#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """Provide and email interface to the distributed bugtracker Bugs Everywhere. Recieves incoming email via procmail and allows users to select actions with their subject lines. Subject lines follow the format [be-bug] command (options) (args) With the body of the email being used as the final argument for the commands "new" and "comment", and ignored otherwise. The options and arguments are split on whitespace, so don't use whitespace inside a single argument. """ import codecs import cStringIO as StringIO import email from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart import email.utils import libbe.cmdutil, libbe.encoding, libbe.utility import os import os.path import re import send_pgp_mime import sys import time import traceback SUBJECT_TAG = "[be-bug]" HANDLER_ADDRESS = "BE Bugs " _THIS_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) BE_DIR = _THIS_DIR LOGPATH = os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, "be-handle-mail.log") LOGFILE = None libbe.encoding.ENCODING = "utf-8" # force default encoding ENCODING = libbe.encoding.get_encoding() ALLOWED_COMMANDS = ["new", "comment", "list", "show", "help"] class InvalidEmail (ValueError): def __init__(self, msg, message): ValueError.__init__(self, message) self.msg = msg def response(self): header = self.msg.response_header body = [u"Error processing email:\n", self.response_body(), u""] response_generator = \ send_pgp_mime.PGPMimeMessageFactory(u"\n".join(body)) response = MIMEMultipart() response.attach(response_generator.plain()) response.attach(self.msg.msg) ret = send_pgp_mime.attach_root(header, response) return ret def response_body(self): err_text = [u"Invalid email:\n", unicode(self)] return u"\n".join(err_text) class InvalidSubject (InvalidEmail): def __init__(self, msg, message=None): if message == None: message = "Invalid subject" InvalidEmail.__init__(self, msg, message) def response_body(self): err_text = u"\n".join([unicode(self), u"", u"full subject was:", self.msg.subject()]) return err_text class InvalidEmailCommand (InvalidSubject): def __init__(self, msg, message=None): if message == None: message = "Invalid command '%s'" % msg.subject_command() InvalidSubject.__init__(self, msg, message) class InvalidExecutionCommand (InvalidEmail): def __init__(self, msg, command, message=None): if message == None: message = "Invalid execution command '%s'" % command InvalidEmail.__init__(self, msg, message) self.command = command class InvalidOption (InvalidExecutionCommand): def __init__(self, msg, option, message=None): if message == None: message = "Invalid option '%s' to command '%s'" % (option, command) InvalidCommand.__init__(self, msg, info, command, message) self.option = option class ID (object): """ Sometimes you want to reference the output of a command that hasn't been executed yet. ID is there for situations like > a = Command(msg, "new", ["create a bug"]) > b = Command(msg, "comment", [ID(a), "and comment on it"]) """ def __init__(self, command): self.command = command def extract_id(self): assert self.command.ret == 0, self.command.ret if self.command.command == "new": regexp = re.compile("Created bug with ID (.*)") else: raise NotImplementedError, self.command.command match = regexp.match(self.command.stdout) assert len(match.groups()) == 1, str(match.groups()) return match.group(1) class Command (object): """ A becommands command wrapper. Doesn't validate input, so do that before initializing. Initialize with Command(msg, command, args=None, stdin=None) where msg: the Message instance prompting this command command: name of becommand to execute, e.g. "new" args: list of arguments to pass to the command stdin: if non-null, a string to pipe into the command's stdin """ def __init__(self, msg, command, args=None, stdin=None): self.msg = msg self.command = command if args == None: self.args = [] else: self.args = args self.stdin = stdin self.ret = None self.stdout = None self.stderr = None self.err = None def __str__(self): return "" % (self.command, " ".join(self.args)) def normalize_args(self): """ Expand any ID placeholders in self.args. """ for i,arg in enumerate(self.args): if isinstance(arg, ID): self.args[i] = arg.extract_id() def run(self): """ Attempt to execute the command whose info is given in the dictionary info. Returns the exit code, stdout, and stderr produced by the command. """ assert self.ret == None, "running %s twice!" % str(self) self.normalize_args() # set stdin and catch stdout and stderr if self.stdin != None: new_stdin = StringIO.StringIO(self.stdin) orig___stdin = sys.