Congratulations, your TurboGears application is running as of now.

Are you ready to Gear Up?

Take the following steps to dive right in:

  1. Edit your project's to create SQLObjects representing the data you're working with
  2. Edit your dev.cfg file to point to the database you'll be using
  3. Run "tg-admin sql create" to create the tables in the database
  4. Edit to add the functionality to your webapp
  5. Change the master.kid template to have the headers and footers for your application.
  6. Change welcome.kid (this template) or create a new one to display your data
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until done.
  8. Profit!

If you haven't already, you might check out some of the documentation.

Thanks for using TurboGears! See you on the mailing list and the "turbogears" channel on!