/encrypted. # %p Expands to the passphrase argument. # %R A string with some number (0 on up) of pgp_reciepient_arg # strings. # %r One key ID (e.g. recipient email address) to build a # pgp_reciepient_arg string. # # The above sequences can be used to optionally print a string if # their length is nonzero. For example, you may only want to pass the # -u/--local-user argument to gpg if PGP_SIGN_AS is defined. To # optionally print a string based upon one of the above sequences, the # following construct is used # %??? # where sequence_char is a character from the table above, and # optional_string is the string you would like printed if status_char # is nonzero. optional_string may contain other sequence as well as # normal text, but it may not contain any question marks. # # see http://codesorcery.net/old/mutt/mutt-gnupg-howto # http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-6.html#pgp_autosign # http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Mutt-GnuPG-PGP-HOWTO-8.html # for more details pgp_recipient_arg='-r "%r"' pgp_stdin_passphrase_arg='--passphrase-fd 0' pgp_sign_command='/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --quiet --batch %p --output - --detach-sign --armor --textmode %?a?-u "%a"? %f' pgp_encrypt_only_command='/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --quiet --batch --output - --encrypt --armor --textmode --always-trust --encrypt-to "%a" %R -- %f' pgp_encrypt_sign_command='/usr/bin/gpg --no-verbose --quiet --batch %p --output - --encrypt --sign %?a?-u "%a"? --armor --textmode --always-trust --encrypt-to "%a" %R -- %f' sendmail='/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' def mail(msg, sendmail=None): """ Send an email Message instance on its merry way. We can shell out to the user specified sendmail in case the local host doesn't have an SMTP server set up for easy smtplib usage. """ if sendmail is not None: execute(sendmail, stdin=flatten(msg)) return None s = smtplib.SMTP() s.connect() s.sendmail(from_addr=source_email(msg), to_addrs=target_emails(msg), msg=flatten(msg)) s.close() def header_from_text(text, encoding="us-ascii"): """ Simple wrapper for instantiating an email.Message from text. >>> header = header_from_text('\\n'.join(['From: me@big.edu','To: you@big.edu','Subject: testing'])) >>> print(flatten(header)) From: me@big.edu To: you@big.edu Subject: testing """ text = text.strip() if type(text) == str: text = text.encode(encoding) # assume StringType arguments are already encoded p = Parser() return p.parsestr(text, headersonly=True) def guess_encoding(text): if type(text) == bytes: encoding = "us-ascii" elif type(text) == str: for encoding in ["us-ascii", "iso-8859-1", "utf-8"]: try: text.encode(encoding) except UnicodeError: pass else: break assert encoding is not None return encoding def encodedMIMEText(body, encoding=None): if encoding is None: encoding = guess_encoding(body) if encoding == "us-ascii": return MIMEText(body) else: # Create the message ('plain' stands for Content-Type: text/plain) return MIMEText(body.encode(encoding), 'plain', encoding) def append_text(text_part, new_text): original_payload = text_part.get_payload(decode=True) new_payload = "%s%s" % (original_payload, new_text) new_encoding = guess_encoding(new_payload) text_part.set_payload(new_payload.encode(new_encoding), new_encoding) def attach_root(header, root_part): """ Attach the email.Message root_part to the email.Message header without generating a multi-part message. """ for k,v in list(header.items()): root_part[k] = v return root_part def execute(args, stdin=None, expect=(0,)): """ Execute a command (allows us to drive gpg). """ if verboseInvoke == True: print('$ '+args, file=sys.stderr) try: p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, close_fds=True) except OSError as e: strerror = '%s\nwhile executing %s' % (e.args[1], args) raise Exception(strerror) output, error = p.communicate(input=stdin) status = p.wait() if verboseInvoke == True: print('(status: %d)\n%s%s' % (status, output, error), file=sys.stderr) if status not in expect: strerror = '%s\nwhile executing %s\n%s\n%d' % (args[1], args, error, status) raise Exception(strerror) return status, output, error def replace(template, format_char, replacement_text): """ >>> replace('--textmode %?a?-u %a? %f', 'f', 'file.in') '--textmode %?a?-u %a? file.in' >>> replace('--textmode %?a?-u %a? %f', 'a', '0xHEXKEY') '--textmode -u 0xHEXKEY %f' >>> replace('--textmode %?a?-u %a? %f', 'a', '') '--textmode %f' """ if replacement_text is None: replacement_text = "" regexp = re.compile('%[?]'+format_char+'[?]([^?]