| |
bug uuid created resolved target
ee681951-f254-43d3-a53a-1b36ae415d5c revno: 45 revno: 51 patch-52
f51dc5a7-37b7-4ce1-859a-b7cb58be6494 revno: 41 revno: 41 0.1
f5c06914-dc64-4658-8ec7-32a026a53f55 revno: 45 revno: 93 0.2
reasonable target blockage:
0.1 ------------| 0.2
`-| patch-52 --|
Here are the old targets
$ be list --severity target --status all
4fc:ct: patch-52
47c:ft: 0.1
bd0:ft: 0.2
And here is the implemented dependency tree
$ be depend -t -1 bd0
bd0ebb56-fb46-45bc-af08-1e4a94e8ef3c blocked by:
47c:ft: 0.1
f51:ff: Can't create bugs
4fc:ct: patch-52
47c:ft: 0.1
f51:ff: Can't create bugs
ee6:cm: Support rcs configuration
f5c:fm: Implement bug tree diff