path: root/libbe/util/id.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbe/util/id.py')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libbe/util/id.py b/libbe/util/id.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f229bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbe/util/id.py
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>
+# W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+Handle ID creation and parsing.
+import os.path
+import re
+import libbe
+if libbe.TESTING == True:
+ import doctest
+ import sys
+ import unittest
+ from uuid import uuid4 # Python >= 2.5
+ def uuid_gen():
+ id = uuid4()
+ idstr = id.urn
+ start = "urn:uuid:"
+ assert idstr.startswith(start)
+ return idstr[len(start):]
+except ImportError:
+ import os
+ import sys
+ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+ def uuid_gen():
+ # Shell-out to system uuidgen
+ args = ['uuidgen', 'r']
+ try:
+ if sys.platform != "win32":
+ q = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ else:
+ # win32 don't have os.execvp() so have to run command in a shell
+ q = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
+ shell=True, cwd=cwd)
+ except OSError, e :
+ strerror = "%s\nwhile executing %s" % (e.args[1], args)
+ raise OSError, strerror
+ output, error = q.communicate()
+ status = q.wait()
+ if status != 0:
+ strerror = "%s\nwhile executing %s" % (status, args)
+ raise Exception, strerror
+ return output.rstrip('\n')
+HIERARCHY = ['bugdir', 'bug', 'comment']
+class MultipleIDMatches (ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, id, common, matches):
+ msg = ('More than one id matches %s. '
+ 'Please be more specific (%s/*).\n%s' % (id, common, matches))
+ ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
+ self.id = id
+ self.common = common
+ self.matches = matches
+class NoIDMatches (KeyError):
+ def __init__(self, id, possible_ids, msg=None):
+ KeyError.__init__(self, id)
+ self.id = id
+ self.possible_ids = possible_ids
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.msg == None:
+ return 'No id matches %s.\n%s' % (self.id, self.possible_ids)
+ return self.msg
+class InvalidIDStructure (KeyError):
+ def __init__(self, id, msg=None):
+ KeyError.__init__(self, id)
+ self.id = id
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.msg == None:
+ return 'Invalid id structure "%s"' % self.id
+ return self.msg
+def _assemble(args, check_length=False):
+ args = list(args)
+ for i,arg in enumerate(args):
+ if arg == None:
+ args[i] = ''
+ id = '/'.join(args)
+ if check_length == True:
+ assert len(args) > 0, args
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ raise InvalidIDStructure(id, '%d > 3 levels in "%s"' % (len(args), id))
+ return id
+def _split(id, check_length=False):
+ args = id.split('/')
+ for i,arg in enumerate(args):
+ if arg == '':
+ args[i] = None
+ if check_length == True:
+ assert len(args) > 0, args
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ raise InvalidIDStructure(id, '%d > 3 levels in "%s"' % (len(args), id))
+ return args
+def _truncate(uuid, other_uuids, min_length=3):
+ chars = min_length
+ for id in other_uuids:
+ if id == uuid:
+ continue
+ while (id[:chars] == uuid[:chars]):
+ chars+=1
+ return uuid[:chars]
+def _expand(truncated_id, common, other_ids):
+ other_ids = list(other_ids)
+ if len(other_ids) == 0:
+ raise NoIDMatches(truncated_id, other_ids)
+ if truncated_id == None:
+ if len(other_ids) == 1:
+ return other_ids[0]
+ raise MultipleIDMatches(truncated_id, common, other_ids)
+ matches = []
+ other_ids = list(other_ids)
+ for id in other_ids:
+ if id.startswith(truncated_id):
+ matches.append(id)
+ if len(matches) > 1:
+ raise MultipleIDMatches(truncated_id, common, matches)
+ if len(matches) == 0:
+ raise NoIDMatches(truncated_id, other_ids)
+ return matches[0]
+class ID (object):
+ """
+ IDs have several formats specialized for different uses.
+ In storage, all objects are represented by their uuid alone,
+ because that is the simplest globally unique identifier. You can
+ generate ids of this sort with the .storage() method. Because an
+ object's storage may be distributed across several chunks, and the
+ chunks may not have their own uuid, we generate chunk ids by
+ prepending the objects uuid to the chunk name. The user id types
+ do not support this chunk extension feature.
