# Copyright (C) 2005 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc. # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """List bugs""" from libbe import cmdutil, bugdir from libbe.bug import cmp_full, severity_values, status_values, \ active_status_values, inactive_status_values import os __desc__ = __doc__ def execute(args, test=False): """ >>> import os >>> bd = bugdir.simple_bug_dir() >>> os.chdir(bd.root) >>> execute([], test=True) a:om: Bug A >>> execute(["--status", "all"], test=True) a:om: Bug A b:cm: Bug B """ parser = get_parser() options, args = parser.parse_args(args) complete(options, args, parser) if len(args) > 0: raise cmdutil.UsageError("Too many arguments.") bd = bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True, manipulate_encodings=not test) bd.load_all_bugs() # select status if options.status != None: if options.status == "all": status = status_values else: status = options.status.split(',') else: status = [] if options.active == True: status.extend(list(active_status_values)) if options.unconfirmed == True: status.append("unconfirmed") if options.open == True: status.append("opened") if options.test == True: status.append("test") if status == []: # set the default value status = active_status_values # select severity if options.severity != None: if options.severity == "all": severity = severity_values else: severity = options.severity.split(',') else: severity = [] if options.wishlist == True: severity.extend("wishlist") if options.important == True: serious = severity_values.index("serious") severity.append(list(severity_values[serious:])) if severity == []: # set the default value severity = severity_values # select assigned if options.assigned != None: if options.assigned == "all": assigned = "all" else: assigned = options.assigned.split(',') else: assigned = [] if options.mine == True: assigned.extend('-') if assigned == []: # set the default value assigned = "all" for i in range(len(assigned)): if assigned[i] == '-': assigned[i] = bd.user_id # select target if options.target != None: if options.target == "all": target = "all" else: target = options.target.split(',') else: target = [] if options.cur_target == True: target.append(bd.target) if target == []: # set the default value target = "all" def filter(bug): if status != "all" and not bug.status in status: return False if severity != "all" and not bug.severity in severity: return False if assigned != "all" and not bug.assigned in assigned: return False if target != "all" and not bug.target in target: return False return True bugs = [b for b in bd if filter(b) ] if len(bugs) == 0: print "No matching bugs found" def list_bugs(cur_bugs, title=None, just_uuids=False): cur_bugs.sort(cmp_full) if len(cur_bugs) > 0: if title != None: print cmdutil.underlined(title) for bug in cur_bugs: if just_uuids: print bug.uuid else: print bug.string(shortlist=True) list_bugs(bugs, just_uuids=options.uuids) def get_parser(): parser = cmdutil.CmdOptionParser("be list [options]") parser.add_option("-s", "--status", metavar="STATUS", dest="status", help="List options matching STATUS", default=None) parser.add_option("-v", "--severity", metavar="SEVERITY", dest="severity", help="List options matching SEVERITY", default=None) parser.add_option("-a", "--assigned", metavar="ASSIGNED", dest="assigned", help="List options matching ASSIGNED", default=None) parser.add_option("-t", "--target", metavar="TARGET", dest="target", help="List options matching TARGET", default=None) # boolean options. All but uuids are special cases of long forms bools = (("u", "uuids", "Only print the bug UUIDS"), ("w", "wishlist", "List bugs with 'wishlist' severity"), ("i", "important", "List bugs with >= 'serious' severity"), ("A", "active", "List all active bugs"), ("U", "unconfirmed", "List unconfirmed bugs"), ("o", "open", "List open bugs"), ("T", "test", "List bugs in testing"), ("m", "mine", "List bugs assigned to you"), ("c", "cur-target", "List bugs for the current target")) for s in bools: attr = s[1].replace('-','_') short = "-%c" % s[0] long = "--%s" % s[1] help = s[2] parser.add_option(short, long, action="store_true", dest=attr, help=help) return parser longhelp=""" This command lists bugs. Normally it prints a short string like 576:om: Allow attachments Where 576 the bug id o the bug status is 'open' (first letter) m the bug severity is 'minor' (first letter) Allo... the bug summary string You can optionally (-u) print only the bug ids. There are several criteria that you can filter by: * status * severity * assigned (who the bug is assigned to) * target (bugfix deadline) Allowed values for each criterion may be given in a comma seperated list. The special string "all" may be used with any of these options to match all values of the criterion. status %s severity %s assigned free form, with the string '-' being a shortcut for yourself. target free form In addition, there are some shortcut options that set boolean flags. The boolean options are ignored if the matching string option is used. """ % (','.join(status_values), ','.join(severity_values)) def help(): return get_parser().help_str() + longhelp def complete(options, args, parser): for option, value in cmdutil.option_value_pairs(options, parser): if value == "--complete": if option == "status": raise cmdutil.GetCompletions(status_values) elif option == "severity": raise cmdutil.GetCompletions(severity_values) raise cmdutil.GetCompletions() if "--complete" in args: raise cmdutil.GetCompletions() # no positional arguments for list