== be == ---------------------------------------------- distributed bug tracking from the command line ---------------------------------------------- :Author: wking@drexel.edu :Date: 2012-02-25 :Copyright: Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. :Version: 0.3 :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: distributed bug tracker SYNOPSIS ======== be [options] [command] [command_options] [commands_args...] DESCRIPTION =========== ``be`` allows commandline interaction with the Bugs Everywhere database in a project tree. To avoid bit-rotted documentation, we do not describe all available commands and options in this manpage. Run ``be help`` for accurate documentation. See the Bugs Everywhere Manual (http://docs.bugseverywhere.org/) for more detailed documentation and tutorials. COMMANDS ======== help Print help for ``be`` and a list of all available commands. Run ``be help`` for a complete list. EXAMPLES ======== be help Show general help and a list of all commands. be help init Show help for the ``init`` command. be init Initialize a new Bugs Everywhere database. BUGS ==== The Bugs Everywhere uses Bugs Everywhere to track its bugs. You can submit bugs directly using ``be``:: $ be --repo http://bugs.bugseverywhere.org/ new "The demuxulizer is broken" Created bug with ID bea/abc $ be --repo http://bugs.bugseverywhere.org/ comment bea/abc $ be --repo http://bugs.bugseverywhere.org/ commit "Reported bug in demuxulizer" Or send an email to the mailing list at `be-devel@bugseverywhere.org`_. .. _be-devel@bugseverywhere.org: http://void.printf.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/be-devel