+ For users, the full uuids are a bit overwhelming, so we truncate
+ them while retaining local uniqueness (with regards to the other
+ objects currently in storage). We also prepend truncated parent
+ ids for two reasons:
+ (1) so that a user can locate the repository containing the
+ referenced object. It would be hard to find bug 'XYZ' if
+ that's all you knew. Much easier with 'ABC/XYZ', where ABC
+ is the bugdir. Each project can publish a list of bugdir-id
+ - to - location mappings, e.g.
+ ABC...(full uuid)...DEF https://server.com/projectX/be/
+ which is easier than publishing all-object-ids-to-location
+ mappings.
+ (2) because it's easier to generate and parse truncated ids if
+ you don't have to fetch all the ids in the storage
+ repository, but can restrict yourself to a specific branch.
+ You can generate ids of this sort with the .user() method,
+ although in order to preform the truncation, your object (and its
+ parents must define a .sibling_uuids() method.
+ While users can use the convenient short user ids in the short
+ term, the truncation will inevitably lead to name collision. To
+ avoid that, we provide a non-truncated form of the short user ids
+ via the .long_user() method. These long user ids should be
+ converted to short user ids by intelligent user interfaces.
+ Related tools:
+ * get uuids back out of the user ids:
+ parse_user()
+ * scan text for user ids & convert to long user ids:
+ short_to_long_user()
+ * scan text for long user ids & convert to short user ids:
+ long_to_short_user()
+ Supported types: 'bugdir', 'bug', 'comment'
+ """
+ def __init__(self, object, type):
+ self._object = object
+ self._type = type
+ assert self._type in HIERARCHY, self._type
+ def storage(self, *args):
+ return _assemble([self._object.uuid]+list(args))
+ def _ancestors(self):
+ ret = [self._object]
+ index = HIERARCHY.index(self._type)
+ if index == 0:
+ return ret
+ o = self._object
+ for i in range(index, 0, -1):
+ parent_name = HIERARCHY[i-1]
+ o = getattr(o, parent_name, None)
+ ret.insert(0, o)
+ return ret
+ def long_user(self):
+ return _assemble([o.uuid for o in self._ancestors()],
+ check_length=True)
+ def user(self):
+ ids = []
+ for o in self._ancestors():
+ if o == None:
+ ids.append(None)
+ else:
+ ids.append(_truncate(o.uuid, o.sibling_uuids()))
+ return _assemble(ids, check_length=True)
+def child_uuids(child_storage_ids):
+ """
+ Extract uuid children from other children generated by the
+ ID.storage() method.
+ >>> list(child_uuids(['abc123/values', '123abc', '123def']))
+ ['123abc', '123def']
+ """
+ for id in child_storage_ids:
+ fields = _split(id)
+ if len(fields) == 1:
+ yield fields[0]
+def long_to_short_user(bugdirs, id):
+ ids = _split(id, check_length=True)
+ bugdir = [bd for bd in bugdirs if bd.uuid == ids[0]][0]
+ objects = [bugdir]
+ if len(ids) >= 2:
+ bug = bugdir.bug_from_uuid(ids[1])
+ objects.append(bug)
+ if len(ids) >= 3:
+ comment = bug.comment_from_uuid(ids[2])
+ objects.append(comment)
+ for i,obj in enumerate(objects):
+ ids[i] = _truncate(ids[i], obj.sibling_uuids())
+ return _assemble(ids)
+def short_to_long_user(bugdirs, id):
+ ids = _split(id, check_length=True)
+ ids[0] = _expand(ids[0], common=None,
+ other_ids=[bd.uuid for bd in bugdirs])
+ if len(ids) == 1:
+ return _assemble(ids)
+ bugdir = [bd for bd in bugdirs if bd.uuid == ids[0]][0]
+ ids[1] = _expand(ids[1], common=bugdir.id.user(),
+ other_ids=bugdir.uuids())
+ if len(ids) == 2:
+ return _assemble(ids)
