path: root/misc/xml/be-xml-to-mbox
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Diffstat (limited to 'misc/xml/be-xml-to-mbox')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/misc/xml/be-xml-to-mbox b/misc/xml/be-xml-to-mbox
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ef7b714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/xml/be-xml-to-mbox
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2009 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Convert xml output of `be list --xml` into mbox format for browsing
+with a mail reader. For example
+ $ be list --xml --status=all | be-xml-to-mbox | catmutt
+mbox is a flat-file format, consisting of a series of messages.
+Messages begin with a a From_ line, followed by RFC 822 email,
+followed by a blank line.
+#from mailbox import mbox, Message # the mailbox people really want an on-disk copy
+import codecs
+import email.utils
+from libbe.encoding import get_encoding, set_IO_stream_encodings
+from libbe.utility import str_to_time as rfc2822_to_gmtime_integer
+from time import asctime, gmtime
+import types
+try: # import core module, Python >= 2.5
+ from xml.etree import ElementTree
+except ImportError: # look for non-core module
+ from elementtree import ElementTree
+from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape
+DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "invalid.com"
+DEFAULT_ENCODING = get_encoding()
+def rfc2822_to_asctime(rfc2822_string):
+ """Convert an RFC 2822-fomatted string into a asctime string.
+ >>> rfc2822_to_asctime("Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000")
+ "Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970"
+ """
+ if rfc2822_string == "":
+ return asctime(gmtime(0))
+ return asctime(gmtime(rfc2822_to_gmtime_integer(rfc2822_string)))
+class LimitedAttrDict (dict):
+ """
+ Dict with error checking, to avoid invalid bug/comment fields.
+ """
+ _attrs = [] # override with list of valid attribute names
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ dict.__init__(self)
+ for key,value in kwargs.items():
+ self[key] = value
+ def __setitem__(self, key, item):
+ self._validate_key(key)
+ dict.__setitem__(self, key, item)
+ def _validate_key(self, key):
+ if key in self._attrs:
+ return
+ elif type(key) not in types.StringTypes:
+ raise TypeError, "Invalid attribute type %s for '%s'" % (type(key), key)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, "Invalid attribute name '%s'" % key
+class Bug (LimitedAttrDict):
+ _attrs = [u"uuid",
+ u"short-name",
+ u"severity",
+ u"status",
+ u"assigned",
+ u"reporter",
+ u"creator",
+ u"created",
+ u"summary",
+ u"comments",
+ u"extra-strings"]
+ def print_to_mbox(self):
+ if "creator" in self:
+ # otherwise, probably a `be show` uuid-only bug to avoid
+ # root comments.
+ name,addr = email.utils.parseaddr(self["creator"])
+ print "From %s %s" % (addr, rfc2822_to_asctime(self["created"]))
+ print "Message-id: <%s@%s>" % (self["uuid"], DEFAULT_DOMAIN)
+ print "Date: %s" % self["created"]
+ print "From: %s" % self["creator"]
+ print "Content-Type: %s; charset=%s" % ("text/plain", DEFAULT_ENCODING)
+ print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
+ print "Subject: %s: %s" % (self["short-name"], self["summary"])
+ if "extra-strings" in self:
+ for estr in self["extra_strings"]:
+ print "X-Extra-String: %s" % estr
+ print ""
+ print self["summary"]
+ print ""
+ if "comments" in self:
+ for comment in self["comments"]:
+ comment.print_to_mbox(self)
+ def init_from_etree(self, element):
+ assert element.tag == "bug", element.tag
+ for field in element.getchildren():
+ text = unescape(unicode(field.text).decode("unicode_escape").strip())
+ if field.tag == "comment":
+ comm = Comment()
+ comm.init_from_etree(field)
+ if "comments" in self:
+ self["comments"].append(comm)
+ else:
+ self["comments"] = [comm]
+ elif field.tag == "extra-string":
+ if "extra-strings" in self:
+ self["extra-strings"].append(text)
+ else:
+ self["extra-strings"] = [text]
+ else:
+ self[field.tag] = text
+class Comment (LimitedAttrDict):
+ _attrs = [u"uuid",
+ u"alt-id",
+ u"short-name",
+ u"in-reply-to",
+ u"author",
+ u"date",
+ u"content-type",
+ u"body",
+ u"extra-strings"]
+ def print_to_mbox(self, bug=None):
+ if bug == None:
+ bug = Bug()
+ bug[u"uuid"] = u"no-uuid"
+ name,addr = email.utils.parseaddr(self["author"])
+ print "From %s %s" % (addr, rfc2822_to_asctime(self["date"]))
+ if "uuid" in self: id = self["uuid"]
+ elif "alt-id" in self: id = self["alt-id"]
+ else: id = None
+ if id != None:
+ print "Message-id: <%s@%s>" % (id, DEFAULT_DOMAIN)
+ print "Date: %s" % self["date"]
+ print "From: %s" % self["author"]
+ subject = ""
+ if "short-name" in self:
+ subject += self["short-name"]+u": "
+ if "summary" in bug:
+ subject += bug["summary"]
+ else:
+ subject += u"no-subject"
+ print "Subject: %s" % subject
+ if "in-reply-to" not in self.keys():
+ self["in-reply-to"] = bug["uuid"]
+ print "In-Reply-To: <%s@%s>" % (self["in-reply-to"], DEFAULT_DOMAIN)
+ if "extra-strings" in self:
+ for estr in self["extra_strings"]:
+ print "X-Extra-String: %s" % estr
+ if self["content-type"].startswith("text/"):
+ print "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
+ print "Content-Type: %s; charset=%s" % (self["content-type"], DEFAULT_ENCODING)
+ print ""
+ print self["body"]
+ else: # content type and transfer encoding already in XML MIME output
+ print self["body"]
+ print ""
+ def init_from_etree(self, element):
+ assert element.tag == "comment", element.tag
+ for field in element.getchildren():
+ text = unescape(unicode(field.text).decode("unicode_escape").strip())
+ if field.tag == "extra-string":
+ if "extra-strings" in self:
+ self["extra-strings"].append(text)
+ else:
+ self["extra-strings"] = [text]
+ else:
+ if field.tag == "body":
+ text+="\n"
+ self[field.tag] = text
+def print_to_mbox(element):
+ if element.tag == "bug":
+ b = Bug()
+ b.init_from_etree(element)
+ b.print_to_mbox()
+ elif element.tag == "comment":
+ c = Comment()
+ c.init_from_etree(element)
+ c.print_to_mbox()
+ elif element.tag in ["be-xml"]:
+ for elt in element.getchildren():
+ print_to_mbox(elt)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1: # no filename given, use stdin
+ xml_unicode = sys.stdin.read()
+ else:
+ xml_unicode = codecs.open(sys.argv[1], "r", DEFAULT_ENCODING).read()
+ xml_str = xml_unicode.encode("unicode_escape").replace(r"\n", "\n")
+ elist = ElementTree.XML(xml_str)
+ print_to_mbox(elist)