# Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. """(Un)subscribe to change notification""" from libbe import cmdutil, bugdir, tree, diff import os, copy __desc__ = __doc__ TAG="SUBSCRIBE:" def execute(args, manipulate_encodings=True, restrict_file_access=False): """ >>> bd = bugdir.SimpleBugDir() >>> bd.set_sync_with_disk(True) >>> os.chdir(bd.root) >>> a = bd.bug_from_shortname("a") >>> print a.extra_strings [] >>> execute(["-s","John Doe ", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for a: John Doe all * >>> bd._clear_bugs() # resync our copy of bug >>> a = bd.bug_from_shortname("a") >>> print a.extra_strings ['SUBSCRIBE:John Doe \\tall\\t*'] >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe ", "-S", "a.com,b.net", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for a: Jane Doe all a.com,b.net John Doe all * >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe ", "-S", "a.edu", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for a: Jane Doe all a.com,a.edu,b.net John Doe all * >>> execute(["-u", "-s","Jane Doe ", "-S", "a.com", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for a: Jane Doe all a.edu,b.net John Doe all * >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe ", "-S", "*", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for a: Jane Doe all * John Doe all * >>> execute(["-u", "-s","Jane Doe ", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for a: John Doe all * >>> execute(["-u", "-s","John Doe ", "a"], manipulate_encodings=False) >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe ", "-t", "new", "DIR"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for bug directory: Jane Doe new * >>> execute(["-s","Jane Doe ", "DIR"], manipulate_encodings=False) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Subscriptions for bug directory: Jane Doe all * >>> bd.cleanup() """ parser = get_parser() options, args = parser.parse_args(args) cmdutil.default_complete(options, args, parser, bugid_args={0: lambda bug : bug.active==True}) if len(args) > 1: help() raise cmdutil.UsageError("Too many arguments.") bd = bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True, manipulate_encodings=manipulate_encodings) subscriber = options.subscriber if subscriber == None: subscriber = bd.user_id if options.unsubscribe == True: if options.servers == None: options.servers = "INVALID" if options.types == None: options.types = "INVALID" else: if options.servers == None: options.servers = "*" if options.types == None: options.types = "all" servers = options.servers.split(",") types = options.types.split(",") if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == "DIR": # directory-wide subscriptions type_root = diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL entity = bd entity_name = "bug directory" else: # bug-specific subscriptions type_root = diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL bug = bd.bug_from_shortname(args[0]) entity = bug entity_name = bug.uuid if options.list_all == True: entity_name = "anything in the bug directory" types = [diff.type_from_name(name, type_root, default=diff.INVALID_TYPE, default_ok=options.unsubscribe) for name in types] estrs = entity.extra_strings if options.list == True or options.list_all == True: pass else: # alter subscriptions if options.unsubscribe == True: estrs = unsubscribe(estrs, subscriber, types, servers, type_root) else: # add the tag estrs = subscribe(estrs, subscriber, types, servers, type_root) entity.extra_strings = estrs # reassign to notice change if options.list_all == True: bd.load_all_bugs() subscriptions = get_bugdir_subscribers(bd, servers[0]) else: subscriptions = [] for estr in entity.extra_strings: if estr.startswith(TAG): subscriptions.append(estr[len(TAG):]) if len(subscriptions) > 0: print "Subscriptions for %s:" % entity_name print '\n'.join(subscriptions) def get_parser(): parser = cmdutil.CmdOptionParser("be subscribe ID") parser.add_option("-u", "--unsubscribe", action="store_true", dest="unsubscribe", default=False, help="Unsubscribe instead of subscribing.") parser.add_option("-a", "--list-all", action="store_true", dest="list_all", default=False, help="List all subscribers (no ID argument, read only action).") parser.add_option("-l", "--list", action="store_true", dest="list", default=False, help="List subscribers (read only action).") parser.add_option("-s", "--subscriber", dest="subscriber", metavar="SUBSCRIBER", help="Email address of the subscriber (defaults to bugdir.user_id).") parser.add_option("-S", "--servers", dest="servers", metavar="SERVERS", help="Servers from which you want notification.") parser.add_option("-t", "--type", dest="types", metavar="TYPES", help="Types of changes you wish to be notified about.") return parser longhelp=""" ID can be either a bug id, or blank/"DIR", in which case it refers to the whole bug directory. SERVERS specifies the servers from which you would like to receive notification. Multiple severs may be specified in a comma-separated list, or you can use "*" to match all servers (the default). If you have not selected a server, it should politely refrain from notifying you of changes, although there is no way to guarantee this behavior. Available TYPES: For bugs: %s For %s: %s For unsubscription, any listed SERVERS and TYPES are removed from your subscription. Either the catch-all server "*" or type "%s" will remove SUBSCRIBER entirely from the specified ID. This command is intended for use primarily by public interfaces, since if you're just hacking away on your private repository, you'll known what's changed ;). This command just (un)sets the appropriate subscriptions, and leaves it up to each interface to perform the notification. """ % (diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL.string_tree(6), diff.BUGDIR_ID, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL.string_tree(6), diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) def help(): return get_parser().help_str() + longhelp # internal helper functions def _generate_string(subscriber, types, servers): types = sorted([str(t) for t in types]) servers = sorted(servers) return "%s%s\t%s\t%s" % (TAG,subscriber,",".join(types),",".join(servers)) def _parse_string(string, type_root): assert string.startswith(TAG), string string = string[len(TAG):] subscriber,types,servers = string.split("\t") types = [diff.type_from_name(name, type_root) for name in types.split(",")] return (subscriber,types,servers.split(",")) def _get_subscriber(extra_strings, subscriber, type_root): for i,string in enumerate(extra_strings): if string.startswith(TAG): s,ts,srvs = _parse_string(string, type_root) if s == subscriber: return i,s,ts,srvs # match! return None # no match # functions exposed to other modules def subscribe(extra_strings, subscriber, types, servers, type_root): args = _get_subscriber(extra_strings, subscriber, type_root) if args == None: # no match extra_strings.append(_generate_string(subscriber, types, servers)) return extra_strings # Alter matched string i,s,ts,srvs = args for t in types: if t not in ts: ts.append(t) # remove descendant types all_ts = copy.copy(ts) for t in all_ts: for tt in all_ts: if tt in ts and t.has_descendant(tt): ts.remove(tt) if "*" in servers+srvs: srvs = ["*"] else: srvs = list(set(servers+srvs)) extra_strings[i] = _generate_string(subscriber, ts, srvs) return extra_strings def unsubscribe(extra_strings, subscriber, types, servers, type_root): args = _get_subscriber(extra_strings, subscriber, type_root) if args == None: # no match return extra_strings # pass # Remove matched string i,s,ts,srvs = args all_ts = copy.copy(ts) for t in types: for tt in all_ts: if tt in ts and t.has_descendant(tt): ts.remove(tt) if "*" in servers+srvs: srvs = [] else: for srv in servers: if srv in srvs: srvs.remove(srv) if len(ts) == 0 or len(srvs) == 0: extra_strings.pop(i) else: extra_strings[i] = _generate_string(subscriber, ts, srvs) return extra_strings def get_subscribers(extra_strings, type, server, type_root, match_ancestor_types=False, match_descendant_types=False): """ Set match_ancestor_types=True if you want to find eveyone who cares about your particular type. Set match_descendant_types=True if you want to find subscribers who may only care about some subset of your type. This is useful for generating lists of all the subscribers in a given set of extra_strings. >>> def sgs(*args, **kwargs): ... return sorted(get_subscribers(*args, **kwargs)) >>> es = [] >>> es = subscribe(es, "John Doe ", [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL], ... ["a.com"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) >>> es = subscribe(es, "Jane Doe ", [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW], ... ["*"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) ['John Doe '] >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, ... match_descendant_types=True) ['Jane Doe ', 'John Doe '] >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, "b.net", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, ... match_descendant_types=True) ['Jane Doe '] >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) ['Jane Doe '] >>> sgs(es, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW, "a.com", diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, ... match_ancestor_types=True) ['Jane Doe ', 'John Doe '] """ for string in extra_strings: if not string.startswith(TAG): continue subscriber,types,servers = _parse_string(string, type_root) type_match = False if type in types: type_match = True if type_match == False and match_ancestor_types == True: for t in types: if t.has_descendant(type): type_match = True break if type_match == False and match_descendant_types == True: for t in types: if type.has_descendant(t): type_match = True break server_match = False if server in servers or servers == ["*"] or server == "*": server_match = True if type_match == True and server_match == True: yield subscriber def get_bugdir_subscribers(bugdir, server): """ I have a bugdir. Who cares about it, and what do they care about? Returns a dict of dicts: subscribers[user][id] = types where id is either a bug.uuid (in the case of a bug subscription) or "DIR" (in the case of a bugdir subscription). Only checks bugs that are currently in memory, so you might want to call bugdir.load_all_bugs() first. >>> bd = bugdir.SimpleBugDir(sync_with_disk=False) >>> a = bd.bug_from_shortname("a") >>> bd.extra_strings = subscribe(bd.extra_strings, "John Doe ", ... [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL], ["a.com"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) >>> bd.extra_strings = subscribe(bd.extra_strings, "Jane Doe ", ... [diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_NEW], ["*"], diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) >>> a.extra_strings = subscribe(a.extra_strings, "John Doe ", ... [diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL], ["a.com"], diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL) >>> subscribers = get_bugdir_subscribers(bd, "a.com") >>> subscribers["Jane Doe "]["DIR"] [] >>> subscribers["John Doe "]["DIR"] [] >>> subscribers["John Doe "]["a"] [] >>> get_bugdir_subscribers(bd, "b.net") {'Jane Doe ': {'DIR': []}} >>> bd.cleanup() """ subscribers = {} for sub in get_subscribers(bugdir.extra_strings, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, server, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL, match_descendant_types=True): i,s,ts,srvs = _get_subscriber(bugdir.extra_strings, sub, diff.BUGDIR_TYPE_ALL) subscribers[sub] = {"DIR":ts} for bug in bugdir: for sub in get_subscribers(bug.extra_strings, diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL, server, diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL, match_descendant_types=True): i,s,ts,srvs = _get_subscriber(bug.extra_strings, sub, diff.BUG_TYPE_ALL) if sub in subscribers: subscribers[sub][bug.uuid] = ts else: subscribers[sub] = {bug.uuid:ts} return subscribers