************* Installing BE ************* Distribution packages ===================== Some distributions (Debian_ , Ubuntu_ , others?) package BE. If you're running one of those distributions, you can install the package with your regular package manager. For Debian, Ubuntu, and related distros, that's:: $ apt-get install bugs-everywhere However, the official packages can lag behind current development. If you're running Gentoo_, I've got a live ebuild in my overlay_ that installs the current version of BE from the Git source. Michel Alexandre Salim maintains a Fedora_ package. .. _Debian: http://packages.debian.org/sid/bugs-everywhere .. _Ubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/bugs-everywhere .. _Gentoo: http://www.gentoo.org/ .. _overlay: http://blog.tremily.us/posts/Gentoo_overlay/ .. _Fedora: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/name/be Dependencies ============ If your distribution does not package BE, you'll have to install it yourself, along with its dependencies. Not all of these are strictly required. See `Minimal installs`_ for possible shortcuts. ============== ======================= ================ =========================== Package Role Debian_ Gentoo_ ============== ======================= ================ =========================== PyYAML_ serialized data storage python-yaml dev-python/pyyaml Jinja_ HTML templating python-jinja2 dev-python/jinja CherryPy_ serve repos over HTTPS python-cherrypy3 dev-python/cherrypy Sphinx_ see :doc:`doc` python-sphinx dev-python/sphinx numpydoc_ see :doc:`doc` dev-python/numpydoc [#npd]_ Docutils_ manpage generation python-docutils dev-python/docutils ============== ======================= ================ =========================== .. [#npd] In the science_ overlay. .. Debian has a stale ITP for python-numpydoc http://bugs.debian.org/631877 which caused BE to be dropped http://bugs.debian.org/609519 .. _PyYAML: http://pyyaml.org/ .. _Jinja: http://jinja.pocoo.org/ .. _CherryPy: http://cherrypy.org/ .. _Sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ .. _numpydoc: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpydoc .. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/ .. _science: http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/science Git repository ============== BE is available as a Git repository:: $ git clone git://gitorious.org/be/be.git be See the homepage_ for details. If you do branch the Git repo, you'll need to run:: $ make to build some auto-generated files (e.g. :py:mod:`libbe._version`), and:: $ make install to install BE. By default BE will install into your home directory, but you can tweak the ``INSTALL_OPTIONS`` variable in ``Makefile`` to install to another location. With the default installation, you may need to add ``~/.local/bin/`` to your ``PATH`` so that your shell can find the installed ``be`` script. Minimal installs ---------------- By default, ``make`` builds both a man page for ``be`` and the HTML Sphinx documentation (:doc:`doc`). You can customize the documentation targets (if, for example, you don't want to install Sphinx) by overriding_ the ``DOC`` variable. For example, to disable all documentation during a build/install, run:: $ make DOC= install Note that ``setup.py`` (called during ``make install``) will install the man page (``doc/man/be.1``) if it exists, so:: $ make $ make DOC= install *will* build (first ``make``) and install (second ``make``) the man page. Also note that there is no need to edit the ``Makefile`` to change any of its internal variables. You can `override them from the command line`__, as we did for ``DOC`` above. __ overriding_ Finally, if you want to do the absolute minimum required to install BE locally, you can skip the ``Makefile`` entirely, and just use ``setup.py`` directly:: $ python setup.py install See:: $ python setup.py install --help for a list of installation options. You will still need to install PyYAML. Jinja is only used by the ``html`` command, so feel free to skip Jinja if you don't mind avoiding that command. Similarly, CherryPy is only used for the ``serve-*`` commands. The other dependencies are only used for :doc:`building these docs `, so feel free to skip them and just use the docs wherever you're currently reading them. .. _homepage: http://bugseverywhere.org/ .. _overriding: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Overriding.html Release tarballs ================ For those not interested in the cutting edge, or those who don't want to worry about installing Git, we'll `post release tarballs`_ (once we actually make a release). After you've downloaded the release tarball, unpack it with:: $ tar -xzvf be-.tar.gz And install it with::: $ cd be- $ make install .. _post release tarballs: http://download.bugseverywhere.org/releases/