+ bug = bugdir.bug_from_uuid(ids[1])
+ ids[2] = _expand(ids[2], common=bug.id.user(),
+ other_ids=bug.uuids())
+ return _assemble(ids)
+REGEXP = '#([-a-f0-9]*)(/[-a-g0-9]*)?(/[-a-g0-9]*)?#'
+class IDreplacer (object):
+ def __init__(self, bugdirs, replace_fn):
+ self.bugdirs = bugdirs
+ self.replace_fn = replace_fn
+ def __call__(self, match):
+ ids = []
+ for m in match.groups():
+ if m == None:
+ m = ''
+ ids.append(m)
+ return '#' + self.replace_fn(self.bugdirs, ''.join(ids)) + '#'
+def short_to_long_text(bugdirs, text):
+ return re.sub(REGEXP, IDreplacer(bugdirs, short_to_long_user), text)
+def long_to_short_text(bugdirs, text):
+ return re.sub(REGEXP, IDreplacer(bugdirs, long_to_short_user), text)
+def residual(base, fragment):
+ """
+ >>> residual('ABC/DEF/', '//GHI')
+ ('//', 'GHI')
+ >>> residual('ABC/DEF/', '/D/GHI')
+ ('/D/', 'GHI')
+ >>> residual('ABC/DEF', 'A/D/GHI')
+ ('A/D/', 'GHI')
+ >>> residual('ABC/DEF', 'A/D/GHI/JKL')
+ ('A/D/', 'GHI/JKL')
+ """
+ base = base.rstrip('/') + '/'
+ ids = fragment.split('/')
+ base_count = base.count('/')
+ root_ids = ids[:base_count] + ['']
+ residual_ids = ids[base_count:]
+ return ('/'.join(root_ids), '/'.join(residual_ids))
+def _parse_user(id):
+ """
+ >>> _parse_user('ABC/DEF/GHI') == \\
+ ... {'bugdir':'ABC', 'bug':'DEF', 'comment':'GHI', 'type':'comment'}
+ True
+ >>> _parse_user('ABC/DEF') == \\
+ ... {'bugdir':'ABC', 'bug':'DEF', 'type':'bug'}
+ True
+ >>> _parse_user('ABC') == \\
+ ... {'bugdir':'ABC', 'type':'bugdir'}
+ True
+ >>> _parse_user('') == \\
+ ... {'bugdir':None, 'type':'bugdir'}
+ True
+ >>> _parse_user('/') == \\
+ ... {'bugdir':None, 'bug':None, 'type':'bug'}
+ True
+ >>> _parse_user('/DEF/') == \\
+ ... {'bugdir':None, 'bug':'DEF', 'comment':None, 'type':'comment'}
+ True
+ >>> _parse_user('a/b/c/d')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ InvalidIDStructure: 4 > 3 levels in "a/b/c/d"
+ """
+ ret = {}
+ args = _split(id, check_length=True)
+ for i,(type,arg) in enumerate(zip(HIERARCHY, args)):
+ if arg != None and len(arg) == 0:
+ raise InvalidIDStructure(
+ id, 'Invalid %s part %d "%s" of id "%s"' % (type, i, arg, id))
+ ret['type'] = type
+ ret[type] = arg
+ return ret
+def parse_user(bugdir, id):
+ long_id = short_to_long_user([bugdir], id)
+ return _parse_user(long_id)
+if libbe.TESTING == True:
+ class UUIDtestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def testUUID_gen(self):
+ id = uuid_gen()
+ self.failUnless(len(id) == 36, 'invalid UUID "%s"' % id)
+ class DummyObject (object):
+ def __init__(self, uuid, parent=None, siblings=[]):
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ self._siblings = siblings
+ if parent == None:
+ type_i = 0
+ else:
+ assert parent.type in HIERARCHY, parent
+ setattr(self, parent.type, parent)
+ type_i = HIERARCHY.index(parent.type) + 1
+ self.type = HIERARCHY[type_i]
+ self.id = ID(self, self.type)
+ def sibling_uuids(self):
+ return self._siblings
+ class IDtestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.bugdir = DummyObject('1234abcd')
+ self.bug = DummyObject('abcdef', self.bugdir, ['a1234', 'ab9876'])
+ self.comment = DummyObject('12345678', self.bug, ['1234abcd', '1234cdef'])
+ self.bd_id = self.bugdir.id
+ self.b_id = self.bug.id
+ self.c_id = self.comment.id
+ def test_storage(self):
+ self.failUnless(self.bd_id.storage() == self.bugdir.uuid,
+ self.bd_id.storage())
+ self.failUnless(self.b_id.storage() == self.bug.uuid,
+ self.b_id.storage())
+ self.failUnless(self.c_id.storage() == self.comment.uuid,
