I finally did something towards a useful interactive email interface ;). As per our new guidelines, I'll develop this feature in it's own branch: http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/bzr/be-email The interface is basically "place your be command in the subject line" with a few exceptions. Some examples: Subject: [be-bug] list --status=all Subject: [be-bug] show --xml ID Subject: [be-bug] new Subject: [be-bug] comment ID In the case of "new", the bug description is extracted from the first non-blank body line. In the case of "comment", the email body is used as the comment. Currently only "list", "show", "new", and "comment" are allowed. You should get a reply email with exit status, stdout, and stderr from your command. Send some mail to [wking (at) tremily (dot) us] to try it out! Depending on spam attraction, this might be a limited time offer ;). Hopefully this lowers the entry barrier for bug reporting :). Disclaimer: I imaging the current implementation will choke on non-text/plain content types. Also possibly on non-ascii encodings. Probably lots of other bugs too... ;). For example, I should probably allow the "help" command ... ;). Cheers, Trevor -- This email may be signed or encrypted with GPG (http://www.gnupg.org). The GPG signature (if present) will be attached as 'signature.asc'. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy My public key is at http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/pubkey.txt