path: root/libbe/cmdutil.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'libbe/cmdutil.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/libbe/cmdutil.py b/libbe/cmdutil.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c567984..0000000
--- a/libbe/cmdutil.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Aaron Bentley and Panometrics, Inc.
-# Gianluca Montecchi <gian@grys.it>
-# Oleg Romanyshyn <oromanyshyn@panoramicfeedback.com>
-# W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Define assorted utilities to make command-line handling easier.
-import glob
-import optparse
-import os
-from textwrap import TextWrapper
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import sys
-import libbe
-import bugdir
-import comment
-import plugin
-import encoding
-if libbe.TESTING == True:
- import doctest
-class UserError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, msg):
- Exception.__init__(self, msg)
-class UnknownCommand(UserError):
- def __init__(self, cmd):
- Exception.__init__(self, "Unknown command '%s'" % cmd)
- self.cmd = cmd
-class UsageError(Exception):
- pass
-class GetHelp(Exception):
- pass
-class GetCompletions(Exception):
- def __init__(self, completions=[]):
- msg = "Get allowed completions"
- Exception.__init__(self, msg)
- self.completions = completions
-def iter_commands():
- for name, module in plugin.iter_plugins("becommands"):
- yield name.replace("_", "-"), module
-def get_command(command_name):
- """Retrieves the module for a user command
- >>> try:
- ... get_command("asdf")
- ... except UnknownCommand, e:
- ... print e
- Unknown command 'asdf'
- >>> repr(get_command("list")).startswith("<module 'becommands.list' from ")
- True
- """
- cmd = plugin.get_plugin("becommands", command_name.replace("-", "_"))
- if cmd is None:
- raise UnknownCommand(command_name)
- return cmd
-def execute(cmd, args,
- manipulate_encodings=True, restrict_file_access=False,
- dir="."):
- enc = encoding.get_encoding()
- cmd = get_command(cmd)
- ret = cmd.execute([a.decode(enc) for a in args],
- manipulate_encodings=manipulate_encodings,
- restrict_file_access=restrict_file_access,
- dir=dir)
- if ret == None:
- ret = 0
- return ret
-def help(cmd=None, parser=None):
- if cmd != None:
- return get_command(cmd).help()
- else:
- cmdlist = []
- for name, module in iter_commands():
- cmdlist.append((name, module.__desc__))
- longest_cmd_len = max([len(name) for name,desc in cmdlist])
- ret = ["Bugs Everywhere - Distributed bug tracking",
- "", "Supported commands"]
- for name, desc in cmdlist:
- numExtraSpaces = longest_cmd_len-len(name)
- ret.append("be %s%*s %s" % (name, numExtraSpaces, "", desc))
- ret.extend(["", "Run", " be help [command]", "for more information."])
- longhelp = "\n".join(ret)
- if parser == None:
- return longhelp
- return parser.help_str() + "\n" + longhelp
-def completions(cmd):
- parser = get_command(cmd).get_parser()
- longopts = []
- for opt in parser.option_list:
- longopts.append(opt.get_opt_string())
- return longopts
-def raise_get_help(option, opt, value, parser):
- raise GetHelp
-def raise_get_completions(option, opt, value, parser):
- print "got completion arg"
- if hasattr(parser, "command") and parser.command == "be":
- comps = []
- for command, module in iter_commands():
- comps.append(command)
- for opt in parser.option_list:
- comps.append(opt.get_opt_string())
- raise GetCompletions(comps)
- raise GetCompletions(completions(sys.argv[1]))
-class CmdOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
- def __init__(self, usage):
- optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, usage)
- self.disable_interspersed_args()
- self.remove_option("-h")
- self.add_option("-h", "--help", action="callback",
- callback=raise_get_help, help="Print a help message")
- self.add_option("--complete", action="callback",
- callback=raise_get_completions,
- help="Print a list of available completions")
- def error(self, message):
- raise UsageError(message)
- def iter_options(self):
- return iter_combine([self._short_opt.iterkeys(),
- self._long_opt.iterkeys()])
- def help_str(self):
- f = StringIO()
- self.print_help(f)
- return f.getvalue()
-def option_value_pairs(options, parser):
- """
- Iterate through OptionParser (option, value) pairs.
- """
- for option in [o.dest for o in parser.option_list if o.dest != None]:
- value = getattr(options, option)
- yield (option, value)
-def default_complete(options, args, parser, bugid_args={}):
- """
- A dud complete implementation for becommands so that the
- --complete argument doesn't cause any problems. Use this
- until you've set up a command-specific complete function.
- bugid_args is an optional dict where the keys are positional
- arguments taking bug shortnames and the values are functions for
- filtering, since that's a common enough operation.
- e.g. for "be open [options] BUGID"
- bugid_args = {0: lambda bug : bug.active == False}
- A positional argument of -1 specifies all remaining arguments
- (e.g in the case of "be show BUGID BUGID ...").