+ self.c_id.storage())
+ self.failUnless(self.bd_id.storage('x', 'y', 'z') == \
+ '1234abcd/x/y/z',
+ self.bd_id.storage('x', 'y', 'z'))
+ def test_long_user(self):
+ self.failUnless(self.bd_id.long_user() == self.bugdir.uuid,
+ self.bd_id.long_user())
+ self.failUnless(self.b_id.long_user() == \
+ '/'.join([self.bugdir.uuid, self.bug.uuid]),
+ self.b_id.long_user())
+ self.failUnless(self.c_id.long_user() ==
+ '/'.join([self.bugdir.uuid, self.bug.uuid,
+ self.comment.uuid]),
+ self.c_id.long_user)
+ def test_user(self):
+ self.failUnless(self.bd_id.user() == '123',
+ self.bd_id.user())
+ self.failUnless(self.b_id.user() == '123/abc',
+ self.b_id.user())
+ self.failUnless(self.c_id.user() == '123/abc/12345',
+ self.c_id.user())
+ class ShortLongParseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.bugdir = DummyObject('1234abcd')
+ self.bug = DummyObject('abcdef', self.bugdir, ['a1234', 'ab9876'])
+ self.comment = DummyObject('12345678', self.bug, ['1234abcd', '1234cdef'])
+ self.bd_id = self.bugdir.id
+ self.b_id = self.bug.id
+ self.c_id = self.comment.id
+ self.bugdir.bug_from_uuid = lambda uuid: self.bug
+ self.bugdir.uuids = lambda : self.bug.sibling_uuids() + [self.bug.uuid]
+ self.bug.comment_from_uuid = lambda uuid: self.comment
+ self.bug.uuids = lambda : self.comment.sibling_uuids() + [self.comment.uuid]
+ self.short = 'bla bla #123/abc# bla bla #123/abc/12345# bla bla'
+ self.long = 'bla bla #1234abcd/abcdef# bla bla #1234abcd/abcdef/12345678# bla bla'
+ self.short_id_parse_pairs = [
+ ('', {'bugdir':'1234abcd', 'type':'bugdir'}),
+ ('123/abc', {'bugdir':'1234abcd', 'bug':'abcdef',
+ 'type':'bug'}),
+ ('123/abc/12345', {'bugdir':'1234abcd', 'bug':'abcdef',
+ 'comment':'12345678', 'type':'comment'}),
+ ]
+ self.short_id_exception_pairs = [
+ ('z', NoIDMatches('z', ['1234abcd'])),
+ ('///', InvalidIDStructure(
+ '///', msg='4 > 3 levels in "///"')),
+ ('/', MultipleIDMatches(
+ None, '123', ['a1234', 'ab9876', 'abcdef'])),
+ ('123/', MultipleIDMatches(
+ None, '123', ['a1234', 'ab9876', 'abcdef'])),
+ ('123/abc/', MultipleIDMatches(
+ None, '123/abc', ['1234abcd','1234cdef','12345678'])),
+ ]
+ def test_short_to_long_text(self):
+ self.failUnless(short_to_long_text([self.bugdir], self.short) == self.long,
+ '\n' + self.short + '\n' + short_to_long_text([self.bugdir], self.short) + '\n' + self.long)
+ def test_long_to_short_text(self):
+ self.failUnless(long_to_short_text([self.bugdir], self.long) == self.short,
+ '\n' + long_to_short_text([self.bugdir], self.long) + '\n' + self.short)
+ def test_parse_user(self):
+ for short_id,parsed in self.short_id_parse_pairs:
+ ret = parse_user(self.bugdir, short_id)
+ self.failUnless(ret == parsed,
+ 'got %s\nexpected %s' % (ret, parsed))
+ def test_parse_user_exceptions(self):
+ for short_id,exception in self.short_id_exception_pairs:
+ try:
+ ret = parse_user(self.bugdir, short_id)
+ self.fail('Expected parse_user(bugdir, "%s") to raise %s,'
+ '\n but it returned %s'
+ % (short_id, exception.__class__.__name__, ret))
+ except exception.__class__, e:
+ for attr in dir(e):
+ if attr.startswith('_') or attr == 'args':
+ continue
+ value = getattr(e, attr)
+ expected = getattr(exception, attr)
+ self.failUnless(
+ value == expected,
+ 'Expected parse_user(bugdir, "%s") %s.%s'
+ '\n to be %s, but it is %s\n\n%s'
+ % (short_id, exception.__class__.__name__,
+ attr, expected, value, e))
+ unitsuite =unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite([unitsuite, doctest.DocTestSuite()])