*)[?]') if len(replacement_text) > 0: str = regexp.sub('\g<1>', template) else: str = regexp.sub('', template) regexp = re.compile('%'+format_char) str = regexp.sub(replacement_text, str) return str def flatten(msg, to_unicode=False): """ Produce flat text output from an email Message instance. """ assert msg is not None fp = StringIO() g = Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False) g.flatten(msg) text = fp.getvalue() if to_unicode == True: encoding = msg.get_content_charset() or "utf-8" text = str(text, encoding=encoding) return text def source_email(msg, return_realname=False): """ Search the header of an email Message instance to find the sender's email address. """ froms = msg.get_all('from', []) from_tuples = getaddresses(froms) # [(realname, email_address), ...] assert len(from_tuples) == 1 if return_realname == True: return from_tuples[0] # (realname, email_address) return from_tuples[0][1] # email_address def target_emails(msg): """ Search the header of an email Message instance to find a list of recipient's email addresses. """ tos = msg.get_all('to', []) ccs = msg.get_all('cc', []) bccs = msg.get_all('bcc', []) resent_tos = msg.get_all('resent-to', []) resent_ccs = msg.get_all('resent-cc', []) resent_bccs = msg.get_all('resent-bcc', []) all_recipients = getaddresses(tos + ccs + bccs + resent_tos + resent_ccs + resent_bccs) return [addr[1] for addr in all_recipients] class PGPMimeMessageFactory (object): """ See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3156.txt for specification details. >>> from_addr = "me@big.edu" >>> to_addr = "you@you.edu" >>> header = header_from_text('\\n'.join(['From: %s'%from_addr,'To: %s'%to_addr,'Subject: testing'])) >>> source_email(header) == from_addr True >>> target_emails(header) == [to_addr] True >>> m = PGPMimeMessageFactory('check 1 2\\ncheck 1 2\\n') >>> print(flatten(m.clearBodyPart())) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline check 1 2 check 1 2 >>> print(flatten(m.plain())) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit check 1 2 check 1 2 >>> signed = m.sign(header) >>> signed.set_boundary('boundsep') >>> print(flatten(signed).replace('\\t', ' '*4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE) Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline --boundsep Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline check 1 2 check 1 2 --boundsep MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: signature Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"; charset="us-ascii" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- ... -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --boundsep-- >>> encrypted = m.encrypt(header) >>> encrypted.set_boundary('boundsep') >>> print(flatten(encrypted).replace('\\t', ' '*4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE) Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline --boundsep Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Version: 1 --boundsep MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset="us-ascii" -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- ... -----END PGP MESSAGE----- --boundsep-- >>> signedAndEncrypted = m.signAndEncrypt(header) >>> signedAndEncrypted.set_boundary('boundsep') >>> print(flatten(signedAndEncrypted).replace('\\t', ' '*4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE) Content-Type: multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted"; micalg="pgp-sha1"; boundary="boundsep" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline --boundsep Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Version: 1 --boundsep MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset="us-ascii" -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- ... -----END PGP MESSAGE----- --boundsep-- """ def __init__(self, body): self.body = body def clearBodyPart(self): body = encodedMIMEText(self.body) body.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'inline') return body def passphrase_arg(self, passphrase=None): if passphrase is None and PASSPHRASE is not None: passphrase = PASSPHRASE if passphrase is None: return (None,'') return (passphrase, pgp_stdin_passphrase_arg) def plain(self): """ text/plain """ return encodedMIMEText(self.body) def sign(self, header, passphrase=None): """ multipart/signed +-> text/plain (body) +-> application/pgp-signature (signature) """ passphrase,pass_arg = self.passphrase_arg(passphrase) body = self.clearBodyPart() bfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() bfile.write(flatten(body)) bfile.flush() args = replace(pgp_sign_command, 'f', bfile.name) if PGP_SIGN_AS is None: pgp_sign_as = '<%s>' % source_email(header) else: pgp_sign_as = PGP_SIGN_AS args = replace(args, 'a', pgp_sign_as) args = replace(args, 'p', pass_arg) status,output,error = execute(args, stdin=passphrase) signature = output sig = MIMEApplication(_data=signature, _subtype='pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"', _encoder=encode_7or8bit) sig['Content-Description'] = 'signature' sig.set_charset('us-ascii') msg = MIMEMultipart('signed', micalg='pgp-sha1', protocol='application/pgp-signature') msg.attach(body) msg.attach(sig) msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline' return msg def encrypt(self, header, passphrase=None): """ multipart/encrypted +-> application/pgp-encrypted (control information) +-> application/octet-stream (body) """ body = self.clearBodyPart() bfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() bfile.write(flatten(body)) bfile.flush() recipients = [replace(pgp_recipient_arg, 'r', recipient) for recipient in target_emails(header)] recipient_string = ' '.join(recipients) args = replace(pgp_encrypt_only_command, 'R', recipient_string) args = replace(args, 'f', bfile.name) if PGP_SIGN_AS is None: pgp_sign_as = '<%s>' % source_email(header) else: pgp_sign_as = PGP_SIGN_AS args = replace(args, 'a', pgp_sign_as) status,output,error = execute(args) encrypted = output enc = MIMEApplication(_data=encrypted, _subtype='octet-stream', _encoder=encode_7or8bit) enc.set_charset('us-ascii') control = MIMEApplication(_data='Version: 1\n', _subtype='pgp-encrypted', _encoder=encode_7or8bit) msg = MIMEMultipart('encrypted', micalg='pgp-sha1', protocol='application/pgp-encrypted') msg.attach(control) msg.attach(enc) msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline' return msg def signAndEncrypt(self, header, passphrase=None): """ multipart/encrypted +-> application/pgp-encrypted (control information) +-> application/octet-stream (body) """ passphrase,pass_arg = self.passphrase_arg(passphrase) body = self.sign(header, passphrase) body.__delitem__('Bcc') bfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() bfile.write(flatten(body)) bfile.flush() recipients = [replace(pgp_recipient_arg, 'r', recipient) for recipient in target_emails(header)] recipient_string = ' '.join(recipients) args = replace(pgp_encrypt_only_command, 'R', recipient_string) args = replace(args, 'f', bfile.name) if PGP_SIGN_AS is None: pgp_sign_as = '<%s>' % source_email(header) else: pgp_sign_as = PGP_SIGN_AS args = replace(args, 'a', pgp_sign_as) args = replace(args, 'p', pass_arg) status,output,error = execute(args, stdin=passphrase) encrypted = output enc = MIMEApplication(_data=encrypted, _subtype='octet-stream', _encoder=encode_7or8bit) enc.set_charset('us-ascii') control = MIMEApplication(_data='Version: 1\n', _subtype='pgp-encrypted', _encoder=encode_7or8bit) msg = MIMEMultipart('encrypted', micalg='pgp-sha1', protocol='application/pgp-encrypted') msg.attach(control) msg.attach(enc) msg['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline' return msg def test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='test', action='store_true', help='Run doctests and exit') parser.add_option('-H', '--header-file', dest='header_filename', help='file containing email header', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option('-B', '--body-file', dest='body_filename', help='file containing email body', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option('-P', '--passphrase-file', dest='passphrase_file', help='file containing gpg passphrase', metavar='FILE') parser.add_option('-p', '--passphrase-fd', dest='passphrase_fd', help='file descriptor from which to read gpg passphrase (0 for stdin)', type="int", metavar='DESCRIPTOR') parser.add_option('--mode', dest='mode', default='sign', help="One of 'sign', 'encrypt', 'sign-encrypt', or 'plain'. Defaults to %default.", metavar='MODE') parser.add_option('-a', '--sign-as', dest='sign_as', help="The gpg key to sign with (gpg's -u/--local-user)", metavar='KEY') parser.add_option('--output', dest='output', action='store_true', help="Don't mail the generated message, print it to stdout instead.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() stdin_used = False if options.passphrase_file is not None: PASSPHRASE = file(options.passphrase_file, 'r').read() elif options.passphrase_fd is not None: if options.passphrase_fd == 0: stdin_used = True PASSPHRASE = sys.stdin.read() else: PASSPHRASE = os.read(options.passphrase_fd) if options.sign_as: PGP_SIGN_AS = options.sign_as if options.test == True: test() sys.exit(0) header = None if options.header_filename is not None: if options.header_filename == '-': assert stdin_used == False stdin_used = True header = sys.stdin.read() else: header = file(options.header_filename, 'r').read() if header is None: raise Exception("missing header") headermsg = header_from_text(header) body = None if options.body_filename is not None: if options.body_filename == '-': assert stdin_used == False stdin_used = True body = sys.stdin.read() else: body = file(options.body_filename, 'r').read() if body is None: raise Exception("missing body") m = PGPMimeMessageFactory(body) if options.mode == "sign": bodymsg = m.sign(header) elif options.mode == "encrypt": bodymsg = m.encrypt(header) elif options.mode == "sign-encrypt": bodymsg = m.signAndEncrypt(header) elif options.mode == "plain": bodymsg = m.plain() else: raise Exception("unrecognized mode '%s'" % options.mode) message = attach_root(headermsg, bodymsg) if options.output == True: message = flatten(message) print(message) else: mail(message, sendmail)