************* Installing BE ************* Git repository ============== BE is available as a Git repository:: $ git clone git://gitorious.org/be/be.git be See the homepage_ for details. If you do branch the Git repo, you'll need to run:: $ make to build some auto-generated files (e.g. :mod:`libbe._version`), and:: $ make install to install BE. By default BE will install into your home directory, but you can tweak the ``PREFIX`` variable in ``Makefile`` to install to another location. .. _homepage: http://bugseverywhere.org/ Release tarballs ================ For those not interested in the cutting edge, or those who don't want to worry about installing Git, we'll post release tarballs somewhere (once we actually make a release). After you've downloaded the release tarball, unpack it with:: $ tar -xzvf be-.tar.gz And install it with::: $ cd be- $ make install Distribution packages ===================== Some distributions (Debian_ , Ubuntu_ , others?) package BE. If you're running one of those distributions, you can install the package with your regular package manager. For Debian, Ubuntu, and related distros, that's:: $ apt-get install bugs-everywhere .. _Debian: http://packages.debian.org/sid/bugs-everywhere .. _Ubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/bugs-everywhere