- """
- for option,value in option_value_pairs(options, parser):
- if value == "--complete":
- raise GetCompletions()
- if len(bugid_args.keys()) > 0:
- max_pos_arg = max(bugid_args.keys())
- else:
- max_pos_arg = -1
- for pos,value in enumerate(args):
- if value == "--complete":
- filter = None
- if pos in bugid_args:
- filter = bugid_args[pos]
- if pos > max_pos_arg and -1 in bugid_args:
- filter = bugid_args[-1]
- if filter != None:
- bugshortnames = []
- try:
- bd = bugdir.BugDir(from_disk=True,
- manipulate_encodings=False)
- bd.load_all_bugs()
- bugs = [bug for bug in bd if filter(bug) == True]
- bugshortnames = [bd.bug_shortname(bug) for bug in bugs]
- except bugdir.NoBugDir:
- pass
- raise GetCompletions(bugshortnames)
- raise GetCompletions()
-def complete_path(path):
- """List possible path completions for path."""
- comps = glob.glob(path+"*") + glob.glob(path+"/*")
- if len(comps) == 1 and os.path.isdir(comps[0]):
- comps.extend(glob.glob(comps[0]+"/*"))
- return comps
-def underlined(instring):
- """Produces a version of a string that is underlined with '='
- >>> underlined("Underlined String")
- 'Underlined String\\n================='
- """
- return "%s\n%s" % (instring, "="*len(instring))
-def select_values(string, possible_values, name="unkown"):
- """
- This function allows the user to select values from a list of
- possible values. The default is to select all the values:
- >>> select_values(None, ['abc', 'def', 'hij'])
- ['abc', 'def', 'hij']
- The user selects values with a comma-separated limit_string.
- Prepending a minus sign to such a list denotes blacklist mode:
- >>> select_values('-abc,hij', ['abc', 'def', 'hij'])
- ['def']
- Without the leading -, the selection is in whitelist mode:
- >>> select_values('abc,hij', ['abc', 'def', 'hij'])
- ['abc', 'hij']
- In either case, appropriate errors are raised if on of the
- user-values is not in the list of possible values. The name
- parameter lets you make the error message more clear:
- >>> select_values('-xyz,hij', ['abc', 'def', 'hij'], name="foobar")
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- UserError: Invalid foobar xyz
- ['abc', 'def', 'hij']
- >>> select_values('xyz,hij', ['abc', 'def', 'hij'], name="foobar")
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- UserError: Invalid foobar xyz
- ['abc', 'def', 'hij']
- """
- possible_values = list(possible_values) # don't alter the original
- if string == None:
- pass
- elif string.startswith('-'):
- blacklisted_values = set(string[1:].split(','))
- for value in blacklisted_values:
- if value not in possible_values:
- raise UserError('Invalid %s %s\n %s'
- % (name, value, possible_values))
- possible_values.remove(value)
- else:
- whitelisted_values = string.split(',')
- for value in whitelisted_values:
- if value not in possible_values:
- raise UserError('Invalid %s %s\n %s'
- % (name, value, possible_values))
- possible_values = whitelisted_values
- return possible_values
-def restrict_file_access(bugdir, path):
- """
- Check that the file at path is inside bugdir.root. This is
- important if you allow other users to execute becommands with your
- username (e.g. if you're running be-handle-mail through your
- ~/.procmailrc). If this check wasn't made, a user could e.g.
- run
- be commit -b ~/.ssh/id_rsa "Hack to expose ssh key"
- which would expose your ssh key to anyone who could read the VCS
- log.
- """
- in_root = bugdir.vcs.path_in_root(path, bugdir.root)
- if in_root == False:
- raise UserError('file access restricted!\n %s not in %s'
- % (path, bugdir.root))
-def parse_id(id):
- """
- Return (bug_id, comment_id) tuple.
- Basically inverts Comment.comment_shortnames()
- >>> parse_id('XYZ')
- ('XYZ', None)
- >>> parse_id('XYZ:123')
- ('XYZ', ':123')
- >>> parse_id('')
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- UserError: invalid id ''.
- >>> parse_id('::')
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- UserError: invalid id '::'.
- """
- if len(id) == 0:
- raise UserError("invalid id '%s'." % id)
- if id.count(':') > 1:
- raise UserError("invalid id '%s'." % id)
- elif id.count(':') == 1:
- # Split shortname generated by Comment.comment_shortnames()
- bug_id,comment_id = id.split(':')
- comment_id = ':'+comment_id
- else:
- bug_id = id
- comment_id = None
- return (bug_id, comment_id)
-def bug_from_id(bdir, id):
- """
- Exception translation for the command-line interface.
- id can be either the bug shortname or the full uuid.
- """
- try:
- bug = bdir.bug_from_shortname(id)
- except (bugdir.MultipleBugMatches, bugdir.NoBugMatches), e:
- raise UserError(e.message)
- return bug
-def bug_comment_from_id(bdir, id):
- """
- Return (bug,comment) tuple matching shortname. id can be either
- the bug/comment shortname or the full uuid. If there is no
- comment part to the id, the returned comment is the bug's
- .comment_root.
- """
- bug_id,comment_id = parse_id(id)
- try:
- bug = bdir.bug_from_shortname(bug_id)
- except (bugdir.MultipleBugMatches, bugdir.NoBugMatches), e:
- raise UserError(e.message)
- if comment_id == None:
- comm = bug.comment_root
- else:
- #bug.load_comments(load_full=False)
- try:
- comm = bug.comment_root.comment_from_shortname(comment_id)
- except comment.InvalidShortname, e:
- raise UserError(e.message)
- return (bug, comm)
-if libbe.TESTING == True:
- suite = doctest.DocTestSuite()