Added libbe/ to handle upgrading on-disk bugdirs. When upgrade.BUGDIR_DISK_VERSION changes, a series of Updater classes handle the upgrade. For example, if BUGDIR_DISK_VERSIONS = ["v1", "v2", "v3"] and the on-disk version is "v1", you should have defined classes class Upgrade_1_to_2 (Upgrader): initial_version = "v1" final_version = "v2" def _upgrade(): .... class Upgrade_2_to_3 (Upgrader): initial_version = "v2" final_version = "v3" def _upgrade(): .... and added them to upgraders: upgraders = [Upgrade_1_to_2, Upgrade_2_to_3] If the on-disk version is v2, then only Upgrade_2_to_3.upgrade() is run. If the on-disk version is v1, then Upgrade_1_to_2.upgrade() is run, followed by Upgrade_2_to_3.upgrade(). You can optionally define shortcut upgrades (e.g. Upgrade_1_to_3) for efficiency or to avoid data loss. This upgrade occurs during BugDir.load(), which is called by BugDir.__init__(from_disk=True), before any processing of the on-disk data except for the access of .be/version to determine if an upgrade was necessary.