Excerpt from my mail to the list on Sat, 20 Jun 2009 21:55:54 -0400: On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 07:15:08PM -0500, Aaron Bentley wrote: > 576:om: Allow attachments > Sensible. I'm not as convinced they are a good idea as I once was. I've just added comments-from-stdin, e.g. some-invalid-command | be comment - Which is mostly what I'd be using attachments for anyway. If you really want to support the attachments/mime-types etc. like we had maybe been leaning towards before, you'd need to look at the output of `be show ...' with an email client, which seems a bit excessive. Do we even want mime types at all? With the xml output a la Thomas, you should be able to pipe into whatever sort of `viewer' you want, and it doesn't end up being hardcoded into the main repo. Notes since my email: be->xml->mutt has since been implemented, and it preserves comment mime-type. This allows those that want to go crazy to attach whatever they want to their comments: $ echo "Hello world" | be comment --content-type text/html 576:2 - I think non-text attachments without a browser/mail-viewer don't make sense, so I'm closing this bug. Feel free to keep it open in your own repo, or argue with me on the list ;).