__stdin__ sys.__stdin__ = new_stdin orig_stdin = sys.stdin sys.stdin = new_stdin new_stdout = codecs.getwriter(ENCODING)(StringIO.StringIO()) new_stderr = codecs.getwriter(ENCODING)(StringIO.StringIO()) orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = new_stdout sys.stderr = new_stderr # run the command os.chdir(BE_DIR) try: self.ret = libbe.cmdutil.execute(self.command, self.args, manipulate_encodings=False) except libbe.cmdutil.GetHelp: print libbe.cmdutil.help(command) except libbe.cmdutil.GetCompletions: self.err = InvalidOption(self.msg, self.command, "--complete") except libbe.cmdutil.UsageError, e: self.err = InvalidCommand(self.msg, self.command, e) except libbe.cmdutil.UserError, e: self.err = InvalidCommand(self.msg, self.command, e) # restore stdin, stdout, and stderr if self.stdin != None: sys.__stdin__ = new_stdin sys.__stdin__ = orig___stdin sys.stdin = orig_stdin sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout = orig_stdout sys.stderr = orig_stderr self.stdout = codecs.decode(new_stdout.getvalue(), ENCODING) self.stderr = codecs.decode(new_stderr.getvalue(), ENCODING) if self.err != None: raise self.err return (self.ret, self.stdout, self.stderr) def response_msg(self): response_body = [u"Results of running: (exit code %d)" % self.ret, u" %s %s" % (self.command, u" ".join(self.args))] if self.stdout != None and len(self.stdout) > 0: response_body.extend([u"", u"stdout:", u"", self.stdout]) if self.stderr != None and len(self.stderr) > 0: response_body.extend([u"", u"stderr:", u"", self.stderr]) response_body.append(u"") # trailing endline response_generator = \ send_pgp_mime.PGPMimeMessageFactory(u"\n".join(response_body)) return response_generator.plain() class Message (object): def __init__(self, email_text): self.text = email_text p=email.Parser.Parser() self.msg=p.parsestr(self.text) if LOGFILE != None: LOGFILE.write("handling %s\n" % self.author_addr()) LOGFILE.write("\n%s\n\n" % self.text) def author_tuple(self): """ Extract and normalize the sender's email address. Returns a (name, email) tuple. """ if not hasattr(self, "author_tuple_cache"): self.author_tuple_cache = \ send_pgp_mime.source_email(self.msg, return_realname=True) return self.author_tuple_cache def author_addr(self): return email.utils.formataddr(self.author_tuple()) def author_name(self): return self.author_tuple()[0] def author_email(self): return self.author_tuple()[1] def default_msg_attribute_access(self, attr_name, default=None): if attr_name in self.msg: return self.msg[attr_name] return default def message_id(self, default=None): return self.default_msg_attribute_access("message-id", default=default) def subject(self): if "subject" not in self.msg: raise InvalidSubject(self, "Email must contain a subject") return self.msg["subject"] def _split_subject(self): """ Returns (tag, command, arg), with missing values replaced by None. """ if hasattr(self, "_split_subject_cache"): return self._split_subject_cache args = self.subject().split() if len(args) < 1: self._split_subject_cache = (None, None, None) elif len(args) < 2: self._split_subject_cache = (args[0], None, None) elif len(args) > 2: self._split_subject_cache = (args[0], args[1], tuple(args[2:])) else: self._split_subject_cache = (args[0], args[1], tuple()) return self._split_subject_cache def validate_subject(self): """ Validate the subject line as best we can without attempting command execution. """ tag,command,args = self._split_subject() if tag != SUBJECT_TAG: raise InvalidSubject( self, "Subject must start with '%s '" % SUBJECT_TAG) elif command == None: # don't accept blank commands raise InvalidEmailCommand(self) if command not in ALLOWED_COMMANDS: raise InvalidEmailCommand(self) def subject_command(self): tag,command,args = self._split_subject() return command def subject_args(self): tag,command,args = self._split_subject() return args def _get_bodies_and_mime_types(self): """ Traverse the email message returning (body, mime_type) for each non-mulitpart portion of the message. """ for part in self.msg.walk(): if part.is_multipart(): continue body,mime_type = (part.get_payload(decode=1), part.get_content_type()) yield (body, mime_type) def parse(self): """ Parse the commands given in the email. Raises assorted subclasses of InvalidEmail in the case of invalid messages, otherwise returns a list of suggested commands to run. """ self.validate_subject() tag,command,arg_tuple = self._split_subject() args = list(arg_tuple) commands = [] if command == "new": body,mime_type = list(self._get_bodies_and_mime_types())[0] lines = body.strip().split("\n", 1) summary = lines[0] if "--reporter" not in args and "-r" not in args: args = ["--reporter", self.author_addr()]+args args.append(summary) commands.append(Command(self, command, args)) if len(lines) == 2: comment = lines[1] args = ["--author", self.author_addr(), "--alt-id", self.message_id(), "--content-type", mime_type] args.append(ID(commands[0])) args.append("-") commands.append(Command(self, "comment", args, stdin=comment)) elif command == "comment": if "--author" not in args and "-a" not in args: args = ["--author", self.author_addr()] + args if "--alt-id" not in args: args = ["--alt-id", self.message_id()] + args body,mime_type = list(self._get_bodies_and_mime_types())[0] if "--content-type" not in args and "-c" not in args: args = ["--content-type", mime_type] + args args.append("-") commands.append(Command(self, command, args, stdin=body)) else: commands.append(Command(self, command, args)) return commands def run(self): self._begin_response() commands = self.parse() for command in commands: command.run() self._add_response(command.response_msg()) def _begin_response(self): tag,command,args = self._split_subject() if args == None: args = [] response_header = [u"From: %s" % HANDLER_ADDRESS, u"To: %s" % self.author_addr(), u"Date: %s" % libbe.utility.time_to_str(time.time()), u"Subject: %s Re: %s %s"%(SUBJECT_TAG, command, u"\n".join(args)), ] if self.message_id() != None: response_header.append(u"In-reply-to: %s" % self.message_id()) self.response_header = \ send_pgp_mime.header_from_text(text=u"\n".join(response_header)) self._response_messages = [] def _add_response(self, response_message): self._response_messages.append(response_message) def response_email(self): assert len(self._response_messages) > 0 if len(self._response_messages) == 1: ret = send_pgp_mime.attach_root(self.response_header, self._response_messages[0]) else: ret = MIMEMultipart() for message in self._response_messages: ret.attach(message) return ret def open_logfile(logpath=None): """ If logpath=None, default to global LOGPATH. Special logpath strings: "-" set LOGFILE to sys.stderr "none" disable logging Relative logpaths are expanded relative to _THIS_DIR """ global LOGPATH, LOGFILE if logpath != None: if logpath == "-": LOGPATH = "stderr" LOGFILE = sys.stderr elif logpath == "none": LOGPATH = "none" LOGFILE = None elif os.path.isabs(logpath): LOGPATH = logpath else: LOGPATH = os.path.join(_THIS_DIR, logpath) if LOGFILE == None and LOGPATH != "none": LOGFILE = codecs.open(LOGPATH, "a+", ENCODING) LOGFILE.write("Default encoding: %s\n" % ENCODING) def close_logfile(): if LOGFILE != None and LOGPATH not in ["stderr", "none"]: LOGFILE.close() def main(): from optparse import OptionParser usage="be-handle-mail [options]\n\n%s" % (__doc__) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='output', action='store_true', help="Don't mail the generated message, print it to stdout instead. Useful for testing be-handle-mail functionality without the whole mail transfer agent and procmail setup.") parser.add_option('-l', '--logfile', dest='logfile', metavar='LOGFILE', help='Set the logfile to LOGFILE. Relative paths are relative to the location of this be-handle-mail file (%s). The special value of "-" directs the log output to stderr, and "none" disables logging.' % _THIS_DIR) options,args = parser.parse_args() msg_text = sys.stdin.read() libbe.encoding.set_IO_stream_encodings(ENCODING) # _after_ reading message open_logfile(options.logfile) if len(msg_text.strip()) == 0: # blank email!? if LOGFILE != None: LOGFILE.write("Blank email!") close_logfile() sys.exit(1) try: m = Message(msg_text) m.run() except InvalidEmail, e: response = e.response() except Exception, e: if LOGFILE != None: LOGFILE.write("Uncaught exception:\n%s\n" % (e,)) traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_traceback, file=LOGFILE) close_logfile() sys.exit(1) else: response = m.response_email() if options.output == True: print send_pgp_mime.flatten(response, to_unicode=True) else: send_pgp_mime.mail(response, send_pgp_mime.sendmail) close_logfile() if __name__ == "__main__": main()